20R DEP General Well Report 2020Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection GENERAL WELL REPORT Note:.GPS coordinates must be in W.GS84 datum, in degrees. decimal deg0o format. GPS (Required) � North Z 3 -7 1-F' c west..'? '2. 7v Lt., 0 Address at Well Location ?0 R SC4, A141,41 57k, kProperty Owner 'Spare's ^ ,IW Subdivision/Property Description 0 Engineering Firm City/Town ftd4�LVV�4 7-rw" 'f Mailing Address 'Z -7 'e Assessors, Map /0 n VS �Assessors Lot# ' O3 U 3'O CityfTown V(dyAVi;v& State 010 3 17 Board of Health permit obtained ❑ Yes WNot Required Permit Number Date Issued MgJ52 WEE_,- yVEL ,i,Flo RVI I—W] 1 'L(;��] ff] M 19 0 clen I Bedrock Developed JZ Y ❑ N Fracture E] Y a] N Ivarl.ur R1 I 1E 2 Enhancement OVERBURDEN LITHOLOGY Drop In Drill Stem Extra Fast or Slow Loss or Addition of Fluid Disinfected Y N Surface Seal Type ❑ From TO Code Color Comment Total Well Depth 02 Depth to Bedrock -Z (it) (it) Drill Rate — S 0 6 6-- F'e 0 Y,M N El IF OS El L OA -7 C L 67 OY 19 N El IF 0 8 [:1 L El , ammov MlAoffuzz go -A I ' % M fl W 1% 7 23 Fes RtZ EjY A N 0 IF 0 S [:1 L 0 A From To Type Thickness Diameter 123 313 0 Y [S IN El F El S ML El C) 35 T5 OY Ig N El F 0 S El L 0 A 0 Y NrN 0 F 0 S El L 0 A� IWON"falk"201 0 Y [:1 N El F 0 S El L 0 AI I From To Type Slot Size Diameter 0 Y El N El IF DS 0 L F1 A:; E100 BEDROCK LITHOLOGY Drop Extra In Drill Large Extra Fast or Slow Loss or Addition Visible Rust 000 TO From (it) R Code Comment Stem Chips ' Drill of Fluid Staining TO Yield Rate From (gpm) 'b, too' 0 YXN 0 YkN 2 IF 0 S 0 L 0 AJO Y 0 N 2Z-7 /'L --iA. —y OYO NOYO NO FO BE] LEI AJOYO N Z6 75 Zo zo ff Y 0 N ff Y 0 N-ffF 0 S El L 0 A El Y 0 N 3qj 3Y -L OYONJOYONO FO SEILOAOYO • Y [:1 NJOY 0 N El F El S El LEI AO Y 0 N Pump Description Horsepower • YO NJOYO NEI F 0 So LOAFlyO�N 0 Y El N El Y 0 N 0 F El 8 El L 0 A 0 Y 0 N PumpIntake Nominal Pump Depth capacity glor E1Y El NJOYO NEI FO.SO LEJAOYO N Thermal Thermal Formation Conductivity Diffusivity Water (BTUlhr.-ft-OF) (felday) Temperature (OF) From To Matedal 1 Weight Material 2 Weight Water (gal) Batches Method Placement of Yo z Fg-1 nc' i, s -bo '30 11 El U Li El /0�j U'X)eW1'd'V 50 � Z- 0 El El 1:1 Ej F-1 DEP UIC # Sample taken from this well 0 Y JR N Mir ''251MUMV Time to Recover (Ins) (min) Recovery. (ft SGS) Date Static Flowing Measured Depth BGS (it) Rate (gpm) Date Method Yield (GPM) Time Pumped (hrs) (min) Pumping Level (ft BGS) --T(9 —T 30 lolz�jzo CLL -7)-/f-rM L is 90Y4, k (-Z Wvs M This well was drilled or altered under my direct supervision, according to the applicable rules and regulations, and thi; 16 WEEUDRIILERS�STA_EMENT I report is complete and accurate to the bestI d Driller C1'4'PZ' Supervising Driller Signature Certification # Company --Tk'k5t-t1A;C-- "r- c TlvDate Job Cornpi%;t Massachusetts Department ofEnvfronmental Protection f Bureau of Resource Protection t " GENERAL WELL REPORT Note: GPS coordinates must be in:WGSB4 datum, in de lees. decimal de ree"format. "9;;WELLLIrOCAl'(ON'1q GP$(Requiredp)�North �L('".2" `3t%2'=�! 