NO MassWorks-Laurel-Burts Pit-8.28.201 of 24
1.1: Project Location: *
1.2 Applicant Type: *
Municipal Government
Regional Planning Activity:
Pioneer Valley Planning Commission
EOHED Region:
Pioneer Valley
MassDOT Highway Division:
District 2
MVP Community:
Gateway City:
Housing Choice Community:
Green Community:
Rural or Small Town
1.3 Applicant Organization Name: *
City of Northampton
1.4: CEO Name: *
2 of 24
David J. Narkewicz
1.5 CEO Title: *
1.6: Applicant Organization Legal Address: *
210 Main Street
1.7: City/Town: *
1.8: State: MA
1.9: Zip Code: *
1.10: Telephone: *
(413) 587-1265
1.11: Email: *
1.12: Project Contact Name/Title (if different):
Wayne Feiden, Director of Planning & Sustainability
1.13: Contact Tel.:
(413) 587-1265
1.14: Contact Email:
1.15: Select the one item below that best describes the type of development that is being supported by
the public infrastructure project proposed in this application: *
Mixed-use development (Residential with commercial, retail, and/or other development)
Housing development (Housing only)
Economic Development with job creation and/or retention (No housing)
Small town road improvement project to enhance transportation safety (formerly STRAP)
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1.16: Name of Proposed Project: *
Village Hill Affordable Housing
1.17: Amount Requested: * $346870.00
1.18: Total Budget: * $356870.00
1.19: Project Abstract: Brief description (No more than 100 words) of the proposed public infrastructure
project and associated private development. *
Demolition, site clearance, and public infrastructure (water, sewer, stormwater, sidewalks) to public
property to be privately developed for 22+/- units of affordable housing (<$16,000 per affordable
housing unit).
1.20 ATTACHMENT: In Section VIII, attach a letter of support for this project from the municipal CEO.
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2.1: Project Address/Parcel ID(s): *
30D-016 and 38A-049
2.2: Describe the project site, including any unique challenges that may exist at this location: *
The property is a portion of the former Northampton State Hospital. It includes on lot with two
structures and one lot where the City has already demolished previous buildings but still contains old
foundations. Infrastructure (roadway, water, sewer, stormwater, sidewalks, curbs, electric) are all
obsolete and need to be upgraded. Generally, however, as previously developed properties, the site
contains none of the challenges of a green field previously undeveloped.
2.3: Is the entire project site publicly owned? *
2.4: If yes, describe the type of public ownership (select all that apply).
Public land
Other: Identify:
Right of Way
2.5: If No, explain how the site will be publicly acquired/owned by the project start date. *
2.6: What is the primary (largest) component of the proposed public infrastructure project? (Select One)
Roadway / Streetscape Improvements
Public Utility Project (Gas, Electric, etc.)
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Bridge / Culvert Repair or Replacement
Other: Identify:
Water / Sewer Infrastructure
2.7: Project Description – Describe the public infrastructure project for which you are requesting grant
assistance. Include details about the planned construction work and how this project will advance the
host community’s housing, economic development and/or community revitalization goals, or if STRAP,
how it will enhance transportation safety. *
The project will include site clearance, and upgrading of utilities on-site (water, sewer, storm sewer,
electric, sidewalks, driveways, curbs) and do off site improvements (utilities and roadway) necessary to
extend infrastructure to site.
2.8: ATTACHMENT: In Section VIII, attach a site plan, conceptual drawing, and/or construction concept
design that clearly demonstrates the location and proposed work.
