670 Bridge Rd Demo 7� NEED 3 E 11�E R- cv r►f I R M File#BP-2020-0732 LJ APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON CHARLIE ARMENT TRUCKING INC ADDRESS/PHONE 47 WAREHOUSE ST SPRINGFIELD (413)739-8431 2j5 PROPERTY LOCATION 670 BRIDGE RD �1 MAP 18C PARCEL 039 001 ZONE RI(100)/RR(100)/ THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST E REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Buildinp,Permit Filled out Fee Paid Typeof Construction: DEMO HOUSE AND SHED New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existin Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: _ Owner/Statement or License 017764 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFPRMATION PRESENTED: Approved Additional permits required(see below) S� t�NEp OFF PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § . Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed . Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management Demolition Delay � f /9124 1� Signature of Building Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. *Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A.Contact Office of Planning&Development for more information. Department use only City of Northampton Status of Permit: Building Department Curb Cut/Driveway Permit +' 212 Main Street Sewer/Septic Availability Room 100 Water/Well Availability Northampton, MA 01060 Two Sets of Structural Plans phone 413-587-1240 Fax 413-587-1272 Plot/Site Plans Other Specify APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Property Address: This section to be completed by office I Map Lot 03q Unit Zone Overlay District Elm St.District CB District SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: 44 Name(Pr t Current Mai iI�Address 3~Y37-S.3�S Telephone Signature 2.2 Authorized A ent: Name(Pri Current Mailing Address: 4 A��4 yip-d L�//2J Signat6d Telephone SECTION 3-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be Official Use Only completed by permit applicant 1. Building (a) Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical (b) Estimated Total Cost of Construction from 6 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fee h 4. Mechanical (HVAC) 0 5. Fire Protection 6. Total = (1 +2+ 3+4+ 5) Check Number This Section For Official Use Only Building Permit Number: DateIssued: Signature: Building Commissioner/Inspector of Buildings Date EMAIL ADDRESS (REQUIRED; EITHER HOMEOWNER OR CONTRACTOR) Section 4. ZONING All Information Must Be Completed. Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column to be filled in by Building Department Lot Size .�... �_.�._.....�._.____. Frontage Setbacks Front Side L:= Ra._____ L: R: Rear Building Height Bldg.Square Footage % s Open Space Footage % (Lot area minus bldg&paved parking) #of Parking Spaces �-- — Fill: (volume&Location) - -- - -- z A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO 0 DON'T KNOW 0 YES IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO ® DONT KNOW ® YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document #' B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO DON'T KNOW ® YES 0 IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained o Obtained 0 , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES 0 NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES 0 NO O IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the construction activity disturb(clearing, grading, excavation, or filling)over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES ® NO IF YES, then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. SECTION 5-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check all applicable) New House ❑ Addition ❑ Replacement Windows Alteration(s) ❑ Roofing ❑ Or Doors I] Accessory Bldg. ❑ Demolition E9 New Signs [0] Decks [p Siding [O] Other[E:] Brief Description of Proposed (� 1 Work: /�tL 'r-, Alteration of existing bedroom Yes No Adding new bedroom Yes No Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement Yes No Plans Attached Roll -Sheet 6a. If New house and or addition to existing housing, complete the following: a. Use of building : One Family Two Family Other b. Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms c. Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e. Number of stories? f. Method of heating? Fireplaces or Woodstoves Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? h. Type of construction i. Is construction within 100 ft. of wetlands? Yes No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain Yes No j. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes No. I. Septic Tank City Sewer Private well City water Supply SECTION 7a-OWNER AUTHORIZATION-TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT I, , as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date I, Cj"f as Owner/ gen ereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signe dAY der the pains and penalties of perjury. I Print N ?' Sign ure of Owner/Agent Date SECTION 8-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ Name of License Holder. 1V,/"l "rwt- License Number S� CV- 0)96It Addre s J Expiration Date Signature Telephone(// 9. Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ Company Name Registration Number Address Expiration Date Telephone SECTION 10-WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.c. 152,§25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes....... No...... ❑ City of Northampton Massachusetts ` S DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS � � 212 Main Street • Municipal Building b! Northampton, MA 01060 s ��a AFFIDAVIT Home Improvement Contractor Law Supplement to Permit Application The Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation("OCABR")regulates the registration of contractors and subcontractors performing improvements or renovations on detached one to four family homes. Prior to performing work on such homes,a contractor must be registered as a Home Improvement Contractor("HIC"). M.G.L. Chapter 142A requires that the"reconstruction, alteration, renovation, repair, modernization, conversion, improvement, removal, demolition, or construction of an addition to any pre-existing owner-occupied building containing at least one but not more than four dwelling units....or to structures which are adjacent to such residence or building"be done by registered contractors. Note:If the homeowner has contracted with a corporation or LLC, that entity must be registered Type of Work: Est. Cost: Address of Work: Date of Permit Application: I hereby certify that: Registration is not required for the following reason(s): _Work excluded by law(explain): Job under$1,000.00 Owner obtaining own permit(explain): Building not owner-occupied Other(specify): OWNERS OBTAINING THEIR OWN PERMIT OR ENTERING INTO CONTRACTS WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS OR SUBCONTRACTORS FOR APPLICABLE HOME IMPROVEMENT WORK ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR AND DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE ARBITRATION PROGRAM OR GUARANTY FUND UNDER M.G.L.Chapter 142A.SUCH OWNERS ALSO ASSUME THE RESPONSIBILITES FOR ALL WORK PERFORMED UNDER THE BUILDING PERMIT.SEE NEXT PAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION. Signed under the penalties of perjury: I hereby apply for a building permit as the agent of the owner: Date Contractor Name HIC Registration No. OR: Notwithstanding the above notice, I hereby apply for a building permit as the owner of the above property: Date Owner Name and Signature City of Northampton Massachusetts DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS ? 212 Main Street • Municipal Building ,nom Northampton, MA 01060 Massachusetts Residential Building Code Section 110.R5.1.2 Homeowner: Person (s) who own a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/ or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a homeowner. Section 110.R5.1.3.1 Any homeowner performing work for which a building permit is required shall be exempt from the licensing provisions of 780 CMR 110.R5, provided that if a homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, then such homeowner shall act as supervisor. Such homeowner shall submit to the Building Official, on a form acceptable to the Building Official, that he/she shall be responsible for all such work performed under the building permit. As acting Construction Supervisor your presence on the job site will be required from time to time, during and upon completion of the work for which this permit is issued. Also be advised that with reference to Chapter 152 (Workers' Compensation) and Chapter 153 (Liability of Employers to Employees for injuries not resulting in Death) of the Massachusetts General Laws Annotated, you may be liable for person(s) you hire to perform work for you under this permit. City of Northampton Massachusetts :G DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS �? 212 Main Street •Municipal Building �b � ,. Northampton, MA 01060 Debris Disposal Affidavit In accordance of the provisions of MGL c 40, S54, I acknowledge that as a condition of the building permit all debris resulting from the construction activity governed by this Building Permit shall be disposed of in a properly licensed solid waste disposal facility, as defined by MGL c 111, S 150A. The debris from construction work being performed at: C 2o 1,4 4 1. 0 (Please print house numbe and street name) Is to be disposed of at: 29 (Please p int na e a ocation of facility) Or will be disposed of in a dumpster onsite rented or leased from: (Company Name and Address) Signature of Permit Applic t or Owner Date If, for any reason, the debris will not be disposed of as indicated, the Applicant or Owner shall notify the Building Department as to the location where the debris will be disposed. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents s I Congress Street,Suite 100 Boston,MA 02114-2017 www mass.gov/dia Workers'Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information dq Please Print Le ibl Name (Business/Organization/Individual): ake Address: y) LJ".,,, City/State/Zip: J M 6 d 1'd Phone#: Vff-Iy3l Are you an employer?Check the appropriate box: Type of project(required): 1.g241am a employer with J)employees(full and/or part-time).* 7. ❑New construction 2.a I am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no employees working for me in g. Remodeling any capacity.[No workers'comp.insurance required.] 3.F�I am a homeowner doing all work myself.[No workers'comp.insurance required.]r 9. LADemolition 4.F1I am a homeowner and will be hiring contractors to conduct all work on my property. I will 10 Q Building addition ensure that all contractors either have workers'compensation insurance or are sole 11.[:]Electrical repairs or additions proprietors with no employees. 12.F1 Plumbing repairs or additions 5.M I am a general contractor and I have hired the sub-contractors listed on the attached sheet. 13.❑Roof repairs These sub-contractors have employees and have workers'comp.insurance.* 6.❑We are a corporation and its officers have exercised their right of exemption per MGL c. 14.❑Other 152,§1(4),and we have no employees.[No workers'comp.insurance required.] Any applicant that checks box#1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. *Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'comp.policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name: v , Policy#or Self-ins.Lic.