007_606555_Estimate and CalcBk XLS    North King Street (Route 5/10) & Hatfield Street Intersection Improvement Project MassDOT Project File No. 606555 Office Calculation Book No. 11284 City of Northampton November 2019 Tighe&Bond 606555 TOC-1 Table of Contents North King Street (Route 5/10) & Hatfield Street Intersection Improvement Project City of Northampton MassDOT Project File No. 606555 Office Calc. Book No. 11284 November 2019 Page No. PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE 1-5 100 ITEMS * 100. LS Schedule of Operations – Fixed Price 6 101. A Clearing and Grubbing 7 * 102.001 DAY Tree Trimming Crew 8 * 102.51 EA Individual Tree Protection 9 * 102.521 FT Tree and Plant Protection Fence 10 * 102.55 HR Arborist 11 103. EA Tree Removed – Diameter Under 24 Inches 12 104. EA Tree Removed – Diameter 24 Inches and Over 13 * 120. CY Earth Excavation 14 121. CY Class A Rock Excavation 15 141.1 CY Test Pit for Exploration 16 142. CY Class B Trench Excavation 17-18 144. CY Class B Rock Excavation 19-20 146. EA Drainage Structure Removed 21 151. CY Gravel Borrow 22 156. TON Crushed Stone 23 170. SY Fine Grading and Compacting 24 * 184.1 TON Disposal of Treated Wood Products 25 200 ITEMS * 201. EA Catch Basin 26 * 202. EA Manhole 27 204. EA Gutter Inlet 28 * 206.1 EA Drop Inlet, Type AF 29 220. EA Drainage Structure Adjusted 30 220.2 FT Drainage Structure Rebuilt 31 220.3 EA Drainage Structure Change in Type 32 220.5 EA Drainage Structure Remodeled 33 * 220.6 FT Sanitary Structure Rebuilt 34 220.7 EA Sanitary Structure Adjusted 35 Tighe&Bond 606555 TOC-2 Table of Contents 200 ITEMS (continued) Page No. * 220.8 EA Sanitary Structure Remodeled 36 221. EA Frame and Cover 37 * 222.1 EA Frame and Grate – MassDOT Cascade Type 38 222.2 EA Frame and Grate – MassDOT Drop Inlet 39 * 223.1 EA Frame and Grate (or Cover) Removed and Stacked 40 224.12 EA 12 Inch Hood 41 224.15 EA 15 Inch Hood 42 227.3 CY Removal of Drainage Structure Sediment 43 227.31 FT Removal of Drainage Pipe Sediment 44 241.12 FT 12 Inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe 45 241.15 FT 15 Inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe 46 242.12 EA 12 Inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe Flared End 47 269.06 FT 6 Inch Slot-Perforated Corrugated Plastic Pipe (Subdrain) 48 300 ITEMS * 302.06 FT 6 Inch Ductile Iron Water Pipe (Rubber Gasket) 49-50 * 302.08 FT 8 Inch Ductile Iron Water Pipe (Rubber Gasket) 51-52 * 302.10 FT 10 Inch Ductile Iron Water Pipe (Rubber Gasket) 53 * 302.12 FT 12 Inch Ductile Iron Water Pipe (Rubber Gasket) 54-55 * 309. LB Ductile Iron Fittings for Water Pipe 56-57 * 345.61 LS 6 Inch Temporary Water Main 58 * 347.075 FT 3/4 Inch Copper Tubing Type K 59 * 347.1 FT 1 Inch Copper Tubing Type K 60-61 * 347.15 FT 1-1/2 Inch Copper Tubing Type K 62 * 350.06 EA 6 Inch Gate and Gate Box 63-64 * 350.08 EA 8 Inch Gate and Gate Box 65 * 350.10 EA 10 Inch Gate and Gate Box 66 * 350.12 EA 12 Inch Gate and Gate Box 67-68 358. EA Gate Box Adjusted 69-70 * 363.075 EA 3/4 Inch Corporation Cock 71 * 363.1 EA 1 Inch Corporation Cock 72-73 * 363.15 EA 1-1/2 Inch Corporation Cock 74 * 375.10 EA 10 Inch Insertion Valve and Box 75 * 376. EA Hydrant 76-77 * 376.3 EA Hydrant – Removed and Stacked 78-79 * 381. EA Service Box 80 381.3 EA Service Box Adjusted 81-82 * 384. EA Curb Stop 83 400 ITEMS 402. CY Dense Graded Crushed Stone for Subbase 84 * 415. SY Pavement Micromilling 85 Tighe&Bond 606555 TOC-3 Table of Contents 400 ITEMS (continued) Page No. 430. SY Cement Concrete Base Course 86 440. LB Calcium Chloride for Roadway Dust Control 87 443. MGL Water for Roadway Dust Control 88 * 450. CY Gravel for Surfacing 89 * 450.231 TON Superpave Surface Course - 12.5 Polymer (SSC - 12.5 - P) 90 * 450.32 TON Superpave Intermediate Course – 19.0 (SIC - 19.0) 91 * 450.42 TON Superpave Base Course - 37.5 (SBC - 37.5) 92 451. TON HMA for Patching 93-94 452. GAL Asphalt Emulsion for Tack Coat 95 453. FT HMA Joint Sealant 96 472. TON Asphalt Mixtures for Temporary Work 97 482.3 FT Sawing Asphalt Pavement 98 500 ITEMS 506. FT Granite Curb Type VB - Straight 99 506.1 FT Granite Curb Type VB - Curved 100 * 507. FT Granite Curb with Beveled Edge 101 509. FT Granite Transition Curb for Wheelchair Ramps - Straight 102 509.1 FT Granite Transition Curb for Wheelchair Ramps - Curved 103 514. EA Granite Curb Inlet - Straight 104 570.2 FT Hot Mix Asphalt Curb Type 2 105 600 ITEMS 620.13 FT Guardrail, TL-3 (Single Faced) 106 627.83 EA Guardrail Tangent End Treatment, TL-3 107 628.21 EA Transition to NCHRP 350 Guardrail 108 630.1 FT Highway Guard Removed and Stacked 109 666. FT Chain Link Fence Removed and Reset 110 * 697.1 EA Silt Sack 111 * 698.4 SY Geotextile Fabric for Permanent Erosion Control 112 700 ITEMS 701. SY Cement Concrete Sidewalk 113 701.1 SY Cement Concrete Sidewalk at Driveways 114 701.2 SY Cement Concrete Wheelchair Ramp 115 * 701.992 SY Stamped and Colored Concrete 116 703. TON Hot Mix Asphalt Driveway 117 * 710.3 EA Bound – Lettered Granite 118 * 710.4 EA Bound – Plain Granite 119 Tighe&Bond 606555 TOC-4 Table of Contents 700 ITEMS (continued) Page No. * 711. EA Bound Removed and Reset 120 * 715.1 EA Mail Box Removed and Reset 121 * 734. EA Sign Removed and Reset 122 * 740. MO Engineers Field Office and Equipment (Type A) 123 748. LS Mobilization 124 751. CY Loam Borrow 125 * 756. LS NPDES Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 126 765. SY Seeding 127 * 767.121 FT Sediment Control Barrier 128 800 ITEMS 804.15 FT 1-1/2 Inch Electrical Conduit Type NM - Plastic - (UL) 129 804.3 FT 3 Inch Electrical Conduit Type NM - Plastic - (UL) 130 806.3 FT 3 Inch Electrical Conduit Type RM - Galvanized Steel - (UL) 131 811.22 EA Electric Handhole – SD2.022 132 * 812.09 EA Light Standard Foundation Precast 133 813.30 FT Wire Type 7 No. 10 General Purpose 134 813.81 LS Service Connection (Underground) 135 * 821.01 EA 14 Foot Ornamental Light Pole w/ Base (Black) 136 * 823.01 EA 70-Watt Equiv. LED Luminaire w/ Decr. Housing 137 * 823.60 LS Highway Lighting Load Center 138 * 824.01 EA Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) 139 832. SF Warning-Regulatory and Route Marker - Alum. Panel (Type A) 140 847.1 EA Sign Support (N/Guide)+RTE MKR W/1 Brkway Post Assembly - Steel 141 851.1 DAY Traffic Cones for Traffic Management 142 852. SF Safety Signing for Traffic Management 143 853.1 EA Portable Breakaway Barricade Type III 144 853.2 FT Temporary Barrier (TL-2) 145 853.21 FT Temporary Concrete Barrier Removed and Reset 146 853.41 EA Temp. Imp. Attenuator For Shldr, Incapable of Redirection 147 853.411 EA Temp. Imp. Attenuator For Shldr, Incapable of Redirection R&R 148 854.016 FT Temporary Paving Markings - 6 Inch (Painted) 149 854.036 FT Temporary Paving Markings - 6 Inch (Tape) 150 856. DAY Arrow Board 151 856.12 DAY Portable Changeable Message Sign 152 859. DAY Reflectorized Drum 153 864.01 SF Pavement Arrow and Legends Refl. White – Inlay Tape 154 * 866.206 FT 6 Inch Wet Refl. White Line (Polyurea)(Recessed) 155 Tighe&Bond 606555 TOC-5 Table of Contents 800 ITMES (continued) Page No. * 866.212 FT 12 Inch Wet Refl. White Line (Polyurea)(Recessed) 156 * 867.206 FT 6 Inch Wet Refl. Yellow Line (Polyurea)(Recessed) 157 * 867.212 FT 12 Inch Wet Refl. Yellow Line (Polyurea)(Recessed) 158 874. EA Street Name Sign 159 * 874.2 EA Traffic Sign Removed and Reset 160 * 874.4 EA Traffic Sign Removed and Stacked 161 900 ITEMS 904. CY 4000 PSI, 3/4 In., 610 Cement Concrete 162 986.2 CY Modified Rockfill 163 EARTHWORK CALCULATIONS Summary Quantity Sheet 164 Earthwork Quantity Sheet 165-170 Tighe&Bond EWO NO.:- Office Calc. Book:11284 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Project File No.:606555 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 10 PARK PLAZA, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE Sta.:899+73 to 912+30; 100 to City:Northampton 110+50; 800+71 to 816+72 Road:North King Street & Hatfield Street Allotment:$2,985,469 Road Class:Urban Minor Arterial (North King) Length:4,329 FT Urban Minor Collector (Hatfield) ITEM NO. QUANTITY UNIT ITEM UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 100.1 LS Schedule of Operations - Fixed Price 30,000.00$ 30,000.00$ 101.1.5 A Clearing and Grubbing 25,000.00$ 37,500.00$ 102.001 2 Day Tree Trimming Crew 2,000.00$ 4,000.00$ 102.51 10 EA Individual Tree Protection 220.00$ 2,200.00$ 102.521 900 FT Tree and Plant Protection Fence 10.00$ 9,000.00$ 102.55 24 HR Arborist 125.00$ 3,000.00$ 103.5 EA Tree Removed - Diameter Under 24 Inches 800.00$ 4,000.00$ 104.5 EA Tree Removed - Diameter 24 Inches and Over 2,500.00$ 12,500.00$ 120.13,900 CY Earth Excavation 25.00$ 347,500.00$ 121.2,100 CY Class A Rock Excavation 63.00$ 132,300.00$ 141.1 250 CY Test Pit for Exploration 80.00$ 20,000.00$ 142.300 CY Class B Trench Excavation 30.00$ 9,000.00$ 144.300 CY Class B Rock Excavation 130.00$ 39,000.00$ 146.12 EA Drainage Structure Removed 500.00$ 6,000.00$ 151.3,800 CY Gravel Borrow 40.00$ 152,000.00$ 156.100 TON Crushed Stone 43.00$ 4,300.00$ 170.12,700 SY Fine Grading and Compacting 4.00$ 50,800.00$ 184.1 1 TON Disposal of Treated Wood Products 275.00$ 275.00$ 201.19 EA Catch Basin 3,000.00$ 57,000.00$ 202.12 EA Manhole 3,800.00$ 45,600.00$ 204.2 EA Gutter Inlet 1,800.00$ 3,600.00$ 206.1 3 EA Drop Inlet, Type AF 4,000.00$ 12,000.00$ 220.24 EA Drainage Structure Adjusted 400.00$ 9,600.00$ 220.2 50 FT Drainage Structure Rebuilt 400.00$ 20,000.00$ 220.3 4 EA Drainage Structure Change in Type 1,000.00$ 4,000.00$ 220.5 5 EA Drainage Structure Remodeled 800.00$ 4,000.00$ 220.6 20 FT Sanitary Structure Rebuilt 400.00$ 8,000.00$ 220.7 7 EA Sanitary Structure Adjusted 400.00$ 2,800.00$ 220.8 4 EA Sanitary Structure Remodeled 750.00$ 3,000.00$ 221.16 EA Frame and Cover 800.00$ 12,800.00$ 222.1 21 EA Frame and Grate - MassDOT Cascade Type 855.00$ 17,955.00$ 222.2 3 EA Frame and Grate - MassDOT Drop Inlet 865.00$ 2,595.00$ 223.1 16 EA Frame and Grate (or Cover) Removed and Stacked 112.00$ 1,792.00$ 224.12 23 EA 12 Inch Hood 430.00$ 9,890.00$ 224.15 1 EA 15 Inch Hood 550.00$ 550.00$ 227.3 20 CY Removal of Drainage Structure Sediment 250.00$ 5,000.00$ Preliminary Estimate SHEET 1 Tighe&Bond EWO NO.:- Office Calc. Book:11284 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Project File No.:606555 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 10 PARK PLAZA, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE Sta.:899+73 to 912+30; 100 to City:Northampton 110+50; 800+71 to 816+72 Road:North King Street & Hatfield Street Allotment:$2,985,469 Road Class:Urban Minor Arterial (North King) Length:4,329 FT Urban