2.9: Provide the planned schedule/timeline for the public infrastructure project for which the
community is seeking MassWorks funding. *
Start Date
End Date
Design / Engineering / Permitting *
Bidding Open / Close *
Construction Start *
50% Construction *
6 of 24
Construction Complete *
2.10: Which of the following permits, licenses, and/or approvals are required for this project? (Check all
that apply). For selected items, indicate if secured and the actual/anticipated dates of filing and
Required Permits/Licenses/Approvals
Filing Date (Actual or Anticipated)
Issue/Decision Date (Actual or Anticipated)
☐Article 97 Land Disposition
☐Chapter 91 License
☐401 Water Quality Certification
☐Superseding Order of Conditions
☐Water Management Act Permit
☐MassDOT Access Permit
☐Mass Historic Commission Review
☑Planning Board
7 of 24
☐Conservation Commission
☐Zoning Board
☐Sewer Extension Permit
☐Utility Relocation
2.11: What percentage of the project design is complete? * 20 %
2.12: Will the project require coordination with a utility company? *
2.13: If Yes, identify the utility company(ies) involved:
National Grid- simply to upgrade power to sites (so no major infrastructure)
2.14: Will the project include work on a state roadway and/or at an intersection with a state roadway? *
2.15: If yes, identify the state roadway(s) that are involved:
2.16: Is this specific site included in a regional Land Use Priority Plan, Designated Priority Area, or similar
plan that identifies regional priority development and/or preservation sites? *
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2.17: If yes, identify the Area and Plan:
Village Hill (former Northampton State Hospital), in PVPC Valley Vision 4, Land Use Plan
2.18: If No, explain why the site is a local priority and to what extent it is consistent with a regional
priority. *
2.19: Has the municipality applied to, or received a grant from, the Complete Streets Program for any
portion of this project? *
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3.1: Provide a breakdown of the project budget, by spending category, using the table below.
This table should reflect the total cost of the public infrastructure project ONLY. DO NOT include
expenses associated with a private development and/or for adjacent but separate infrastructure
work carried out by the municipality or other entities. Enter the amount(s) requested from
MassWorks for each category and the amount(s) covered by matching funds, if any. Please note
that no more than 10% of the MassWorks request may be for pre-construction costs such as
surveying, design/engineering, permitting, etc., except in the case of STRAP applications, which
may include the full costs of all items.
Spending Category MassWorks
Funds Requested
Match /
Source of Match /
Other Funds
Design / Engineering /
$18000.00 $2000.00 $20000.00
Bidding $2000.00 $2000.00 $4000.00
*itemization required
(see below)
$316870.00 $316870.00
Construction Admin.$10000.00 $6000.00 $16000.00
Total $346870.00 $10000.00 $356870.00
3.2: ATTACHMENT: * In Section VIII, attach an engineer’s cost estimate that details the
construction total. Applicant may submit a worksheet from the MassDOT Construction Project
Estimator, or similar document
3.3: Is the construction work planned as a non-participating scope item on a MassDOT TIP
project? *
☐ Yes ☑ No
3.4: If yes, identify the TIP Project Number, if available, and indicate whether the MassWorks
project will be entirely or partially included in the non-participating scope of work.
3.5: If applicable, describe the source(s) of the Match/Other Funds (appropriation, loan
authorization, donation, etc.), whether they are subject to a vote of approval by Town Meeting
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or Council, and by what date (actual or anticipated) the applicant expects to secure the funds.
Community Preservation Act (affordable housing soft cost) and CDBG (affordable housing) funds
on hand and renewed in FY21 budget. No new City Council votes are required.
11 of 24
4.1: Has the municipality implemented best practice(s) in housing and/or economic
development as part of the Commonwealth's Community Compact Program? *
☑ Yes ☐ No
4.2: Does the municipality have a current Master Plan in place? *
☑ Yes ☐ No
4.3: Is the project located in a federally designated Opportunity Zone? *
☑ Yes ☐ No
4.4: If Yes, is this project expected to benefit from an Opportunity Fund investment? Note:
Applicants answering yes, will be required to provide the name of the Fund and/or the
managing entity, during the review. *
☐ Yes ☑ No
4.5: Indicate which of the following additional economic development tools/strategies have
been adopted (and are currently in effect) within the municipality generally and at the project
site specifically. (For each checked item, one or both of the items on the right must be checked.)
