27 Olive 2020Valley Home Improvement, Inc.340 Riverside Drive, PO Box 60627, Northampton, MA 01062Office Phone 413.584.7522 Fax 413.585.0820Find us on the web at : www.ValleyHomeImprovement.com127 Olive Street Northampton,MA 01060DRAWN BY: RKR& CMSDATE:1/31/2020SCALE: SEE VIEWSHEET NUMBERSPIRER/THIBAULTRevision #:0PROJECT PLANPROJECT NOTES:PROJECT NOTES:    THIS PLAN SET, COMBINED WITH THE BUILDING CONTRACT, PROVIDES BUILDING DETAILS FOR THE RENOVATION PROJECT.  THE LEAD CARPENTER SHALL VERIFY THAT SITE CONDITIONS, AND DIMENSIONS ARE CONSISTENT WITH THESE PLANS BEFORE STARTING WORK. WORK NOT SPECIFICALLY DETAILED SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE SAME QUALITY AS SIMILAR WORK THAT IS DETAILED. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL BUILDING AND LOCAL CODES.   WRITTEN DIMENSIONS AND SPECIFIC NOTES SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND GENERAL NOTES. THE SALE PERSON/DESIGNER SHALL BE CONSULTED FOR CLARIFICATION IF SITE CONDITIONS ARE ENCOUNTERED THAT ARE DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN, IF DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND IN THE PLANS OR NOTES, OR IF A QUESTION ARISES OVER THE INTENT OF THE PLANS OR NOTES. CARPENTER OR SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS (INCLUDING ROUGH OPENINGS). ALL TRADES SHALL MAINTAIN A CLEAN WORK SITE AT THE END OF EACH WORK DAY.   PLEASE SEE ADDITIONAL NOTES CALLED OUT ON OTHER SHEETS. OWNER: SPIRER/THIBAULT PROJECT 27 Olive Street ADDRESS: Northampton, MA BLDG PERMIT: DESIGNER:RKR PERMIT SETINDEX OF DRAWINGS TITLE SHEET PERMIT SET 1 EXISTING 1ST FLOOR 2 EXISTING 2ND FLOOR 3 PROPOSED 1ST FLOOR 4 PROPOSED 2ND FLOOR 5 WEST ELEVATION 6 EAST ELEVATION 7 ELECTRICAL PLAN 8 2ND FLOOR FRAMING PLAN 9 ROOF FRAMING PLAN 10 FRAMING ELEVATION 11 PLOT PLAN 12 DOOR & WINDOW SCHEDULE 13 FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. NO SCALEThis plan is the proprietary work product of Valley Home Improvement, Inc.(VHI). It is delivered for the limited and exclusive purpose of supporting the contract bid of VHI, and customer agrees that the elements of this plan shall not be republished or presented in anyform for the purpose of enabling or supporting the work of competing project contractors without the permission of, and compensation paid to, VHI. DN51066EXT 2444 EXT 3068EXT 2438 EXT 2426 EXT 2648 EXT 2648EXT 2648 EXT 2648EXT 2648EXT 21068EXT 2250EXT 2250 EXT 2250EXT 2434 3268 EXT 2668 EXT 4068EXT 4068EXT 4068EXT 2668 EXT 2668UP UP WP 47'-3 3/4"11'-3 1/4"10'-6 1/2"41'-6"3'-10"1'-0"8'-5"2'-0 1/2"6'-5"9'-10 1/4"2'-4 1/4" 3'-1"5'-7"5'-6 1/2"9'-0 1/4" 2'-2"4'-1"4'-6"3'-4 1/4"12'-0 1/2"3'-5 1/4"8'-10 1/2" 6'-6"21'-9"12'-0" LIVING AREA POSSIBLE CHASE FOR PLUMBING DECK 2X10 DECK JOISTS @ 16" 0.C. C.H.: 8'C.H.: 8'C.H.: 8' C.H.: 8' C.H.: 7' 11" C.H.: 8' 1st Floor 1/4 in = 1 ft Valley Home Improvement, Inc.340 Riverside Drive, PO Box 60627, Northampton, MA 01062Office Phone 413.584.7522 Fax 413.585.0820Find us on the web at : www.ValleyHomeImprovement.com227 Olive Street Northampton,MA 01060DRAWN BY: RKR& CMSDATE:1/31/2020SCALE: SEE VIEWSHEET NUMBERSPIRER/THIBAULTRevision #:0This plan is the proprietary work product of Valley Home Improvement, Inc.