XXXX Northampton Green Communities designation form FIINAL pre-replacement page 5 10 2010 draft
Description of Criteria
Establish an energy use baseline inventory for municipal buildings, vehicles, street and traffic
lighting, and put in place a comprehensive program designed to reduce this baseline by 20 percent
within 5 years of initial participation in the program.
Please provide a copy of the energy use baseline inventory completed for all municipally owned
and operated buildings, vehicles, street lights and traffic lights and a detailed plan for reducing
fossil fuel consumption by 20% in 5 years (all required).
XIdentify inventory tool used: _Facility’s monthly energy consumption is entered into a series
of Excel spreadsheets. See sample spreadsheet below. Vehicle
fuel is tracked using the Gasboy petroleum dispensing system.
XProvide the baseline year used:__Fiscal Year 2009__________
X Provide documentation of results of inventory
X Copy of plan / specific Actions to be implemented and timeline with milestones to achieve
required energy reductions
Inserted on the following pages are:
Sample Excel spreadsheets used by Northampton for tracking energy use
FY09 inventory of facilities energy use
FY09 inventory of vehicle fuels used
Northampton Energy Reduction Plan
City Council Resolution adopting the Northampton Energy Reduction Plan
Minutes from Northampton School Committee verifying committee resolution of approval of
the Northampton Energy Reduction Plan
Letter of confirmation that the Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School Board of
Trustees approved the Northampton Energy Reduction Plan
Until recently, data on all types of facility energy use was taken from received invoices (bills) and was
entered into Excel spreadsheets. Over the last two years, data on electric and natural gas consumption
has been taken either from received invoices or from the National Grid and Bay State Gas web sites.
Data on oil and propane consumption are still taken from received invoices.
The Gasboy petroleum dispensing system automatically tracks the date, time, pump-key number
(assigned to a specific vehicle), and password (assigned to an individual staff person in a specific
department) at each fill-up. In some cases, because individuals within a department may have reasons
to share vehicles, this does not currently allow the City to track fuel use per vehicle. Odometer
readings are not currently tracked at the time of fill-up.