Development Tool / Strategy Within
Within Project
☑40R Smart Growth or Starter Home District ☑☑
☑43D Expedited Permitting District ☑☑
☐Business Improvement District, Main Streets, or
☑By-Right Zoning, Commercial ☑☐
☑By-Right Zoning, Multi-family ☑☑
☐Compact Neighborhood Designation ☐☐
☐Federal Choice Neighborhood / Economic
Development District
☐Housing Development Incentive Program Zone ☐☐
☐Housing Production Plan ☐☐
☑Mixed-use / cluster zoning ☑☐
☐Tax Increment Financing District ☐☐
12 of 24
☐Urban Center Housing Tax Increment Financing ☐☐
☐Urban Renewal Plan ☐☐
4.6: Does the municipality have an active housing moratorium or any type of restriction of new
housing? *
☐ Yes ☑ No
4.7: Is any part of the project in the current 1% annual chance (100-year) floodplain, the current
0.2% annual chance (500-year) floodplain, and/or within 0.1 miles of a water body? *
☐ Yes ☑ No
4.8: Does the project site have a history of flooding? *
☐ Yes ☑ No
4.9: Will the project result in a net increase in impervious area at the site? *
☑ Yes ☐ No
4.10: If yes to any of the above, describe how the project design will mitigate flood risks and/or
heat-island impacts based on available climate change science and data.
Project will comply with city stormwater permit process, of no net increase in 1, 10, or 100 year
storm, with on-site retention and detention. Off setting trees and vegetation will minimize heat
island effect.
4.11: Will the project provide other positive environmental benefits to the community, such as
ecological restoration, improved air/water quality, pretreatment of stormwater discharge, etc.?
☑ Yes ☐ No
4.12: If Yes, describe the benefits provided by this project.
More population within walking distance of downtown and bike paths for more compact growth.
Restore sensitive section of site from previous development and concentrate development in
non-senstive areas.
4.13: Does this project support imminent private development that is located within a half mile
of a transit station (defined as a subway or rail station, or a bus stop serving as the convergence
of two or more fixed bus routes that serve commuters)? *
☐ Yes ☑ No
13 of 24
4.14: If Yes, identify the transit type(s) and the names of the transit station(s) or stop(s).
4.15: Does project support imminent private development that is renovating/restoring a
previously developed site? *
☑ Yes ☐ No
4.16: If Yes, identify the site address and describe the prior use(s).
Project enhances the nearby 35 Village Hill affordable housing project currently under construction
but removing a vacant lot. More significantly, project improves infrastructure to a site that the
Commonwealth is transferring to the City (under legislative authority) for affordable housing so
that it can be redeveloped at 27 Laurel Street and an out parcel at 278 Burts Pit Road.
4.17: Does this project support imminent private development that is creating new housing with
a density of at least four units/acre? *
☑ Yes ☐ No
4.18: If Yes, describe the level of housing density that will be leveraged by each private
development supported by this project.
Project will allow 20 units on 1.65 acres (12 acres per unit) on primary site and 2 acres on 1.72 acre
secondary off-site (lower density to provide buffer from sensitive farmland)
4.19: Does the project support imminent private development containing a mix of residential
and commercial uses, with a residential density of at least four units to the acre? *
☐ Yes ☑ No
4.20: If Yes, describe the types of commercial uses, as well as the level of housing density, that
will be leveraged by each mixed-use private development supported by this project.
4.21: Does this project directly or indirectly benefit and/or support economic development in
the region? *
☑ Yes ☐ No
4.22: Are two or more communities carrying out this project jointly to implement an initiative
that has was developed through a regional planning effort? If YES, attachment required. *
☐ Yes ☑ No
4.23: ATTACHMENT: In Section VIII, attach a letter from each involved community outlining their
14 of 24
participation and support for the project.
15 of 24
5.1: Does the public infrastructure project support immediate new development in and around the
project area? If Yes, continue to the next question. If No, skip to Section VI. * (NOTE: Applicants for small
town (STRAP) road projects should answer No and continue to next section.)