(VHI). It is delivered for the limited and exclusive purpose of supporting the contract bid of VHI, and customer agrees that the elements of this plan shall not be republished or presented in anyform for the purpose of enabling or supporting the work of competing project contractors without the permission of, and compensation paid to, VHI.EXISTING 1STFLOOR DN EXT 2644EXT 2644EXT 2644EXT 2644 EXT 2644 EXT 2426EXT 2644EXT 2426 EXT 2668 EXT 2068 EXT 2668 EXT 2668EXT 6468 T 19'-4 3/8" 7'-6" 11'-3"11'-9"12'-4 1/2"6'-6 1/4"8'-4 3/4"1'-9 1/2"8'-4"3'-1 3/8"2'-11"C.H.: 6'8" C.H.: 6'8" C.H.: 6'8" C.H.: 6'8" 2nd Floor 1/4 in = 1 ft BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 1 BATH 2 2ND FLOOR HALL CLOSET CLOSET Valley Home Improvement, Inc.340 Riverside Drive, PO Box 60627, Northampton, MA 01062Office Phone 413.584.7522 Fax 413.585.0820Find us on the web at : www.ValleyHomeImprovement.com327 Olive Street Northampton,MA 01060DRAWN BY: RKR& CMSDATE:1/31/2020SCALE: SEE VIEWSHEET NUMBERSPIRER/THIBAULTRevision #:0This plan is the proprietary work product of Valley Home Improvement, Inc.(VHI). It is delivered for the limited and exclusive purpose of supporting the contract bid of VHI, and customer agrees that the elements of this plan shall not be republished or presented in anyform for the purpose of enabling or supporting the work of competing project contractors without the permission of, and compensation paid to, VHI.EXISTING 2NDFLOOR DN51066EXT 2444 EXT 3068EXT 2438 EXT 2426 EXT 2648 EXT 2648EXT 2648 EXT 2648EXT 2648EXT 21068EXT 2250EXT 2250 EXT 2250EXT 2434 3268 EXT 2668 EXT 4068EXT 4068EXT 4068EXT 2668 EXT 2668UP UP E2E2 SOUTHE1E1 WEST E3E3 EAST S1S1 Cross Section 1 S2S2 FRAMING ELEVATIONLIVING AREA POSSIBLE CHASE FOR PLUMBING DECK C.H.: 8'C.H.: 8'C.H.: 8' C.H.: 8' C.H.: 7' 11" C.H.: 8' 1st Floor 1/4 in = 1 ft Valley Home Improvement, Inc.340 Riverside Drive, PO Box 60627, Northampton, MA 01062Office Phone 413.584.7522 Fax 413.585.0820Find us on the web at : www.ValleyHomeImprovement.com427 Olive Street Northampton,MA 01060DRAWN BY: RKR& CMSDATE:1/31/2020SCALE: SEE VIEWSHEET NUMBERSPIRER/THIBAULTRevision #:0This plan is the proprietary work product of Valley Home Improvement, Inc.(VHI). It is delivered for the limited and exclusive purpose of supporting the contract bid of VHI, and customer agrees that the elements of this plan shall not be republished or presented in anyform for the purpose of enabling or supporting the work of competing project contractors without the permission of, and compensation paid to, VHI.PROPOSED 1STFLOOR DN EXT 2644EXT 2644EXT 2644EXT 2644 EXT 2644 NEW 2665EXT 2644NEW 2426 EXT 2668 EXT 2068 NEW 2665 NEW 2668 NEW 2820NEW 2540 NEW 2668NEW 2540NEW 2540NEW 2540NEW 2540NEW 2665 NEW 2668 NEW 2668 E2E2 SOUTHE1E1 WEST E3E3 EAST S1S1 Cross Section 1 S2S2 FRAMING ELEVATIONCL 1'-4"8'-0" 11'-4"6'-6"6'-0 1/4"4'-3"9'-0 1/4"4'-10"10'-9 1/2" CL 1'-5 1/2"8'-3 1/4"3'-6"5'-1"1'-2"1'-0"21'-4 1/4"18'-7"9'-11 1/4"1'-6"1'-0"1'-0" C.H.: 6'8" C.H.: 6'8" C.H.: 6'8" C.H.: 6'8" MASTER BEDROOM RELOCATE TOILET NEW PEDESTAL SINK IN NEW LOCATION MSTR CLOSET CLOSETBATH LIN TEMPERED REPLACEMENT 2nd Floor 1/4 in = 1 ft BEDROOM 2 BATH 2 BEDROOM 1 2ND FLOOR HALL MSTR VST STEP UP 2X6 WALL Valley Home Improvement, Inc.340 Riverside Drive, PO Box 60627, Northampton, MA 01062Office Phone 413.584.7522 Fax 413.585.0820Find us on the web at : www.ValleyHomeImprovement.com527 Olive Street Northampton,MA 01060DRAWN BY: RKR& CMSDATE:1/31/2020SCALE: SEE VIEWSHEET NUMBERSPIRER/THIBAULTRevision #:0This plan is the proprietary work product of Valley Home Improvement, Inc.(VHI). It is delivered for the limited and exclusive purpose of supporting the contract bid of VHI, and customer agrees that the elements of this plan shall not be republished or presented in anyform for the purpose of enabling or supporting the work of competing project contractors without the permission of, and compensation paid to, VHI.PROPOSED 2NDFLOOR WEST 1/4 in = 1 ft Valley Home Improvement, Inc.340 Riverside Drive, PO Box 60627, Northampton, MA 01062Office Phone 413.584.7522 Fax 413.585.0820Find us on the web at : www.ValleyHomeImprovement.com627 Olive Street Northampton,MA 01060DRAWN BY: RKR& CMSDATE:1/31/2020SCALE: SEE VIEWSHEET NUMBERSPIRER/THIBAULTRevision #:0This plan is the proprietary work product of Valley Home Improvement, Inc.