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11/15/2004 12: 23 14137310786 LINDGREN SHARPLES PC PAGE 02 i c { -3� NARRATIVE REPORT FOR i FIRE PROTECTION & ALARM SYSTEMS i i AT j I NORTHAMPTON COOPERATIVE BANK i FLORENCE BRANCH , NORTHAMPTON, MA PREPARED BY: i i I I LINDGREN & SHARPLES, P.C. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 435 COTTAGE STREET SPRINGFIELD, MA 01104-4005 TEL. 1-413-732-4336 November 12, 2004 O E C E Q W E I NOV 1 5 200 DEPT OF WILDING INSPECTIONS Nw,H414PTON,MA 0lQW I I 11/15/2004 12: 23 14137310795 LINDGREN SHARPIES PC PAGE 03 i I k'1<RE PROTECTION& ALARNT SXSTEMS BASIS OF DESIGN NARRATIVE ! NORTHAMPTON COOPERATIVE BANK FLORENCE BRANCH NORTHA1j1JEI N �1IA i i I Information required pursuant to the Massachusetts State Building Code 780 CMRM 13 Owner: Northampton Cooperative Bank I I I Designers of Record: Lindgren & Sharples, P.C. Consulting Engineers Date of Submittal: November 12, 2004 � i SECTION 1 —BUILDING DESCRIPTION PROJECT SCOPE: This project consists of the construction of a new branch bank for Northampton Cooperative Bank. This project will include two new fire alarm systems to serve a bank building az�'d a retail building. Both buildings are located on Main Street, Northampton MA near the intersection of Chestnut Street. The Bank building's Use Group is Business B, with Construction Type 3B, Unprotected, and the retail building Use Group is Mercantile, with Construction Type 3B as defined by the Massachusetts State Building Code. The total building area for the Bank building is 2401 square feet of floor space on one l vel with a maximum height of one story. The total building area for the Retail building is 266.0 square feet of floor space on one level with a maximum height of one story. The project tinvolves installing new fire alarm equipment to serve the two new buildings, with a separate system for each building. Fire Department personnel and rescue vehicles can access the site on the north side off of Main ST. and the south side off of Pine Street. i SECTION 2 - APPLICABLE LAWS REGULATIONS & STANDARDS Systems were designed in compliance with the following: 1. 780 CMR 9, "Fire Protection Systems". L&S 1083 Pagc 21 i 11/15/2004 12:23 14137310785 LINDGREN SHARPLES PC PAGE 04 I 2. NFPA 13 —2002, "Installation of Sprinkler Systems,,. 3. NFPA 72—2002 "National Fire Alarm Code". 4. 521 CMR 40 "Architectural Access Board". i i SECTION 3 - DESIGN RESPONSIBIL>[TY The design of the fire detection and alarm. systems were prepared by: Lindgren & Sharples, P.C. 435 Cottage Street Springfield, MA 01104-4005 SECTION 4 - FIRE PROTECTION N/A SECTION 5 - FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS 1.0 Basis of Design A. System connected smoke detectors will be installed in offices, lobby, ,corridors, equipment rooms and storage rooms. Activation of any system smokd detector will initiate the fire alanxi system sequence of events. A fire protective signaling system will be installed in accordance with 780 CMR and NFPA 72. i B. Fire protection signaling and detection devices in the buildings will include the following features: i 1. Manual pull station within 5 feet of each exit door, all pull stations shall be dual action. i 2. Audio and visual notification devices as shown on plans. It is the Iintent of this design that audible notification devices achieve sound pressure levels of 15 dba above ambient sound levels. The minimum sound level►shall be as follows: a. Business Occupancy— 60 dba i 3. Visual alarm devices shall _be provided in common areas, batprooms, equipment rooms, and as specified in accordance with the Massachusetts State Building Code. I L&S 1083 Page 3! I i 11i15i'�k1�Ja 1L:1.� 141:�i.�i��ryb tlr•�liuKtr•� �h�f<r�t� r'.