5.2: Will the public infrastructure project directly serve or connect to a private development project?
5.3: Will the public infrastructure project be on parcels of land that are either, a) part of the private
development project site, or b) adjacent to the private development project site?
5.4: Will the public infrastructure project involve the construction of improvements that are required as
a condition in a permit or approval for a private development project?
If you answered Yes to any of the above, continue to answer the remaining questions in this section
regarding the private development project. If you answered No to all, skip to Section VI.
5.5: Provide a detailed description of the private development project(s) that includes the scope of the
development, progress on permitting, expected public benefits, and project phasing, if any.
The city is releasing a request for proposals for development of the site, having already rezoned the
property to a 40R district (allowing as of right development). As part of our due diligence, developers
indicated that they would do affordable housing (the city goal and the state legislative requirement for
the site) only if the improvements being applied for are completed.
5.6: Is this private development project allowed by-right in the municipality’s current zoning?
5.7: Is a zoning amendment required for this private development project to move forward?
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5.8: Is the private development project at least at 25% design?
5.9: Does the private development project have all required permits and approvals to commence
5.10: If No, identify what permits and/or approvals are outstanding and the anticipated timeframe
within which they plan to secure them.
MGL 40R site plan approval (zoning is by right by site plan must be approved). Anticipated date is within
90 days of approval of the MassWorks grant
5.11: Please provide the anticipated schedule/timeline for the private infrastructure project.
Start Date
End Date
Design / Engineering / Permit
Construction Start
50% Construction
Construction Complete
5.12: Is the financing for the private development project fully secured?
5.13: If No, please indicate the status of the financing, if there are any significant contingencies, and by
17 of 24
when the private developer expects to secure the resources needed to proceed.
The outside, to Habitat for Humanity, has financing. The primary site cannot go for financing until
MassWorks grant has been approved, hence the delay shown in the above schedule. Without
MassWorks financing, however, the project can never proceed.
5.14: Indicate all of the applicable benefits of the private development project:
General Information
Number of benefitted private development projects associated with this application:
Lot area (acres) of all housing and/or mixed-used private development projects:
Lot area (acres) of all commercial-only private development projects:
Total lot area (acres) of all private development projects:
Total estimated construction value ($) of all private development projects:
Commercial Development for ALL Private Development Projects
Square footage of all office and/or retail space to be created, including restaurants:
Square footage of industrial space to be created, including warehouses:
Total square footage of all commercial space to be created:
Residential Development for ALL Private Development Projects
Number of NEW market-rate units to be created for rent/lease:
Number of NEW market-rate units to be created for homeownership:
18 of 24
Number of NEW affordable units to be created for rent/lease:
Number of NEW affordable units to be created for homeownership:
Total number of all NEW housing units to be created:
Total density (units/acre) of all NEW housing units:
If any affordable, specify the lowest income limit to be used (65% AMI, 80% AMI, etc.):
50 %
Job Creation for ALL Private Development Projects
Number of NEW permanent full-time jobs to be created:
Number of NEW permanent part-time jobs to be created:
Total number of all NEW permanent jobs to be created:
Total number of construction jobs to be supported by the private development project(s):
Total number of existing full-time jobs to be retained: *
*Count only existing jobs that are at risk for loss if the public infrastructure project is not completed.
5.15: Provide the following information for the entity responsible for the private development project:
Proponent Entity/Company:
19 of 24
City of Northampton- PLANNING
Contact Name/Title:
Wayne Feiden, City of Northampton (will release RFP)
(141) 358-7126
5.16: Has the municipality provided the private development project with local benefits or incentives?
5.17: If Yes, explain the type of benefit or incentive:
Property will be donated to developer at no cost.
5.18 Can the private development project proceed independently without this public infrastructure
5.19: ATTACHMENT: In Section VIII, attach a letter from the private development proponent
confirming and explaining this answer.