#: h U / Expiration Date: Job Site Address: 6/Q �/�4�cc U�rl City/State/Zip: Attach a copy of the workers' compens tion policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152,§25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator.A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby c ' under a aims a penalties of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct Si nature: Date: Phone#: �13-dulmt Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official. City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: Information and Instructions Massachusetts General Laws chapter 152 requires all employers to provide workers'compensation for their employees. Pursuant to this statute,an employee is defined as"...every person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied,oral or written." An employer is defined as"an individual,partnership,association,corporation or other legal entity,or any two or more of the foregoing engaged in a joint enterprise,and including the legal representatives of a deceased employer,or the receiver or trustee of an individual,partnership,association or other legal entity,employing employees. However the owner of a dwelling house having not more than three apartments and who resides therein,or the occupant of the dwelling house of another who employs persons to do maintenance,construction or repair work on such dwelling house or on the grounds or building appurtenant thereto shall not because of such employment be deemed to be an employer." MGL chapter 152,§25C(6)also states that"every state or local licensing agency shall withhold the issuance or renewal of a license or permit to operate a business or to construct buildings in the commonwealth for any applicant who has not produced acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance coverage required." Additionally,MGL chapter 152,§25C(7)states"Neither the commonwealth nor any of its political subdivisions shall enter into any contract for the performance of public work until acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance requirements of this chapter have been presented to the contracting authority." Applicants Please fill out the workers'compensation affidavit completely,by checking the boxes that apply to your situation and,if necessary,supply sub-contractor(s)name(s),address(es)and phone number(s)along with their certificate(s)of insurance. Limited Liability Companies(LLC)or Limited Liability Partnerships(LLP)with no employees other than the members or partners,are not required to carry workers'compensation insurance. If an LLC or LLP does have employees,a policy is required. Be advised that this affidavit may be submitted to the Department of Industrial Accidents for confirmation of insurance coverage. Also be sure to sign and date the affidavit. The affidavit should be returned to the city or town that the application for the permit or license is being requested,not the Department of Industrial Accidents. Should you have any questions regarding the law or if you are required to obtain a workers' compensation policy,please call the Department at the number listed below. Self-insured companies should enter their self-insurance license number on the appropriate line. City or Town Officials Please be sure that the affidavit is complete and printed legibly. The Department has provided a space at the bottom of the affidavit for you to fill out in the event the Office of Investigations has to contact you regarding the applicant. Please be sure to fill in the permit/license number which will be used as a reference number. In addition,an applicant that must submit multiple permit/license applications in any given year,need only submit one affidavit indicating current policy information(if necessary)and under"Job Site Address"the applicant should write"all locations in (city or town)."A copy of the affidavit that has been officially stamped or marked by the city or town may be provided to the applicant as proof that a valid affidavit is on file for future permits or licenses. A new affidavit must be filled out each year.Where a home owner or citizen is obtaining a license or permit not related to any business or commercial venture (i.e.a dog license or permit to bum leaves etc.)said person is NOT required to complete this affidavit. The Department's address,telephone and fax number: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston,MA 02114-2017 Tel. #617-727-4900 ext. 7406 or 1-877-MASSAFE Fax#617-727-7749 Revised 02-23-15 www.mass.gov/dia nationalgrid 40 Sylvan Rd Waltham MA 02451 October 22, 2019 670 Bridge Rd Northampton MA 01060 RE: Service Removal for Building Demolition. To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to confirm that,per your request;National Grid has verified that there is no electric service to the structure located at 670 Bridge Rd,Northampton MA. If you have any questions or need further assistance,please feel free to contact me at(508) 691-6722. Sincerely, Dawn Derusha Order Processing Rep Electric Order Processing nationalgrid Syri?J '^'Id 47 Warehouse Street Springfield, MA 01118 Abatement, Inc. snringfieldabatementkgmail.com 413-250-4331 Fax 413-734-6119 October 7, 2019 Mr. Charlie Arment, Jr. Charlie Arment Trucking, Inc. 47 Warehouse Street Springfield, MA 01118 413-246-1172 (carmenttrucking(&aol.com) Dear Mr. Arment: Springfield Abatement Inc. was contracted to perform a limited asbestos sampling and survey on May 8, 2019 at Vacant Property 670 Bridge Rd. Northampton, MA. The asbestos abatement was completed October 4, 2019. Should you have any questions or need further information feel free to contact me directly at 413-250-4331. Thank you, '-U Jennifer Keefe Project Manager/Estimator SpringfieCd Abatement, Inc. 47 Warehouse St. Springfield, MA 01118 413-734-6172 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Division of Professional Licensure Board of Building Regulations and Standards Constru..ctiori'Siipervisor CS-017764 Expires: 05/20/2020 �a CHARLES G ARMENT,JK . 