Percolation and septic design Proposal NORTHAMPTON LOTS 04.24.2020.pdf350 Old Enfield Road Belchertown, MA. 01007 Phone: 413.323.5957 Fax 413.323.4916 email:aeweiss@charter.net www.coldspringenvironmental.com •21E Site Investigations •SubsurfaceInvestigations •Pollution Remediation •LSP on Staff •Forensic Septic Investigations Cold Spring Environmental Consultants Inc. _____________________________________________________ •Percolation Tests •Septic Designs •Regulatory Compliance •Recycling and Solid Waste •Second Opinions April 24, 2020 Wayne Feiden Director of Planning and Sustainability City of Northampton 210 Main Street, Ste. 11 Northampton, MA 01060 RE: Proposal for Perc Testing, Septic Engineering Design & Permit Application Preparation with Consultation, (City fees not included) - 1 lot (perc testing and design) Off Glendale Road - 3 lots (perc testing and design off Woodland Drive Greetings Wayne: Cold Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc. proposes the following Scope of Services to perform Soil testing and Septic System Design services in order to provide permitting application & design plans single family dwelling septic system on the above mentioned properties. This Scope of Services follows the State Sanitary Code (310 CMR 15.00) and includes the necessary components of a percolation test and septic design. The Perc, Septic Design & permit preparation: Soil testing, Site measurement, Design Plans, & Permit preparation: (Perc Test and Soil Evaluation per lot $ 1,145.00) (Site Measurement, and septic design. An additional $ 1,345/lot or design) (Town permit fees are not included with excavation fees). When our plans are approved you may than obtain estimates for installation of the system. Excavation for soil testing is included (Single owner operator with mini excavator. We will obtain Digsafe, You must Get Trench permit approval with your DPW. However, We will schedule with Health Department Inspectors.Work to schedule may begin when authorization is submitted.In order to authorize Cold Spring to begin the aforementioned project, please send the authorization at your earliest convenience. Best, Cold Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc. Alan E. Weiss, M.S., R.S., L.S.P.