Minor Collector (Hatfield) ITEM NO. QUANTITY UNIT ITEM UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 227.31 250 FT Removal of Drainage Pipe Sediment 12.00$ 3,000.00$ 241.12 1,900 FT 12 Inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe 70.00$ 133,000.00$ 241.15 170 FT 15 Inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe 80.00$ 13,600.00$ 242.12 2 EA 12 Inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe Flared End 880.00$ 1,760.00$ 269.06 840 FT 6 Inch Slot-Perforated Corrugated Plastic Pipe (Subdrain) 45.00$ 37,800.00$ 302.06 35 FT 6 Inch Ductile Iron Water Pipe (Rubber Gasket) 120.00$ 4,200.00$ 302.08 20 FT 8 Inch Ductile Iron Water Pipe (Rubber Gasket) 130.00$ 2,600.00$ 302.10 50 FT 10 Inch Ductile Iron Water Pipe (Rubber Gasket) 150.00$ 7,500.00$ 302.12 615 FT 12 Inch Ductile Iron Water Pipe (Rubber Gasket) 125.00$ 76,875.00$ 309.1,000 LB Ductile Iron Fittings for Water Pipe 7.50$ 7,500.00$ 345.61 1 LS 6 Inch Temporary Water Main 40,000.00$ 40,000.00$ 347.1 40 FT 1 Inch Copper Tubing Type K 75.00$ 3,000.00$ 350.06 2 EA 6 Inch Gate and Gate Box 1,750.00$ 3,500.00$ 350.08 1 EA 8 Inch Gate and Gate Box 2,100.00$ 2,100.00$ 350.10 1 EA 10 Inch Gate and Gate Box 2,900.00$ 2,900.00$ 350.12 4 EA 12 Inch Gate and Gate Box 3,500.00$ 14,000.00$ 358.4 EA Gate Box Adjusted 200.00$ 800.00$ 363.1 1 EA 1 Inch Corporation Cock 600.00$ 600.00$ 375.10 1 EA 10 Inch Insertion Valve and Box 15,000.00$ 15,000.00$ 376.2 EA Hydrant 4,500.00$ 9,000.00$ 376.3 1 EA Hydrant - Removed and Stacked 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 381.1 EA Service Box 350.00$ 350.00$ 381.3 7 EA Service Box Adjusted 160.00$ 1,120.00$ 384.1 EA Curb Stop 600.00$ 600.00$ 402.910 CY Dense Graded Crushed Stone for Subbase 70.00$ 63,700.00$ 415.8,900 SY Pavement Micromilling 7.50$ 66,750.00$ 430.110 SY Cement Concrete Base Course 68.00$ 7,480.00$ 440.12,700 LB Calcium Chloride For Roadway Dust Control 0.40$ 5,080.00$ 443.13 MGL Water for Roadway Dust Control 50.00$ 650.00$ 450.80 CY Gravel for Surfacing 50.00$ 4,000.00$ 450.231 1,700 TON Superpave Surface Course - 12.5 Polymer (SSC - 12.5 - P) 97.00$ 164,900.00$ 450.32 900 TON Superpave Intermediate Course - 19.0 (SIC - 19.0) 100.00$ 90,000.00$ 450.42 1,800 TON Superpave Base Course - 37.5 (SBC - 37.5) 105.00$ 189,000.00$ 451.100 TON HMA For Patching 175.00$ 17,500.00$ 452.2,170 GAL Asphalt Emulsion for Tack Coat 7.50$ 16,275.00$ 453.4,600 FT HMA Joint Sealant 1.25$ 5,750.00$ Preliminary Estimate SHEET 2 Tighe&Bond EWO NO.:- Office Calc. Book:11284 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Project File No.:606555 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 10 PARK PLAZA, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE Sta.:899+73 to 912+30; 100 to City:Northampton 110+50; 800+71 to 816+72 Road:North King Street & Hatfield Street Allotment:$2,985,469 Road Class:Urban Minor Arterial (North King) Length:4,329 FT Urban Minor Collector (Hatfield) ITEM NO. QUANTITY UNIT ITEM UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 472.500 TON Asphalt Mixtures for Temporary Work 180.00$ 90,000.00$ 482.3 3,600 FT Sawing Asphalt Pavement 2.00$ 7,200.00$ 506.7,200 FT Granite Curb Type VB - Straight 35.00$ 252,000.00$ 506.1 330 FT Granite Curb Type VB - Curved 45.00$ 14,850.00$ 507.300 FT Granite Curb with Beveled Edge 75.00$ 22,500.00$ 509.150 FT Granite Transition Curb for Wheelchair Ramps - Straight 50.00$ 7,500.00$ 509.1 60 FT Granite Transition Curb for Wheelchair Ramps - Curved 60.00$ 3,600.00$ 514.13 EA Granite Curb Inlet - Straight 400.00$ 5,200.00$ 570.2 700 FT Hot Mix Asphalt Curb Type 2 9.00$ 6,300.00$ 620.13 540 FT Guardrail, TL-3 (Single Faced) 30.00$ 16,200.00$ 627.83 1 EA Guardrail Tangent End Treatment, TL-3 3,450.00$ 3,450.00$ 628.21 1 EA Transition to NCHRP 350 Guardrail 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ 630.1 600 FT Highway Guard Removed and Stacked 6.00$ 3,600.00$ 666.210 FT Chain Link Fence Removed and Reset 35.00$ 7,350.00$ 697.1 40 EA Silt Sack 120.00$ 4,800.00$ 698.4 1,100 SY Geotextile Fabric for Permanent Erosion Control 4.00$ 4,400.00$ 701.2,100 SY Cement Concrete Sidewalk 50.00$ 105,000.00$ 701.1 10 SY Cement Concrete Sidewalk at Driveways 65.00$ 650.00$ 701.2 190 SY Cement Concrete Wheelchair Ramp 80.00$ 15,200.00$ 701.992 500 SY Stamped and Colored Concrete 250.00$ 125,000.00$ 703.310 TON Hot Mix Asphalt Driveway 170.00$ 52,700.00$ 710.3 10 EA Bound - Lettered Granite 575.00$ 5,750.00$ 710.4 2 EA Bound - Plain Granite 520.00$ 1,040.00$ 711.3 EA Bound Removed and Reset 500.00$ 1,500.00$ 715.1 2 EA Mail Box Removed and Reset 145.00$ 290.00$ 734.3 EA Sign Removed and Reset 325.00$ 975.00$ 740.30 MO Engineers Field Office and Equipment (Type A) 2,500.00$ 75,000.00$ 748.1 LS Mobilization 110,919.34$ 110,919.34$ 751.800 CY Loam Borrow 50.00$ 40,000.00$ 756.1 LS NPDES Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 765.5,800 SY Seeding 2.00$ 11,600.00$ 767.121 3,550 FT Sediment Control Barrier 6.50$ 23,075.00$ 804.15 600 FT 1-1/2 Inch Electrical Conduit Type NM - Plastic - (UL) 20.00$ 12,000.00$ 804.3 30 FT 3 Inch Electrical Conduit Type NM - Plastic - (UL) 39.00$ 1,170.00$ 806.3 100 FT 3 Inch Electrical Conduit Type RM - Galvanized Steel 75.00$ 7,500.00$ 811.22 1 EA Electric Handhole - SD2.022 1,100.00$ 1,100.00$ Preliminary Estimate SHEET 3 Tighe&Bond EWO NO.:- Office Calc. Book:11284 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Project File No.:606555 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 10 PARK PLAZA, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE Sta.:899+73 to 912+30; 100 to City:Northampton 110+50; 800+71 to 816+72 Road:North King Street & Hatfield Street Allotment:$2,985,469 Road Class:Urban Minor Arterial (North King) Length:4,329 FT Urban Minor Collector (Hatfield) ITEM NO. QUANTITY UNIT ITEM UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 812.09 14 EA Light Standard Foundation Precast 1,250.00$ 17,500.00$ 813.30 1,800 FT Wire Type 7 No. 10 General Purpose 1.50$ 2,700.00$ 813.81 1 LS Service Connection (Underground) 7,500.00$ 7,500.00$ 821.01 14 EA 14 Foot Ornamental Light Pole w/ Base (Black) 2,500.00$ 35,000.00$ 823.01 14 EA 70-Watt Equiv. LED Luminaire w/ Decr. Housing 750.00$ 10,500.00$ 823.60 1 LS Highway Lighting Load Center 20,000.00$ 20,000.00$ 824.01 3 EA Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon 15,000.00$ 45,000.00$ 832.370 SF Warning-Regulatory and Route Marker - Alum. Panel (Type A)10.00$ 3,700.00$ 847.1 44 EA Sign Sup (N/Guide)+RTE MKR W/1 Brkway Post Assembly - Steel 125.00$ 5,500.00$ 851.1 240 Day Traffic Cones for Traffic Management 100.00$ 24,000.00$ 852.490 SF Safety Signing for Traffic Management 20.00$ 9,800.00$ 853.1 10 EA Portable Breakaway Barricade Type III 130.00$ 1,300.00$ 853.2 600 FT Temporary Barrier (TL-2) 50.00$ 30,000.00$ 853.21 1,800 FT Temporary Concrete Barrier Removed and Reset 10.00$ 18,000.00$ 853.41 3 EA Temp. Imp. Attenuator For Shldr, Incapable of Redirection 3,750.00$ 11,250.00$ 853.411 2 EA Temp. Imp. Attenuator For Shldr, Incapable of Redirection R&R 1,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 854.016 13,700 FT Temporary Paving Markings - 6 In. (Painted) 0.25$ 3,425.00$ 854.036 6,000 FT Temporary Paving Markings - 6 In. (Tape) 1.50$ 9,000.00$ 856.720 Day Arrow Board 10.00$ 7,200.00$ 856.12 1,440 Day Portable Changeable Message Sign 22.00$ 31,680.00$ 859.18,000 DD Reflectorized Drum 0.25$ 4,500.00$ 864.01 400 SF Pavement Arrow And Legends Refl. White - Inlay Tape 50.00$ 20,000.00$ 866.206 5,900 FT 6 Inch Wet Refl. White Line (Polyurea)(Recessed) 1.90$ 11,210.00$ 866.212 730 FT 12 Inch Wet Refl. White Line (Polyurea)(Recessed) 5.00$ 3,650.00$ 867.206 6,300 FT 6 Inch Wet Refl. Yellow Line (Polyurea)(Recessed) 1.90$ 11,970.00$ 867.212 890 FT 12 Inch Wet Refl. Yellow Line (Polyurea)(Recessed) 5.00$ 4,450.00$ 874.3 EA Street Name Sign 100.00$ 300.00$ 874.2 2 EA Traffic Sign Removed and Reset 100.00$ 200.00$ Preliminary Estimate SHEET 4 Tighe&Bond EWO NO.:- Office Calc. Book:11284 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Project File No.:606555 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 10 PARK PLAZA, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE Sta.:899+73 to 912+30; 100 to City:Northampton 110+50; 800+71 to 816+72 Road:North King Street & Hatfield Street Allotment:$2,985,469 Road Class:Urban Minor Arterial (North King) Length:4,329 FT Urban Minor Collector (Hatfield) ITEM NO. QUANTITY UNIT ITEM UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 874.4 6 EA Traffic Sign Removed and Stacked 35.00$ 210.00$ 904.17 CY 4000 PSI, 3/4 In., 610 Cement Concrete 1,250.00$ 21,250.00$ 986.2 30 CY Modified Rockfill 125.00$ 3,750.00$ End Schedule A: Participating Items Subtotal: 3,518,911.34$ 142.500 CY Class B Trench Excavation 30.00$ 15,000.00$ 144.200 CY Class B Rock Excavation 130.00$ 26,000.00$ 302.06 15 FT 6 Inch Ductile Iron Water Pipe (Rubber Gasket) 120.00$ 1,800.00$ 302.08 60 FT 8 Inch Ductile Iron Water Pipe (Rubber Gasket) 130.00$ 7,800.00$ 302.12 1,400 FT 12 Inch Ductile Iron Water Pipe (Rubber Gasket) 125.00$ 175,000.00$ 309.1,000 LB Ductile Iron Fittings for Water Pipe 7.50$ 7,500.00$ 347.075 50 FT 3/4 Inch Copper Tubing Type K 100.00$ 5,000.00$ 347.1 30 FT 1 Inch Copper Tubing Type K 75.00$ 2,250.00$ 347.15 150 FT 1-1/2 Inch Copper Tubing Type K 75.00$ 11,250.00$ 350.06 1 EA 6 Inch Gate and Gate Box 1,750.00$ 1,750.00$ 350.12 1 EA 12 Inch Gate and Gate Box 3,500.00$ 3,500.00$ 358.1 EA Gate Box Adjusted 200.00$ 200.00$ 363.075 2 EA 3/4 Inch Corporation Cock 600.00$ 1,200.00$ 363.1 2 EA 1 Inch Corporation Cock 600.00$ 1,200.00$ 363.15 6 EA 1-1/2 Inch Corporation Cock 400.00$ 2,400.00$ 376.1 EA Hydrant 4,500.00$ 4,500.00$ 376.3 1 EA Hydrant - Removed and Stacked 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 381.3 6 EA Service Box Adjusted 160.00$ 960.00$ 451.230 TON HMA For Patching 175.00$ 40,250.00$ End Schedule B: Non-Participating Items Subtotal: 308,560.00$ Total (Schedule A + Schedule B): 3,827,471.34$ Preliminary Estimate SHEET 5 ITEM 100. SHEET 6 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 100. 1 LS Schedule of Operations - Fixed Price Total 1 LS Say 1LS ITEM 101. SHEET 7 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 101. 