421 Pump Report 3-20206 S when f9ang out thnns'on the _..rbmpu�r�use Doty the te6 key to move your. anew: do not uea Qts rrtmn key. EM Commpnwealth of MassgchusWts City/Town bf Sy$tem .Pt!Mpin§. Record. Forrn' 4 . DEP has provided this form for use by'local Boards of Health. olhef thus may be used, but the Information must be substantially the same ass that provided here. BsIb4 using No -form, dwx* with your local Board. of Health to determine the form.they use. The Syatsm Pumping Record must be submitted tQ the loom Board or Health or other approving authority within 14 days from the pumping date in accordance with 310 CMR 18.351. A. Faai&Ity Information 1. System Location: 2. Address Coyfrown Zip Cade ' dgrRown sme � ,, �c A. ' D.ate.of,Pumping 3,. Type.of•system: ❑ OWSPooKs) 2. Quantity Pumped: . ❑ -Septic Tank ❑ Tightiank FSU Oerone reale Trap ❑ other. (describe): 4. , Effluent Tea Filter present? ❑ Yes , No if yes, was it dearied? .❑ Yes�o 5. i .andition. of System: 7. Location where contents Were disposed: A77n, — 9lgneturs of Rsoeh" Fac ft �omraaov oaPoe value Llamas r M*W system Pumphtg Record" Page 1 Of 1 .fi- � ` .. �k