38B-051 (2) February 17, 2017
Ms. Rayane Moreira
31 B Lyman St
Northampton, MA 01060
Dear Madam,
Following an installation of a gas boiler at this location, the Plumbing&Gas Inspector performed an
inspection at the above property on September 28, 2016. At this time the residents were told they
needed to have Carbon Monoxide detectors on every floor and that the inspector would be checking
back in 30 days to insure that the detectors were installed. Since then, we have been unable to gain
access to only your unit. We have also been unable to reach you by phone, and sent you a letter dated
01/25/2017. We still have not heard from you, so are sending you this Certified Mail. You need to call
our office as soon as possible to schedule an inspection. The Plumbing&Gas Inspector needs to be able
to confirm you have a working Carbon Monoxide detector or he will be contacting Columbia Gas and
your service may be interrupted. Thank you.
Northampton Building Department
Office of Inspections
(413) 587-1271