110 pine st poolX Louis Hasbrouck 05/01/20 File # BP-2020-1092 APPLICANT/CONT ACT PERSON JULlANO'S POOLS ADDRESS/PHONE 321 T ALCOTTVILLE RD VERNON (860) 870-1085 PROPERTY LOCATION 1 10 PINE ST MAP 23A PARCEL 149 001 ZONE URB{J 00)/ THJS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY : PERMIT APPLICATION CHECK.LIST ZONING FORM FILLED OITT Fee Paid Building P ermit Filled out Fee Paid TypeofConstruction: l8X36INGROUND POOL New Construction Non Structural interior renovation s Addi t ion to Ex.isling Accessory Structure Building Plans included: Owner/ Statement or License 1398 26 3 sets of Plans I Plot Plan ENCLOSED REQUlRED DA TE T HE FO LLOW ING ACTION BAS BEEN TAKEN O N T IDS APPLICATI ON B ASED ON INFORMATION PRESENT E D: __ Approved __ Additional permits required (see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMI T REQ UIRED Ul'i D ER:§ ---------- intermediate Projec t: ___ Site Plan AND/OR ____ Special Permit With Site P lan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Pem1it With Site P lan ZONING BOARD PE RMIT REQUIRE D UND E R: § ________ _ Finding _____ _ Special Permit _______ Variance* ___ _ ___ Received & Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed ____ _ ___ Other Permits Required: ___ Curb Cut from DPW ___ Water Availability ___ Sewer Availability ___ Septic Approval Board ofH.ealtb ____ Well Water Potability Board of Health ___ Permit from Conservation Commission ___ Permit froo1 CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission ---___ ....;Permit DPW Storm Water Management ___ Demolition Delay Signature of Buildtog Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning p e rmit d oe s not reli eve a applicant's burd en to compl y w ith all zoning requirem ents and obta in all require d p ermi ts from B oard of He alth, Conservation C ommi ssion. Dep artmen t of public work s a nd oth e r applic abl e pe rmit g ranting a uthorities. * Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact Office of Planning & Development for more information. ~- .. ,------~-- Department use only Status of Permit rb Cut/Driveway Permit _______ _ LISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Property Address: ; 1 o /)tN-51 Map This section to be completed by office )?A Lot / f q Unit ---- Zone _..;;.ye-8..:...__,_ ___ 0vertay District,__ ____ _ 1------------------------E--.lm St District, ______ CB District. ____ _ SECTION 2 -PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2 .2 Authorized Agent: , /u/it!U/<-OS f/ ~-5 3 -ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item 1. Building 2 . Electrical 3 . Plumbing 4 . Mechanical {HVAC) 5. Fire Protection 6 . Total = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5) /tD Telephone 32Arduut't)Jtf-e_ ~ v'upt,.._ er Current Mailing Address : t!> (;.C)(;z{;, VG --531-~:;£, Telephone Official Use Only {a) Building Permit Fee (b) Estimated Total Cost of Construction from 6 Building Permit Fee Check Number This Section For Official Use Onl Date Building Permit Number: /,;f-qQ '/ Ot/ ;J... Issued: _________________ _ Signature: ------------------ Bu ild ing Commissioner/Inspector of Buildings @ Date EMAIL ADDRESS (REQUIRED; EITHER HOMEOWNER OR CONTRACTOR) Section 4. ZONING All Information Must Be Completed . Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column to be filled in by Buil ding Departm ent Lot Size I I l Frontage Setbacks Front ~LI I • c1 c::J Si de L : rr R:ad L:( -• R:f I CJ c=J Rear \fk_< CJ CJ Build ing He ight r-1 CJ CJ Bldg. Square Footage 1 c=J % l=:J :=J CJ Open Space Footage --=.J % -=i ~ CJ (Lot area minus bldg & paved '-park in g) # of Parking Spaces =:=J ._J r=J Pill : I L (volume & Locat ion) A. Has a Special Pe rm it/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO O DONT KNowy YES O IF YES, date issued :! IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO O DONT KNOW O YES 0 IF YES : en t er Book ~~~~~__, Pager--_------i an d /or Document # B. Does the site contain a brook, body of wa ter or wetlan ds? NO ~ONT KNOW O YES 0 IF YES , has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Con serva tion Commi ssion? Needs to be obtained Q Obtained Q , Date Issued : [------. C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES 0 NO~ -------------- IF YES, describe size, type and location: _] D. Are t he re any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for t he property? YES O ~ .-I IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the construction activity disturb (clearing, grading,~_y.on, or filling) over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will d isturb over 1 acre? YES Q NO )<;:T IF YES, then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required . 1 • SECTION 5. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (check all applicable) New House D Addition Replacement Windows Alteration(s) D OrDoors D Roofing D Accessory Bldg. D Demolition D D New Signs [D] Decks (0 Siding [DJ Othe~ Brief Description of Proposed cl"k c:: L -· Work : ~-rr v Alteration of existing bedroom ___ Yes ~o Attached Narrative Plans Attached Roll -Sheet ~ /8-f J{, V, l{ $ 14 f-"1 Adding new bedroom ___ Yes ,_-,No Renovating unfinished basement ___ Yes ,,,.....