(VHI). It is delivered for the limited and exclusive purpose of supporting the contract bid of VHI, and customer agrees that the elements of this plan shall not be republished or presented in anyform for the purpose of enabling or supporting the work of competing project contractors without the permission of, and compensation paid to, VHI.WEST ELEVATION SOUTH 1/4 in = 1 ft Valley Home Improvement, Inc.340 Riverside Drive, PO Box 60627, Northampton, MA 01062Office Phone 413.584.7522 Fax 413.585.0820Find us on the web at : www.ValleyHomeImprovement.com727 Olive Street Northampton,MA 01060DRAWN BY: RKR& CMSDATE:1/31/2020SCALE: SEE VIEWSHEET NUMBERSPIRER/THIBAULTRevision #:0This plan is the proprietary work product of Valley Home Improvement, Inc.(VHI). It is delivered for the limited and exclusive purpose of supporting the contract bid of VHI, and customer agrees that the elements of this plan shall not be republished or presented in anyform for the purpose of enabling or supporting the work of competing project contractors without the permission of, and compensation paid to, VHI.NORTH ELEVATION EAST 1/4 in = 1 ft Valley Home Improvement, Inc.340 Riverside Drive, PO Box 60627, Northampton, MA 01062Office Phone 413.584.7522 Fax 413.585.0820Find us on the web at : www.ValleyHomeImprovement.com827 Olive Street Northampton,MA 01060DRAWN BY: RKR& CMSDATE:1/31/2020SCALE: SEE VIEWSHEET NUMBERSPIRER/THIBAULTRevision #:0This plan is the proprietary work product of Valley Home Improvement, Inc.(VHI). It is delivered for the limited and exclusive purpose of supporting the contract bid of VHI, and customer agrees that the elements of this plan shall not be republished or presented in anyform for the purpose of enabling or supporting the work of competing project contractors without the permission of, and compensation paid to, VHI.EAST ELEVATION DN T GFCI GFCI R R R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 DM DM 3 DM DM DM DM 1'-6"3'-0 3/4"1'-6"9'-11 1/4"MASTER BEDROOM MSTR CLOSET CLOSETBATH LIN ELECTRICAL PLAN 1/4 in = 1 ft BEDROOM 2 BATH 2 BEDROOM 1 2ND FLOOR HALL MSTR VST Valley Home Improvement, Inc.340 Riverside Drive, PO Box 60627, Northampton, MA 01062Office Phone 413.584.7522 Fax 413.585.0820Find us on the web at : www.ValleyHomeImprovement.com927 Olive Street Northampton,MA 01060DRAWN BY: RKR& CMSDATE:1/31/2020SCALE: SEE VIEWSHEET NUMBERSPIRER/THIBAULTRevision #:0This plan is the proprietary work product of Valley Home Improvement, Inc.(VHI). It is delivered for the limited and exclusive purpose of supporting the contract bid of VHI, and customer agrees that the elements of this plan shall not be republished or presented in anyform for the purpose of enabling or supporting the work of competing project contractors without the permission of, and compensation paid to, VHI.ELECTRICALPLAN 18'-2 1/2"22'-4 1/4"1'-2 7/8" FLOOR FRAMING PLAN 1/4 in = 1 ft 11 7/8" TJI 230'S @ 16" O.C. W/ 3/4" T&G ADVANTECH SUBFLOOR 1 1/8" X 11/ 7/8" TGI RIMBOARD (TYP.); FLUSH W/ EXTG FRAMING Valley Home Improvement, Inc.340 Riverside Drive, PO Box 60627, Northampton, MA 01062Office Phone 413.584.7522 Fax 413.585.0820Find us on the web at : www.ValleyHomeImprovement.com1027 Olive Street Northampton,MA 01060DRAWN BY: RKR& CMSDATE:1/31/2020SCALE: SEE VIEWSHEET NUMBERSPIRER/THIBAULTRevision #:0This plan is the proprietary work product of Valley Home Improvement, Inc.