� rHut ��5 i i i 5. The fire alarm systems shall be two conventional 12 zone Fife Alarm Control Panels, specified panels are Gamewell Zans 400. I 6. Emergency power supply for the fire alarm panel shall be supplied by battery packs located at the FRCP. D. This project does not include any special design considerations or anticipated deviations from the code requirements. i 2.0. Sequence Of Operation: These new fire alarm systems are designed to detect fires normally associated with these types of facilities. The Activation of any manual pull station, beat detector pr system smoke detector will immediately and simultaneously activate all system audio/visual units and send a signal via a Digital Dialers as part of the Fire Alarm Control Patiels. Monitoring Station personnel will relay alarm information to the appropriate r¢sponders including the Northampton Fire Department. The systems will be constantly monitored as part of the monitoring system. R�rnoval of any fire alarm device or any system wiring fault such as opens or grounds will;initiate a trouble alarm at the respective Fire Alarm Control Panel and send a trouble sigpal to the Monitoring Company. The respective Fire Alarm Control Panel reset button returns the system to ids normal state. Display messages shall provide operator assurance of the sequential, steps as they occur. The Fire Alarm Control Panels are equipped with a 24-how battery bacl up. The Fire Alarm Control Panels are also equipped with visible and audible signals t6 indicate alarm and trouble conditions. 3.0 Test Criteria: All features, devices, components, and modes of operation shall be tested for acceptance in accordance with the Fire Alarm Code and NFPA 72. Smoke detectorsi shall be activated using simulated smoke per the manufacturer's recommendations ami all pull stations shall be activated by opening and upon activation of each device the proper operation of the Fire Alarm System shall be checked for proper operation 'including annunciation at the respective Fire Alarm Control Panel and transmission of;an alarm signal to the Northampton Fire Department. Proper operation in the ernergejwy power mode shall be demonstrated as well as a check of supervision circuits for gpens and shorts. i *** End of Basis of Design Narrative * * i i L&S 1083 Page 4 s C)3��1/� Northampton Department Memorandum C E WE To: Tony Patillo --�� From: Duane NicholsNOV 2 3 2004 t . Date: November 22, 2004 DEPT OF BUILT)"G INSPECTIONS Ma 01060 CC: Brian Duggan Re: 8 Main St. Florence Northampton Coop Bank Secondary to a review of the plans and fire protection narrative that was submitted to me for review, I concur with the issuance of a building permit for this property subject to the following conditions: • A Fire Department Emergency Access Key Box is required on the exterior of the each structure near the main entrance; a red 120-candela strobe light that actuates upon an alarm condition is required above the Fire Department Emergency Access Key Box . • Keys with engraved key tags to be placed in Fire Department Emergency Access Key Box • A graphic representation of the structure must be installed at the Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP). • The fire Alarm Control Panel must be marked with a red engraved sign with one-inch white lettering "Fire Alarm Control Panel". Engraved signage listing all fire alarm zone locations installed near control panel. • Page 1 • Alarm verification must be active on all smoke detection zones. • Pull stations referenced in the fire protection narrative are to be of the double action type. • Duct detectors shall be clearly labeled, with test switches located by Fire Department when appropriate time for installation. • 5 Ib. ABC fire extinguishers are required under each pull station. • Installation shall follow the Northampton Fire Department Fire Prevention Checklist and Installation Guide • The Fire Alarm system must be supervised be either a direct connection to the Northampton Public Safety Dispatch or by a UL listed, FM approved Central station. • Fire alarm work permits need to be pulled and a dumpster permit will need to be obtained. • Page 2 e#M &,,..� 4 :✓Il aeoac ,r� O,u &R.buaa,. 9L, 9,..m. 1801 9 ..f,«., 021 08-1 61 8 9Y. (617) 727-8200 U L; NOV 15 2004 LUJ; c`�� (617) 727-5782 i DEPT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS L NCR'!j:%'r'iON,MA 01060 , SECONDARY CONSTRUCTION CONTROL DOCUMENT PROJECT TITLE: Northampton Co-op Bank DATE: 11-09-04 PROJECT LOCATION: Florence, MA SCOPE OF PROJECT New bank and tenant buildings. IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 116.0 OF THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING CODE, 6T" EDITION, I, PAUL T. BABIN, JR. REGISTRATION NO. 33979, BEING A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECT/ENGINEER HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PREPARED OR DIRECTLY SUPERVISED THE PREPARATION OF ALL DESIGN PLANS, COMPUTATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS CONCERNING: ENTIRE PROJECT ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL FIRE PROTECTION X ELECTRICAL OTHER (specify) FOR THE ABOVE NAMED PROJECT AND THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, SUCH PLANS, COMPUTATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS MEET THE APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING CODE, ALL ACCEPTABLE ENGINEERING PRACTICES AND ALL APPLICABLE LAWS FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT. FURTHERMORE, I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT I SHALL PERFORM THE NECESSARY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO DETERMINE THAT THE ABOVE MENTIONED PORTIONS OF THE WORK PROCEED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DOCUMENTS APPROVED FOR THE BUILDING PERMIT. UPON COMPLETION OF THE WORK, I SHALL SU FINAL REPORT AS TO THE SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE�IgNTIONE PInRTION OF THE WORK. SIGNATURE OF REGISTERED PROFESSIO L % i =��P��H OF Mgr�9 C SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS �_ DAY OF Ub� o PAUL T. yG SABIN, JR. C2 No.33979 J MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 0 / N Y Pu, is ELECTRICAL °' Department of Public Safety, 165 Liberty Street, Springfield, MA 01103 Telephone (413) 736-3628 Fax (413) 733-5849 cril e)#M l aruna��loauli ao�Guae�XXa _ ____ �\1 O,u ddd ,d. 9L, .R,00n,. 1301 - 9"t., MmuA.� 02108-1618 u L NOV 1 5 2004 (617) 727-3200 I c aoc (617) 727-5732 i OEM G`"G INSPECTIONS µ1R-Kr� c1CN MA 01050 _J SECONDARY CONSTRUCTION CONTROL DOCUMENT PROJECT TITLE: Northampton Co-op Bank DATE: 11-09-04 PROJECT LOCATION: Florence, MA SCOPE OF PROJECT New bank and tenant buildings. IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 116.0 OF THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING CODE, 6T" EDITION, I, CHARLES P. SHARPLES, MASS. REGISTRATION NO. 28940, BEING A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECT/ENGINEER HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PREPARED OR DIRECTLY SUPERVISED THE PREPARATION OF ALL DESIGN PLANS, COMPUTATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS CONCERNING: ENTIRE PROJECT ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURAL X MECHANICAL FIRE PROTECTION ELECTRICAL OTHER (specify) FOR THE ABOVE NAMED PROJECT AND THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, SUCH PLANS, COMPUTATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS MEET THE APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING CODE, ALL ACCEPTABLE ENGINEERING PRACTICES AND ALL APPLICABLE LAWS FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT. FURTHERMORE, I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT I SHALL PERFORM THE NECESSARY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO DETERMINE THAT THE ABOVE MENTIONED PORTIONS OF THE WORK PROCEED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DOCUMENTS APPROVED FOR THE BUILDING PERMIT. UPON COMPLETION OF THE WORK, I SHALL SUBMIT A FINAL REPORT AS TO THE SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE MEN ZONED PORTON OF THE WORK. SIGNATURE OF REGISTERED PROFESSIONA �� av a= CHARLES q�yG P. rv'„ o SHARPLES SUBSQRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OFF �y 4 28940 { MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ��� 6 I SSa/STE WOTAWOUBUCI Department of Public Safety, 165 Liberty Street, Springfield, MA 01103 Telephone (413) 736-3628 Fax (413) 733-5849 KUHN • RIDDLE ARCHITECTS 7 NORTH PLEASANT ST. A M H E R S T MASSACHUSETTS 01002 4 1 3 2 5 9 1 6 3 0 November 10, 2004 Tony Patillo Building Commissioner d: NOV 1 5 2004 212 Main St., Room 100 Northampton,MA 01060 , Oa,,n, n I R ptt,G INSPECTIONS RE: Northampton Cooperative Bank- Florence Branch PROJ.NO.: 04018 Dear Mr. Patillo: Pursuant to Section 116.2 of the Massachusetts State Building Code, I certify that Kuhn Riddle Architects, Inc. has prepared the drawings and specifications in compliance with all applicable provisions of the Massachusetts State Building Code and that KRA will perform the necessary profes ' ices for the referenced project. AEO ARry� Sinc y, No.4327 AMHrRST Joh Kuhn 'fitly OF pips s. Registration CC: Bill Stapleton,Northampton Cooperative Bank Aquadro&Cerruti JOHNWOOD KUHN,AIA • CHRISTOPHER E.RIDDLE,AIA • FAX:413-259-1621 • EMAIL:kra®kuhnriddle.com 0�3Ll KUHN •RIDDLE ARCHITECTS 7 NORTH PLEASANT ST. A M H E R S T MASSACHUSETTS 01002 4 1 3 . 