2020-08-05 - 20048 - 824 Ryan Road - Progress SetUPFR ONT SETBACK20' - 0"SIDE SETBACK15' - 0"RYAN ROADRYAN ROADBURTS PIT ROADBURTS PIT RD.RYAN ROADWESTWOOD TERRACECAHILLAN TERRACEDREWSEN DRIVEWEST PARSONS LANEKUHN RIDDLEA R C H I T E C T S28 AMITY ST. SUITE 2BA M H E R S TMASSACHUSETTS 010024 1 3 2 5 9 1 6 3 0www . kuhnriddle . comABC12341234ABCc Kuhn Riddle Architects, Inc.This drawing is not intended nor shall it be used for construction purposes unless the signed professional seal of a registered architect employed by Kuhn Riddle Architects, Inc., is affixed above.Keynotes/General Notes:Date:Drawn By:Project:Scale:8/5/2020 11:00:24 AMAs indicated08.04.2020AuthorCOVER SHEETG1.0824 Ryan RoadFlorence, MA 01062824 RYAN ROAD12345824 RYAN ROADARCHITECTKUHN RIDDLE ARCHITECTS28 Amity St #2b Amherst, MA 01002413.259.1630824 Ryan Road florence , MA 01062Schematic Design SetDRAWING LISTSHEETNUMBERSHEET NAMEG1.0 COVER SHEETA0.1 GENERAL INFORMATIONA1.0A FOUNDATION PLANA1.0B FLOOR FRAMING PLANA1.0C ROOF FRAMING PLANA1.1 FIRST FLOOR PLANA1.2 ROOF PLANA2.0 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA2.1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA3.0 BUILDING SECTIONSA6.0 SCHEDULESA7.0 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN
UP4' - 11 1/2"13' - 5 1/2"7' - 7"2' - 6"10' - 0"2' - 0 1/2"15' - 0"5' - 6"5' - 6"4' - 6"5' - 6"8' - 6"5' - 0 1/2"24' - 0"2' - 1"3 1/2"5' - 10 1/4"5' - 10 1/4"4' - 10"10' - 2"15' - 0"8' - 6"6' - 4 1/2"3 1/2"2' - 4"3 1/2"4' - 6"4' - 2"5 1/2"11' - 2"4' - 6"3' - 1 1/2"2' - 8"5 1/2"3' - 4"3' - 0"3' - 4 1/2"CB32111' - 0"26' - 0"A39' - 0"B2A3.039' - 0"15' - 0"11' - 0"2' - 8"3' - 11 1/2"3' - 10"3' - 2"4' - 0"CLOSETMAIN BEDROOMBATHROOMLINENKITCHEN/LIVING/DININGGUEST ROOMCLOSETCOATSBROOMHALLENTRYDECKBREEZEWAYBULKHEADRELOCATED FENCEGROSS LIVING AREA = 750 SFDISHWASHERUPPER CABSTVTV WALLADD BLOCKING FORGRAB BARS010007003004002001005CBDEBFB47A0060090080110124X4 CLADDED WOOD POST5/4 X 6 COMPOSITE DECKOVER P.T. 2 X 12 FRAMING4' - 4 1/4" - V.I.F.13' - 6 15/16"10' - 4"0"11' -10 1/4" - V.I.F.7' - 4 5/32"140.10°1 2 9 .9 0 °KUHN RIDDLEA R C H I T E C T S28 AMITY ST. SUITE 2BA M H E R S TMASSACHUSETTS 010024 1 3 2 5 9 1 6 3 0www . kuhnriddle . comABC12341234ABCc Kuhn Riddle Architects, Inc.This drawing is not intended nor shall it be used for construction purposes unless the signed professional seal of a registered architect employed by Kuhn Riddle Architects, Inc., is affixed above.Keynotes/General Notes:Date:Drawn By:Project:Scale:8/5/2020 11:00:14 AM1/4" = 1'-0"08.04.2020AuthorFIRST FLOOR PLANA1.1824 Ryan RoadFlorence, MA 01062824 RYAN ROAD123451/4" = 1'-0"FIRST FLOORC1
KUHN RIDDLEA R C H I T E C T S28 AMITY ST. SUITE 2BA M H E R S TMASSACHUSETTS 010024 1 3 2 5 9 1 6 3 0www . kuhnriddle . comABC12341234ABCc Kuhn Riddle Architects, Inc.This drawing is not intended nor shall it be used for construction purposes unless the signed professional seal of a registered architect employed by Kuhn Riddle Architects, Inc., is affixed above.Keynotes/General Notes:Date:Drawn By:Project:Scale:8/5/2020 11:00:18 AM1/4" = 1'-0"08.04.2020AuthorEXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA2.0824 Ryan RoadFlorence, MA 01062824 RYAN ROAD123451/4" = 1'-0"NORTH ELEVATIONC11/4" = 1'-0"EAST ELEVATIONB1
KUHN RIDDLEA R C H I T E C T S28 AMITY ST. SUITE 2BA M H E R S TMASSACHUSETTS 010024 1 3 2 5 9 1 6 3 0www . kuhnriddle . comABC12341234ABCc Kuhn Riddle Architects, Inc.This drawing is not intended nor shall it be used for construction purposes unless the signed professional seal of a registered architect employed by Kuhn Riddle Architects, Inc., is affixed above.Keynotes/General Notes:Date:Drawn By:Project:Scale:8/5/2020 11:00:23 AM1/4" = 1'-0"08.04.2020AuthorEXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA2.1824 Ryan RoadFlorence, MA 01062824 RYAN ROAD123451/4" = 1'-0"SOUTH ELEVATIONC11/4" = 1'-0"WEST ELEVATIONB1