421 N Main St. Asbestos Abatement 6-11-20 #100328368Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection 1'"---- --- — 100i�283fits' BW AQ 04 (ANF -101) I- �. _.. ._._ Asb stos Project k Asbestos Notification Farm �rp;ecl. Revision ��_.__ f'" I}rgject Cancellatic Instructions I. All sections of this form must be comnleled In oreer to comply with MarisDEP notificaticn rec ulremenls of 310 CMR 7.15 and Deeartment o' Labor Siondards (OLS) notiicat:on reguiram�nls cf 453 CMR6.12 M3ssD11P Use Only Da!o Recow;d A., Asbestos Abatement Description 1. Facility T,ocation: NORTHAh1P''ON VAMC a. Name of Facility v NORTNANPTON 421 N MAIN ST' b. Street Address MA 01053 4/35644040 d. stato e. Zip Code f. Telephone JQiEEGOLDIN C.O1p,R g Facility Contact Few i Name~ h, Facility contact Person Title Worksite Location: Mi R102150,1260,252 i, Building Name, Wina, Floor, Ron 2. Is the facility occupied? W n. Ycs Y -b. No 3, Is this a fee exelrpt notification (city, town, district, municipal housing authorlstate facillty, or owner -occupied residential property of four units or less)? r– a. Yes IN b. 1, f� 4. Blanket Permit Projoot Approval, Vapplicable: S. Non-Traditioual Asbestos Abatement Work Practice Approval, if applicable: Approvanb 6. Asbestos Contractor: AEROTECH ENVIRONMENTAL a. Name NORTHBOROUGH c. City?own AC000921 g. DLS License # 163 ME AVE b, Address MA 01532 033759534 d. SPate e. Zip —Coda— It, odeIt, Contract Type: Com' 1, Written 7 ANDERSON MARTINEZ_ AS902444 a. Name of Contractors On -Site_ Supeivisor/Foreman b.—Dl. S Cerdficatic 8. EDWARD "—_�--r. KQLQGZIEJ AM001303 __.., a. Name of Pneiect Monitor 6, DLG Certificatk 9. ATC GROUP SERVICES IW AA000005 --' - a. Name of Asbestos Anallrtical t.ab -- b. QLS t:erCrticatic 10. 6/11/2020 6/15/2020 a. Project Star, Date (MMlDDrYYYY) b. End Date (I,dM11 6;30Ary -8:00 PM 6:30.8:OOP c. Work Hoare -Monday 7httx:gh Friday d. Work Hours - rY l1. What type of project is this? f- a. Demolition lv b. Renovation r– c. Repair r` d. Other- Please Specify: Revised: 1 9"d 99£££6£909 2. Verbal Page 1 of 4 0e-0i,ay WdCt:IQ70Y,90unr yMy�s/aas/�aYcihusetts Department of of Ep®nq{vironmental. Protection. AQ 04 s� Asbestos Notification Form A. Asbestos Abatement Description: (coat.) 10(-128368 Ast estos Project rF r- reject Revision F- Irojectcancellation 12. Abatenteut procedures (check all that apply): I- a. Glove Bag y— b, Encapsulatiotl r — Enclosure I— d. Disposal Only r e. W E Full Contanunent r" g. Other Please Specify: 13. Job is being conducted: Fr a, Tndoors I"' b, Outdoors __... 14 a. Total amount of each type of asbestos Containing materials (ACM) to be encapsulated: rig 1. Linear Feet (Lin. Ft.) � a..._._� 2, Square Feet (Sq. FQ b. Boiler, Breaching, Duct, c. , ransire Pipe Tank Surface Coatings .. Lm. F't. z. Sq. Ft. .— d. Pipe ]Insulation e. Transite Shingles f. Spray -On Fireproofing h. Cloths, Woven Fabrics j. Insulating Cement 1. Lin. Ft. 2. Sq. Ft. 1. Lin, Ft. V. 2.50. Ft. 1.5r-, -F!— 2. 8q. Ft. 15. Describe the decontamination :ystem(O to be used: 3 CHAMBER WASH BUCKET enclosed, or i. in. FL 2. Sy, g. Transite Panels ?. in. Ft. 2. Sq, i. Other - Please Speer: Fr, MAnc _ 506 _ 1. ; n. Ft. 2, Sy, Ft. 15. Describe the containerization disposal methods to eotaply with 316 CMR 7.15 and (g)' 61MLL DOUBLE BAG/MARRELS 17. For Emergency Asbestos Operations, the MassDEP and DLS officials who a. Name of MasSDEF Official a Date ofAulhorizatlon (MMJDDA'Y)'Y) e. Nome of DLS Official J. Data ofAutnonzation (MM/DDIYYYY) ;3 CIVIR 6.14(2) the emergency: 18. Do prevailing wage rates as per M.G.L. c. 149, § 26, 27 or 27A -F apply to this �� I. Yes r++ b. No project? Aevisea: 11i 