Certification of permit conditions WF2-4-2020-certified
Certification of Compliance with Planning Board Section 350‐20 Smart Growth (40R) Approval
35 Village Hill Road, Northampton, MA
Whereas, on January 11, 2018, the Planning Board voted to issue a Smart Growth (40R) approval for 35
Village Hill, in accordance with Section 350‐20 of the Northampton Code of Ordinances (said
approval is recorded at Book 13441, Page 208).
Whereas, the Planning Board’s findings, but not conditions, reflected that requested application in
requiring that approximately 60% of the unites will be affordable, at a minimum to those
earning at or less than 80% of Area Median Income (AMI) and that the remaining units would be
targeted to workforce housing, affordable to those earning at or less than 120% of AMI.
Whereas the final affordability restrictions requires that half the units be affordable to those at 80% AMI
or less and half of the units to those at 120% of AMI or less.
Now therefore, we find that these restrictions are consistent with the Smart Growth (40R) standards set
forth in the code of ordinances and with the Planning Board findings and conditions.
Wayne Feiden, FAICP, Director of Planning and Sustainability, Planning Board agent