3. Certificate of Good Standing 2019In testimony of which, I have hereunto affixed the Great Seal of the Commonwealth on the date first above written. Secretary of the Commonwealth The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth State House, Boston, Massachusetts 02133 William Francis Galvin Secretary of the Commonwealth Date: To Whom It May Concern : I hereby certify that according to the records of this office, is a domestic corporation organized on I further certify that there are no proceedings presently pending under the Massachusetts Gen- eral Laws Chapter 180 section 26 A, for revocation of the charter of said corporation; that the State Secretary has not received notice of dissolution of the corporation pursuant to Massachu- setts General Laws, Chapter 180, Section 11, 11A, or 11B; that said corporation has filed all annual reports, and paid all fees with respect to such reports, and so far as appears of record said corporation has legal existence and is in good standing with this office. Certificate Number: Verify this Certificate at: http://corp.sec.state.ma.us/CorpWeb/Certificates/Verify.aspx Processed by: June 04, 2019 PIONEER VALLEY HABITAT FOR HUMANITY, INC. April 05, 1989 19060079710