1.5 A Clearing and Grubbing Area (sf) Location roundabout 3,700 from CAD driveway 16,400 from CAD hatfield 24,500 from CAD north king (north)14,700 from CAD Total 59,300 sf Total 1.4 A Say 1.5 A ITEM 102.001 SHEET 8 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 102.001 2 Day Tree Trimming Crew 2 days of tree trimming crew recommended by landscape section. Total 2 Day ITEM 102.51 SHEET 9 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 102.51 10 EA Individual Tree Protection Street Station Each HATFIELD STREET 812+60 1 812+64 1 812+69 1 813+37 1 NORTH KING STREET 700+98 1 910+96 1 911+20 1 911+92 1 Total 8 EA Say 10 EA 25RT 20RT 19RT 35RT Offset 24RT 24RT 24RT 23RT ITEM 102.521 SHEET 10 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 102.521 900 FT Tree and Plant Protection Fence Street Station Each North King Street 911 51 912 89 101 126 Between Driveway and N King Street 586 FT Total 852 FT Say 900 FT Offset RT RT RT CNT ITEM 102.55 SHEET 11 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 102.55 24 HR Arborist Street Day Each North King Street 324 Total 24 FT Say 24 FT Hour 8 ITEM 103. SHEET 12 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 103. 5 EA Tree Removed - Diameter Under 24 Inches Street Station Each Roundabout 701+54 1 Token 4 Total 5 EA Say 5EA Offset 41.2' LT ITEM 104. SHEET 13 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 104. 5 EA Tree Removed - Diameter 24 Inches and Over Street Station Each Hatfield 810+55 14.5' RT 1 Token 4 Total 5 EA Say 5EA Offset ITEM 120. SHEET 14 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 120. 13900 CY Earth Excavation Earthwork Summary Sheet (incl. Old Pavement Excavation)15590 CY Misc. for stumps, posts, other materials 100 CY Less Rock Excavation Counted in Class A Rock -1540 CY Less 2.5% Boulders (added to Class A Rock)-390 CY Subtotal 13761 CY Length (ft)Width (ft) Depth (ft) Volume (CY)Abandoned Hatfield Street 250 24 1 111 Subtotal 111 CY Total: 13,872 CY Say:13,900 CY ITEM 121. SHEET 15 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 121. 2100 CY Class A Rock Excavation Approximate Stations Location From To Offset (CY) Skibiski Driveway 0+75 2+75 CL 1,200 see note below for calculation methodoloy Hatfield Street 8+15 8+16 25' LT 220 see note below for calculation methodoloy Roundabout 701+50 7+02 20' LT 120 see note below for calculation methodoloy Subtotal: 1,540 CY Location Area (SF) Depth (Ft) (CY) Comment Boulders (From EW Summary Sheet) 390 Rounding 110 Subtotal: 500 CY Subtotal: 2,040 CY Total: 2,040 CY Say: 2,100 CY NOTE: The Class A Rock removal calculations were done in Civil3d by comparing the earthwork datum surface against an existing rock surface. The existing rock surface was created based on the results of the subsurface boring program. Rock removal was calculated for the areas where the datum surface conflicted with the rock surface. ITEM 141.1 SHEET 16 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 141.1 250 CY Test Pit for Exploration Location Volume Token 250 Total: 250 CY Say: 250 CY Description ITEM 142. SHEET 17 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 142. 300 CY Class B Trench Excavation Water Main Station Offset Station Offset 814+50 40' RT Sta 34'LT 615 6.5 1.5 5 170.83 Token 100 Total 271 CY Say 300 CY *All drainage structure excavation is inclusive to the structure by special provision Volume (CY) Start End Length (feet) Average Depth Average Depth Below 5' Payline Width (5') ITEM 142. NP SHEET 18 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 142. 500 CY Class B Trench Excavation Water Main Station Offset Station Offset 800+74 814+50 1376 6.5 1.5 5 382.22 Token 100 Total 482 CY Say 500 CY *All drainage structure excavation is inclusive to the structure by special provision Volume (CY) Average Depth Below 5' Payline Width (5') Start End Length (feet) Average Depth ITEM 144. SHEET 19 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 144. 300 CY Class B Rock Excavation Token 300 CY Total 300 CY Say 300 CY ITEM 144. NP SHEET 20 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 144. 200 CY Class B Rock Excavation Token 200 CY Total 200 CY Say 200 CY ITEM 146. SHEET 21 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 146. 12 EA Drainage Structure Removed Street Station Type Number Each 12 Total 12 EA Say 12 EA Offset ITEM 151. SHEET 22 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 151. 3800 CY Gravel Borrow Item: SY Depth (in)CY 472. Asphalt Mixtures for Temporary Work 1,436 12 479 450.42 Superpave Base Course - 37.5 (SBC - 37.5)6,911 8 1,536 450. Gravel for Surfacing 547 8 121 701. Cement Concrete Sidewalk 2,119 8 471 701.1 Cement Concrete Sidewalk at Driveways 10 8 2 701.2 Cement Concrete Wheelchair Ramp 181 8 40 703. Hot Mix Asphalt Driveway 1,443 8 321 Total 2,970.0 CY Swell Factor (25%)742.5 CY per Exhibit 18-28 Total 3,712 CY Say 3,800 CY Total Area =12,647 SY total Sub-base 1,536 1919.65 2000.00 Sidewalk 513 641.63 700.00 Misc. 921 1151.19 1200.00 3900.00 total (matches 151. total) (x1.25) swell roundup (-2) ITEM 156. SHEET 23 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 156. 100 TON Crushed Stone Token 100 Ton Total 100 Ton Say 100 Ton *Token quantity for water supply alterations (pipe bedding included in ductile iron pipe ITEM 170. SHEET 24 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 170. 12700 SY Fine Grading and Compacting Item Area (SY) 151. Area of proposed Gravel Borrow 12,647 Total 12,647 SY Say 12,700 SY ITEM 184.1 SHEET 25 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 184.1 1 TON Disposal of Treated Wood Products Token for removal of wood rail fence on existing private driveway Total 1 Ton Say 1 Ton ITEM 201. SHEET 26 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 201. 19 EA Catch Basin Name Station Count CI 2 CB North King (South)901+57 40' LT 1 4 CB North King (South)901+96 45' LT 1 6 CBCI North King (South)904+75 15' LT 11 7 CB North King (South)907+24 19' LT 1 8 CB North King (South)909+08 16' LT 1 9 CB North King (South)910+75 40' LT 1 11 CBCI North King (South)912+09 22' LT 11 12 CBCI North King (South)912+04 17' RT 11 15 CBCI Roundabout 704+02 4' LT 11 16 CBCI Roundabout 700+33 3' LT 11 18 CBCI Hatfield Street 816+63 23' LT 11 21 CBCI North King (North)100+34 25' LT 11 22 CBCI North King (North)100+35 29' RT 11 23 CBCI North King (North)102+46 19' LT 11 25 CB North King (North)102+97 27' RT 1 28 CBCI Hatfield Street 816+34 25' RT 11 31 CBCI Hatfield Street 813+21 14' LT 11 38 CB Hatfield Street 807+01 13' RT 1 39 CB Hatfield Street 803+98 14' RT 1 Total 19 EA Say 19 EA Curb Inlets: 11 Street Offset ITEM 202. SHEET 27 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 202. 12 EA Manhole Name Station Count 9A DMH North King (South)910+74 27' LT 1 13 DMH Roundabout 703+33 5' LT 1 14 DMH Roundabout 704+04 13' LT 1 17 DMH Roundabout 702+66 12' LT 1 19 DMH Roundabout 701+25 5' RT 1 24 DMH North King (North)102+89 18' LT 1 27 DMH Roundabout 702+79 40' RT 1 29 DMH Hatfield Street 813+30 13' LT 1 32 DMH Hatfield Street 813+07 6' RT 1 34 DMH Hatfield Street 811+39 1' RT 1 35 DMH Hatfield Street 810+17 2' RT 1 37 DMH Hatfield Street 807+05 3' RT 1 Total 12 EA Say 12 EA Street Offset ITEM 204. SHEET 28 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 204. 2 EA Gutter Inlet Name Station Count 33 GI Hatfield Street 813+17 14' RT 1 36 GI Hatfield Street 810+11 9' RT 1 Total 2 EA Say 2EA Street Offset ITEM 206.1 SHEET 29 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 206.1 3 EA Drop Inlet, Type AF Name Station Count 20 DI North King (North)100+08 54' LT 1 26 DI North King (North)103+12 32' LT 1 30 DI Hatfield Street 813+24 25' LT 1 Total 3 EA Say 3EA Street Offset ITEM 220. SHEET 30 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 220. 24 EA Drainage Structure Adjusted Street Count Total Hatfield 1 1 North King 23 23 Total 24 EA Say 24 EA ITEM 220.2 SHEET 31 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 220.2 50 FT Drainage Structure Rebuilt Total Feet Token Quantity carried for structures found in poor condition 50 Total 50 FT Say 50 FT ITEM 220.3 SHEET 32 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 220.3 4 EA Drainage Structure Change in Type Name Station Count 1 CIT North King (South)901+56 30' LT 1 3 CIT North King (South)901+62 33' LT 1 5 CIT North King (South)904+54 25' LT 1 10 CIT North King (South)912+09 11' LT 1 Total 4 EA Say 4EA Street Offset ITEM 220.5 SHEET 33 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 220.5 5 EA Drainage Structure Remodeled Station Total Counted 20 structures within grade changes 5 Total 5 EA Say 5EA ITEM 220.6 SHEET 34 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 220.6 20 FT Sanitary Structure Rebuilt Total Feet Token Quantity carried for structures found in poor condition 20 Total 20 FT Say 20 FT ITEM 220.7 SHEET 35 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 220.7 7 EA Sanitary Structure Adjusted Street Station Name Each 7 Total 7 EA Say 7EA Offset ITEM 220.8 SHEET 36 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 220.8 4 EA Sanitary Structure Remodeled Street Station Offset EACH 4 Total 4 EA Say 4EA ITEM 221. SHEET 37 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 221. 16 EA Frame and Cover Quantity From Item 202: 12 From Item 220.3: 4 Total 16 EA Say 16 EA ITEM 222.1 SHEET 38 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 222.1 21 EA Frame and Grate - MassDOT Cascade Type Quantity From Item 201: 19 From Item 204: 2 Total 21 EA Say 21 EA ITEM 222.2 SHEET 39 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 222.2 3 EA Frame and Grate - MassDOT Drop Inlet Quantity From Item 206.1 : 3 Total 3 EA Say 3EA ITEM 223.1 SHEET 40 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 223.1 16 EA Frame and Grate (or Cover) Removed and Stacked Item Quantity 220.3 4 146. 