Quigley LetterCarolyn Misch <cmisch@northamptonma.gov> 8:30 issue on federal street Holly Quigley <quigley584@msn.com>Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 3:51 PM To: "cmisch@northamptonma.gov" <cmisch@northamptonma.gov> I am asking the planning committee to not grant the construction of extra house on the Federal Street and to consider what impact this would have on the land( Baystate has under ground streams and this building could alter the course to near by land- my sump pump had been running more since the construction) The environmental impact- taking green space , cutting established trees and placing houses has an impact. In fill like this does support what nor fit in with the foot print of Baystate Village. I am not opposed to building homes ; but am when placing 3 plus on that land. I support the petition that was submitted. Respectfully, Holly Quigley 12/10/2020 @ 3:51pm