B8. Training for Land Use Boards
Bonus 8. Training for Land Use Boards
In the fall of 2017, with the exact date not available, we used the CPTC Site Plan training module to train
the Northampton Planning Board. The module had been customized by Wayne Feiden for a CPTC
sponsored workshop and then presented to the Northampton Planning Board.
Attached is that CPTC module, as customized.
Site Plan Review
Revised October 2017 Site Plan Review
Site Plan Review
physical design from community vision
Site Plan:
The Details
Built & Natural
support the
Site Plan Review
Site Plan Review is about the DETAILS
•“Regulation of use rather than its prohibition”
•Denial only in exceptional circumstances
•Incomplete application
•Infrastructure critical to project not possible
•Denial provides blueprint for applicant to come back
•Site Plan is NOT a Special Permit
•In Special Permit: is use appropriate?
Site Plan Review
Site Plan Review is about the DETAILS
•Bicycle & pedestrians
Site Plan Review
Site Plan Enabling Authority= Home Rule
•Special Permit Authority= Zoning Act MGL
c.40A, §9 and local zoning
•Site Plan Authority= Home Rule Amendment,
Mass. Constitution Article 89 and local zoning
“Any city or town may…exercise any power…which the
general court has power to confer upon it…not
inconsistent with the constitution or laws enacted by
the general court…and which is not denied, either
expressly or by clear implication.”
Site Plan Review
Site Plan Granting Authority (SPGA)
•Planning Board (most experienced)
•Planning staff (technical issues, new models)
•Hybrid Board (e.g., Cape Cod)
•Board of Selectmen or City Council (rare)
•Zoning Board of Appeals (rare)
•Building Inspector (older models)
Site Plan Review
Site Plan Requirement thresholds
A local decision codified in zoning
•When other permits needed
•E.g., Special Permit or Variance
•Other thresholds for by‐right uses
•square feet of new construction
•parking spaces required
•area of land cleared
•number of daily trips generated
Site Plan Review
Aspects of Site Plan
(examples‐zoning details the focus)
•Pedestrian and vehicular access and circulation
•Parking and loading
•Landscaping, screening and buffers
•Stormwater management
•Water and wastewater systems
•Architectural consistency and scale
Site Plan Review
Site Plan Review Actions
1. Deny site plan (procedural)
•fails to provide information required by zoning
2. Approve with reasonable conditions
•May add to expense but not indirect denial
3. Deny site plan (substantive) almost never
•Site plan is “may be so intrusive on the needs of
the public in one regulated aspect or another that
rejection by the board would be tenable.”
•Denial must include details of what changes would
result in approval
Site Plan Review
Reasonable Conditions (examples)
•Dumpster screening
•Construction mitigation (e.g., dust, traffic, noise)
•Sign limits
•Noise limits
•Performance and maintenance guarantees
•Parking spaces
•Sewer connection
•Hours of operation
•Police details
•Bicycle separation & bicycle racks
•Sidewalk connections/extensions
Site Plan Review
Minimum Procedural Safeguards
1. Applicant has opportunity for be heard,
present evidence, and have a hearing.
(Local zoning determines public meeting or
a public hearing.)
2. Post site plan meeting and/or hearing
agenda and provide copy to applicant.
(Provide additional notice to abutters and
newspaper as required by local zoning.)
3. Minutes and all evidence public.
Site Plan Review
Avoid Illegal Conditions
Hampden Registry Book 11450, Page 34
Site Plan Review
•Majority vote of those present
•Local zoning may set other requirements (e.g.,
majority of entire board)
•Each voting board member must attend all
sessions of site plan public meetings (Mullin rule)
•IF municipality accepts MGL c. 39 §23D, a member may
miss one session and still vote IF that member certifies
in writing that they have reviewed all evidence from the
missed session.
Site Plan Review
Time Lines and Grandfathering
•Be specific in zoning
•Allow mutually agreed upon extensions
•Often zoning specifies special permit time line
•Probably constructive approval if time lines
not met
•Freeze provision of M.G.L. c40A, §6 probably
do not apply to site plan approval
Site Plan Review
Appeal of Site Plan Decisions
•Detail appeal procedure in local zoning
•E.g. appeal process same as for Special Permits
•IF zoning does not specify procedure:
•Appeals of site plans connected to Special
Permits or Variances connected to that permit
•Appeals of other site plans appealable with
building permit
Site Plan Review
Site Plans: Needs are site dependent
bicycles & pedestrians
LID‐drainage parklets
Site Plan Review
Rules for Plan Reviewers
1. Demand clarity, understandable plans & details
e.g., ⃝‐‐flag pole. Is it a 10’ or 100’ tall flag pole?
2. Get stamped plans, but errors still possible
3. Reflect on community vision and zoning
4. Its not only automobile focus: bicycles and
pedestrians need narrow curb cuts and sidewalks
5. Avoid excessive lighting levels
Site Plan Review
•Engineering, Architecture, and Metric Scales
•Two scales per side
10 1 inch=10 feet 20 1 inch=20 feet
30 1 inch=30 feet 40 1 inch=40 feet
50 1 inch=50 feet 60 1 inch=60 feet
•Other Scales
80 scale (1”=80’), use 40 scale & multiply by 2
100 scale (1”=100’), use 10 scale and add a zero
200 scale (1’=200’), use 20 scale and add a zero
Reading a Site Plan: scales
Site Plan Review
Using A Scale
Site Plan Review
•Items and symbols shown on plan. For example:
catch basin
existing spot elevation x 75.0
water line ____ _ _ _____
contour ‐‐‐‐‐104 ‐‐‐
proposed underdrain _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Site Plan Review
Symbols are NOT universal: ASK if not clear
Site Plan Review
Site Plan Sheets
•Locus plan: context
•Plan view: from the top (existing and proposed)
•Profile view: cut‐away view (e.g. underground)
•Cross section: perpendicular to a run
•Details: details matter
•Photometric plan: Lighting isobars
•Elevations: 2‐dimensional view from front or side
•Perspectives: 3‐dimensial view in context
Site Plan Review
Locus Plans, for context
USGS Orthophoto
Site Plan Review
Plan View: Existing Conditions
Overall site context
vacant site
Site Plan Review
Plan View: Overall Site Plan‐
building and parking plan
Site Plan Review
Plan View:
Access and Traffic
1. No parking front of building
2. Two curb cuts, one‐way flow
Site Plan Review
Site Plan
Sidewalk over
Angle parking
Dumpster screen Site Plan Review
Planting Plan
Parking island
Site Plan Review
Site Plan
Site Plan Review
Post‐Development: Test Yourself
Board exercise: Visit a
project after it is built with
outside planner. What do
you do different next time?
Site Plan Review
Profile (e.g. public or private roads)
Cross Section (e.g. public or private roads)
Site Plan Review
Site Details: details matter
Site Plan Review
Photometric Plan: Light level isobars
Site Plan Review
Elevations: building details (2‐D)
Site Plan Review
Perspective: in context (3‐D)
Hard to measure and enforce, shows vision
Site Plan Review
“to empower land use officials to make effective
and judicious decisions in the areas of
development, transportation, natural resources
and the environment by providing educational
opportunities, access to information and
resources, and by enhancing cooperation among
and integration of land use boards within local