12 Total 16 EA Say 16 EA ITEM 224.12 SHEET 41 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 224.12 23 EA 12 Inch Hood Quantity From Item 201. : 19 From Item 204. : 2 From Item 206.1 : 3 Less 15" Hoods: -1 15" RCP @ 9 CB Total 23 EA Say 23 EA ITEM 224.15 SHEET 42 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 224.15 1 EA 15 Inch Hood Quantity From Item 201. : 1 From Item 206.1 : Total 1 EA Say 1EA ITEM 227.3 SHEET 43 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 227.3 20 CY Removal of Drainage Structure Sediment 7 0.9 CY 6.5126 CY Say 10 CY 4 0.9 CY 3.7215 CY Say 10 CY Total = 20 CY 2' Depth of volume per DI Subtotal = Total No. of CBs 2' Depth of volume per CB Subtotal = Total No. of DIs ITEM 227.31 SHEET 44 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 227.31 250 FT Removal of Drainage Pipe Sediment Token for Pipe 250 FT Total 250 FT Say 250 FT ITEM 241.12 SHEET 45 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 241.12 1900 FT 12 Inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe Structure Structure Length (ft) 1 CIT 2 CB 6 3 CIT 4 CB 32 5 CIT EX DI-14 4 5 CIT EX DMH-9 132 6 CBCI 5 CIT 19 10 CIT 11 CBCI 7 10 CIT 12 CBCI 25 13 DMH 17 DMH 53 13 DMH 14 DMH 55 13 DMH 10 CIT 24 14 DMH 15 CBCI 5 14 DMH 16 CBCI 40 17 DMH 18 CBCI 35 17 DMH 27 DMH 51 19 DMH 20 DI 19 19 DMH 21 CBCI 35 19 DMH 17 DMH 107 22 CBCI EX DMH-38 28 24 DMH 23 CBCI 39 25 CB EX DMH-47 6 26 DI 24 DMH 24 27 DMH 28 CBCI 13 29 DMH 32 DMH 26 29 DMH 30 DI 9 29 DMH 27 DMH 268 31 CBCI 29 DMH 5 32 DMH 33 CB 9 34 DMH 32 DMH 165 35 DMH 34 DMH 118 35 DMH 36 CB 6 37 DMH 35 DMH 308 38 CB 37 DMH 6 39 CB EX DMH-62 80 EX DMH-12 5 CIT 29 EX DMH-19 7 CB 19 EX DMH-25 8 CB 16 EX DMH-47 24 DMH 44 Skib. Drive Crossing x 2 20 Total: 1887 FT Say: 1900 FT ITEM 241.15 SHEET 46 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 241.15 170 FT 15 Inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe Start End Length (ft) 9 CB 9A DMH 9 9A DMH 10 CIT 129 9A DMH EX DMH-32 24 Total: 163 FT Say: 170 FT ITEM 242.12 SHEET 47 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 242.12 2 EA 12 Inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe Flared End Location Count Skibisky Driveway 2 Total: 2 Say:2 ITEM 269.06 SHEET 48 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 269.06 840 FT 6 Inch Slot-Perforated Corrugated Plastic Pipe (Subdrain) Station Offset Station Offset 812+43 816+72 429 Hatfield 701+20 702+30 110 Roundabout 100+00 103+00 300 North King Total 839 FT Say 840 FT Start End Length (feet) ITEM 302.06 SHEET 49 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 302.06 35 FT 6 Inch Ductile Iron Water Pipe (Rubber Gasket) Station Offset Station Offset 814+50 30 814+50 35 Total 35 FT Say 35 FT Start End Length (feet) for 1 hydrant ITEM 302.06 NP SHEET 50 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 302.06 15 FT 6 Inch Ductile Iron Water Pipe (Rubber Gasket) Station Offset Station Offset 806+90 22 15 Total 15 FT Say 15 FT Start End Length (feet) for 1 hydrant ITEM 302.08 SHEET 51 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 302.08 20 FT 8 Inch Ductile Iron Water Pipe (Rubber Gasket) Station Offset Station Offset 703+72 15 703+82 3 15 Total 15 FT Say 20 FT Start End Length (feet) Roundabout to NKS ITEM 302.08 NP SHEET 52 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 302.08 60 FT 8 Inch Ductile Iron Water Pipe (Rubber Gasket) Station Offset Station Offset 703+72 15 703+82 3 15 800+74 10 Connection At Cooke 806+70 35 Big Lots Water Service Total 60 FT Say 60 FT Start End Length (feet) Roundabout to NKS ITEM 302.10 SHEET 53 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 302.10 50 FT 10 Inch Ductile Iron Water Pipe (Rubber Gasket) Station Offset Station Offset Token for connections 50 Total 50 FT Say 50 FT Start End Length (feet) ITEM 302.12 SHEET 54 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 302.12 615 FT 12 Inch Ductile Iron Water Pipe (Rubber Gasket) Station Offset Station Offset 814+50 40' RT Sta 34'LT 615 relocated main NKN to HAT Total 615 FT Say 615 FT Start End Length (feet) ITEM 302.12 NP SHEET 55 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 302.12 1400 FT 12 Inch Ductile Iron Water Pipe (Rubber Gasket) Station Offset Station Offset 800+74 814+50 1376 Hatfield Street Total 1376 FT Say 1400 FT Start End Length (feet) ITEM 309. SHEET 56 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 309. 1000 LB Ductile Iron Fittings for Water Pipe Location Quantity LB Total Reducers 2 50 100 hydrant Tees 3 120 360 Bends 1 75 75 Token 500 Total 1035 LB Say 1000 LB ITEM 309. NP SHEET 57 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 309. 1000 LB Ductile Iron Fittings for Water Pipe Location Quantity LB Total Reducers 1 50 50 hydrant Tees 3 120 360 Bends 1 75 75 Token 500 Total 985 LB Say 1000 LB ITEM 345.61 SHEET 58 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 345.61 1 LS 6 Inch Temporary Water Main Water Main on North King Street to provide temporary water service to abutters Total 1 LS Say 1LS Includes disinfection, pressure testing, hydrant connections, temporary services, pipe, trenching and protection where necessary ITEM 347.075 NP SHEET 59 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 347.075 50 FT 3/4 Inch Copper Tubing Type K Station Offset Station Offset Skibiski - #426 20 BLDG-#232 28 Total 48 FT Say 50 FT Start End Length (feet) ITEM 347.1 SHEET 60 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 347.1 40 FT 1 Inch Copper Tubing Type K Station Offset Station Offset 35 Total 35 FT Say 40 FT Start End Length (feet) o #245 North King Street ITEM 347.1 NP SHEET 61 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 347.1 30 FT 1 Inch Copper Tubing Type K Station Offset Station Offset Service to 216 Valley Motor sports 22 Total 22 FT Say 30 FT Start End Length (feet) ITEM 347.15 NP SHEET 62 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 347.15 150 FT 1-1/2 Inch Copper Tubing Type K Station Offset Station Offset Condo Unit 2 25 Condo Unit 3 25 Condo Unit 4 25 Condo Unit 5 25 Condo Unit 6 20 Burke #200 30 Total 150 FT Say 150 FT Start End Length (feet) ITEM 350.06 SHEET 63 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 350.06 2 EA 6 Inch Gate and Gate Box Location Quantity Hatfield St 814+50 1 hydrant NKN 100+10 1 hydrant Total 2 EA Say 2EA ITEM 350.06 NP SHEET 64 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 350.06 1 EA 6 Inch Gate and Gate Box Location Quantity Hatfield St 806+90 1 hydrant Total 1 EA Say 1EA ITEM 350.08 SHEET 65 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 350.08 1 EA 8 Inch Gate and Gate Box Location Quantity Token 1 Total 1 EA Say 1EA ITEM 350.10 SHEET 66 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 350.10 1 EA 10 Inch Gate and Gate Box Location Quantity Token 1 Total 1 EA Say 1EA ITEM 350.12 SHEET 67 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 350.12 4 EA 12 Inch Gate and Gate Box Location Quantity 912+10 3 100+10 1 Total 4 EA Say 4EA ITEM 350.12 NP SHEET 68 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 350.12 1 EA 12 Inch Gate and Gate Box Location Quantity 800+75 1 Total 1 EA Say 1EA ITEM 358. SHEET 69 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 358. 4 EA Gate Box Adjusted Street Existing Within limits of grading / full depth 4 Total 4 EA Say 4EA ITEM 358. NP SHEET 70 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 358. 1 EA Gate Box Adjusted Street Existing 1Big Lots Service Total 1 EA Say 1EA ITEM 363.075 NP SHEET 71 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 363.075 2 EA 3/4 Inch Corporation Cock Location Quantity Hatfield Street 1 Skibiski 1 BLDG #232 Total 2 EA Say 2EA ITEM 363.1 SHEET 72 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 363.1 1 EA 1 Inch Corporation Cock Location Quantity Roundabout 700+00 RT 1 Bldg #245 Total 1 EA Say 1EA ITEM 363.1 NP SHEET 73 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 363.1 2 EA 1 Inch Corporation Cock Location Quantity Valley Motor Sports 1 Bldg #216 1 Bldg #180 Total 2 EA Say 2EA Petes Tire Barn ITEM 363.15 NP SHEET 74 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 363.15 6 EA 1-1/2 Inch Corporation Cock Location Quantity Hatfield Street 1 Condo Unit 2 1 Condo Unit 3 1 Condo Unit 4 1 Condo Unit 5 1 Condo Unit 6 1 Burke #200 Total 6 EA Say 6EA ITEM 375.10 SHEET 75 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 375.10 1 EA 10 Inch Insertion Valve and Box Location Quantity STA 102+25 13' RT 1 Total 1 EA Say 1EA ITEM 376. SHEET 76 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 376. 2 EA Hydrant Street Location Quantity Hatfield 814+93 RT 1 NKN 100+10 RT 1 Total 2 EA Say 2EA ITEM 376.NP SHEET 77 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 376. 1 EA Hydrant Street Location Quantity Hatfield 806+96 RT 1 Total 1 EA Say 1EA ITEM 376.3 SHEET 78 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 376.3 1 EA Hydrant - Removed and Stacked Street Location Quantity Hatfield 814+93 RT 1 Total 1 EA Say 1EA ITEM 376.3 NP SHEET 79 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 376.3 1 EA Hydrant - Removed and Stacked Street Location Quantity Hatfield 814+93 RT 1 Total 1 EA Say 1EA ITEM 381. SHEET 80 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 381. 1 EA Service Box Street Station Offset Roundabout 700+00 RT 1 Total 1 EA Say 1EA End Count Bldg #245 North King ITEM 381.3 SHEET 81 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 381.3 7 EA Service Box Adjusted Address Station #200 906+00 1 #216 909+00 1 #227 909+00 1 #222 910+00 1 #239 911+50 1 #245 700+00 1 #285 103+50 1 Total 7 EA Say 7EA Count ITEM 381.3 NP SHEET 82 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 381.3 6 EA Service Box Adjusted Address Station Condo Unit 2 1 Hatfield Condo Unit 3 1 Hatfield Condo Unit 4 1 Hatfield Condo Unit 5 1 Hatfield Condo Unit 6 1 Hatfield Skibiski 1 Hatfield Total 6 EA Say 6EA Count ITEM 384. SHEET 83 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 384. 1 EA Curb Stop Location Quantity Sta 700+00 1 #245 Total 1 EA Say 1EA ITEM 402. SHEET 84 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 402. 910 CY Dense Graded Crushed Stone for Subbase Item: SY Depth (in)CY From Item 455.42 (SBC)6,911 4 768 # of dams CY/Dam Fromt Item 986.2 (Rockfill)12 1.3 16 Total 783.9 CY Swell (15%)117.6 CY per Exhibit 18-25 Total 901 CY Say 910 CY Total Area =6,911 SY ITEM 415. SHEET 85 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 415. 8900 SY Pavement Micromilling North King St - South Start End Length (ft)Depth (In)Comment 899+73 903+00 327 44.5 14,552 2.00 1616.8 M&O 903+00 905+05 205 36 7,380 2.00 820.0 M&O 905+05 909+00 395 18 0 0.0 LT - FD 905+05 909+00 395 18 7,110 2.00 790.0 RT - M&O 909+00 910+34 134 40 0 0.0 FD 910+34 912+30 196 36 0 0.0 FD Subtotals SF 3,226.8 SY North King St - North Start End Length (ft)Depth (In)Comment 100+00 102+40 240 36 0 0.0 FD 102+40 102+80 40 45 0 0.0 FD 102+80 104+27 147 20 0 0.0 LT - FD 102+80 104+27 147 18 2,646 2.00 294.0 RT - M&O 104+27 106+84 257 22.5 0 0.0 LT - FD 104+27 106+84 257 22.5 5,783 2.00 642.5 RT - M&O 106+84 108+20 136 36 4,896 2.00 544.0 M&O 108+20 110+50 230 40 9,200 2.00 1022.2 M&O Subtotals SF 2,502.7 SY Roundabout Outside Inside Outside Depth (In)Comment 67.5 46.5 14,307 6,789 7,517 0.0 FD Subtotals SF 0.0 SY Hatfield Street Start End Length (ft)Depth (In)Comment 800+71 812+43 1,172 24 28,128 2.00 3125.3 M&O 812+43 815+00 257 32 0 0.0 FD 815+00 816+43 143 46 0 0.0 FD 816+43 816+72 29 41 0 0.0 FD Subtotals SF 3,125.3 SY Total 8,854.9 SY Total Area 87,211 SF Say 8,900 SY Total Area 9,690 SY Width (ft) Area (SF) Area (SY) 29,041.5 Width (ft) Area (SF) Area (SY) Width (ft) Area (SF) Area (SY) 28,128.0 22,524.5 Inside Area Area (SF) Area (SY) 7,517.2 ITEM 430. SHEET 86 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 430. 