-: No 6a. If New house and or addition to existing housing, complete the following: a . Use of building : One Family ~ Two Family Other ___ _ b . Number of rooms in each family unit: ______ Number of Bathrooms ____ _ C. Is there a garage attached? -¥--- d . Proposed Square footage of new construction . _________ Dimensions I ?X 3 (., e . Number of stories? ____________ _ f. Method of heating? ____________ _ Fireplaces or Woodstoves _____ Number of each __ _ g . Energy Conservation Compliance. ---------Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? _____ _ h. Type of construction _____ _ i. Is construction within 100 ft. of wetlands? Yes ___ No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain ___ Yes __ No j. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade----------- k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? ___ Yes ___ No . I. Septic Tank__ City Sewer ~ Private well ___ City water Supply V SECTION 7a • OWNER AUTHORIZATION • TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT I, -----'L=1 .... ~"'--A-___ 5:_tl.!""'~""--------------------------· as Owner of the subject property ork authorized by this building permit application . Date I, _ ),.,J ;;_ Ct tA-f/ ,> Agent hereby declare that ~ S , as Owner/Authorized atements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate. to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature of Owner/Agent Date I . SECTION 8 -CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I 8 .1 Licensed Construction Suizervisor : Not Applicable D Na me of License Holde r : License Number Address Expiration Date Signature Telephone 9 . Rmlstered Home lmizrovement Contractor: Not Applicable D ~uft~S f)(Yl)./ ~ l~C/ ~& Comizanlt'. Name Registration Number 3-Z I ~ Jud/ftdf...L /?cl' Expr;L~/<J-1 Address 1,Ur fl"'-' C-t (e) WJ 11.G Telephone "u3'--~ -t:J@t, SECTION 10-WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT (M.G .L . c.152, § 25C(6)) I Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes....... o/. No...... D / t • City of Northampton Massachusetts DEPARDDlN'l' OF BUILDJ21G INSPECTIONS 212 Main Street • Municipal Buil.ding Northampton , MA 01060 AFFIDAVIT Home Improvement Contractor Law Supplement to Permit Application The Offic.e of Consumer Affairs and Bus in ess R egu lation ("OCABR") regulates the registration of contractors and subcontractors performing improvements or renovations on detached one to four family homes. Prior to pelforrning work on such homes , a contractor must be registered as a Home Improvement Contractor ("HTC''). M.G.L. Chapter 142A requires that the "reconstruction, alteration, renovation, repair, modernization, conversion, improvement, removal. demolition, or construction of an addition to any pre-existing owner-occupied building containing at least one but not more than four dwelling units .... or to structures which are adjacent to such residence or building'' be done by registe red contractors. Note: I/the ll omeow11er has co11tra<..1ed with a corporation or LLC, that e11tity must be registererl Type of Work: p,-d ~:t/rv~ Est. Cost: ?.& IY7f72 Address of Work: // 0 IJA-l--5f- 7 Date of Permit Application:._----"V_-_2;=---;-'7_-_L--0_..::;_ _______________ _ I hereby certify that: Registration is not required for th e follow ing reason(s): _ Work excl ud ed by law (explain):. ___________________ _ _ Job under $1 ,000.00 _ Owner obtaining own permit (explai n):. __________________ _ __ Building not owner-occupied _ Other (spec ify):. ________________________ _ OWNE RS OBTAJNING THE CR OWN PERM IT OR ENTERING IN TO CONTRACTS WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS OR SUBCONTRACTORS FOR APPLlCABLE HOME CMPROVEMENT WORK ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR AND DO NOT HA VE ACCESS TO THE ARBITRATION PROGRAM OR GUARANTY FUND UNDER M.G.L. Chapter 142A. SUCH OWNERS ALSO ASSUME THE RESPONSJB ILITES FOR ALL WORK PERFORMED UNDER THE BUil,DING PERMI T. SEE NEXT PAGE FOR MORE IN-FORMATION. S igned under the penalties of perjury: l hereby apply for a buil di ng permit as the agent of the owner: \f-1,,?-<:h ~uha ~~ Pde; Date Contractor Name HIC Registration No. OR: Notwithstanding the above notice, I hereby a pp ly for a building permit as the owner of the above property: Date Owner Name and S ignature City o f Northampton Massachusetts DEPAR!L'HE1N'l' OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 212 Ma i n Street • Municipal Building Northampton , MA 01060 Massachusetts Residential Building Code Section 11 O.R5. l.2 Homeowner: Person (s) who own a parcel of land on which he /sh e resides or intends to reside, 011 which there is. or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached s tructures accessory to such use and/ or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year p eriod shall not be considered a homeowner. Section 11 O.RS.1.3.1 Any homeowner perfonning work for which a building permit is required shall be exempt from the li censing provisions of 780 CMR 11 O.R5 , provided that