Opportunity Zones demographics PDFDescribe the tract(s) you are nominating, including (but not limited to):
• demographic breakdown
• percentage of residential, commercial, industrial and open space uses
• quality of life; major property owners and their relationships in the district
• level of civic engagement and a brief history of the tract(s):*
TRACT: 25015821602
area (acres): 1017.65
land percentage: 99.3
water percentage: 0.7
Population 2010: 3844
Population Density (per acre land): 3.8
White: 3421
Black: 106
Native American: 16
Asian: 66
Island: 6
Other: 120
Multiple: 109
Not Hispanic: 3515 (91.4% of Population 2010)
Hispanic: 329 (8.6% of Population 2010)
Population (Group Quarters): 132
Housing Units 2010: 1831
Population Density (per housing unit): 2.1
Total Occupied: 1737
Owner Occupied: 996 (57.3% of Total Occupied)
Renter Occupied: 741 (42.7% of Total Occupied)
Total Households: 1737
Family Households: 943 (54.3% of Total Households)
Non-Family Households: 1794 (45.7% of Total Households)
Median Age (Population 2010): 45.2
Environmental Justice
Block Group FIPS 250158216022
Income $37688 (60.7% MA median household income)
Minority 396 (27.7% of Block Group population identified as minority
(other than non-Hispanic white))
Land Use (Universe: 1017.65 acres)
Residential (all types) 533.03 acres (52.38%)
Commercial 28.04 acres (2.76%)
Industrial 80.99 acres (7.96%)
Exempt Property 257.65 acres (25.32%)
Multiple-Use 7.26 acres (0.71%)
Streets 109.94 acres (10.80%)
All Other 0.69 acres (0.07%)
Open Space: 141.41 acres (13.90% of total tract area)
TRACT: 25015821903
area (acres): 746.30
land percentage: 98.3
water percentage: 1.7
Population 2010: 3425
Population Density (per acre land): 4.7
White: 2922
Black: 131
Native American: 14
Asian: 96
Island: 0
Other: 180
Multiple: 82
Not Hispanic: 3037 (88.7% of Population 2010)
Hispanic: 388 (11.3% of Population 2010)
Population (Group Quarters): 307
Housing Units 2010: 1854
Population Density (per housing unit): 1.8
Total Occupied: 1762
Owner Occupied: 431 (24.5% of Total Occupied)
Renter Occupied: 1331 (75.5% of Total Occupied)
Total Households: 1762
Family Households: 478 (27.1% of Total Households)
Non-Family Households: 1284 (72.9% of Total Households)
Median Age (Population 2010): 35
Environmental Justice
Block Group FIPS 250158219031
Income $29645 (47.7% MA median household income)
Land Use (Universe: 746.30 acres)
Residential (all types) 238.58 acres (31.97%)
Commercial 47.60 acres (6.38%)
Industrial 12.07 acres (1.62%)
Exempt Property 374.97 acres (50.24%)
Multiple-Use 9.14 acres (1.22%)
Streets 62.25 acres (8.34%)
All Other 1.49 acres (0.20%)
Open Space: 270.42 acres (36.23% of total tract area)
Data Sources:
Census 2010 PL94-171
Census 2010 SF1
Northampton Assessors (07 March 2018)
Northampton GIS