(VHI). It is delivered for the limited and exclusive purpose of supporting the contract bid of VHI, and customer agrees that the elements of this plan shall not be republished or presented in anyform for the purpose of enabling or supporting the work of competing project contractors without the permission of, and compensation paid to, VHI.2ND FLOORFRAMING PLAN CL 3'-6" CL 4'-0" CL 4'-0" CL 4'-0"3'-1" 11 1/4"1'-0 1/4" 11 1/4"11 1/4" 20'-5 1/2"24'-2 3/4"11 1/4"22'-4 1/4"11 1/4"18'-7" ROOF FRAMING PLAN 1/4 in = 1 ft 2X12 RAFTERS @ 24" O.C. 2X6 FLY RAFTERS (2)2X4 RAFTER TIES @ 48" O.C. 2X12 RIDGEBOARD 2X4 COLLAR TIES @ 24" O.C.Valley Home Improvement, Inc.340 Riverside Drive, PO Box 60627, Northampton, MA 01062Office Phone 413.584.7522 Fax 413.585.0820Find us on the web at : www.ValleyHomeImprovement.com1127 Olive Street Northampton,MA 01060DRAWN BY: RKR& CMSDATE:1/31/2020SCALE: SEE VIEWSHEET NUMBERSPIRER/THIBAULTRevision #:0This plan is the proprietary work product of Valley Home Improvement, Inc.(VHI). It is delivered for the limited and exclusive purpose of supporting the contract bid of VHI, and customer agrees that the elements of this plan shall not be republished or presented in anyform for the purpose of enabling or supporting the work of competing project contractors without the permission of, and compensation paid to, VHI.ROOF FRAMINGPLANROOF FRAMINGPLAN 11 1/4"8'-6"22'-4 1/4" 12 8 14 3/4"2X12 RAFTERS @ 24" O.C.; SEE DETAIL FOR ADDITIONAL LAYERS 11 7/8" TJI 230's @16" O.C. W/ 3/4" T&G ADVANTECH SUBFLOOR 2X4 RAFTER TIES @ 48" O.C. 2X6 EXTERIOR WALL STUDS @ 16" O.C.; TO ACHIEVE DESIRED R-VALUE(R-20) 2X12 RIDGEBOARD 2X4 COLLAR TIES @ 24" O.C.; 12' OFF FINISHED FLOOR 5/8" CDX W/ SYNTHETIC FELT AND ICE & WATER SHIELD @ EVES 1X4 STRAPPING INSTALLED PARALLEL W/ RAFTERS 5/8" CDX W/ #15 FELT PAPER 2X4 STRAPPING @ 16" O.C. TO ACHIEVE DESIRED R-VALUE (R53) 1/2 DRYWALL 2X12 RAFTERS @ 24" O.C.12'-0"Valley Home Improvement, Inc.340 Riverside Drive, PO Box 60627, Northampton, MA 01062Office Phone 413.584.7522 Fax 413.585.0820Find us on the web at : www.ValleyHomeImprovement.com1227 Olive Street Northampton,MA 01060DRAWN BY: RKR& CMSDATE:1/31/2020SCALE: SEE VIEWSHEET NUMBERSPIRER/THIBAULTRevision #:0This plan is the proprietary work product of Valley Home Improvement, Inc.(VHI). It is delivered for the limited and exclusive purpose of supporting the contract bid of VHI, and customer agrees that the elements of this plan shall not be republished or presented in anyform for the purpose of enabling or supporting the work of competing project contractors without the permission of, and compensation paid to, VHI.FRAMINGELEVATION 164'-4"46'-9"47'-7"15'20' 10'6'-5"5'-11"106'-3"6'-9"3'-1"15'SETBACK PROPERTY LINE INFORMATION SOURCED FROM massgis.state.ma.us AND northamptonma.gov N OLIVE STREETZONING DISTRICT: URB = PROPOSED 2ND STORY ADDITION = EXISTING BUILDING Valley Home Improvement, Inc.340 Riverside Drive, PO Box 60627, Northampton, MA 01062Office Phone 413.584.7522 Fax 413.585.0820Find us on the web at : www.ValleyHomeImprovement.com1327 Olive Street Northampton,MA 01060DRAWN BY: RKR& CMSDATE:1/31/2020SCALE: SEE VIEWSHEET NUMBERSPIRER/THIBAULTRevision #:0This plan is the proprietary work product of Valley Home Improvement, Inc.(VHI). It is delivered for the limited and exclusive purpose of supporting the contract bid of VHI, and customer agrees that the elements of this plan shall not be republished or presented in anyform for the purpose of enabling or supporting the work of competing project contractors without the permission of, and compensation paid to, VHI.PLOT PLAN