if a homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, then such homeowner sha ll act as supervisor. Such homeowner shall s ub mit to the Building Official, on a form acceptable to the Building Official, that he/she shall be responsible for all such work performed under the building permit. As acting Construction Supervisor your presence on the job site will be required from time to time, during and upon completion of the work for which this permit is issued . Also be advised that with reference to Chapter 152 (Workers ' Compensation) and Chapter 153 (Liability of Employers to Employees for injuries not resulting in Death) of th e Massac hu setts General Laws Annotated, you may be liab le for person(s) you hire to perform work for you under this permit. City of Northampton Massachusetts DEP~T OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 212 Mai n Street • Mun icipal Building No rthampton, MA 01060 Debris Disposal Affidavit In accordance of the provisions of MGL c 40, S54, I acknowledge that as a condition of the building permit all debris resulting from the construction activity governed by this Building Permit shall be disposed of in a properly licensed solid waste disposal facility, as defined by MGL c 111 , S 1 SOA. The debris from construction work being performed at: 110 Ptl\L-Sf- (Please print house number and street name) Is to be disposed of at: (Please print name and location of facility) Or will be disposed of in a dumpster onsite rented or leased from : If, for any reason, the debris will not be disposed of as indicated , the Applicant or Owner shall notify the Building Department as to the location where the debris will be disposed. I ~ The Commonwealth of Massachusetts 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 , www.mass.gov/dia " Department of Industrial Accidents Wu,·kers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FJLED WITH TliE PERMITilNG AU THORIT Y. A licaot Information Please Print Le iblv N am e (B11sin ess/Organization/Jn divi dual):. _ ___::~v~/i...:.1.::a:..:::_-D~..e::::.--+-:..::..--..:.~--------------- Address: 3~ La..L'a:tPC/1/(--L (e.d C ity/State/Zip· (µ/ n"' e__-r eJ (4 ()VJ/;, Phone#: C...t./.3 -9.1-J e,!)-? Are you an employe r ? Che ck the appropriate box : .J...E::rrani a employer with ft;;>-# employees (full and/or par1-time).• 2.0 I am a sole proprietor or partnership and hnve no employees working for mo m any capa.c1ty . [No workers ' comp. insurance required .) 3.o ram II homeowner doing 1111 work myself. [No workers ' comp. ins urance required . I t 4.o I am a homeowner 11nd will he hiring con truutors to cond uct all work on my property . I will ensure that all contractors either have workers ' compensation insurance or are sole proprietors with no employees. 5 ,0 I am a genGral contractor and I have hired the sub-contractors listed on the attached sheet These sub•contract.ors have emp loyees and have workers ' comp . insurance.I 6.o We are a corporation and its officers have exorcised their right of exem pt ion per MGL c. 152, §1(4), and we have ao employees . [No workers ' comp . insurance required.J Type of project (required): 7. D New construction 8. D Remo de ling 9. D De molition l O D Buildi ng addition 11.0 E lecLri cal repa irs or add iti o ns 12. D Plumb in g repairs or add itions J3.0Roof re pa irs 14.0 0 th er _______ _ • Any applicant that checks box# I must also fill out lhe section below showing their workers· compensation policy information . t 1-lomeowners who submit this affida\'lt indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such . tconlJBCtors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors heve e1T1ployees, they must provide their workers ' comp . policy number. I am an employer //,at is providing workers • compen.w,tion insurance for my employees. Below is the policy a11d j ob .fite informatio11. fl/ ' /) -T;., /} f s l osuran ce Company Name:'--_(//_l1vt.Y ___ -=-t-=-_""'_v<-___ ~l!:::>,:;.;:_._._e_ ____________________ _ Poli cy# o r Self-ins. Lie .#: /;JI~~ -lft).. 3t!Jls.p/l-~,J/) Expiration D ate: 7/13~ Job Site Address: C ity/State/Z ip:. ________ _ Attach a copy of the wo rkers' compensation policy declaration page (showing the policy number and expira tion date). F ai lure to secure coverage as req u ired und er MGL c. l 52, §25A is a c rimin a l v iolation punis hable hy a fi ne up to $1,500.00 a nd/or one-year imprisonment, as well s c ivil penalties in th e fonn o f a STOP WORK ORDER and a fin e o f up to $250.00 a day agai nst the v io lator_ A cop tatement may be forward ed to the Office of investigations o f th e DIA for insurance coverage ve ri ficati on. S i nature: Date: Phone#: Official us e only. Do not write in this area, to b e completed by city or town official. C ity or Town: Permit/License # ______________ _ Issuing Authority (circle one): 1. Board of Health 2. Buildfog Department 3. C ity/Town Clerk 4. Electrical rospector 5. Plumbing lns pecto r 6. Other ____________ _ Contact Person:. ___________________ Phone#:. ______________ _ Information and Instructions Massachusetts General Laws