'O "West'..? '2 70y:.. L/7%° AddressatWell Location 'Z� (Z. gr -,7114 14411V 5'F, . `Property Owner Subdivision/Property Descriiption)ElEngineering Firm City/Town uf(yc�(�b"/((f Tb-w,v W ✓ dd-�- ��// GFfy�,✓ Mailing Address d y Z --7e rrP [[9 Assessors Map jo L99SS' Assessors Lot# c7 303® Cityfrown 11boz-a'v'/& "M State 0 Board of Health permit obtained ❑ Yes JyNot Required Permit Number Date Issued 2 WORK I'E2FOGMEDe3 N!ELL IlL'NGMET j6#ADDITIONAL;11,,}}/IEl'LNFO MA ",;)k,<N',it-; aM.M33n... wd•'+. .PE'�iykk'.tr�:',<a i arai� ,ODrK•`xi+.S b4Dp (.•awn..«. n.m b�NaI�1 F- 71❑ IN I�' �OvertiurdenBetlro "� C Z Developed jM Y ❑ N Fracture Enhancement ❑ Y ® N ® ® ;:`fir�WE�L.LOG OVERBURDEN LITHOLO"GY Drop in Dnl1 Extrd Fast or SI°w Loss or Addition Disinfected ❑ Y� N Surface Seal Type ® P1 From To (ft) (ft) Code Color CommentStem Drill Rate of Fluid Total Well , Depth t7 �q Depth to 0 7 SG "- ❑ Y A N ❑ IF El S ❑ L❑ A % 2V F25 It ❑ Y M N ❑ F ❑ S ❑ L ❑ A RC3QSIt,Gry'a q�Bedrock •Z`( 3 6- Fit ❑ Y,N N ❑ F ❑ S K L ❑ A From To Type Thickness Diameter— iameter'j`( '3 YJUI '1 PjL•= ❑Y.2N ❑F❑S ❑L❑A iyo QL7-JK] /J( /IS ( 8✓ ❑Y,RN El [IS [3L El ❑❑❑ ❑ Y El E] F E]S ❑ L ElA3CRFN'«3 t,.`zz3sr. )yto ut'5:4" ., 6sl`tu. ❑ Y ❑ N ❑ F ❑ S ❑ L ❑ A From To Type Slot Size Diameter ❑Y❑N ❑F❑S ❑L❑AExtra _ ❑❑❑.= 66j VR + m t+•+2+� BEDROCK LITHOLOGY10 Drop In Drill ENra Large Fast or Slow Loss or Addition Visible RustcJN/EEj�'�q`211GrZOTMNES.Sr To 1. •� er'.. �,:L.i 3 From (ft) (ft) Code Comment Stem Chips Drill of Fluid staining"^'*" ;'"�"' "�"°y`"'""'^""s}II1V' . To Yield (gpm) Rate From (s' ofw: ❑YMN❑Y®NQ]t F❑S❑L❑A❑Y9N 1z TF- 2.d3� gC) l ZS L(02 CG(2 ❑YfM.N❑YfkN❑F❑S❑L❑A❑Y IN ❑Y❑N❑Y❑N❑F❑ S❑L❑A❑Y❑N ENTfP.F..;A4a❑Y❑N❑Y❑N❑ AI3,U(VLB{A`� ❑Y❑N❑Y❑N❑F❑ BE] L❑A❑Y❑N Pump EEO 6:' Description Horsepower ...— ❑Y❑NEI Y❑N❑F❑S❑L❑A❑Y❑ N ❑Y❑N❑Y❑N❑F❑S❑L❑A❑Y❑N Pump Intake � ft Depth Nominal Pump Capacity gpr ❑Y❑N❑Y_❑N❑F❑.S❑L❑A❑Y❑N tlhW ,r r,... �- W' iM.."SxN{Li�i S9 /�'+aK�.i'A4'�. N.p .,�.., kZ .. G)dl < A a ' ' * ...s �'iUIN T1iE,RM,� MA, 1011Y O'r'?y0�erl ooP o 1�"/s .wm".:YYd.4:S4x-W .LLS' Method of Thermal Thermal Formation From To Material t Weight Material 2 Weight Water (gap Batches Placement Conductivity Diffusivity (BTU/hr-ft-°F) (82/day) Water Temperature (°F) 5 402 13 ' (sOa P %0 390 30 2 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1, 6 Lowe yz w.v Ko r, ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DEP UIC # Sample taken from thiswell❑ Y N N i` q�13N,tW1ELL�,;T,ESt(D�ATaF.,zaYt::3?,'+.s'a^.,�u.?er,3',%`d: r 3 '.nr itYl 11R ee4AI ?. °. J + E s+r SSC X FU`(a xnf x"A�t, lhv�^Vl'l`t` F xMn iY,tk'li^'^"i;� .t,4'rT..it+e14�'(WATER,E;VEf�',.,.yZ.,.;�.x°ac•�.rs., Time Pumped Pumping Level Time to Recover Recovery Date Static Flowing (ft BGS) (hrs) (min) (ft BGS) Measured Depth BGS (ft) Rate (gpm) Date Method Yield (GPM) 'Fa 4 inns) . (min) 1/yo i z Y e 3o' /V ❑ ❑ Imo' ats rya loop UFO/L-/c /Ji'JL This well was drilled or altered under my direct supervision, according to the applicable rules and regulations, and thi: (B WELLDRILLERS,ST-ATEMENT�s$ report is complete and accurate to the best o knowled Afc-e Le. Cy-�Poat- Supervising Driller Signature Certification dk S Driller Company uS61/Alc=- t �Z�'5 -IVC. Date Job Complete /0 'ZJ Rig Permit# 0 (> J