Northampton One_Pre Letter_RTP
Department of Conservation and Recreation
251 Causeway Street, Suite 600
Boston MA 02114-2119
617-626-1250 617-626-1351 Fax
Charles D. Baker
Karyn E. Polito
Lt. Governor
Kathleen A. Theoharides, Secretary,
Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs
Jim Montgomery, Commissioner
Department of Conservation & Recreation
June 30, 2020
Wayne Feiden
City of Northampton
Planning & Sustainability
210 Main Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Dear Mr. Feiden:
Thank you for your application for the Northampton One project under the 2020 MassTrails Grant Program.
As an update on the status of your grant application, I am pleased to inform you that your project has
successfully passed the initial phase of the review process, and has been recommended in the amount of
$50,000 by the Governor’s Office to receive grant funding. Congratulations!
Your project has been recommended for funding through the federal Recreational Trails Program. At this time,
federally-funded projects are undergoing required review for compliance with the National Environmental
Policy Act and with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. This review is conducted by the
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in consultation with the Department of Conservation and Recreation
(DCR). Final award amounts and conditions specific to grants will be determined when this review is
complete. Upon project approval by FHWA, you will receive your official grant award letter in the mail, and
then DCR will work with you to finalize your grant contract paperwork. All federally-funded projects will have
approximately 24 months to be completed, depending on when the contract is signed. Please keep in mind
that any project costs (or match) incurred prior to the date that your contract is signed will not be
eligible for grant reimbursement.
If you have any questions or would like to notify DCR of any changes to your grant project, please cont act
Amanda Lewis, MassTrails Program Manager, at 617-645-8314 or
Thank you for your commitment towards the enhancement of trails and trail access in your community.
Amanda Lewis
MassTrails Program Manager
Department of Conservation and Recreation