7 ANGEL ST EAST LONGMEAD,OW MA 01028`~ r W Commissioner ' Client#:17303 CHAARI ACORD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MWDD/YYYY) 3%29/2019 THIS CERTIFICATE 1S ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW.THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT:If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the pollcy(ies)must be endorsed.If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement.A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER NAME: Kathy T.P.Daley Insurance Agcy,Inc PHONE A1C No Elrl: NO 413 788 0971 413 739-2645 AIC 1381 Westfield St. ao AIEss: kathleendaley@tpdaleyinsurance.com P.O.Box 1150 INSURERS)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# West Springfield, MA 01090 INSURER A:Scellednlolnauronco INSURED INSURER B:Travaiors Indomnity Co. Charlie Arment Trucking,Inc. INSURER C:Sololy lnaurunce Group 47 Warehouse Street Springfield,MA 01118 INSURER D INSURER E; INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR gDDLSUBR POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSR WV POLICY NUMBER MMIDD/YYYY MWDD/YYY LIMITS A GENERAL LIABILITY CPS3191687 01/31/2019 01/31/202 I EAACCHpoccuURRENCE S1,000,000 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PREMISES fEa oNcufrence) 5100 000 CLAIMS-MADE Q OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) s X BI&PD Ded$5000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE 62,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGO 32,000,000 X POLICY jE O LOC B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLEL MIT C 5055601 1/31/2019 01/31/202 Goaecidont 51,000,000 ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Par person) 5 ALL OWNED X SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AUTOS AUTOS X HIRED AUTOS X NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE S AUTOS _(Por aecIdon0 s A )( UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR XLS0108992 1/31/2019 01/31/202 EACH OCCURRENCE s5,000,000 EXCESSLIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE S5,000,000 DED X RETENTION S10000 S B WORKERS COMPENSATION 6HUB4951P33A19 1/31/2019 01/31/202 I WCX TO STATU- OTH• AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY 5 EB. ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNERIEXECUTIVE Y/N E.L.EACH ACCIDENT S-1.000,000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? 51 N/A (Mandatory In NH) E.L.DISEASE.EA EMPLOYEE S1,000,000 It DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISribe under EASE-POLICY LIMIT 81,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES(Attach ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,If more space Is required) General Certificate CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ©1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2010/05) 1 of 1 The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD #S150748%M150247 KJD LATHROP AFV�DAFFILIATE Lathop 100 Bassett Brook Dr Easthampton, MA 01027 November 20, 2019 Charlie Arment Trucking Inc To: Whomever It May Concern: This letter is to confirm that Lathrop has hired Charlie Arment Trucking to raze 716 Bridge Rd, Northampton, MA 01060 and 670 Bride Rd,Northampton 01060.If you have any questions or need further assistance,please feel free to contact me at(413)437-5379. Sincerely, Mike Strycharz Director of Facilities Lathrop A NiSource Company 995 Belmont Street Brockton, MA 02301 Date: October 14, 2019 To Whom It May Concern: The address listed below has had the gas service(s) disconnected and is now ready for demolition. ADDRESS : 670 &716 Bridge Street TOWN : Northampton STATE : Massachusetts Sincerely, tv� _ U Justine McKinney Integration Center Columbia Gas of Massachusetts 508-580-0100 x 1404 �P Louis Hasbrouck<Iasbrouck@northamptonma.gov> Water Termination 1 message David Sparks <davidsparks@northamptonma.gov> Thu,Aug 1, 2019 at 2:18 PM To: Louis Hasbrouck<Iasbrouck@northamptonma.gov> Cc: David Veleta<dveleta@northamptonma.gov> Hi Louis, the water services for#716 and#670 Bridge Road were terminated and cut off at the water main today. Also today#3 Main Street Florence(Rodgers Bike Shop)was terminated/cut at the curb stop. Let me know if any other information is needed. Thanks David Sparks Water Superintendent City of Northampton 413-587-1097 Cft Of Louis Hasbrouck<Ihasbrouck@northamptonma.gov> Fj 111 ................. ........... ....... .............. Sewer cutoffs I � .11.1.11, .111 11............... ...................11.1.................................................... ............. ................................................... "I'll, ................................- Louis Hasbrouck<Ihasbrouck@northamptonma.gov> Fri,Dec 27,2019 at 9:06 AM Draft To:Brendan Shea<bshea@northamptonma.gov> Brendan, The buildings at 670 and 716 Bridge Road(2 houses),and 303 King St(old VVillards office)are slated for demolition.Have they contacted you about the sewer conncetions?The 2 houses on Bridge Rd aren't going to be rebuilt.The water was cut when the road was repaved this summer.The water is shut off at 303 King St. How do you want to deal with them?I can have the demo contractors(Associated and Charlie Arment)call you when they've got them excavated.Let me know.Thanks. Louis Hasbrouck Building Commissioner City of Northampton Town of Williamsburg (413)587-1240 office (413)587-1272 fax