22B-008 (37) Oct 13 00 OG: 01p City of Northampton Fire 4135871035 p. 1 r' City 01 NortharWorr, Massachusetts 'AA.4 Office of Planning and Development City Hall-210-Main Street Northaniplon,_MA 01060•(413)-586-695() FAX(41 3)586-3726 $. •Community and Economic Developm_eN conservation•Historic Preservation •Ptartmng Beard•Zoning Board otAppeals "S-° •Northampton Parking Commission RECISION OF BOARD APPLICANT: Amur Itikhchi ADDRESS: 7-rioss -Lane; Amherst, MA 01002 OWNER: Thomaa-Pease ADDRESS: 130. Spring street, Florence, MA 01.060 RE LAND OR BUILDINGS IN NORTHAMPTON AT: 130 Spring Street, Florence, MA MAP AND PARCEL NUMBERS: MAP 22B PARCEL 008 At a meetitit3 conducted on October 26, 1995, the Northampton Planning Board unanimously voted 7:0 to gZARt the request of Amir Mikhchi for a SPECIAL PERMIT under the provisions, of sections 5.2 and 16.7 (1) in the Northampton Zoning Ordinance, .to purchase and sell used cars at an existing autobody repair busLness in the Water Supply Protection District at 130 Spring StVeet, Florence, and known as Northampton Assessor's Map #22B Parcel #8. Planning Board Members present and voting were: t�hair Andrew Crystal, vice chair. Uan".l Yacuazc, Mark NeJame; ;fody Blatt, Kenneth Jodrie; Associate Members: Val Romano ani Paul Diemand. In Granting- the special permit, the Pla-ening Board found: A. The requested use protects adjoining premise:: against seriously detrimental-uses because there will, be no change to the existing use of the premises. g. Tbe- requested use will promote the convenience and safety of vehicular andpedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets and minimize traffic impact; on the streets in the area. C. The requested use will promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces- to the natural landscape, existing buildings and other -community assets in the area through not altering the existing relationship. U. The requested use will hint overload, and will mitigate adverse impacts on, thr city's resources including thA ONGINAI F'HJNTEO ON RECYCLLU HAI'tH Oct 13 00 06: 02p City of Northampton Fire 4135871035 p. 2 Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) ,,_ -Chapter 40A, Section ll, no Special permit with Site Plan Approval, or any extension, modification or renewal thereof, shall. take effect until a copy of -the decision bearing the certification of the City Clark that twenty days have elapsed after the decision has been filed, or if such-a» appeal bas been -filed t.fiat it has been dismissed or denied, is recorded in the- 11ampshire County registry Of Deeds or Land court, as-applicable and -indexed labder the name Of the owner of record or .is recorded and noted en the owners certificate of title. The fee for such recording or._registeri" shall be paid by the owner or applicant. It is the owner- or apPl*fant`s responsibility to pick up the certified decision from the City Clerk -and-record it at the Registry of Deeds. Thp Northampton .Planning Board hereby certifies that a Special Permit with Site plan Approval has been Granted and that- cr�pies of this decision -and all plans referred to in it have been filed with the Planning Board and the City Clerk. Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 15, notic-E is- hcrcby g2ven that. this decision is filed with the Northampton .City Clerk on the date below. If anyone wishes.to appeal this action, an appeal must be filed pursuant to MGL Chapter 40A, Section 17, with the Hampshire County Superior Court and notice of said appeal f_.led with the City clerk within twenty Gays (20) of the date of that this decision- was fired with the City Clerk. Applicant: Avoir MiXhcbi, 130 Spring Street-, rl.orence, Map 22B, Parcel 8 DECISION DATE: October 26, 1995 DECZSIoN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: November 20, 1993 5 )L - I � 1 'T Oct 13 00 06: 02p City of Northampton Fire 4135871035 p. 3 'Cityof Northampton,'MSSachusetts ��t�-�P Office of PhInit+19and-Devetopniunt Qty hall-210 main-Street Northampton,MA LUM0 (413)586-6958 FAX(413)586-3726 •QQ Y � •Community and Economic Development. vj Conservation•Historic Preservation P12AA"fid-Zoning Board of Appeals •Northampton Parking Commission Amir Mikhchi - Request for Special Permit Beetirlg Minutes October 26, 1995 The Northampton Planning ,Board met- n Thursday, October 26, 1995 in Council Chambers, Wallace J_ Puchalski Municipal, Br,-i,7rting, 21z Main Street, Northampton. In attendancewere Chair .Andi-ew Crystal, vice Chair Daniel Xacuzzo, Mark NeJame, Jody Blatt, Kenneth Jodrie; Associate members: Val Romano and Paul Aiemand; senior planner Paulette -Kuzdei)a, Principal Planner Wayne Feiden and Board Secretary Laura H. Krutzler. At 9:57 P.M. , Crystal.