110 SY Cement Concrete Base Course North King St - North Start End Length (ft)Area (SY)Comment 102+95 105+65 270 3.5 945 105 Total 105 SY Say 110 SY Width (ft) Area (SF) Tons ITEM 440. SHEET 87 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 440. 12700 LB Calcium Chloride For Roadway Dust Control Area from Total LB 12,647 12,647 Total 12,647 LB Say 12,700 LB (LB/SY) 1 ITEM 443. SHEET 88 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 443. 13 MGL Water for Roadway Dust Control Total GL Total MGL 12,647 12.647 Total 12.647 MGL Say 13 MGL (Gal/SY)Area from Item 170. 12,647 1 ITEM 450. SHEET 89 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 450. 80 CY Gravel for Surfacing Driveway Start End Length (ft)Depth (in)Comment +50 4+60 410 12 4.00 60.7 driveway Subtotal 60.7 CY Swell (25%)* 75.9 CY Total 76 CY Say 80 CY Total Area = 547 SY *per Exhibit 18-25 4,920.0 Area (SF) Width (ft) Volume (CY) ITEM 450.231 SHEET 90 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 450.231 1700 TON Superpave Surface Course - 12.5 Polymer (SSC - 12.5 - P) North King St - South Start End Length (ft)Depth (In)Comment 899+73 903+00 327 44.5 14,552 2.00 181.1 M&O 903+00 905+05 205 36 7,380 2.00 91.8 M&O 905+05 909+00 395 18 7,110 1.75 77.4 LT - FD 905+05 909+00 395 18 7,110 2.00 88.5 RT - M&O 909+00 910+34 134 40 5,360 1.75 58.4 FD 910+34 912+30 196 36 7,056 1.75 76.8 FD Subtotals SF 574.0 Tons North King St - North Start End Length (ft)Depth (In)Comment 100+00 102+40 240 36 8,640 1.75 94.1 FD 102+40 102+80 40 45 1,800 1.75 19.6 FD 102+80 104+27 147 20 2,940 1.75 32.0 LT - FD 102+80 104+27 147 18 2,646 2.00 32.9 RT - M&O 104+27 106+84 257 22.5 5,783 1.75 63.0 LT - FD 104+27 106+84 257 22.5 5,783 2.00 72.0 RT - M&O 106+84 108+20 136 36 4,896 2.00 60.9 M&O 108+20 110+50 230 40 9,200 2.00 114.5 M&O Subtotals SF 489.0 Tons Roundabout Outside Inside Outside Depth (In)Comment 67.5 46.5 14,307 6,789 7,517 1.75 81.9 FD Subtotals SF 81.9 Tons Hatfield Street Start End Length (ft)Depth (In)Comment 800+71 812+43 1,172 24 28,128 2.00 350.0 M&O 812+43 815+00 257 32 8,224 1.75 89.6 FD 815+00 816+43 143 46 6,578 1.75 71.6 FD 816+43 816+72 29 41 1,189 1.75 12.9 FD Subtotals SF 524.2 Tons Total 1,669.0 tons Total Area 141,891 SF Say 1,700 tons Total Area 15,766 SY Tons Width (ft) Area (SF) Tons Inside Area Area (SF) Tons Area (SF) Width (ft) 48,567.5 44,119.0 41,687.0 Width (ft) Area (SF) Tons 7,517.2 ITEM 450.32 SHEET 91 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 450.32 900 TON Superpave Intermediate Course - 19.0 (SIC - 19.0) North King St - South Start End Length (ft)Depth (In)Comment 899+73 903+00 327 44.5 0 0.00 0.0 M&O 903+00 905+05 205 36 0 0.00 0.0 M&O 905+05 909+00 395 18 0 0.00 0.0 LT - M&O 905+05 909+00 395 18 7,110 2.25 99.5 RT - FD 909+00 910+34 134 40 5,360 2.25 75.0 FD 910+34 912+30 196 36 7,056 2.25 98.8 FD Subtotals SF 273.4 Tons North King St - North Start End Length (ft)Depth (In)Comment 100+00 102+40 240 36 8,640 2.25 121.0 FD 102+40 102+80 40 45 1,800 2.25 25.2 FD 102+80 104+27 147 20 2,940 2.25 41.2 LT - FD 102+80 104+27 147 18 0 0.00 0.0 RT - M&O 104+27 106+84 257 22.5 5,783 2.25 81.0 LT - FD 104+27 106+84 257 22.5 0 0.00 0.0 RT - M&O 106+84 108+20 136 36 0 0.00 0.0 M&O 108+20 110+50 230 40 0 0.00 0.0 M&O Subtotals SF 268.3 Tons Roundabout Outside Inside Outside Depth (In)Comment 67.5 46.5 14,307 6,789 7,517 2.25 105.2 FD Subtotals SF 105.2 Tons Hatfield Street Start End Length (ft)Depth (In)Comment 800+71 812+43 1,172 24 0 0.00 0.0 M&O 812+43 815+00 257 32 8,224 2.25 115.1 FD 815+00 816+43 143 46 6,578 2.25 92.1 FD 816+43 816+72 29 41 1,189 2.25 16.6 FD Subtotals SF 223.9 Tons Total 870.8 tons Total Area 62,197 SF Say 900 tons Total Area 6,911 SY Width (ft) Area (SF) Tons 15,991.0 19,526.0 Width (ft) Area (SF) Tons 19,162.5 Inside Area Area (SF) Tons 7,517.2 Width (ft) Area (SF) Tons ITEM 450.42 SHEET 92 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 450.42 1800 TON Superpave Base Course - 37.5 (SBC - 37.5) North King St - South Start End Length (ft)Depth (In)Comment 899+73 903+00 327 44.5 0 0.00 0.0 M&O 903+00 905+05 205 36 0 0.00 0.0 M&O 905+05 909+00 395 18 7,110 4.50 199.1 LT - FD 905+05 909+00 395 18 0 0.00 0.0 RT - M&O 909+00 910+34 134 40 5,360 4.50 150.1 FD 910+34 912+30 196 36 7,056 4.50 197.6 FD Subtotals SF 546.7 Tons North King St - North Start End Length (ft)Depth (In)Comment 100+00 102+40 240 36 8,640 4.50 241.9 FD 102+40 102+80 40 45 1,800 4.50 50.4 FD 102+80 104+27 147 20 2,940 4.50 82.3 LT - FD 102+80 104+27 147 18 0 0.00 0.0 RT - M&O 104+27 106+84 257 22.5 5,783 4.50 161.9 LT - FD 104+27 106+84 257 22.5 0 0.00 0.0 RT - M&O 106+84 108+20 136 36 0 0.00 0.0 M&O 108+20 110+50 230 40 0 0.00 0.0 M&O Subtotals SF 536.6 Tons Roundabout Outside Inside Outside Depth (In)Comment 67.5 46.5 14,307 6,789 7,517 4.50 210.5 FD Subtotals SF 210.5 Tons Hatfield Street Start End Length (ft)Depth (In)Comment 800+71 812+43 1,172 24 0 0.00 0.0 M&O 812+43 815+00 257 32 8,224 4.50 230.3 FD 815+00 816+43 143 46 6,578 4.50 184.2 FD 816+43 816+72 29 41 1,189 4.50 33.3 FD Subtotals SF 447.7 Tons Total 1,741.5 tons Total Area 62,197 SF Say 1,800 tons Total Area 6,911 SY Tons Width (ft) Area (SF) 15,991.0 19,526.0 Width (ft) Area (SF) Tons 19,162.5 Inside Area Area (SF) Tons 7,517.2 Width (ft) Area (SF) Tons ITEM 451. SHEET 93 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 451. 100 TON HMA For Patching Item: Length (ft)SY Depth (in)Tons Token for Areas near project limits 100 Total 100 Tons Say 100 Tons Width (ft) ITEM 451. NP SHEET 94 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 451. 230 TON HMA For Patching Item: Length (ft)SY Depth (in)Tons Hatfield 8" Water 15 5 8 4 2 Hatfield 10" Water 60 5 33 4 7 Hatfield 12" Water 1,400 5 778 5 218 Total 227 Tons Say 230 Tons Total Area =819 SY Width (ft) ITEM 452. SHEET 95 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 452. 2170 GAL Asphalt Emulsion for Tack Coat HMA Area Rate #Total Item 415. 9,690 0.08 1 775.2 Item 450.23 - 415. 6,076 0.07 1 425.3 Item 450.32 & 450.42 6,911 0.07 2 967.5 Total 2168.00 GAL Say 2170 GAL ITEM 453. SHEET 96 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 453. 4600 FT HMA Joint Sealant Misc/Transverse Cold Joints Station Offset Remarks 909+09 - 44 1 44 NKS - Full Depth Limit 912+30 95 1 95 NKS - Roundabout 100+00 - 115 1 115 NKN - Roundabout 102+95 - 46 1 46 NKN - Full Depth Limit 106+84 - 18 1 18 NKN - Full Depth (Half Width) Limit 812+43 - 24 1 24 HAT - Full Depth Limit 816+72 - 80 1 80 HAT - Roundabout 807+40 RT 30 1 30 Driveway - Hatfield 809+64 RT 17 1 17 Driveway - Hatfield 811+24 RT 23 1 23 Driveway - Hatfield 902+58 LT 115 1 115 Driveway - N King S 905+20 LT 20 1 20 Driveway - N King S 906+41 LT 20 1 20 Driveway - N King S 907+41 LT 32 1 32 Driveway - N King S 909+30 LT 34 1 34 Driveway - N King S 910+00 RT 39 1 39 Driveway - N King S 910+27 LT 32 1 32 Driveway - N King S 102+61 LT 14 1 14 Driveway - N King N 103+10 RT 28 1 28 Driveway - N King N 104+53 RT 32 1 32 Driveway - N King N Subtotal 858 FT Longitudinal Cold Joints (assumes contract requirement of wedge joint between passes) Start End Remarks 102+95 106+84 389 1 389 NKN - Half Full/Half Mill Section 800+71 812+43 1172 1 1172 HAT - Granite Curb Install 899+73 909+09 936 2 1872 NKS - Granite Curb/HMA Berm Install 106+84 108+20 136 2 272 NKN - Sloped Granite Splitter Island Subtotal 3705 FT Total 4563 FT Say 4600 FT Length (feet) # of Joints Total Length (ft) Length (feet) # of Joints Total Length ITEM 472. SHEET 97 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 472. 500 TON Asphalt Mixtures for Temporary Work SY 12" Drain 1,900 5 1,056 5 296 8" Water 20 5 11 3 2 10" Water 50 5 28 3 4 12" Water 615 5 342 4 67 Token 100 Total 468.0 Say 500 Tons Total Area =1,436 SY Width (ft) Depth (in) TonsLength (ft) ITEM 482.3 SHEET 98 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 482.3 3600 FT Sawing Asphalt Pavement Station Offset # of Total Remarks Token Quantity for Misc Use 250 Subtotal 250 FT Longitudinal Sawcuts (for curb/edging installation) Start End Remarks 800+71 812+43 1172 1 1172 HAT - Granite Curb Install 899+73 909+00 927 2 1854 NKS - Granite Curb/HMA Berm Install 106+84 108+20 136 2 272 NKN - Sloped Granite Splitter Island Subtotal 3298 FT Total 3548 FT Subtotal 3600 FT MassDOT superpave specification includes the sawcutting of all longitudinal and transverse joints for the purpose of paving in the payment of the pavement items. This includes work associated with patching. Length (feet) # of Joints Length (feet) Total Length ITEM 506. SHEET 99 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 506. 7200 FT Granite Curb Type VB - Straight King St - South Start End Length (ft)Total Comment 899+73 900+79 106 1 0.0 106.0 road - RT 900+79 910+43 964 2 306.0 1622.0 road - RT / LT 901+49 901+98 49 1 0.0 49.0 back of walk - LT 903+15 903+90 75 1 0.0 75.0 back of walk - LT 910+43 912+28 185 4 0.0 740.0 road - RT / LT at approach Subtotal 2,486.0 FT King St - North Start End Length (ft)Total Comment 100+00 102+39 239 4 0.0 956.0 road - RT / LT at approach 102+39 102+81 42 2 12.0 72.0 road - RT / LT 102+81 104+27 146 4 29.0 555.0 104+27 106+88 261 2 83.0 439.0 106+88 108+17 129 2 0.0 258.0 splitter island Subtotal 2,280.0 FT Roundabout Start End Length (ft)Total Comment 700+27 700+44 17 1 0.0 17.0 road 700+77 701+10 33 1 0.0 33.0 road 701+38 702+26 88 1 0.0 88.0 road 702+48 702+65 17 1 0.0 17.0 road 702+88 703+06 18 1 0.0 18.0 road 703+33 703+57 24 1 0.0 24.0 road 703+79 704+05 26 1 0.0 26.0 road Subtotal 223.0 FT Hatfield Start End Length (ft)Total Comment 800+70 812+43 1,173 1 85.0 1088.0 road - RT 801+00 801+75 75 1 75.0 road - LT 807+00 807+30 30 1 30.0 road - LT 812+43 816+22 379 2 0.0 758.0 road 816+22 816+72 50 4 0.0 200.0 road Subtotal 2,151.0 FT Total 7,140 FT Say 7,200 FT Sides Minus Drives Sides Minus Drives Sides Minus Drives Sides Minus Drives ITEM 506.1 SHEET 100 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 506.1 330 FT Granite Curb Type VB - Curved Street Start End Station Offset Length Remarks NKS 902+08 902+28 LT 20 NKS 903+12 903+45 LT 33 NKS 904+89 905+10 LT 21 NKS 905+31 905+42 LT 11 NKS 906+17 906+31 LT 14 NKS 906+51 906+66 LT 15 NKS 907+12 907+25 LT 13 NKS 907+56 907+70 LT 14 NKS 908+98 909+14 LT 16 NKS 909+46 909+66 LT 20 NKS 909+78 909+82 RT 4 NKS 910+19 910+24 RT 5 NKS 910+03 910+14 LT 11 NKS 910+41 910+51 LT 10 RND 704+00 704+08 RT 16 RND 700+20 700+31 RT 22 NKN 104+36 104+40 RT 16 NKN 106+85 106+88 15 NKN 108+17 108+20 15 HAT 807+17 807+22 RT 5 HAT 807+55 807+60 RT 5 HAT 809+47 809+52 RT 5 HAT 809+70 809+75 RT 5 HAT 811+05 811+10 RT 5 HAT 811+37 811+42 RT 5 Total 321 FT Say 330 FT ITEM 507. SHEET 101 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 507. 