20 of 24
6.1: Does the public infrastructure project meet or exceed any of the thresholds for MEPA
review set forth in 301 CMR 11.03? If Yes, check all relevant thresholds and indicate if ENF
and/or EIR are required. * (For each checked item, one or both choices on the right must be
☐ Yes ☑ No
Threshold ENF Required EIR Required
☐Land Development ☐☐
☐Rare, threatened, or endangered species ☐☐
☐Wetlands, waterways, and tidelands ☐☐
☐Water ☐☐
☐Wastewater ☐☐
☐Transportation ☐☐
☐Energy ☐☐
☐Air ☐☐
☐Solid and hazardous waste ☐☐
☐Historical and archeological resources ☐☐
☐Areas of environmental concern ☐☐
6.2: Does the private development project identified herein, meet or exceed the MEPA
thresholds as set forth in 301 CMR 11.03? If Yes, check all relevant thresholds and indicate if ENF
and/or EIR are required. * (For each checked item, one or both choices on the right must be
☐ Yes ☑ No
Threshold ENF Required EIR Required
☐Land Development ☐☐
☐Rare, threatened, or endangered species ☐☐
☐Wetlands, waterways, and tidelands ☐☐
☐Water ☐☐
☐Wastewater ☐☐
21 of 24
☐Transportation ☐☐
☐Energy ☐☐
☐Air ☐☐
☐Solid and hazardous waste ☐☐
☐Historical and archeological resources ☐☐
☐Areas of environmental concern ☐☐
6.3: List any filings that have been made or will be made with the MEPA Office in connection
with the public infrastructure project and/or the private development project described above,
and whether the review is expected to be a full scope or a limited scope.
No filings required, project is under threshold. (NHESP no-take letter issued to confirm no rare,
threatened or endangered species.)
6.4: Does the private developer, or any of its contractors/subcontractors, plan to construct any
portion of the public infrastructure project? *
☐ Yes ☑ No
22 of 24
7.1: Does the applicant require a formal vote of an elected/appointed executive body to
authorize the submission of this application? *
☐ Yes ☑ No
7.2: ATTACHMENT: In Section VIII, attach a certified copy of the vote taken by the executive
7.3: If No, are you authorized to submit this application on behalf of the applicant entity, by
virtue of your executive officer position (CEO, CFO, etc.), or as a designee of an executive officer?
☑ Yes ☐ No
Wayne Feiden (Submitter Name), hereby certify that I am duly authorized to submit this
application on behalf of
City of Northampton (Applicant Organization Name), and further certify, under the pains and
penalties of perjury, that the responses to the questions provided in this application, and the
attached documentation, are true, accurate, and complete. I understand that EOHED will rely on
the information provided in this application in deciding whether to award a grant, and that the
Commonwealth reserves the right to take action against the applicant, or any other beneficiary of
a grant, if any of the information provided is false, inaccurate, or misleading. I hereby also affirm
that, if awarded, the applicant has the capacity to carry out the MassWorks-funded project in
accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Wayne Feiden Director of Planning & Sustainability
Name Title Date
23 of 24
NOTE: Do not attach additional and/or supplemental narrative responses. All questions must be
answered in their respective sections within the space provided within the application.
Question #
Description Upload Here
Municipal CEO
1.20 Letter from the municipal CEO
outlining support for the specific
project in this application.
Mayor support for
Hilll 8.28.2020.pdf
Project Site Plan 2.8 Site plan, conceptual drawing,
and/or construction concept
design that clearly delineates the
project location and the proposed
public infrastructure work.