2 5 9 1 6 3 0 j _E C I JUN 1 0 2005 June 6, 2005 Tony Patillo Building Commissioner City of Northampton 212 Main St., Room 100 Northampton,MA 01060 RE: Northampton Cooperative Bank- Florence Branch PROJ.NO.: 04018 Dear Mr. Patillo: Pursuant to Section 116.2 of the Massachusetts State Building Code, I certify that Kuhn Riddle Architects, Inc. has performed the necessary professional services for the referenced project and that this completed work, to the best of my knowledge and belief, complies with the Massachusetts State Building Code and with the documents approved for the building permit. Sincerely, \S�%%ED q��y/ voIa to fA a • . 432 r AMHE M Jo W. K hn M s.Registration No.4327 CC: Bill Stapleton,Northampton Cooperative Bank Bryan Gleason,Aquadro&Cerruti JOHN WOOD KUHN,AIA 9 CHRISTOPHER E. RIDDLE,AIA • FAX: 413-259-1621 • EMAIL:kra®kuhnriddle.com ' fir. uu1 FAX TO: William Stapleton,President Northampton Cooperative Bank FAX#: 413-584-2209 FROM: Craig& Sarah Ruberti, 7 Pine St. Residents CC: Anthony Patillo,Northampton Building Commissioner RE: Florence Branch Construction Pages: TWO pppp, /2005 15:33 FAX 413 545 2600 UMASS ENV H SAFE u �. (a002 June 10, 2005 Mr: William Stapleton ,.------` President _ -- LS Northampton Cooperative Bank 67 King St JUN 2005 Northampton,MA 01060 j DE �R`�,";,'�n�.._.-►a 0100 N. Dear Mr. Stapleton, We are the residents of 7 Pine St.in Florence,the property that abuts the parking lot of your newly constructed bank.True to your word the bank was constructed in a short period of time. We are relieved and appreciate that it was a quick process. As quick as it was we still had to live through all the unpleasantries of the process. We were prepared for this from the beginning and accepted it because we do prefer a bank to a gas station. However, as our present and future neighbor we feel it necessary to inform you that we were dissatisfied with a few issues. On Tuesday,.lune 7 we came home to find the fence that separated our properties was removed. It has since been replaced by a new fence-,however,we were never forewarned that this was to occur. We will now have two different styles of fence in our yard. Had we been given advance notice,we would have planned and made arrangements to replace the remaining portions with the same style used by the bank. Also,erecting your fence required that the workers access our property,yet no one ever asked our permission to do so. In addition,a vehicle was driven on our lawn that left track marks. To expedite the construction process,your construction crew used every available minute allowed by city ordinance.Apparently this wasn't enough time,as your crew initiated work well.before the allowed start time on several occasions. The Building Commissioner promptly addressed these infractions and we thought the problem had been solved.However,to our dismay,on Thursday,June 9 your landscaping crew worked until 10:00 PM.This work involved heavy machinery. A number of children live on the street including a new addition to our household. We believe these issues could have been averted with better communication from the bank and the construction company. We bring these issues to your attention so should you construct another branch that you take the steps necessary to ensure they don't repeat. Sincerely, Craig and Sarah Ruberti 7 Pine St. Florence,MA cc: Anthony Patillo,Northampton Building Commissioner 0 �-'�-- Document G704'm - 2000 Certificate of Substantial Completion PROJECT: PROJECT NUMBER:04018/ OWNER: (Name and address): CONTRACT FOR: General Construction ARCHITECT: Tenant Building CONTRACT DATE:October 01,2004 8 Main St. CONTRACTOR: Florence,MA 01062 El ---— ... TO OWNER: TO CONTRACTOR: C ((' L� FIELD: '�1 OTHER:❑ (Name and address): (Name and address): Northampton Cooperative Bank Aquadro&Cerruti Inc. , 67 King St. Texas Rd. I OCT — 4 2005 Northampton,MA 01060 P.O.656 Northampton,MA 01061 a PROJECT OR PORTION OF THE PROJECT DESIGNATED FOR PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OR