Agriculture Commission Agenda and Minutes December 12 2012Northampton Agricultural Commission
7:00 PM Wednesday December 12, 2012
210 Main Street (City Hall) Room 10
Members present: Chair John Omasta, John Bobala, Rich Jaescke, Bob Vollinger, Chip Parsons, and John Kelly.
Staff present: Wayne Feiden
John Omasta opened the meeting at 7:00 PM.
Plan for January 19, 2013 Agriculture Forum at Smith Vocational School
The Commission finalized outreach to vendors and agencies and generally planned the forum. Pete Westover, consultant for Massachusetts Department of Agriculture and the Massachusetts
Association participated and reported that the DAR Commissioner Greg Watson will be attending.
Farm Vandalism
The Commission had a brief discussion in response to a letter from a farmer who had significant crop vandalism. They agreed to invite the farmer in and have a more detailed discussion
at their February meeting.
Right to Farm Sign
The Commission discussed the potential for a right-to-farm sign or signs. Members will think about locations and report back at a future meeting.
The Commission set January 2 at 5:00 PM as their next meeting.
The Commission adjourned at 8:30 PM.