23 Laurel Street site
Budget Detail 3.2 Engineer’s cost estimate or other
itemization of the construction
expenses for the project
illage Hill
Letter from
4.23 If applicable, letter(s) from any
community participating in a joint
regional project
Letter from
5.19 Letter from private development
proponent explaining the
response to the question about
the specific dependence or
independence from the public
infrastructure project.
developer-Laurel St-
Municipal Vote
7.2 If applicable, certified copy of the
vote taken by the municipality’s
executive body
Description Upload Here
24 of 24
Other Site
Site photographs, illustrations, and/or maps
Other Support
Other and miscellaneous support letters
Mayor David J. Narkewicz
City Hall, 210 Main Street Room 12
Northampton, MA 01060-3199
(413) 587-1249
August 28, 2020
Secretary Mike Kennealy
Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development
1 Ashburton Place, Room 2101
Boston, MA 02108
Dear Secretary Kennealy,
I am writing to urge you to support our MassWorks application for affordable housing at Village Hill,
the former Northampton State Hospital. This project has my strongest support.
This project has so much going for it. It provides us with a chance to address two long vacant and
neglected lots that are discouraging economic development and housing. It provides us an opportunity to
provide 22 units of affordable housing (20 rental and two home ownership). It allows us to up the
amount of housing, which our economy and residents desperately need, within walking distance of
downtown. It is also almost certainly one of the smallest non-Strap MassWorks asks.
We are aware that we are proposing a unique approach. We can move very quickly with a MassWorks-
funded infrastructure site and prepare the site for affordable housing. We will donate the land for
affordable housing, allowing a very rapid housing start. We know, however, that we are not meeting the
usual MassWorks model of waiting for a project to have its full financing. We do this for two reasons.
First, given the housing challenges of doing a small project (20 units is very small for a Low Income
Housing Tax Credit project) we can’t attract a developer to commit the needed development costs if we
don’t have the funds to prepare the site. Second, as a result of Covid, we are seeing a huge increase in
families and individuals experiencing homelessness and we need to move fast.
Our approach, is a quick start MassWorks site preparation will allow our private partners to move fast
and develop the site, instead of long delays of waiting for financing and then seeking to figure out how
to fund the infrastructure gap.
Thank you for your consideration.
David J. Narkewicz
Building. Access. Opportunity.
Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing & Economic Development
1 Ashburton Place, Room 2101
Boston, MA 02108
August 28, 2020
Dear Secretary Kennealy,
Valley Community Development Corporation (“Valley”) is pleased to offer this
letter of support for the City of Northampton’s 2020 Mass Works application.
Through this grant, the City will prepare the site at 23 Laurel Street for the
development of much-needed affordable housing at an excellent location.
Valley has undertaken due diligence for the City-controlled vacant parcel at 23
Laurel Street in Northampton and determined that the site is both feasible and
desirable for development of affordable housing. Valley hired a site design firm to
complete preliminary site plans. Together with the City, we verified through the
Division of Fisheries and Wildlife that an adjacent critical species habitat will not
impact development on the site. Valley has committed resources from an internal
pre-development fund towards due diligence and plan development at this
The City has zoned the parcel within a 40R overlay district, making the
development path expedient for affordable housing to be constructed at density,
and by-right with site plan review. Valley recently finished another 40R housing
development in Northampton and can attest that the zoning approval process was
completed in a single evening through the Northampton Planning Board. This
finished 40R development—the Sergeant House at 82 Bridge Street in
Northampton—was one of the sites visited by Secretary Kennealy during summer
2019 when it was first under construction, as was The Lumber Yard at 256
Pleasant Street in Northampton, a 55-unit affordable housing project developed by
Valley and made possible through a Mass Works grant, which was used to prepare
the site for development.
Valley’s program for this 1.62-acre site on Laurel Street includes 20 units of
affordable rental housing, in a mix of sizes:
(6) Studio Apartments
(6) One‐Bedroom Apartments
(6) Two‐Bedroom Apartments
256 Pleasant Street
Suite A
Holyoke St Entrance
Northampton, MA 01060
Jane Loechler
Executive Director
Peter Jessop, President
Pat Byrnes, Vice President
Richard Abbott, Treasurer
Richard Bauman, Clerk
Kim Alston
Madeline Weaver Blanchette
Maureen Borg
William Fontes
Amy Fyden
Theresa LaValley
Dorothy Nemetz
Donald Perry
Greg Richane
Carol Walker
Building. Access. Opportunity.