chapter 152 requires all employers t o provide workers' compensation for their employees. Pursuant to this statute, an employee is defined as " ... every person in the service of a nother under any contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written." An employer is defined as "an indiv idual, partnership, association, corporation or other legal entity, or any two or more of the foregoi ng engaged in a joint enterprise, and inc luding the lega l representatives ofa deceased employer, or the receiver or trustee of an individual, partnership, association or other legal entity, employing employees. However the owner of a dwelling house having not more than three apartments a nd who resides therein, or the occupant of the dwell in g house of another who empl oys persons to do maintenance, construction or repair work on such dwelling house or on the grounds or buildi ng appurtenant thereto shaJ I not because of such employment be deemed to be an employer." MGL c hapter I 52, §25C(6) also states that "every state or local licensing agency shalJ wjtbhold the issuance or renewal of a li cense or permit to operate a business or to construct buildings in the commonwealth for any applicant who ba s not produced acceptable evidence of compliance with th e in surance coverage required." Additionally, MOL chapter I 52, §25C(7) states "Neither the commonwealth nor any of its political su bdivisions shall enter into any contract for the performance of public work until acceptable evidence of compl ian ce with the. insurance requirements of this chap ter have been presented to the contracting authority." A pplicants Please fill out the workers ' compen satio n affidavit complete ly, by checki ng th e boxes that apply to your situation and, if necessary, supply su b-contractor(s) name(s), address(es) and p hone number(s) along with their certiffoate(s) of insurance. Limited Liability Companies (LLC) or Limited Lfability P artnerships (LLP) with no employees other than the memb ers or partners, are not req uired to carry workers ' comp ensatio n insurance. If an LLC or LLP does have employees, a policy is required. Be advised that this affidavit may be s ubmi tted to the Department of Industrial Accidents for confirmation of insurance coverage. AJso be s ure to s ign and date the affidavit The affidavit should be return ed to the city or town that the appli cation for the p erm it or Ucense is being requested, not the Department of Ind ustrial Acci dents. Should you bave any questions regarding the law or if you are required to obtain a workers' com pe nsation policy, please call the Department at the number li sted below. Self-insured companies should enter their self-insurance license number on the appropriate line. C Hy or Town Officials Please be s ure that the affidavit is complete and printed legi bl y. The Department has provided a s p ace at the bottom of the affidavit for you to fill out in the event the Office of Investigatio ns has to contact you regarding the appli cant. 'Please be sure to fill in the permit/license number which w ill be used as a reference number. Io addition, an applicant that must submit multiple permit/license applications in any given year, need only submit o ne affidavit indicating cun-ent policy information (if necessary) and under "Job Site Address" the appl icant should write "all locations in ___ (city or town).'' A copy o f the affidavit th at has been officially stam ped or marked by the city or town may be provided to the applicant as proof that a val id affi davit is on fil e for future permits or li censes. A new affidavit must be filled out each year. Where a home owner or citizen is obtaining a license or permit not related to any business or commercial venture (i.e. a dog license or permit to burn leaves etc.) said person is NOT required to complete thi s affidavit. The Department's address, telephone and fax number : Revised 0 2-23-15 T he Commonwea lth o f Massachu setts D epartme nt of Industrial Accidents l Congress Street, Suite I 00 Bo st o n , MA 021 14-2017 Te l.# 617-727-4900 ext. 7406 or 1-877-MASSAFE Fax# 6 17-727-7749 www.m ass.gov/d ia \ •"i": '.,t!" ,,.n,• t:t:· ·t,.t:j I,~ ,:;"'\ ti t . ff~ ,a;~- Letter Of Authorization I, as owner of subject property, hereby authorize any Juliano's Pools Inc. personnel, to act on my behalf to pull an in-ground swimming pool building permit (and including any/all matters relevant to work authorized by this building permit), using as necessary his/her/their home improvement contractor license, plumbing and piping limited contractor license, electrical contractor license and swimming pool builder in-ground license. CustomerName: l~r?:?:-~~= Customer Phone: __ l]J_]_..,,_;. __ ~..:;;...--2"---1-&..--~;.......'-"' Address : // 0 Pl& ;:J--. hort:J1 ce , M;r-, C1/0~Q- Thank you for your consideration In this matter. Sincerely, SCA 1 0 20M•0!!