300 FT Granite Curb with Beveled Edge Radius Roundabout 46.5 292.02 Outside of truck apron Total 292 FT Say 300 FT Length (feet) Remarks ITEM 509. SHEET 102 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 509. 150 FT Granite Transition Curb for Wheelchair Ramps - Straight No Station Offset Right Left Total 3 911+91 LT 11 6.5 17.5 5 100+33 RT 6.5 11 17.5 6 100+31 LT 11 6.5 17.5 7 816+40 LT 6.5 11 17.5 8 816+42 RT 11 6.5 17.5 9 103+83 RT 6.5 9 15.5 10 103+82 LT 9 6.5 15.5 13 800+88 RT 9 6.5 15.5 16 807+12 RT 7.67 0 7.67 Total 142 FT Say 150 FT Start ITEM 509.1 SHEET 103 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 509.1 60 FT Granite Transition Curb for Wheelchair Ramps - Curved No Station Offset Right Left Total 1 902+20 LT 11 2 903+19 LT 9 11 106+92 LT 9 12 106+49 LT 9 15 807+12 LT 6.5 16 807+12 RT 6.5 Total 51 FT Say 60 FT Start ITEM 514. SHEET 104 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 514. 13 EA Granite Curb Inlet - Straight From Item 201.: 11 From Item 204.: 2 Total 13 EA Say 13 EA ITEM 570.2 SHEET 105 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 570.2 700 FT Hot Mix Asphalt Curb Type 2 King St - South Start End Length (ft)Total Comment Subtotal 0.0 FT King St - North Start End Length (ft)Total Comment 106+84 110+50 366 2 34.0 698.0 road LT / RT Subtotal 698.0 FT Roundabout Start End Length (ft)Total Comment Subtotal 0.0 FT Hatfield Start End Length (ft)Total Comment Subtotal 0.0 FT Total 698.0 FT Say 700 FT Sides Minus Drives Sides Minus Drives Sides Minus Drives Sides Minus Drives ITEM 620.13 SHEET 106 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 620.13 540 FT Guardrail, TL-3 (Single Faced) Start End Station ength (ft)Total Comment NKN 104+82 110+16 534 1 534.0 Total 534 FT Say 540 FT Sides Minus Drives ITEM 627.83 SHEET 107 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 627.83 1 EA Guardrail Tangent End Treatment, TL-3 Start End Station ength (ft)Total Comment NKN 104+82 RT 1.0 Total 1 EA Say 1EA Sides Minus Drives ITEM 628.21 SHEET 108 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 628.21 1 EA Transition to NCHRP 350 Guardrail Start End Station ength (ft)Total Comment NKN 110+16 RT 1.0 Total 1 EA Say 1EA Sides Minus Drives ITEM 630.1 SHEET 109 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 630.1 600 FT Highway Guard Removed and Stacked Start End Length (ft)Total Comment NKN 104+50 110+50 600 1 600.0 Total 600 FT Say 600 FT Sides Minus Drives ITEM 666. SHEET 110 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 666. 210 FT Chain Link Fence Removed and Reset Start End Station Total Comment Hatfield 808+00 810+25 225 1 20.0 205.0 Total 205 FT Say 210 FT Sides Minus Drives Length (ft) ITEM 697.1 SHEET 111 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 697.1 40 EA Silt Sack CB Total Hatfield (Existing)11 North King (Existing)16 16 From Item 201. (Proposed)19 19 Total 36 EA Say 40 EA ITEM 698.4 SHEET 112 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 698.4 1100 SY Geotextile Fabric for Permanent Erosion Control King St - North Area (SY) Start End Length (ft)Offset Comment 100+00 105+00 500 10 LT 555.6 Swale Subtotal 555.6 SY Hatfield Area (SY) Start End Length (ft)Offset Comment 813+00 816+72 372 10 LT 413.3 Swale Subtotal 413.3 SY Roundabout Area (SY) Start End Length (ft)Offset Comment 701+20 702+30 110 10 RT 122.2 Swale Subtotal 122.2 SY Total 1,091.1 SY Total 1,091 SY Say 1,100 SY Total Area = 1,091 SY 1,100.0 Width (ft) Width (ft) Width (ft) Area (SF) 5,000.0 Area (SF) 3,720.0 Area (SF) ITEM 701. SHEET 113 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 701. 2100 SY Cement Concrete Sidewalk King St - South Area (SY) Start End Length (ft)Offset Comment 899+73 902+32 259 5 RT 143.9 sidewalk 903+19 905+01 182 5 RT 101.1 sidewalk 905+32 906+29 97 5 RT 53.9 sidewalk 906+54 907+22 68 5 RT 37.8 sidewalk 907+59 909+11 152 6 RT 101.3 sidewalk 909+53 910+14 61 7 RT 47.4 sidewalk 910+41 912+30 189 5 LT 105.0 sidewalk Bike Ramp at Roundabout RT 47.2 Bike Ramp Subtotal 637.7 SY King St - North Area (SY) Start End Length (ft)Offset Comment 100+00 102+53 253 5 LT 140.6 sidewalk 102+69 105+80 311 5 LT 172.8 sidewalk South of Station 100+00 45 5 RT 25.0 sidewalk 100+00 102+49 249 5 RT 138.3 sidewalk 103+30 103+87 57 5 RT 31.7 sidewalk Bike Ramp at Roundabout LT 5.6 Subtotal 513.9 SY Hatfield Street Area (SY) Start End Length (ft)Offset Comment 801+10 801+65 55 5 LT 30.6 sidewalk 800+70 807+20 650 5 RT 361.1 sidewalk 807+05 807+20 15 4 LT 6.7 sidewalk 807+55 809+52 197 5 RT 109.4 sidewalk 809+71 811+10 139 5 RT 77.2 sidewalk 811+37 815+00 363 5 RT 201.7 sidewalk 815+00 816+72 172 5 RT 95.6 sidewalk 816+46 816+72 26 6 LT 17.3 sidewalk Subtotal 869.0 SY Roundabout Area (SY) Start End Length (ft)Offset Comment 701+20 702+30 110 5 RT 61.1 sidewalk 702+94 703+06 12 5 RT 6.7 sidewalk Subtotal 67.8 SY Total 2,088.3 SY Say 2,100 SY Total Area = 2,119 SY Width (ft) Width (ft) Width (ft) Width (ft) 1,295.0 910.0 485.0 340.0 Area (SF) 912.0 427.0 945.0 1,265.0 1,555.0 Area (SF) 425.0 60.0 Area (SF) 225.0 1,245.0 3,250.0 985.0 695.0 Area (SF) 1,815.0 860.0 156.0 550.0 285.0 50.0 275.0 60.0 ITEM 701.1 SHEET 114 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 701.1 10 SY Cement Concrete Sidewalk at Driveways King St - North Start End Length (ft)Offset Comment 102+53 102+69 16 5 80.0 LT 8.9 sidewalk Subtotal 8.9 SY Total 9 SY Say 10 SY Total Area =9SY Width (ft) Area (SF) Area (SY) ITEM 701.2 SHEET 115 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 701.2 190 SY Cement Concrete Wheelchair Ramp Type 1 No. Start End Length (ft)Comment 1 902+20 LT 11 5 55.0 6.1 2 903+19 LT 9 5 45.0 5.0 11 106+92 LT 9 5 45.0 5.0 12 106+49 LT 9 5 45.0 5.0 Subtotal 21.1 SY Type 2 No. Start Offset Length (ft)Comment 3 911+91 LT 28 5 137.5 15.3 4 911+94 RT 26 5 130.0 14.4 5 100+33 RT 31 5 156.3 17.4 6 100+31 LT 28 5 137.5 15.3 7 816+40 LT 28 5 140.0 15.6 8 816+42 RT 28 5 140.0 15.6 9 103+83 RT 26 5 130.0 14.4 10 103+82 LT 26 5 130.0 14.4 13 800+88 RT 26 5 127.5 14.2 14 801+00 LT 16 5 80.0 8.9 15 807+07 RT 13 5 65.0 7.2 16 807+06 LT 13 5 65.0 7.2 Subtotal 159.9 SY Total 181.0 SY Say 190 SY Total Area =181 SY Width (ft) Area (SF) Area (SY) Width (ft) Area (SF) Area (SY) ITEM 701.992 SHEET 116 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 701.992 500 SY Stamped and Colored Concrete Roundabout Outside Outside Comment 46.5 28.5 6,789 2,550 471.0 truck apron Subtotal 471.0 SY Total 471 SY Say 500 SY Total Area =471 SY 4,239.0 Area (SF)Area (SY) Inside Radius (ft) Truck Apron Area (SF) ITEM 703. SHEET 117 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 703. 310 TON Hot Mix Asphalt Driveway Driveways Street Start End Length (ft)Tons Comment NKS 902+28 902+55 27 40 120.0 3.50 23.5 WalMart NKS 902+55 903+30 75 7.5 62.5 3.50 12.3 WalMart NKS 905+10 905+31 21 30 70.0 3.50 13.7 Burke NKS 906+31 906+51 20 24 53.3 3.50 10.5 Burke NKS 907+25 907+56 31 16.5 56.8 3.50 11.1 Valley Motor NKS 908+05 908+41 36 10 40.0 3.50 7.8 UHAUL 1 NKS 909+14 909+46 32 16.5 58.7 3.50 11.5 Valley Motor NKS 909+82 910+19 37 7 28.8 3.50 5.6 UHAUL 2 NKS 910+14 910+41 27 15.5 46.5 3.50 9.1 Marks Motors RND 38 25 105.6 4.50 26.6 Autobody DWY +22 2+50 228 12 304.0 3.50 59.6 Skibiski Driveway NKN 102+96 103+25 29 12 38.7 3.50 7.6 Realty World 1 NKN 104+40 104+66 26 16 46.2 3.50 9.1 Realty World 2 NKN 105+87 106+44 57 22 139.3 3.50 27.3 River Valley Co-op NKN 110+08 110+42 34 18 68.0 3.50 13.3 HAT 807+20 807+55 35 20.5 79.7 3.50 15.6 WalMart HAT 809+50 809+68 18 20 40.0 3.50 7.8 Burke HAT 811+03 811+35 32 24 85.3 3.50 16.7 Valley Motor Total Area (SY): Subtotal: 288.8 Tons Add 5%: 14.4 Tons Total: 303 Tons Say 310 Tons Area (SY) Width (ft) Depth (IN) 1,443.4 ITEM 710.3 SHEET 118 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 710.3 10 EA Bound - Lettered Granite STA Offset EA 815+48 LT 1 815+37 RT 1 899+81 LT 1 899+83 LT 1 903+90 LT 1 909+40 LT 1 909+40 LT 1 911+42 LT 1 100+97 LT 1 100+98 LT 1 Total 10 EA Say 10 EA North King (South) North King (North) North King (North) North King (South) North King (South) North King (South) Street Hatfield Hatfield North King (South) North King (South) ITEM 710.4 SHEET 119 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 710.4 2 EA Bound - Plain Granite STA Offset EA 812+88 LT 1 814+88 RT 1 Total 2 EA Say 2EA Street Hatfield Hatfield ITEM 711. SHEET 120 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 711. 3 EA Bound Removed and Reset STA Offset EA 907+82 LT 1 911+50 LT 1 800+96 LT 1 Total 3 EA Say 3EA Street North King (South) North King (South) Hatfield Street ITEM 715.1 SHEET 121 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 715.1 2 EA Mail Box Removed and Reset STA Offset EA North King 912+30 RT 1 North King 103+20 RT 1 Total 2 EA Say 2EA Street ITEM 734. SHEET 122 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 734. 3 EA Sign Removed and Reset STA Offset EA 908+00 LT 1 912+00 LT 1 701+15 LT 1 Total 3 EA Say 3EA Street North King South Roundabout North King South ITEM 740. SHEET 123 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 740. 30 MO Engineers Field Office and Equipment (Type A) Total 30 MO Say 30 MO ITEM 748. SHEET 124 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 748. 1 LS Mobilization 3% per MassDOT ITEM 751. SHEET 125 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 751. 800 CY Loam Borrow Locations Area Depth Volume From Item 765. Seeding 5,743 4 638 Subtotal 638 CY 25% Swell 160 CY per Exhibit 18-25 Total 798 CY Say 800 CY ITEM 756. SHEET 126 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 756. 1 LS NPDES Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Total 1 LS Say 1LS ITEM 765. SHEET 127 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 765. 5800 SY Seeding Location/Item Area (SY) Limit of work (From CAD)25,242 Top Course Paving (From Item 455.23)-15,766 Cement Concrete Sidewalk (From Item 701.)-2,100 Cement Concrete Wheelchair Ramp (From Item 701.2)-190 Driveways (From Item 703.)