RFP_Evaluation_04012011Sheet3 Sheet2 SUMMARY NORTH KING & HATFIELD INTERSECTION REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (rfp) 3/15/2011 (12:01 pm) Office of Planning & Development (OPD) Department of Public Works Evaluation 3/22/2011 & 4/01/2011 STANTEC (NORTHAMPTON) TIGHE & BOND, INC. (WESTFIELD) VHB (LOCAL/WORCESTER) WESTON & SAMPSON, INC. (FOXBOROUGH) FUSS & O'NEILL, INC. (WEST SPRINGFIELD) TEAM-SUPPORT CONSULTANTS Sherman & Frydryk Survey New England Survey Roundabout Design Traffic Design Solutions Roundabouts Eng. NE Roundabouts N/A Lighting Rober Hall Eng. RFP Schematic of Traffic Control Signal Schematic of Single-Lane Roundabout Project Schedule YES Price Quote YES-Detailed OTHER PROJECTS Northampton Village Hill Amherst (2) Holyoke (2) Springfield (1) Damon Road Route 9 Roundabout Roundabouts Alexandria, LA Elm St Traffic Lights New London, CT Route 50, VA Glastonbury, CT Pittsfield, MA Grafton, MA Southwick, MA Seekonk, MA Chelsea, MA Latham Circle, NY Liberty, NY West'ton Beach, NY Northampton, MA Mass DOT-Signalization Pittsfield (6) Manhattan, NY Barnstable Eastham (Cape Cod) Shrewbury Middlebury, VT Prescott, AZ Wickenberg, AZ Goodyear, AZ Ganado, AZ ------- King St Corridor Study UMASS, Amherst, MA Fitchberg, MA Harwich, MA Concord, NH Plumpton, MA Keene, NH Springfield, MA (3) Kollmorgen Site Route 66-Slope Work New Haven, CT Trumball/Fairfield, CT North Adams, MA Williamstown, MA Stamsford, CT Norwalk, CT Florence Savings Bank (Project Development and Design Guide) MASSDOT - PDDG Project Notification Form (PNF) Project Information Form (PIF) MassDOT, PRC, MPO Review Functional Design Report (FDR) Geotechnical Report Design Exception Report (DER) Local Commission Coordination NEPA/MEPA Determination Categorical Exclusion Checklist (CE) 4 (f) Evaluation Wetland Protection Act Filings Historical/Architectual Impacts Hazardous Materials Research MUTCD Warrant Analysis Alternate Intersection Layout Review/Accept PROW Title Work ROW Certificate Stakeholders Meeting Base Survey Deed Research Draft Special Provisions Plans, Specifications & Estimate (PSE) Public Hearing Environmental Notification Form (ENF) Attend MEPA Scoping Session King/Main Stop n' Shop/P. Mall King/Carlon Traffic Counts (Hatfield & N.King) Turning Movement Counts (AM & PM) Projected Volume Counts (2031) Typical Sections/ Cross Sections Preliminary 25% Cost Estimate Early Environmental Checklist Water Quality Data Form Unknown Preliminary Right-of-Way Plans (PROW) Cores RDA/NOI Street Lighting Not Included 75% Design Plans Not Included Police Simulations-RODEL (Roundabout) Simulations-Syncro 7 (Lights) Not Included-use past 75&100 Design Drainage and Utility Studies 100% Design Plans Preconstruction Meeting REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) Design Considerations: Sidewalk Connections Bus Turn Out and Bus Shelter Utility Information YES (25' past ROW) Safety Report (City&State Accidents)-3 years Limited Endangered Species 25% Design Review Checklist 25% Design Plans ROW Layout and Taking Plans Descriptions/Mylar (Registry) Other Funding Sources-CMAQ? Pavement Cores Environmental Forms YES (2021) Design Report Minimal Signal Design Plans Pedestrian Safety Bike Lanes Survey Field Control (NAVD88-Vert/NAD83-H) YES (10' past ROW) Base Plan (Existing Conditions) Level of Service (LOS) Analysis City Trench Permit (pg 1/3) (pg 2/3) (pg 3/3) Multiple (10) Unspecified Multiple (8) Meetings (need to be specific) Cost Estimate/&75%Response 3.00 4.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 3.00 4.00 1.00 2.00 5.00