/17 Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 1000 Washington Street -Suite 71 o Boston, M~Qhusetts 02118, BRIAN JULIANO 0/8/A JULIANO'$ POOLS 321 TALCOTIVILLli AD . VERNON, CT 06066 Home lmprove~tractor Registration I Type: Registration: Expiration: Individual 139826 08/26/2021 Update Address and Return Card. Olfloe of iConaumer Affair• a, Bll81nus Reglllatlon HO M E IMPRO MENT CONTRACTOR Reglatratlon valid for Individual UN only before th• axplratJon data. If found mum to: lndMdual Exptr.uon 08/26/2021 ~a -~· Undereecretary Office of Conswnar Affalra and Buatn ... Regulation 1000 Wahington Street • Suite 710 -.-:> ~~~gnOWN 1o ; ·,I -<j .: '"- ACORD® CERTIFICATE OF UABIUTY INSURANCE I DA TE IMM/00/YYYY) ~ 1/3/2020 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATIER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORT ANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDmONAL INSURED, the policy(les) must have ADDmONAL INSURED provision s or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED , s ubject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement A statement o n this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER 1NXiier"' Andrea Hilb The Jarrett Agency r .. ~'i:fo. Exll; s6014s4222 l{.vc. No): 657 Enfield Street Aii'i>ms: andreah@koveragegroup.com INSURERCS) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# Enfield CT 06082 INSORERA : PHILADELPfilA IND INS CO 18058 INSURED INSURERS: AIMlNSCO 18929 Juliano's Pools, LLC INSURERC: EVANSTON INS CO 35378 321 Talcortville Rd INSURl!RD: INSUR!RE: Vernon CT 06066 INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUIIBER: REVISION NUMBER; THIS IS TO CERTIFY THA TTHE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOT'MTHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDmON OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDE.D BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDmONS OF SUCH POLICIES , LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. II~ TYPE OF INSURANCE INSO WVD POLICY NUMBER 1 111ii"""v' J•• ~-~ ~·~ LI MITS . }C COMMERCIAL GENERAL UABIUlY EACH OCCURRENCE s 1,000,000 I Cl.AlMSMAOE [X] OCCUR 'PREMISES 'i'&' ~nee) $ ]00,000 MED EXP (MY one pen;an) s 5,000 -A PHPKl 925369 01/01/2020 01/01/2021 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY s 1,000,000 -GEN"LAGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE s 2,000,000 ~ DPRO· DLoc PRODUCTS -COMP/OP AGG s 2,000,000 POLICY JECT OTHER: $ AUTOMOBILE LIASIUTY l&"'=&:\'t)::,IN<,U: UMI, s 1,000,000 -ANY AUTO BODILY 1111.JURY (Per pem,n) s -CM/NED ~.SCHEDULED BOOtL Y INJURY (Per acclder11) S A AUTOS ONLY AUTOS PHPK19253690 01/01/2020 01/01/2021 :g HIRED NON-OWNED 1PM~r·~~ $ AUTOSDNLY AUTOS ONLY $ ~ UMBREUAUAS ~occ~ EACH OCCURRENCE $ 3,000,000 A EXCESSUA B CLAIMS.MAOE PHUB660514 01/01/2020 01/01/2021 AGGREGATE $ 3,000,000 OED I !RETENTION$ s COMPENSATION lsmurE I I~"' !AND EMPLOYERS' UASIUTY y IN 1,000,000 B ~,PROPRIETOR/PARTNER1EXECUTIVE D II /A WMZ-8()().,8007529-2019A 07/13/2019 07/13/2020 E.L EACH ACCIDENT $ C.ER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? Ma.ndatory In NH) E.L. DISEAS'E • EA EMPLOYEE S 1,000,000 I yea, desaibe under E.L DISEASE· POLICY LIMIT 1,000,000 ESCRtf'TION OF OPERATIONS below $ P·ER OCCURRENCE 2,000,000 C EXCESS LIABILITY MKLVIEUE100452 01/0 1/2020 01/01/2021 AGGREGATE 2,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional RamatkS Schedule, may be attached If more space is roqulr<!d) as evidence of insurance CERTIACATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF TH E ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DA TE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Juliano Pools, LLC ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLIC Y PROVISIONS. 321 Talcottvillc Road AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATM: A~HULs 1 Vemon,CT ,06066 . © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION . All rights reserved . ACORD 25 (2016/03) The ACO RD na me and logo are registered marks of ACORD Between 8:00 AM and 8:00 IPMII IE!ST. , .... --. -I I I ~-----------;--·-----'----__ I; ------------!?age 2 ' I ' I ' t:!:/·:.'' L-·-----------------~ II ------------Page 22 TABLE OF CONTENrS PA-2B & PA-30 General .................................................................................... ................................................................................................. 5 Box Contents ...................................................................... PA-SO content& ...................................................................................... . e 6 Pool Patrol Modale ............................................................................... .,..... t • PA-20 ..................................................................................................... e ·"PA .. 80 ....................................................................................................... 1:, PA-25....................................................................................................... 8 INS'INJ.INQ,EJR ~GINO THE BlilTERY .................................................................. 7 SBI\ISll'IVl;IY~ ........................................................................................................ u ALARJA RSBET ..................................................................................................................... 