15/ZU13 Pane J_ o: 4 /_'d 99£££6£909 oc-,)_oaeV uadt, t: L oZ,OZ SO ttrf Note: Temporary storage, of Asbestes containing waste material is only allowed at the place of business of a DLS licensed Ashestos contractor or a transfer station drat Is permitted by MassOEP and operated in compliance with Solid waste Regulations 310 CMR 19.000 Ma3sachusetts Department of bnvirormentat Protection BWP AQ 04 ('ANF -001) !10 328368 # Asbestos Notification Form 'TS-1estos Project (` roject Revisio^. I` reject Cancellation B. Facility (Description 1. Current or prior use of facility: HOSPITAL 2. Is the facility owner -occupied residential with 4 units or less? r` a. Yes PV b. No 1 NORTHAMPTONWIX 421 NMAIN ST o, facility Ow;rer Name b. Address NORTPAMM14 MA 01053 4135844040 o. City,?own d. State, e. Zip Cade I. Telephone NA_—_.�......_...._._��_—� NA -a. Name of Fact ty Owner's On -Site Manager NA _ MA 00090 0000000000 a Cttyf1'nvm -id-Slate e. Zp Oode f. Telophonc 5 . PERO TEC 163 RICE AVE a. Nsrne of General Contractor h nn� c— NoFm-fB0RCUGH MA 01532 57,63759534 c. City%wn d, Stale a. Zip Code f. Telephone ACE 656208 5/712121 I- Policy --R -- I, Eplrat 6. What is the size of this facility? 2 a. Sgiare Feet b C. Asbestos Transportation & Disposal 1. 'fransparter of asbes:Os-containing waste material from site of generation: V, a. Directly to Landfill or W b. To Temporary Storage Locatio111Transfer AERO TEC EWIRONMENTAL 163 RICE AVE a Name of Tranapolter d. adArc.cc NORTH60ROUGH MA 01532 9763759534 e. Cityrbwn e f. State g. Zip Code� h. Telephone 2. If a temporary storage locatio Vhansfer station is used, list name of transporter of a4stos containing waste materia; from temporary storage locationhransfer station to final disposal site: I RTL 173 PICIERING ST a. Name of TransporterM b. Address PORTLAND Cf owe 6603421324 o. CitviTawn dd. Stat- 0. ZIP Code T Telephone Revised: 11/1 Page 3 of £1'd 49£££6£805 oay aey utd4l i l OZ07 90 w11• Massachusetts Departrnent of Environmental Protection _-_ 93WP AQ 04 (ANF -001) 100328368 �+ As estos Project # Asbestos Notification Form i ProjectRevision roject Calicchatior C. Asbestos Transportation Rc Disposal: (cont.) 3. Name and address of temporary storage location/transfer station for the asbestos con tainin.- waste material: NA NA E, Temporary Storage I_ocakin Flame b. Address n NA _ MA 00000 0000000000 c C417 vn d. Slate e. Zp Code f. Telephone 4. Name and location of final disposal site (asbestos landfill): MINERVAQ`I"5 P4 ICENV _____ MINERVAI a. F ret Disposal Site Name b, Final Disposal Site Owner Name 9WO MINERVARD c. Address �.. WAYNESBERG_ _ CH 44688 3308663435 Note: Contractor must d. Citylroum e. State I. Zip Code g. Tai hone P sign this form for DLS Wifinallon purposes D. C@;l'fAflCa#lASt "I certify that I have personally examined the foregoing and am familiar with the information contained in this document and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information,I believe that the information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including possible fines and Imprisonment. The undersigned hereby states that I have read the Commonwealth of Massachusetts regulations governing asbestos abatement (453 CMR 6.00 promulgated by the Department of Labor Standards and 310 CMR 7.1.5 promulgated by the Department of Environmental Protection), and that I am aware that this permit application or notification shall not be deemed valid unless payment of the applicable fee is made." GREG fv1RDING 1. Name alMlil 3. PcsluorJfGla 9783759534 5. Telephone 163 RICE AVE 7. Address MA 9. State 5/28/2020 AEROTEC 6. Represe 01053 i Page of 6'd 99£E06090S oeloaey Wd9l:,OZOZ80unr