PB Decision Dewey Ct
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Submitted 5/22/20 Owner Name/Address Benjamin Lewis/
Dewey Ct
Properties, LLC
113 Whittier St
MA 01062
Hearing 6/25/20 Applicant Name/
Address (if different)
Extension Applicant Contact Ben Lewis Benjaminsethlewis@gmail.com 413-586-8287
Hearing Closed 6/25/20 Site Address 34 Dewey Ct Northampton MA 01060
Decision 6/25/20 Site Assessor Map ID 31D-217 B 1745 P340
Zoning District URC
Filed with Clerk 7/2/20 Permit Type Planning Board Special Permit for more than 6 residential
units, Major Site Plan
7/22/20 Project Description Construct 15-unit apartment building, convert existing single
family structure to common house, site development
An appeal of this decision by the Planning Board may be made by any person within 20 days after the date of the filing of
this decision with the City Clerk, as shown. Appeals by any aggrieved party must be pursuant to MGL Chapter 40A, Section
17 as amended and may be made to the Hampshire Superior Court with a certified copy of the appeal sent to the City Clerk
of the City of Northampton.
Plan Sheets/Supporting Documents by Map ID:
1. Permit Set 34 Dewey Ct, The Berkshire Design Group, Inc, May 22, 2020 Sheets L100-700; L-800-L803; A100-A302.
2. Stormwater Management Report, The Berkshire Design Group, July 2019.
3. Memo from The Berkshire Design Group, Inc May 22, 2020 regarding supplemental permit information
George Kohout, Chair ☐ ☐
Alan Verson, Vice Chair ☐ ☐
Euripedes DeOliveira ☐ ☐
Marissa Elkins ☐ ☐
Christa Grenat ☐ ☐
Sam Taylor ☐ ☐
Melissa Fowler ☐ ☐
Janna White, Assoc. ☐ ☐
David Whitehill, Assoc. ☐ ☐ 7-0
pg. 2
350-11.6 1) The requested use protects adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses. If
applicable, this relates to surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers and preservation
of views, light, and air; Stormwater met the onsite requirements, landscaping between the
carports and the lot line will create buffers to the project. The new residential building is
set back from the street and is designed to fit into the site.
(2) The requested use will promote the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian
movement within the site and on adjacent streets, minimize traffic impacts on the streets
and roads in the area. If applicable, this shall include considering the location of driveway
openings in relation to traffic and adjacent streets, access by emergency vehicles, the
arrangement of parking and loading spaces, and provisions for persons with disabilities;
The applicant has offered to provide a public access easement from Dewey Court through
the site to Smith College’s property, which contains a widely used footpath, behind the
site. Additionally, the applicant has offered to address the project’s incremental increase in
trip generation with a payment-in-lieu of traffic mitigation in accordance with the zoning
to address the 14 new peak hour vehicular trips assumed to be generated by the new use.
(3) The requested use will promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open
spaces to the natural landscape, existing buildings and other community assets in the area;
The new units will be located in the rear portion of the site on a smaller footprint per unit
basis than other structures in the neighborhood this development allows new units while
preserving a significant portion of the 1.3 acre site. Additionally the existing house will be
preserved which enables less overall site disturbance.
(4) The requested use will not overload, and will mitigate adverse impacts on, the City's
resources including the effect on the City's water supply and distribution system, sanitary
and storm sewage collection and treatment systems, fire protection, streets and schools;
The applicant is replacing and upgrading an existing deteriorated sewer line to support this
(5) The requested use meets any special regulations set forth in this chapter; The specific
criteria in the URC table are applicable here as well as the provisions in Site Plan and 12.3
for Significant Trees.
Max height allowance is 50’(4-5 stories). Project building= ~36’ (3 stories).
The building is articulated with different roof planes, building angles, step backs and 3
separate massings tied together.
Surrounding Neighborhood Density: 6.5 - 30 dwelling units per acre, compared to
project density of 11 dwelling units per acre.
