Agriculture Commission Agenda and Minutes Feburary 12_2014Northampton Agricultural Commission Agenda and Minutes 6:00 PM Wednesday February 12, 2014 Restaurant, Smith Vocational Agricultural School Locust Street, Northampton, MA Members present: Chair John Omasta, Vice Chair Rich Jaescke, John Bobala, Chip Parsons, Robert Vollinger, and future member, Maggie Gifford. (Stan Zawalick unable to attend.) Staff present: Wayne Feiden. John Omasta opened the meeting at 6:00 PM Public comment: There was no public comment Meadows roads and Meadows access issues: Feiden reviewed the map showing the status of the Hockanum Meadows- no public access to any private property, some roads public roads, some private with no public access, and many roads of unclear status. They city received many emails urging public access and a letter representing the Northampton Meadows Agricultural Association representing that there is no public access to any road not accepted by the City. Public comment on Meadows Roads access and access to Rainbow Beach: public Todd Willard submitted and summarized a letter from Harold Willard and the Willard family discussion the problems with public access and vandalism and the lack of DPW maintenance. They support the continuing policy of no public recreation and no trespassing. Rick Clark submitted and summarized comments arguing that there is public access to the roads, claiming that the City gets Chapter 90 credit for the roads, that private deeds describe parcels as ending each road, that no taxes are being charged for the roads, and that the public has been using the roads for centuries. Joseph Cadette, who owns one parcel in the Meadows, said that there has always been public access and he would like to find some kind of compromise. Carol Szawloski, a 4th generation farmer, point out that DPW doesn’t do any maintenance, that vandalism and trespass has gotten even worse in the past two years with more off-road vehicles, less police enforcement, and increasing contamination from dog feces. Angela Plassman, Northampton Farmers Association referred to their letter from their attorney, Pat Melnik, and said they don’t want help from the neighbors cleaning up the meadows, they do not want anyone on private property or on roadways not accepted by the public. She stressed that no compromise is possible. Stephen Petegorsky, a photographer doing much of his work in the Meadows, decried the “us or them” mentality. He said that he understood why farmers feel besieged but that good users help serve as eyes to watch for problems. Mac Everett said that wants to find a way for people to use and watch the Meadows as a big neighborhood watch. Gerry Budgar spoke in favor of finding a compromise, perhaps some increased road maintenance and more aggressive police enforcement and asked if the Agriculture Commission can help broker such a compromise. Commission members discussed some of the issues with the speakers, with Rich Jaescke agreeing that dog feces was creating food safety issues and noting that some areas of compromise are not possible. He suggested that perhaps a mediator could help find a solution. John Omasta agreed that some compromise is needed. The Commission will do a follow up discussion at their April meeting. Approval of Agriculture Commission Minutes of January 8, 2014: Upon motion by Chip Parson and second by Rich Jaescke, the Commission voted unanimously to approve the minutes. Updates (not available when agenda prepared): Keep Farming: Rick Tracy, president of the Saturday Farmers Market, pointed out that the Keep Farming volunteers didn’t talk to the market. Keep Farming: Feiden reported that some of the Keep Farming Smith College students are going to research precedents of year round farmers markets in other communities, focusing on Ithaca NY and Lancaster PA. River Run Community Garden: Feiden reported that the Conservation Commission offered ½ an acre of land at the northerly edge of the Elwell Section, Connecticut River Greenway, for a community garden to serve residents of the abutting River Run condominiums. MACC: John Omasta reported on the upcoming annual meeting for the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions. Agriculture Forum: The Commission discussed the success of the agriculture forum. Upon motion by Rich Jaescke and second by Chip Parsons, the Commission voted unanimously to offer Smith Vocational Agriculture School for a forum in early 2015 and to offer their time to help make it work again, IF the Massachusetts Association of Agriculture Commissions and the Massachusetts Department of Agriculture can cover the costs. Stormwater: Rich Jaeske reported on discussions with the Board of Public Works on the stormwater ordinance to minimize its effect on farmers, especially in the Meadows which receive no stormwater services. The next opportunity for discussion is directly with City Councilors and at the Ordinance Committee meeting on 1/25/14. The Commission adjourned at 8:30 PM.