9 ~·:=.!:::·::::::·::::::::·:::::::·:::::::·.·:::::::·::::::·::::::::·::::::::·::::::·.·::::::::·:::::::·::::::::·· }~ RECelVER ......................................................................................................................... ·1:i Setup ............................................................................................................ ·13 TranamJ&alon ll/lodea ... ... . . . ... .. . . .. . . . . ... . ........................................... .. . . . .. . .. .. . . ·13 Mode Change ...................................................... ,........................................ ·1 s BNmode ....................................................................................................... ·14 ID mode ......................................................................................................... ,.,. Learn Mode ................................................................................................... ·1,1 Erasing Memory ... ... ......... .. ......... ............ .... ....... ............. ... ............. .... . . . ... .. . 14 Resetting the Receiver ..................... ... .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . 15 :~~:i~~~~::.:::::::.:.:.:.::::::.:.:.::::::.:.:.:::::::.:.:.:::::::.::::::::.:.:::::::.~.:::::::.:_::::::::· .~~ LOW BATTERY ............................................................................................ ·16 FAl,.SE ALARMS ....................................................................................... . .. 'IEi ~~Ai:ARi.·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .:~ CON G TO A HOME SEOURITY SYSTEM ......•............................. ,. ...................... I 7 Oland Loop .......... .............. ........... ............................. ... ...... ...... ...... ...... .. . . ·1 e Open Loop ..................................................................................................... 16 TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................................................ 1 !l Pool P!lln>l llmllad warranty ................................................................................................ 21 -----------!Page 3 . ,1 ~- TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1 Battery cover ............................................................................. 7 FJgure 2 Batlet'y CRp ................................................................................ 7 Figure 3 Sensitivity Acij ............................................................................ 9 Figure 4 Sen&ltlvlty Marke ....................................................................... 9 Figure a Recommended ptaccJment for pools larger than 20 x 40 ft ..... 11 ~=:: ~ ~~nded.plaosmantfor .poola .~-~~-~~.~-~.~:: w Figure 8 FIiter Inlet Poaltlon ................................................................... 12 Figure 9 Receiver ................................................................................... 1 S Flaa.a re 10 Mode Button ........................................................................... 14 Ffgure11 Securlty Connections ........................................................... -.. 18 ----------Page 4 Do noc rw111m &ne pl'DdUGC lilP • ........ &o 11W l'flt$r ftVm whom the produot we puralulnd. AU. Rli"AIRI lalllD 10 Bl'UNT-'l'O DR1VBN Di!alGNS . -----------Page Zl \f/ 11 / 1 \ , l,.,·•,c-,. '',. ,' •,,,,, ',· ',. :·' . ·' ~--- FCCIO THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WIT:H PART 16 OF THE FCC RULES. OPERATION IS Sl&'IEPT m W1E F(i.).~.l!.-·~M~ .. , ,fM ·CONP.mONS: (1) TMIS DEVICE ~y NOT C,.USE ~~, .. . . .. · E, AND (2) TI-118 E>EViCE Ml:IST AOOl:PT ANY I . . . IVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION . INFORMATION TO UBER NOTE: THE MANUPACTURBlR IS l'TO'J' RB:SPQNSIBLm FOR ANY RADIO OR TV ~NCE eAtrSBD·BY UNA~D MODIFICATIONS TO THiS ~U~. SU~ ODIJl'ICATIONB COULD VOID THE USER'S AUTHORITV TO ·OPERATE THE QUIPMENT. ----------Page20 I --1"1~~ I I' /it • I '., .. ~·\, ~ .,,, ------I 1 ·'~,\1\\Jt ----~-- ~! the purohaae cpf the .. flneat pool alelrm In the marl{et e alarm I~· manutaabnd ,In the ·USA with· the highest quality and we •ta,-~• behind every Pool 'Patrol sold. The alatm le designed with P -11aa •ngln...-1 to realat Ol'l(IQklng and fading over time The &laotronk,m ..., mtaroproawor aont.roaed uatng the latest In treuism 1tte1 and reoelvar teohnalogy. During aHembly each alarm goes through aenteral rounds of lnapeatton and taetlng to en•ure years or trouble free servtoe . Gene ral Thia manual Is written for the PA-25, and so. TIMI POOL. PATROL Alarm Is lntanded to ba an addltjgnal layer of saounty to prqtilct your 'loved · onea. Th• POOL PATROL Alarm Is 11ot lntanc:led 118 •~llftt;mwtng deWloa. It la not Intended to raplraae any other safety aonakftlratlDne: auah aa adl.llt aupenilek>n, lifeguards, fences, gatea. pool oovera, looka, ltle. The POOL PATROL Alarm lllfiW not detect from gradual entry. It la Im~ to apend suff!c*nt time In beeomlng famlllar with the opal'lltlol) of·ypur -POE>L ,PATRQI..Allnna and to property, test the uni t so ttiat It adequjiaty covers aJI areaa ofthe pool for the peraon(s) or pet(s) you wllh to protect. . . . . e Oo notuaa ~-!fJ!