117 Inspection Report 2019 (Quality Inn)CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT Public Health Director — Merridith O'Leary Municipal Building — 212 Main Street — Northampton, MA 01060 Phone (413)587-1215 —Fax (413)587-1221 http://www.northamplonma.govl245IHealth HOTEL, MOTEL, LODING INSPECTION REPORT Date: Hotel/Motel Name: Q VGji 4 Inn # of rooms: Address: B'OH Inspector: "A5 Sae' (Uai / £ oerc� S d�rtt Person in Charge: � 6w i1 t ex- h Permits: Hotel/Motel Pool Food Guest Register: Permanently bound Oe/no Name, address, tel. # 0/no Signature 0/no Kept for 2 years 0/no K? E j�u1' CI Posting: Name & tel. # 40/no Letter 1" in size 6?no Readable from outside d_Qno Comments: Reviewed Report Signature: 130H Signature: OL V ^ t -eat 4^ L HOTEL / MOTEL INSPECTION REPORT HOTEL / MOTEL NAME: ROOM # r�JC)5 # at16— HOUSEKEEPING:: 16 Lu re' Daily ✓' Dusted Z Bathroom cleaned & sanitized -jP1 Se_ eX Jtnn-e. 2GI,G�� Vacuumed Trash emptied Z Tissues provided Ips LINEN Towels changed daily ✓ Mattresses /Beds changed daily/between guests ✓ FLOOR SPACE: Heating facilities for 68'F KITCHEN FACILITIES: Ventilation or air conditioning Working order_ cooking facilities vented to outside Refrigerator = cubit feet or less Fire extinguisher UL approved IAIOBC, charged FIRE EVACUATION PLAN: - route posted inside doorV SMOKE DETECTOR - installed & working HOTEL / MOTEL NAME: 6-,),L)C Al } (Q I U1121 ROOM # a L Ia �J� HOUSEKEEPING: U✓l1G allftllz Daily ✓ Dusted ✓ Bathroom cleaned & sanitized Vacuumed V/ Trash emptied __V1 Tissues provided LINENS: / Towels changed daily v/ Mattresses `Beds changed daily/between guests FLOOR SPACE: / Heating facilities for 68"F / Ventilation or air conditioning ✓ NIA KITCHEN FACILITIES: Working order cooking facilities vented to outside Refrigerator = cubit feet or less _ Fire extinguisher UL approved 1A10BC, charged FIRE EVACUATION PLAN: - route posted inside door SMOKE DETECTOR - installed & working