USE SHALL INCLUDE: Tenant Building at 8 Main St.owned by Northampton Cooperative Bank(to be occupied by Goggins Real Estate). The Work performed under this Contract has been reviewed and found,to the Architect's best knowledge,information and belief, to be substantially complete. Substantial Completion is the stage in the progress of the Work when the Work or designated portion is sufficiently complete in accordance with the Contract Documents so that the Owner can occupy or utilize the Work for its intended use.The date of Substantial Completion of the Project or portion designated above is the date of issuance established by this Certificate,which is also the date of commencement of applicable warranties required by the Contract Documents,except as stated below: Warranty ommencement Kuhn Riddle Architects,Inc. riZ2 ARCHITECT BY DATE OF ISSUANCE A list of items to be completed or corrected is alta eto.The failure to include any items on such list does not alter the responsibility of the Contractor to complete all Work in accordance with the Contract Documents.Unless otherwise agreed to in writing,the date of commencement of warranties for items on the attached list will be the date of issuance of the final Certificate of Payment or the date of final payment. Cost estimate of Work that is incomplete or defective:$0.00 The Contractor will complete or correct the Work on the list of items attached hereto within Zero(0)days from the above date of Substantial Completion. Aquadro&Cerruti Inc. -//Z:ze A-, CONTRACTOR DATE The Owner accepts the Work or designated portion as substantially complete and will assume full possession at noon(time)on September 28,2005(date). p Northampton Cooperative Bank OWNER ly DATE The responsibilities of the Owner and Contractor for security,maintenance,heat,utilities,damage to the Work and insurance shall be as follows: (Note:Owner's and Contractor's legal and insurance counsel should determine and review insurance requirements and coverage.) AIA Document G704TM—2000.Copyright ©1963,1980,1992 and 2000 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This Ale Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties.Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA® Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 14:17:02 on 09/28/2005 under Order No.1000155798_1 which expires on 1/7/2006,and is not for resale. User Notes: (1276706785) C CSE VE II �� f � TM OCT - 4 2005 J ' Document G704 — 2000 -� 1.1 � DEPT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS Certificate of Substantial Completion _ 01060 PROJECT: PROJECT NUMBER:04018/ OWNER: (Name and address): CONTRACT FOR:General Construction ARCHITECT: Tenant Building CONTRACT DATE:October 01,2004 8 Main St. CONTRACTOR: Florence,MA 01062 FIELD:❑ TO OWNER: TO CONTRACTOR: (Name and address): (Name and address): OTHER:❑ Northampton Cooperative Bank Aquadro&Cerruti Inc. 67 King St. Texas Rd. Northampton,MA 01060 P.O.656 Northampton,MA 01061 PROJECT OR PORTION OF THE PROJECT DESIGNATED FOR PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OR USE SHALL INCLUDE: Tenant Building at 8 Main St.owned by Northampton Cooperative Bank(to be occupied by Goggins Real Estate). The Work performed under this Contract has been reviewed and found,to the Architect's best knowledge,information and belief, to be substantially complete.Substantial Completion is the stage in the progress of the Work when the Work or designated portion is sufficiently complete in accordance with the Contract Documents so that the Owner can occupy or utilize the Work for its intended use.The date of Substantial Completion of the Project or portion designated above is the date of issuance established by this Certificate,which is also the date of commencement of applicable warranties required by the Contract Documents,except as stated below: Warranty 0 Da of Commencement ao- Kuhn Riddle Architects,Inc. row0dabdeas 1 s 05 ARCHITECT SyJd DATE OF ISSUANCE A list of items to be completed or correcthereto.The failure to include any items on such list does not alter the responsibility of the Contractor to complete all Work in accordance with the Contract Documents.Unless otherwise agreed to in writing,the date of commencement of warranties for items on the attached list will