-1,443 Total 5,743 SY Say 5,800 SY ITEM 767.121 SHEET 128 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 767.121 3550 FT Sediment Control Barrier Start End Length (ft)Total Comment Hatfield 800+72 816+72 1,600 1 76.0 1524.0 Hatfield 811+32 816+72 540 1 76.0 464.0 King South 910+50 912+30 180 1 0.0 180.0 King South 911+18 912+30 112 1 0.0 112.0 King North 100+00 102+95 295 1 25.0 270.0 Driveway +70 4+60 390 2 0.0 780.0 Roundabout 85 1 0.0 85.0 Swale Stabilization (Check Dams)1,100 6 132 Total 3,547 FT Say 3,550 FT 1/50 Swale Length Sides Minus Drives Dam LengthFrequency ITEM 804.15 SHEET 129 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 804.15 600 FT 1-1/2 Inch Electrical Conduit Type NM - Plastic - (UL) Item No. Length Total Comment From Item 813.30 1 600 600 Total 600 FT Say 600 FT ITEM 804.3 SHEET 130 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 804.3 30 FT 3 Inch Electrical Conduit Type NM - Plastic - (UL) Item No. Length Total Comment From UP to LLC 1 25 25 Total 25 FT Say 30 FT ITEM 806.3 SHEET 131 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 806.3 100 FT 3 Inch Electrical Conduit Type RM - Galvanized Steel Item No. Length Total Comment For UP Riser 120 20 Total 20 FT Say 100 FT ITEM 811.22 SHEET 132 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 811.22 1 EA Electric Handhole - SD2.022 Location Quantity 701+70 RT 1 Total 1 EA Say 1EA ITEM 812.09 SHEET 133 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 812.09 14 EA Light Standard Foundation Precast Location Quantity From Item 821.12 14 Total 14 EA Say 14 EA ITEM 813.30 SHEET 134 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 813.30 1800 FT Wire Type 7 No. 10 General Purpose Start Offset End Station Offset No. Length Total Comment LLC to LP1 3 12 36 LP1 to LP2 3 34 102 LP2 to LP3 3 58 174 LP3 to LP4 3 51 153 LP4 to PULLBOX 3 39 117 PULLBOX to LP5 3 21 63 LP5 to LP6 3 60 180 LLC to LP1 3 20 60 LP1 to LP2 3 31 93 LP2 to LP3 3 51 153 LP3 to LP4 3 37 111 LP4 to LP5 3 39 117 LP5 to LP6 3 49 147 LP6 to LP7 3 49 147 LP7 to LP8 3 39 117 Total 1,770 FT Say 1,800 FT CKT A - West CKT B - East ITEM 813.81 SHEET 135 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 813.81 1 LS Service Connection (Underground) Location Quantity 703+00 RT 1 (at controller box) Total 1 Say 1 Roundabout ITEM 821.01 SHEET 136 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 821.01 14 EA 14 Foot Ornamental Light Pole w/ Base (Black) Location Quantity Hatfield St 816+50 LT 1 Hatfield St 816+46 RT 1 North King St 911+86 LT 1 North King St 912+01 RT 1 North King St 100+29 LT 1 North King St 100+35 RT 1 Roundabout 701+96 RT 1 Roundabout 701+42 RT 1 Roundabout 702+86 RT 1 Roundabout 703+14 RT 1 Roundabout 703+75 RT 1 Roundabout 704+05 RT 1 Roundabout 700+30 RT 1 Roundabout 700+90 RT 1 Total 14 EA Say 14 EA ITEM 823.01 SHEET 137 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 823.01 14 EA 70-Watt Equiv. LED Luminaire w/ Decr. Housing Location Quantity From Item 821.12 14 Total 14 Say 14 ITEM 823.60 SHEET 138 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 823.60 1 LS Highway Lighting Load Center Location Quantity Hatfield St 816+71 LT 1 Total 1 Say 1 ITEM 824.01 SHEET 139 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 824.01 3 EA Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon Location Quantity See Sign Summary Sheet 6 Locations 3 Pairs Total 3 EA Say 3EA ITEM 832. SHEET 140 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 832. 370 SF Warning-Regulatory and Route Marker - Alum. Panel (Type A) Width (in)Height (in)Count Total Area See Sign Summary Sheet 367.50 Total 367.50 SF Say 370 SF ID Number Area (SI)Area (SF) ITEM 847.1 SHEET 141 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 847.1 44 EA Sign Sup (N/Guide)+RTE MKR W/1 Brkway Post Assembly - Steel Sign Count 44 See Sign Summary Sheet Total 44 EA Say 44 EA ID Number Post Type Post Count Notes ITEM 851.1 SHEET 142 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 851.1 240 Day Traffic Cones for Traffic Management Project Duration # Months Total Days 24 480 Assume Half 240 Days Total 240 Days Say 240 Days # days/ month 20 # of days in which greater than 50 cones are required ITEM 852. SHEET 143 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 852. 490 SF Safety Signing for Traffic Management TTCP Sign Summary Total Area 485.19 Total 485.19 SF Say 490 SF ITEM 853.1 SHEET 144 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 853.1 10 EA Portable Breakaway Barricade Type III Token Quantity 10 EA Say 10 EA ITEM 853.2 SHEET 145 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 853.2 600 FT Temporary Barrier (TL-2) Start End No. Rows Total Comment 100+00 103+72 0 372 0 Driveway 0950 910+00 912+00 0 200 0 100+00 103+00 0 300 0 100+00 103+00 2 300 600 Total 600 FT Say 600 FT Length (ft) **Number calculated for TMP Phase 3 which requires the maximum amount of Jersey Barrier at any given time. Phase 2 -East Phase 1 - N King S Phase 1 Phase 2 -East Phase 3- west ITEM 853.21 SHEET 146 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 853.21 1,800 FT Temporary Concrete Barrier Removed and Reset 1800 Total 1,800 FT Say 1,800 FT Assume 600 Feet per phase X 3 ITEM 853.41 SHEET 147 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 853.41 3 EA Temp. Imp. Attenuator For Shldr, Incapable of Redirection Three Phases 3 EA Say 3EA ITEM 853.411 SHEET 148 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 853.411 2 EA Temp. Imp. Attenuator For Shldr, Incapable of Redirection R&R Three Phases/ Two resets 2 EA Say 2EA ITEM 854.016 SHEET 149 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 854.016 13,700 FT Temporary Paving Markings - 6 In. (Painted) Item 866.106 5,847 866.112 722 867.106 6,209 867.112 883 Total 13,660 FT Say 13,700 FT Length (ft) ITEM 854.036 SHEET 150 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 854.036 6,000 FT Temporary Paving Markings - 6 In. (Tape) Start End No. Lines Phase 1 3 1,000 2 4 1000 Dotted Lines Phase 2 3 1,000 2 4 1000 Dotted Lines Phase 3 3 1,000 2 4 1000 Dotted Lines Phase 4 3 1,000 2 4 1000 Dotted Lines Phase 5 3 1,000 2 4 1000 Dotted Lines Phase 6 3 1,000 2 4 1000 Dotted Lines Total 6,000 FT Say 6,000 FT Total Length Line Length Length (ft) Gaps (FT) ITEM 856. SHEET 151 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 856. 720 Day Arrow Board # Boards # Months Total Days 3 24 1440 Assume 1/2 720 Days Total 720 Days Say 720 Days # days/ month 20 ITEM 856.12 SHEET 152 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 856.12 1440 Day Portable Changeable Message Sign # Signs # Months Total Days 4 24 2880 Assume 6-month need 1440 Days Total 1440 Days Say 1440 Days # days/ month 30 ITEM 859. SHEET 153 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 859. 18,000 DD Reflectorized Drum Project Duration: 2.4 Years (per Boston) Work Location Total No. 25 720 18000 Total 18,000 DD Say 18,000 DD # Drums # Days ITEM 864.01 SHEET 154 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 864.01 400 SF Pavement Arrow And Legends Refl. White - Inlay Tape Type Quantity Area per Total Comment 4 46.8 187.2 YIELD 4 19.8 79.2 ISOSCELES TRIANGLES 20 3 60 YIELD Marks 4 18 72 Total 398.4 SF Say 400 SF ONLY + Arrow ITEM 866.206 SHEET 155 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 866.206 5,900 FT 6 Inch Wet Refl. White Line (Polyurea)(Recessed) Start End No. Lines Length Total Comment 899+73 912+30 2 1257 2,514 100+00 110+50 2 1050 2,100 812+50 817+00 2 450 900 815+00 816+72 172 702+90 703+10 20 909+82 910+79 1 97 32 DWL 910+86 911+97 1 111 37 DWL 101+91 101+97 1 6 2 DWL 101+62 102+79 1 117 39 DWL 902+25 903+16 1 91 30 DWELx Total 5,847 FT Say 5,900 FT Shoulder entering roundabout from HAT Shoulder of Roundabout between HAT and NKS ITEM 866.212 SHEET 156 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 866.212 730 FT 12 Inch Wet Refl. White Line (Polyurea)(Recessed) Start End Offset Length No. Ladder No. of Bars Length Remarks 103+00 10 8 80 Hatfield 902+00 10 27 270 Hatfield 704+00 10 8 80 Hatfield 100+00 10 8 80 Hatfield 816+47 45 2 90 Hatfield 911+90 40 2 80 N King S 702+90 703+10 2 7 14 HAT and NKS 703+58 703+85 2 7 14 NKS and NKN 701+15 701+42 2 7 14 NKN and HAT Total 722 FT Say 730 FT ITEM 867.206 SHEET 157 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 867.206 6,300 FT 6 Inch Wet Refl. Yellow Line (Polyurea)(Recessed) Start End No. Lines Length Total Comment 899+73 902+14 2 241 482 N King S CL 905+00 908+73 2 373 746 N King S CL 910+35 912+28 2 193 386 106+60 110+50 2 390 780 104+66 105+90 2 124 248 N King N 100+01 101+40 2 139 278 1 301 301 Roundabout Inner Marking 812+43 815+17 2 274 548 Hatfield CL 816+22 816+70 2 48 96 800+71 812+43 2 1172 2,344 Hatfield st Total 6,209 FT Say 6,300 FT N King S Splitter Island N King N Splitter Hatfield Splitter Island N King N Splitter ITEM 867.212 SHEET 158 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 867.212 890 FT 12 Inch Wet Refl. Yellow Line (Polyurea)(Recessed) Start End No. Lines Length Total Comment 15 14 210 71070 Sta 1 2 2 Sta 1 3.5 4 Sta 1 5 5 Sta 1 6.5 7 Sta 1 8 8 Sta 1 9.5 10 Sta 1 11 11 Sta 1 12.5 13 Sta 1 14 14 Sta 1 15.5 16 Sta 1 17 17 Sta 1 18.5 19 Sta 1 2 2 Sta 1 2 2 Sta 1 3 3 Sta 1 4 4 Sta 1 5 5 Sta 1 6 6 Sta 1 7 7 Sta 1 8 8 Sta 1 9 9 0 0 0 903+15 904+90 17 6 102 899+73 900+30 7 4 28 101+50 104+50 30 15 450 106+60 106+80 4 10 40 108+25 110+00 18 6 108 Total 883 FT Say 890 FT ITEM 874. SHEET 159 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 874. 3 EA Street Name Sign Station Offset Qty Hatfield 1 North King 2 Total 3 EA Say 3EA ITEM 874.2 SHEET 160 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 874.2 2 EA Traffic Sign Removed and Reset Street Station Offset Qty Type Hatfield 807+50 RT 1 R1-1 N King (S)907+50 RT 1 Total 2 EA Say 2EA W1-2R ITEM 874.4 SHEET 161 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 874.4 6 EA Traffic Sign Removed and Stacked Street Station Offset Qty Type Hatfield 816+00 RT 1 Round 703+40 LT 1 Round 703+50 LT 1 N King (S)912+00 LT 1 N King (N)101+00 RT 1 N King (N)104+10 LT 1 Total 6 EA Say 6EA R2-1 (40) R1-1 HATFIELD ST R2-1 (30) M3-3, M1-4 (5), M1-5 (10) M3-1, M1-4 (5), M1-5 (10) ITEM 904. SHEET 162 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 904. 