350-Attach H -
URC Table
pg. 3
Connectivity is proposed from Dewey Ct through the site to a path at the rear used by
other neighborhood residences with public easement offered, providing pedestrian
access on Dewey Court and to the rear of the site.
Park Space
Maintenance of the existing view shed of the turnaround creates a backdrop for the
parklet space designed.
Because this lot does not have the typical frontage along the street and the existing driveway
bisects the site in a way that allows structures to flank each side of this dividing line created by
the driveway in a way that continues the rhythm of street. Further, the parking is divided into
two areas, screened from the street using the existing landscaping in the driveway.
(6) The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public convenience or welfare.
The use will not unduly impair the integrity of character of the district or adjoining zones,
nor be detrimental to the health, morals, or general welfare. The use shall be in harmony
with the general purpose and intent of the ordinance; The specific nature of the ordinance
was established to encourage this type of higher density residential development
surrounding downtown.
(7) If applicable, the requested use will promote City planning objectives to the extent
possible and will not adversely affect those objectives, as defined in City master or study
plans adopted under MGL c. 41, § 81C and 81D. The addition of higher density residential
units abutting downtown meets the goals of Sustainable Northampton, the City’s Housing
Prior to Site Work Prior to Issuance of a Building Permit
1. The applicant shall submit to the Office of Planning
& Sustainability a statement by the arborist
indicating that tree protection and recommended tree
care in preparation for site development has been
2. The Stormwater O & M agreement must be recorded
in compliance with Department of Public Works
3. Revisions to the plan to show that power and
telecommunications will run underground from the
first pole on the property, or as that pole may be
reset, to all the buildings (housing, club house,
parking areas) so that there is only one pole on the
pg. 4
4. Final revised plans incorporating all conditions
herein and all the technical conditions in the DPW
memo entered into the public record shall be
submitted to the Office of Planning & Sustainability.
Carport details use piers not poured concrete
5. Final plans and details shall be submitted in
accordance with conditions herein.
Prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy After the final certificate of occupancy
6. A lighting as-built shall be submitted stamped by a
PE indicating that the lighting levels shown on the
plan (allowing for slightly higher lighting level for
spillover light from under the carport than the
standard for outdoor lighting) and that all carport
lighting shall have controls that automatically turn
off the lighting a few minutes after they are turned
7. Calculation showing that required tree replacement
has been met for the 112” tree DBH removed
through either on site planting or payment into the
tree replacement fund or a combination of the two.
8. As offered by the applicant as a payment in lieu of
traffic mitigation to address the increase by 14 new
peak hour trips generated by this project, the
applicant shall make a one-time payment-in lieu of
traffic mitigation of $14,000 or shall reconstruct the
portions of the sidewalk along Dewey Court that do
not meet ADA compliance equal to or exceeding
9. As offered by the applicant to address special permit
criteria, the property owner shall grant the city and
the public an easement to pass and repass on their
path from Dewey Court to the Smith College
10. In addition to tree replacement prior to the
Certificate of Occupancy, the additional 83”
DBH trees on the property that are at great risk
of damage due to construction shall be
replaced, either by site planting or payment
into the City’s tree replacement fund, if they
die within three years of the granting of a
Certificate of Occupancy.
11. If the tree in front of 24-26 Dewey Court dies
within three years of the granting of a
certificate of occupancy, given that it is at
higher risk due to the developer’s underground
utility work, the developer shall replace the
sidewalk with a new concrete sidewalk from
the north side of the sidewalk panel that ends
just north of 24-26 sidewalk extension to their
front door southerly to the developer’s
property boundary.
Minutes Available at WWW.NorthamptonMa.Gov
I, Carolyn Misch, as agent to the Planning Board certify that this is an accurate and true decision made by the Planning
Board and certify that a copy of this and all plans have been filed with the Board and the City Clerk and that a copy of
this decision has been mailed to the Owner, Applicant.