be the date of issuance of the final Certificate of Payment or the date of final payment. Cost estimate of Work that is incomplete or defective:$0.00 The Contractor will complete or correct the Work on the list of items attached hereto within Zero(0)days from the above date of Substantial Completion. Aquadro&Cerruti Inc. CONTRACTOR DATE The Owner accepts the Work or designated portion as substantially complete and will assume full possession at noon(time)on September 28,2005(date). Northampton Cooperative Bank 7 OWNER BY DATE The responsibilities of the Owner and Contractor for security,maintenance,heat,utilities,damage to the Work and insurance shall be as follows: (Note:Owner's and Contractor's legal and insurance counsel should determine and review insurance requirements and coverage.) AIA Document G704TM—2000.Copyright ©1963,1980,1992 and 2000 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIAe Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties.Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIAe Document,or 1 any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 14:17:02 on 09/28/2005 under Order No.1000155798_1 which expires on 1/7/2006,and is not for resale. User Notes: (1276706785) rr U ® OCT - 4 2005 TM Document G704 - 2000 p--Lo- -- _,_.i R~►t! 'a f0v IN 106 NS Certificate of Substantial Completion PROJECT: PROJECT NUMBER:04018/ OWNER: (Name and address): CONTRACT FOR:General Construction ARCHITECT:EK Tenant Building CONTRACT DATE:October 01,2004 8 Main St. CONTRACTOR: Florence,MA 01062 FIELD:❑ TO OWNER: TO CONTRACTOR: (Name and address): (Name and address): OTHER:❑ Northampton Cooperative Bank Aquadro&Cerruti Inc. 67 King St. Texas Rd. Northampton,MA 01060 P.O.656 Northampton,MA 01061 PROJECT OR PORTION OF THE PROJECT DESIGNATED FOR PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OR USE SHALL INCLUDE: Tenant Building at 8 Main St.owned by Northampton Cooperative Bank(to be occupied by Goggins Real Estate). The Work performed under this Contract has been reviewed and found,to the Architect's best knowledge,information and belief, to be substantially complete.Substantial Completion is the stage in the progress of the Work when the Work or designated portion is sufficiently complete in accordance with the Contract Documents so that the Owner can occupy or utilize the Work for its intended use.The date of Substantial Completion of the Project or portion designated above is the date of issuance established by this Certificate,which is also the date of commencement of applicable warranties required by the Contract Documents,except as stated below: Warranty a of mmencement Kuhn Riddle Architects,Inc. ARCHITECT B DATE OF ISSUANCE A list of items to be completed or corrected is att hereto.The failure to include any items on such list does not alter the responsibility of the Contractor to complete all Work in accordance with the Contract Documents.Unless otherwise agreed to in writing,the date of commencement of warranties for items on the attached list will be the date of issuance of the final Certificate of Payment or the date of final payment. Cost estimate of Work that is incomplete or defective:$0.00 The Contractor will complete or correct the Work on the list of items attached hereto within Zero(0)days from the above date of Substantial Completion. q Ac�uadro&Cerruti Inc. Cerruti 1ne. CONTRACTOR DATE The Owner accepts the Work or designated portion as substantially complete and will assume full possession at noon(time)on September 28,2005(date). Northampton Cooperative Bank OWNER BY DATE The responsibilities of the Owner and Contractor for security,maintenance,heat,utilities,damage to the Work and insurance shall be as follows: (Note:Owner's and Contractor's legal and insurance counsel should determine and review insurance requirements and coverage.) AIA Document G704" —2000.Copyright ©1963,1980,1992 and 2000 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:This AIA® Document is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties.Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIO Document,or any portion of it,may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 14:17:02 on 09/28/2005 under Order No.1000155798_1 which expires on 1/7/2006,and is not for resale. User Notes: (1276706785)