17 CY 4000 PSI, 3/4 In., 610 Cement Concrete Station Station Area (SF)Volume Hatfield Splitter 816+23 816+36 34 4 0.42 Hatfield Splitter 816+45 816+67 253 4 3.12 NKS Splitter 910+42 911+88 623 4 7.69 NKS Splitter 911+96 912+27 453 4 5.59 Total 16.83 CY Say 17 CY Thickness (in) ITEM 986.2 SHEET 163 of 170 JOB NO.: 606555 / 230890 CLIENT: City of Northampton SUBJECT: Intersection Improvements North King/Hatfield Streets PREPARED BY: A. Fagnand 11/21/2019 CHECKED BY: D. Loring 11/21/2019 Item No. Quantity Unit Item 986.2 30 CY Modified Rockfill Station Station No. Volume Hat 812+00 816+74 474 5 1.78 8.89 Check Dams @ 100' RNDBT 100 1 1.78 1.78 Check Dams @ 100' NKN 100+00 105+75 575 6 1.78 10.67 Check Dams @ 100' Total 21.33 CY Say 30 CY Length (FT) CY/Check Dam SHEET 164 of 170 FROM EARTHWORKS SHEETS: Roadway to subgrade: 15,590 CY Roadway to subgrade: 1,700 CY 15,590 CY 1,700 CY Earthworks: 15,590 CY Earthworks: 1,700 CY *Incl. Old Pvmt., not milling Estimated Excavation: 15,590 CY Estimated Embankment: 1,700 CY DEDUCT 2.5% (Boulders): -390 CY DEDUCT 5% (Unsuitable): -780 CY DEDUCT 5% (Shrinkage): -780 CY PLUS 15% (Swell): 255 CY Available for Embankment: 13,642 CY TOTAL Embankment Required: 1,954 CY Available for Embankment: 13,642 CY WASTE: 11,687 CY SUMMARY QUANTITY SHEET EXCAVATION EMBANKMENT EXCAVATION EMBANKMENT SHEET 165 of 170 Alignment Station Length (ft) Cut Area (sf) Volume (cy) Cut Vol. (cy) Fill Area (sf) Volume (cy) Cum. Fill Vol. (cy) 899+50 0 0 0 0 0 0 899+75 25 7.44 3.44 3.44 6.35 2.94 2.94 900+00 25 6.93 6.65 10.1 2.05 3.89 6.83 900+25 25 7.18 6.54 16.63 1.63 1.7 8.54 900+50 25 10.51 8.19 24.83 0.32 0.9 9.44 900+75 25 6.78 8.01 32.84 2 1.07 10.51 901+00 25 6.57 6.18 39.01 3.94 2.75 13.26 901+25 25 13.37 9.23 48.24 0.07 1.86 15.12 901+50 25 6.03 8.98 57.22 1.91 0.92 16.03 901+75 25 5.83 5.49 62.72 3.73 2.61 18.64 902+00 25 6.71 5.8 68.52 0.82 2.1 20.75 902+25 25 5.5 5.65 74.17 2.4 1.49 22.24 902+50 25 5.01 4.87 79.04 2.55 2.29 24.53 902+75 25 4.51 4.41 83.45 2.91 2.53 27.06 903+00 25 4.8 4.31 87.76 3.13 2.79 29.85 903+25 25 5.31 4.68 92.44 4.83 3.68 33.53 903+50 25 5.62 5.06 97.49 4.36 4.25 37.79 903+75 25 5.01 4.92 102.41 4.2 3.96 41.75 904+00 25 4.91 4.59 107.01 4.35 3.96 45.71 904+25 25 5.99 5.05 112.05 4.42 4.06 49.77 904+50 25 5.8 5.46 117.51 7.59 5.56 55.33 904+75 25 5.91 5.42 122.93 4.74 5.71 61.04 905+00 25 4.97 5.04 127.97 3.92 4.01 65.05 905+25 25 36.35 19.13 147.1 2.29 2.88 67.93 905+50 25 38.67 34.73 181.83 0.56 1.32 69.24 905+75 25 39.5 36.19 218.02 0.36 0.42 69.67 906+00 25 40.35 36.96 254.98 0.07 0.2 69.87 906+25 25 38.46 36.48 291.47 1.41 0.68 70.55 906+50 25 38.57 35.66 327.13 3.41 2.23 72.78 906+75 25 41.99 37.3 364.43 3.08 3 75.78 907+00 25 42.32 39.03 403.46 3.92 3.24 79.02 907+25 25 42.61 39.32 442.78 3.21 3.3 82.32 907+50 25 42.75 39.52 482.29 5.68 4.11 86.43 907+75 25 44.79 40.53 522.82 5.01 4.95 91.38 908+00 25 45.64 41.87 564.69 0.4 2.51 93.89 908+25 25 48.26 43.47 608.16 0.63 0.47 94.36 908+50 25 49.3 45.17 653.33 4.54 2.39 96.75 908+75 25 50.16 46.04 699.38 2.41 3.21 99.96 909+00 25 83.73 61.99 761.36 0 1.11 101.08 909+25 25 71.87 72.04 833.4 1.62 0.75 101.83North King Street (South)EARTHWORK QUANTITY SHEET Hatfield Street and North King Street (Route 5/10) Intersection Improvements SHEET 166 of 170 Alignment Station Length (ft) Cut Area (sf) Volume (cy) Cut Vol. (cy) Fill Area (sf) Volume (cy) Cum. Fill Vol. (cy) EARTHWORK QUANTITY SHEET Hatfield Street and North King Street (Route 5/10) Intersection Improvements 909+50 25 67.14 64.36 897.76 0.51 0.99 102.81 909+75 25 66.24 61.75 959.51 1.36 0.87 103.68 910+00 25 61.57 59.17 1018.68 6.16 3.48 107.16 910+25 25 50.11 51.7 1070.38 6.83 6.01 113.17 910+50 25 38.41 40.98 1111.36 14.06 9.67 122.84 910+75 25 25.49 29.58 1140.95 26.41 18.74 141.58 911+00 25 24 22.91 1163.86 23.63 23.17 164.74 911+25 25 29.49 24.31 1188.17 22.18 21.37 186.12 911+50 25 23.17 22.07 1210.24 23.2 22.27 208.39 911+75 25 26.69 22.57 1232.8 19.86 20.31 228.69 912+00 25 47.95 36.4 1269.21 21.14 18.26 246.95 912+25 25 103.84 70.28 1339.48 23.69 20.75 267.71 912+30 5 140.89 22.66 1362.14 8.79 3.01 270.71 700+00 176.26 0 0 0 0 0 700+25 25 222.44 109.48 109.48 0 0 0 700+50 25 274.47 148.94 258.41 0 0 0 700+75 25 253.98 159.71 418.13 0 0 0 701+00 25 224.69 140.94 559.06 0 0 0 701+25 25 271.02 165.71 724.77 0 0 0 701+50 25 315.42 223.5 948.27 0 0 0 701+75 25 374.06 281.61 1229.88 1.63 0.2 0.2 702+00 25 365.03 311.2 1541.08 5.51 0.87 1.07 702+25 25 289.94 271.88 1812.96 9.18 1.96 3.03 702+50 25 155.49 174.79 1987.75 13.56 3.71 6.74 702+75 25 42.52 68.26 2056.01 0.96 2.6 9.34 703+00 25 100.29 40.26 2096.27 0 0.17 9.52 703+25 25 106.39 57.45 2153.72 0 0 9.52 703+50 25 101.03 52.52 2206.24 0 0 9.52 703+75 25 129.34 57.13 2263.37 0 0 9.52 704+00 25 150.56 71.21 2334.58 0 0 9.52 100+00 459.03 0 0 0 0 0 100+25 25 442.34 417.3 417.3 0 0 0 100+50 25 424.81 395.76 813.06 0 0 0 100+75 25 397.44 366.58 1179.64 0 0 0 101+00 25 351.67 346.81 1526.45 0 0 0 101+25 25 287.43 295.88 1822.33 0 0 0 101+50 25 236.12 242.38 2064.71 0.19 0.09 0.09 101+75 25 202.86 203.23 2267.94 1.59 0.83 0.92North King Street (South)North King Street (North)Roundabout SHEET 167 of 170 Alignment Station Length (ft) Cut Area (sf) Volume (cy) Cut Vol. (cy) Fill Area (sf) Volume (cy) Cum. Fill Vol. (cy) EARTHWORK QUANTITY SHEET Hatfield Street and North King Street (Route 5/10) Intersection Improvements 102+00 25 162.62 169.21 2437.15 4.94 3.03 3.94 102+25 25 138.53 139.42 2576.57 13.6 8.59 12.53 102+50 25 134.48 126.39 2702.96 13.92 12.74 25.27 102+60 10 132.01 49.35 2752.31 12.72 4.93 30.2 102+75 15 128.8 72.45 2824.76 9.66 6.22 36.42 103+00 25 88.74 100.71 2925.47 2.61 5.68 42.1 103+25 25 84.82 80.35 3005.82 3.88 3 45.11 103+50 25 87.02 79.56 3085.38 3.71 3.52 48.62 103+75 25 90.38 82.13 3167.51 1.1 2.23 50.85 104+00 25 85.99 81.65 3249.17 1.6 1.25 52.1 104+25 25 82.44 77.98 3327.14 1.77 1.56 53.66 104+50 25 89.11 79.42 3406.56 1.59 1.56 55.22 104+75 25 90.02 82.93 3489.49 1.09 1.24 56.46 105+00 25 91.57 84.07 3573.56 1.36 1.13 57.59 105+25 25 47.42 64.35 3637.91 0.43 0.83 58.42 105+50 25 98.32 67.47 3705.39 0 0.2 58.62 105+75 25 90.37 87.35 3792.74 0 0 58.62 106+00 25 71.87 75.11 3867.85 0.67 0.31 58.93 106+25 25 71.1 66.19 3934.04 0.36 0.48 59.41 106+50 25 78.3 69.17 4003.21 0.32 0.31 59.72 106+75 25 48.41 58.67 4061.88 29.99 14.03 73.75 107+00 25 2.33 23.49 4085.37 2.72 15.14 88.89 107+25 25 1.79 1.91 4087.28 3.3 2.79 91.68 107+50 25 2.32 1.9 4089.18 1.62 2.28 93.96 107+75 25 2.54 2.25 4091.43 0.57 1.02 94.97 108+00 25 2.73 2.44 4093.87 0.51 0.5 95.47 108+25 25 3.43 2.85 4096.72 1.96 1.14 96.61 108+50 25 3.15 3.05 4099.77 2.4 2.02 98.63 108+75 25 2.59 2.66 4102.43 2.46 2.25 100.88 109+00 25 2.11 2.18 4104.61 1.7 1.92 102.8 109+25 25 2.16 1.98 4106.58 2 1.71 104.52 109+50 25 2.21 2.02 4108.6 2.43 2.05 106.57 109+75 25 2.75 2.29 4110.89 2.68 2.37 108.94 110+00 25 2.68 2.51 4113.41 1.82 2.08 111.02 110+25 25 1.72 2.04 4115.44 0.88 1.25 112.27 110+50 25 1.35 1.42 4116.86 2.16 1.41 113.68 800+75 3.54 0 0 5.21 0 0 801+00 25 0.91 2.08 2.08 12.37 8.36 8.36 801+25 25 1.05 0.94 3.02 20.23 15.92 24.29North King Street (North)Hatfield Street SHEET 168 of 170 Alignment Station Length (ft) Cut Area (sf) Volume (cy) Cut Vol. (cy) Fill Area (sf) Volume (cy) Cum. Fill Vol. (cy) EARTHWORK QUANTITY SHEET Hatfield Street and North King Street (Route 5/10) Intersection Improvements 801+50 25 0.89 0.92 3.94 11.85 15.66 39.95 801+75 25 0.85 0.83 4.77 12.03 11.64 51.59 802+00 25 0.71 0.75 5.51 15.49 13.41 65 802+25 25 0.69 0.67 6.18 18.03 16.31 81.3 802+50 25 0.84 0.73 6.91 16.72 16.91 98.21 802+75 25 1.42 1.08 7.99 15.61 15.73 113.95 803+00 25 1.25 1.27 9.26 15.44 15.11 129.05 803+25 25 1.1 1.12 10.38 12.91 13.79 142.85 803+50 25 0.86 0.93 11.31 7.63 9.82 152.67 803+75 25 0.92 0.82 12.13 8.27 7.36 160.03 804+00 25 0.89 0.83 12.96 6.05 6.63 166.66 804+25 25 1.65 1.18 14.14 5.66 5.42 172.08 804+50 25 2.21 1.79 15.93 4.25 4.59 176.67 804+75 25 1.49 1.72 17.65 9.89 6.54 183.21 805+00 25 2.07 1.65 19.3 12.79 10.5 193.71 805+25 25 0.68 1.27 20.57 14.08 12.44 206.16 805+50 25 0.75 0.66 21.23 13.21 12.64 218.79 805+75 25 0.93 0.78 22.01 11.64 11.51 230.3 806+00 25 0.76 0.78 22.79 11.61 10.76 241.06 806+25 25 0.91 0.77 23.57 12.66 11.23 252.3 806+50 25 1.03 0.9 24.47 12.66 11.72 264.02 806+75 25 1.22 1.04 25.51 12.5 11.65 275.67 807+00 25 1.22 1.13 26.63 9.78 10.31 285.98 807+25 25 1.8 1.4 28.03 29.17 18.03 304.01 807+50 25 0.91 1.26 29.29 19.26 22.42 326.43 807+75 25 0.96 0.87 30.16 19.36 17.88 344.31 808+00 25 1.01 0.91 31.07 28.18 22.01 366.32 808+25 25 0.98 0.92 31.99 33.99 28.78 395.1 808+50 25 0.77 0.81 32.8 44.43 36.3 431.41 808+75 25 0.63 0.65 33.45 50.64 44.01 475.42 809+00 25 0.74 0.63 34.08 45.74 44.62 520.04 809+25 25 0.63 0.64 34.71 51.66 45.09 565.13 809+50 25 1.12 0.81 35.53 19.33 32.87 598 809+60 10 1.09 0.41 35.94 19.28 7.15 605.15 809+75 15 1.13 0.62 36.55 18.73 10.56 615.71 810+00 25 1.18 1.07 37.62 34.75 24.76 640.47 810+25 25 1.09 1.05 38.67 40.81 34.98 675.45 810+50 25 0.8 0.87 39.55 49.54 41.83 717.27 810+75 25 0.95 0.81 40.36 47.53 44.94 762.21 811+00 25 0.75 0.79 41.15 37.38 39.31 801.52Hatfield Street SHEET 169 of 170 Alignment Station Length (ft) Cut Area (sf) Volume (cy) Cut Vol. (cy) Fill Area (sf) Volume (cy) Cum. Fill Vol. (cy) EARTHWORK QUANTITY SHEET Hatfield Street and North King Street (Route 5/10) Intersection Improvements 811+25 25 1.17 0.89 42.03 18.58 25.91 827.43 811+50 25 0.78 0.9 42.94 34.83 24.72 852.15 811+75 25 0.86 0.76 43.7 39.38 34.35 886.51 812+00 25 0.88 0.8 44.5 41.77 37.57 924.08 812+25 25 1.67 1.18 45.68 43.46 39.46 963.54 812+50 25 50.06 23.95 69.63 31.66 34.77 998.31 812+75 25 53.93 48.15 117.78 20.78 24.28 1022.59 813+00 25 60.55 52.14 169.91 15.67 18.25 1040.84 813+25 25 64.57 56.94 226.86 7.05 11.5 1052.33 813+50 25 58.91 56 282.86 5.23 6.32 1058.65 813+75 25 70.1 57.87 340.73 8.09 6.67 1065.32 814+00 25 70.21 64.95 405.68 16.3 11.29 1076.61 814+25 25 150.47 102.17 507.85 30.15 21.51 1098.11 814+50 25 226.69 174.61 682.46 9.26 18.25 1116.36 814+75 25 283.1 236.02 918.48 0 4.29 1120.65 815+00 25 350.15 293.17 1211.65 0 0 1120.65 815+25 25 453.93 388.74 1600.4 0 0 1120.65 815+50 25 576.03 511.32 2111.71 0 0 1120.65 815+75 25 626.84 605.06 2716.77 0 0 1120.65 816+00 25 541.89 584.81 3301.58 0 0 1120.65 816+25 25 533.03 534.08 3835.66 0 0 1120.65 816+50 25 575.29 530.13 4365.79 13.67 5.72 1126.37 0+50 144.43 0 0 1.14 0 0 0+75 25 428.96 296.93 296.93 7.6 1.77 1.77 1+00 25 675.6 588.76 885.69 13.05 3.75 5.52 1+25 25 592.51 637.66 1523.35 7.51 5.96 11.48 1+50 25 468.02 490.98 2014.33 0 3.48 14.96 1+75 25 342.82 375.39 2389.71 0 0 14.96 2+00 25 240.98 270.27 2659.99 0 0 14.96 2+25 25 162.86 186.96 2846.95 0 0 14.96 2+50 25 116.66 129.41 2976.36 0 0 14.96 2+75 25 92.91 97.03 3073.39 2.21 1.02 15.98 3+00 25 83.65 81.74 3155.13 5.2 3.43 19.42 3+25 25 76.91 74.33 3229.46 8.06 6.14 25.56 3+50 25 65.94 66.13 3295.6 12.99 9.75 35.3 3+75 25 46.56 52.09 3347.68 42.62 25.74 61.05 4+00 25 14.71 20.01 3367.7 54.09 47.97 109.01 4+25 25 9.39 9 3376.7 39.27 44.7 153.71 4+50 25 21.41 13.76 3390.46 6.39 21.08 174.79Hatfield StreetDriveway SHEET 170 of 170 Alignment Station Length (ft) Cut Area (sf) Volume (cy) Cut Vol. (cy) Fill Area (sf) Volume (cy) Cum. Fill Vol. (cy) EARTHWORK QUANTITY SHEET Hatfield Street and North King Street (Route 5/10) Intersection Improvements 4+75 25 22.81 20.47 3410.93 3.24 4.46 179.24 Cumulative Cut: 15,590.3 Cumulative Fill: 1,699.5Project Totals     www.tighebond.com