(2) Three‐Bedroom Apartments
Apartments will be grouped within four 2 ½ story townhouse buildings. Site amenities include a common house,
a playground and garden space, as well as 20 on-site parking spaces. Income tiers are 30% AMI housing units
(paired with project-based subsidies) and 60% AMI units. Two units will have preference for clients of the
Department of Mental Health.
Along with the favorable zoning status, Valley selected this site because it is free of wetlands, relatively level,
and close to public water and sewer connections. Importantly, it is located 600’ from a bus stop, less than a ¼
mile to a well-used bike trail, and one mile from downtown. It is also located within ¼ mile of a recreation field,
community gardens, and walking trails.
Valley has prepared budgets for this 20-unit development. Financing will rely upon local, private, and public
sources that are currently available, and that Valley has successfully received in the past. With ever-rising
construction costs, the use of Mass Works funds to support the infrastructure and storm-water management
portions of development for this site is critical both in terms of financial resources as well as to enable this
housing to be constructed as soon as possible.
Already we are experiencing severe housing shortages in our area and are braced for a wave of evictions and
foreclosures expected in the near future. Northampton is rated by DHCD as a “community of opportunity” for
the development of affordable housing, offering good schools, well-paying jobs and higher education
opportunities, and safe neighborhoods. Northampton, as a municipality, has an excellent track record of
supporting affordable housing development through streamlined zoning, such as 40R, as well as generous use of
its local CDBG and CPA funds.
Within Valley’s project pipeline, this site on Laurel Street has our highest priority.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this planned development.
Much thanks to EOHED for its past MassWorks grants in Northampton and for your consideration of this
funding request.
Laura Baker
Laura Baker,
Real Estate Project Manager
Solid Wood Fence 6’ Tall
Building 2 (4 units)
30’ x 60’
Building 3 (4 units)
30’ x 60’
36’ x 24’
Building 1
(6 units)
40’ x 80’
Dumpster Enclosure with
6’ high wood screening
Evergreen ScreenPatios with fencesStormwater + Rain Garden
Parking 7 spaces
Parallel Parking 5 spac
One Way Exit
Building 6
(6 units)
40’ x 80’
Dumpster Enclosure with
6’ high wood screening
Evergreen ScreenPatios with fencesParking 8 spaces
One Way Entr
Project Preliminary Design Estimate
205.LEACHING BASIN EA $6,000.000 1.000 $6,000.00
EA *$5,000.000 1.000 $5,000.00
202.MANHOLE EA $4,000.000 1.000 $4,000.00
201.CATCH BASIN EA $4,000.000 2.000 $8,000.00
241.12 12 INCH
FT $85.000 500.000 $42,500.00
EA $500.000 5.000 $2,500.00
102.55 ARBORIST HR *$140.000 5.000 $700.00
EA $1,000.000 35.000 $35,000.00
FT *$7.300 1000.000 $7,300.00
CY *$56.000 60.000 $3,360.00
A $30,000.00
0.500 $15,000.00
with concrete
LS $30,000.00
1.000 $30,000.00
CY $32.000 100.000 $3,200.00
building with
foundation and
LS $50,000.00
1.000 $50,000.00
EA $2,550.000 10.000 $25,500.00
105.STUMP REMOVED EA $600.000 30.000 $18,000.00
Item #Description Units Type Unit Price NORTHAMPTON - Other - Municipality (Non-Participating)Total
Friday, August 28, 2020Measure System:E
Description:Village Hill Affordable Housing MassWorks
Project Preliminary Design Estimate
FT $46.000 200.000 $9,200.00
384.CURB STOP EA $360.000 1.000 $360.00
376.HYDRANT EA $5,500.000 1.000 $5,500.00
382.METER BOX EA *$500.000 1.000 $500.00
FT $90.500 500.000 $45,250.00
Total Amount $316,870.00 $316,870.00
Item #Description Units Type Unit Price NORTHAMPTON - Other - Municipality (Non-Participating)Total