~e,tpA~ tfl&·lnstrtiotlon s . ., OC> not·al-thf/li · f , :_ta _ , ' , o oo·,not dra,p, •u~ ·mhitreat, oi:·plaqe 1,1nlt ,1.1pslde ·down In the pool. . o Do not.us•·wta•n pq.ol:.i!-.a1Y1t. In u 111e or w hile olaan lng . o Qo not plapp 111 .p'c:iPl::n..r' · .rMl,ani iareli!, · e DG Rot ua,nitlth othttr · · IA.po.rat, auoh .es toys, dispensers, ohalra, •ta. . · o Do mt alter,od1t-.,,~·~ l'fPllllr. the ·unlt.yp~1rself. e Do RQt l-.V. Ot.tt ··~· .until you hav e teamed how to op411raw:~• alarm. The PA-28 and PA-$0 POOL PATROL Alarms meet .the requirements or AS'FIVI* standird F2i08-08"*. *Amerloan Society for Testlno anc/ ----------Page6 . - I J Materials. This a larm was teated by an lhdepencfent lab and ts mandatory In some states. The PA-20 does not meet ASTIVI standards. B01c Con tents The PoPI Patrol Is packaged In a s~lpptng carton that minimizes the chance of damage do to shipping ancl, handing . Chaok for damage and oonflrm that the contents or the carton Include -the following Items. PA-30 contents o Floating Alann (Transmitter) " Receiver w ith Power S1.1pply o String Kit (String with two blaok plaatto hooks) If a ny of the Items above are missing, oontaot Driven Designs for replacement. · Basic Operation The a larm 111 dealgned to d!9t.i;it a wave orwated on th• aurtaoe of the water. When the alarm la floating In the·-pool. a metal" Nn8lng post on the bottom of the alann Is· oontlo\fbU1Jy,;mllklng oontaot wltfl 'the water. A sensing ring under the rim of the blue oover la Juat abO\NI tha water but not making contact. When ·a wave Is created and ·makea contact with the sensing ring -the alarm wlll sound . Pool Patrol llllodets There are currentty three models of the Pool Patrol Pool Atarma; PA-20, PA-26, and PA-SO. This Instruction manual cover8' the PA .. 25 and tha PA- 3 0 . PA-20 -This model Is a atand-elone unit only. It le a baala unit Intended to only alert you at the poof of any lntrualon. Thls modal wlll not transmit and wUI not wort< with and do• not lnolude the receiver. PA-30 -This model has a tranamlU.r and receiver. It Is Intended to alert you at the pool of .any lntruelon and wlll transmit to a receiver located nearby. Tha.,P.A-30 la A8TI\II F"220B compliant . The PA..SO aontalna a tral'lamltter and lnolUdea • raoelver. PA -26 -This model le •lsned ~ a tfi!namlttar and wlll worlt with the PA-80 and Its • receiver. ~" flJ.JlCl ·poole req~n, more than 8ne.alann but 1do ·not,rag~lnr-~:raaelvera . The PA-.26 Is Intended to work Wllh the· P.A~8!a :-;~var dowlng .. a-to be =· ,,· .. ~ . .•. ·,· .,......, l'eoelVera multlple· G11e11rms .f>.1.4 • •. , ,, ··,. . . , ·~ • This modill ·.wlll.tt6tn1mlt·,b ij:fbeai.not;fn · · ·· 'i1<111aelver. The PA- 26 le ASTM F--2208 'oomp1illlnt when lnotudi!ld with a PA-SO . -----------Page 6 I • --I . - - . ~-----,_ - .I '\I! (J I 1 ,1 ';11 ™ --------~ .· l,.~1J/1\ !· I RQWB8&f8HQO'flNQ Pool allmn will not work. Low or mJeahlg battery. Replaoe battery with a new sv allwlln e. f h i alarm ffllitkee. t:hlrp 8ound OCt:aaiona}ly. 19 battery voltage may be low. Replace battery with a new ev allteillne Pool lllann w .. INOl'klnll and la n ow It Is naL Oxidation oan bUUd up on the eenslng post. Lightly clean with steel woo l Pool am g1,,. ,.,_ alarm& Cheak that the alarm le nat.nur1he filter or pump. Be s ure the filter 1111e1 la pointed d~. $88 nlgura B page 12. Try decreasing tl1 e: aanaltMty. Follow the 8BN8ITMTV A.DJ on page a. IRAliter wm be tr•IIRI l1Nllll8 pool alalm. Remove battery -and retum the pool alarm and 1'8oelver to Drive, 1 Dealgne for service. The Leo on the reae1wr _. not ""'8t Be 8\ffll wall :tranatorm.r la .ptugg,l!ld Into • 110VAC ouUet a nd the p owe, Ja ck I• pluggad Into the reoelver. Oheok th&1tthe ON/OFF switch Is O N . Receiver la mmad on but doe• not work when the pool alarm is td,..,-.d. Receiver may be too fat from aJarm. Relocate. Receiver mlily be In "' bulldlng with metlll aiding or with foll lnaulatlon. Relocate near a window Alar-m sounda for no appatJlllt reason. A neighbor may have the · uma alann. Place the receiver lh ID mod e and train the transmitter to the receiver. See RECEIVER and Mode Change page 1 S. -----------!Pep :11.9 t• 111 ,,, ' I ' I ' ' I'.' ' . ~ ,, To conneot to a home security ayatem there la a connector at the bottom of the recalvsr with three Inputs: (SN Figure 11) Ftgure11 security Connections NO -Normally Open C -Common NC -Normally Cloeed The home security system wlll conn•ot to two of the three terminals. Check the eeourtty system ctooumentatkm to ~Ina If the ayetem Is an "open loop" or a "closed loop" system. Thl!f88 Inputs ere connected to a relay and only provide an open or ololl8d contact CDosed Loop If the security system Is closed loop, the connections are made to the "C" and "NC" tennlnmls. When the reoelver alanns the reli\y wlll open a nd trigger the home aeourlty eystem. Open L oop For an open loop system, connecttons are made to the "C " and "NO" terminals. When the receiver alarms the relay WW close and trtggar the home security system. -----------Page 18 (" . -~.