GIS_data_entry_formExecutive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs / Division of Conservation Services
GIS Data Entry Form
Land Acquisition Programs
1. Contact Person: Wayne Feiden 2. Grant program:
Planning & Sustainability
210 Main St., Northampton, MA 01060 X LAND (Formerly Self-Help) PARC (Formerly Urban Self-Help)
413.587.1265 Conservation Partnership
Drinking Water Supply Protection
Land and Water Conservation Fund
Landscape Partnership
Conservation Land Tax Credit
3. Municipality: Northampton
Project number: LAND #24
4a. Fee owner: City of Northampton, through its Conservation Commission Site name:Rocky Hill Greenwy
4b. Manager (if different from fee owner): _Northampton Planning & Sustainability_____
5. *Conservation Restriction held by: Massachusetts Audubon Society__________
*Complete only if land is encumbered by a Chapter 184 section 31-33 Conservation Restriction.
How was restriction obtained? : gifted exacted by regulation purchased
5. Assessor’s Information 44 030 (portion) 001
6. Registry Information Hampshire 2/28/2020
13551 75 246 100
7. Acreage:
8. Primary Use: (select one) Public Access:
Conservation Public
Recreation Public, residents only
Both Conservation and Recreation Public, seasonal
Water Supply Protection None
Agriculture Other (please explain)
The applicant must provide to the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs GIS Center materials that will accurately represent the site in
the state’s open space data layer. These materials include:
1. A copy of a USGS topological map with the site accurately drawn on it.
2. A copy of the site plan and/or a survey plan if available (required for exacted conservation restrictions).
The EEA GIS Center will attempt to add the site to the open space data layer using these materials but may request additional materials
from the grantee if the materials provided are not at an appropriate scale or are not sufficiently clear to support conversion to digital data that
conform to the EEA GIS Center’s data standards.
Topographical maps can be purchased at many book stores, or can be printed by using OLIVER, MassGIS’s free and easy-to-use online map
data viewer:
Please call Ben Smith at the EEA GIS Center 617.626.1076 with any questions or for assistance with this form.
(telephone number)
(block) (lot)
(deed book) (page) (plan book) (page)
(holder of the deed: Municipality, Land Trust, etc. )
(Conservation Commission, Parks Dept., Water Dept., etc.)
(date recorded)