- opened the Pub11c hearing on a request from Amir Mikhchi for a Special-Permit to purchase and seal-used cars at an existing autobody repair business.in the Water supply protection 17istrict under sections 5.2 and 16.7 (1) page of the Zoning Ordinance, for property located at 130 Spring Street, Florence, and know as Northampton Assessor's Map #22B Parcel—##. crystal_ r_eaA the notice published in the Daily -Hampshire Gazette and explained the procedure for conducting the put.lic hearing. Amir Mikhchi told the Board that he is associated with the Peases, the owners.-Of 1812 Paint & Body on Spring Street it Florence. The applicant is applying. for a license sa that he (,an continue to attend auctions, which__ne-quire-a .license to get in. n at 1 'There would be no change in the sig812 Paint & Body, and n,? more than two additional cars would be kept there- at-any- one tiro$. Crystal asked- it there was anyone who wanted to sp-aak in favor uC the application. Peggy Pease of 130 Spring Street told the Roard th,At they are 11uL opening u used car lot. Mikhchi simply needs- a physical address to remove cars from auctions and must have a license to get into the auctions. No one else_ spoke in support of the application. one s Opposition to the application. r poke in pP No corr.e�pondenee t,,as received by the Budrd relative to the application. Senior Planner Kuzdeba said she had received phone calls ;from it few oniownL kruNTEO C)N RECvCLEO PAPER Oct 13 00 06:03p City of Northampton Fire 4135871035 p. 1 r. neighbors concerned that' .1812 might become a large used car lot. Kuzdeba suggested that the Board might want to formalize what has been stated in the applirati-an-to protect the neighborhood and also stipulate that the special Permit Wes- with the Zip�licant and not With the site. UQ-Tame` askew- if the applicant would be selling cars at the location, and Mikhchi said no. PeaGp nt th-at cMrs are placed in an enclosed area at night so that they are not visible. crystal asked if thew were any further comments, and no one spoke. Jodrie commented that the area where cars ares kept is wpl.1- screened. NeJame .-mov,ed . to close the public hearing, Blatt seconded the motion, and the motic _passed-iknanimously 7:0. NeJaze moved to grant the Special Permit with the conditions that (1) no more than three uses cars be keptonthe-i)romises, (2) no banners or signs will be erected, and (3) the Permit be limited to the- applicant Qiemand seconded the motion. -and the motion was unsYsi'moubly approved 7:0. Oct 13 00 06:03p City of Northampton Fire 4135871035 p. 2 ATTACHKENT A iROtLc_,n1G-.7 PR AL CKITEgIA: In granting the Special Permit, the Planning Board found: A. The proposed use of the site to sell and store up to (3) used cars is in harmony with the-.purpose and intent of this By Law because the underlying dis=rict is business, and- there will not be any additional servicing of vehicles on the property, wi,:h the granting of the pez-aut. B. The proposed use is agpropr.iare to the natural topography, soils urid orher .characLeristics of the site, because it IS currently used as an <<utobody repair shop; C. The site has adequate public water and seeerage facilities on--sitc�. D. No construction is proposes} therefore- the use will not have.an .adverse-environment-al impact on groundwater resources in the district; anti E. The proposed addition of a maximum of three cars to the site will noL adversely affect the- existing or potential Qu4lity and civantity of wate-r in the Water Supply Protection District. Oct 13 00 06: 04p City of Northampton Fire 4135871035 p. 3 effect on the City's water evpplY -and di5tz-,:bution system, sanitary and storm sewage collection and trear ment systems, fire protection, -Streets and schools because the use will not increase the use of city services. E.. The requested use meets any special regulations set forth in the Zoning Ordinanr-e, sgec-ifically Section I:1�.7 (4) . (See Attachment -A". ) F. The requested-usp hears a positive readti-onship to the public canvenience or welfare and will not unduly impair the integrity or character of the district or adjoining zones because the district is zoned as industrial, and the use is allowed, The .use will not -be ddetzimental to the health, morals, or general welfare and shall be in harmony with the genera4 purpose and intent of the Ordinance. G. The requested use will promote City planning objectives to the extent possible and- will not adversely a`-tegt those objectives, as defined in City masLer or study plans adopted under M.G.L. Chapter 41, Section 81-C and D. Conditions imposed upon the Special permit are as follows: 1.. Uo more than three used cars shall be kept or, the premises. 2 . No banners or signs shall be erected. 3. The Special Permit shall be limited to.the applicant.