~-, •• ~ --:--r·~-. - / I • 1 ·:·( I 1 ••• ,hr. ----~., i,,1···,~~m~· INS __ _ ,i;.:7:7:4~-~-BX wfU mt for one y.ei(ir:undtil"llOITl'llil uu . • One 9V aJkallne batte1 y under the floatatfon bae. You wlfl nnd ii:h~I tery Is In a compartm ent the bllttary aover. a pe eorew driver to remov1:i , 1) Tum the e1tEc1 rr1, . ~~,_ down. Noto the bletct\ -'~~n ban and the word~1 · ~@,~itibM" and the worcl .~ MSSNSITIVITV" with an arrow !° "INCREASE" or ,; ·~l;CREASEu the sensitivity .,!JBZ~~the float, turn th ® '~" flou:1lk:in base lh e, r ooi.inter..olooRwlse directi on i or In the "DECREASE" ' dlraotlon , unttl the base Is loose from the uppe r bllle housing. Figure 1 le a plctllre of the battery cover with the float removed. Figure 1 Battery Cover 2) 3) Snap a 9-volt alka(l'19 battery on to the bllliaty , oflp (Figure 2) and-: oaref&.llly Insert the ev battery and ollp Into th• battery compartment. -----------l?aae 7 4 ) Repla ce battery cov er wlU, the s•~.t ,balna Olilraful to aeat the cove r Into the battery oom9.11rtm~. Tlgijten . th!t: aover dOl!Vn with the t wo retaining screws . Do .,not ov.ar-ttgflten .acniWe. TJgtiten ·enough so the gaelcet Is flnnly and evenly ·oorripi'eaaed bet.-n the cover and the battery hous ing to prevent any water from getting Into the battery compartment . 6 ) Return the blaclc flotallGn base to the threaded atam of the upper blue housing. As In step 1 above note the word "80TTOI\R'4 written on the floatation baae. Be ,s1.1reithe1flCH11tatlonbaaeworda 11BOTTOM" and the word "SENt;JITIVITY • with an arrow to "INCREASE" or "DECREASE" are Visible. Carefully rotate the base In a olookWlae direction on the threade d post. 6 ) Reset p ool a la rm by turn ing It ups ide dow n for G eeconds. 7 ) To test the unit, aarefUlly place the alarm In the pool w ith the float and center post In the water. Tl!) the alarm .. so that the aenltfng _ring (which I& t owards the outer edge 111nd -t.1nderthe blue housing) makes contact with the water. W11$n the water -ls ·1n contact with the center p ost and sensing ring atthe ·same ·tlme the alarm should sound. SENSDJIYRY·AQJ.IUSJ Turning ·tfie blaolfflotlitli:in base cloakwlse er aounteroloaltwlae (Figure S) ra ises or lowers the sansll;lg ring with res_peat to the war. The oloser the sensing rtng Is to the wate.r, the more .eenslttve the alarm. Tum the b la ck flotation base, gently QloQ.kWJJ!I• untll lt,~tt?P•• Do not force It. T his Is the most senaltlve-p~sltlon 111ni:I the pOl!lftlon· that was used to pass A STM tesUng. Moving the float f rom this poeltlon w UI no longer meets A STM requirements . ----------IP'mge8 I Note: . . Do not dJlaave out . Wfmlg~ wt,tU you ~av.e,.cpf.ltrolled the alarm w1t11 proper a uatmant 'df ffie aanalffVlty ·aettfng and·a secure t.l e dow n . . ............ ·-#-......... ' ·-· ... _ ... -~ -~ ... _._ -·· -··· ........ _ ... .. eqpo.,. QQV§M Your pool alirfn c•n Work with ao l&l r c o v e rs , c ut a n area out of y o w cover malclng a % alrole •Mpe large enough for the alarm to float f reely Fold the % alrole over to expose the pool water. Carefully place t h e a larm In the ~ olrcle of' exposed wat er. Sen s itivity m a1y neecl to be adJuated . 8 X.IY&·l 9WB··fHW& To uae the·poOI, rerntiJtS? rm from the pocil, s hake off the e>eces s water around the sensing ring and oenter poet, and place It next to th e side of th• pool away from the·area of play. When the pool Is no lon ger In use, wait 10 mlnutea to let the water settle In the pool. Pick up the alarm, reaet It and oantfl.llly place It back In the pool at the location decided In "Alarm Placement". When you naad to store It for a long period of t ime (severa l months). remove the 9-volt battery and replace battery aover and float. Turn off the racalve r •nd unplug the wall transforme r. Pla c e a ll alc1rn , components In the bo>dt came In and store It In a dry, secure area. CQ~!;G·11J-AiL\V ¥-SQlf~NJ If yo ttave:i~ \i~F:~r. \'rer-aaM:ie·:1nstalled to work with your saourlty ayatvJm . It. la recommended that you Install the receiver to the· seourJt,~ ·lval$n . one .weal< ,after lnstalllng the pool alarm . This give s yo 1.1 .,orm,·.t1tne ·to·work ·Wlth tbe eilarm , and have t he sensitiv ity set to your oontlltlons avdldlng faJse alarms. illlt,,..N!f; 111.ia,a s ure ffi t.,N'QO..l,tJ1tmJ.fj!Pm-.~~11,-~,.•~tt~o rra.o~y. Ttlils wm help to · avora·--·11«~,qi#l~'li~ijalley:,ay,tem. -----------Page 11.7 v-, -• • I -~ -----, ---• --: TESTING T N S ALARM Before the tHtl,:ig, be a1.1ra t,te ~o,ltlVtty of the pool alarm I• at the moat sensitivity poeltibn (ref: 8Bl\l1!ffl'1l'A'. ADal$T-). R .. t the alarm by turning It upalde down and P.• If ~ In · the pool at the looatlon prevloualy determined In ALARM PLACSNISNT. Move to an area of the pool that Is fllrthaat fl'orn the alarm. CarefuUy dip the bucket In the water and flll It. Lift and hold th• bucket appn»dmately 6" above the water and drop It Into the pool. T he alarm ehoulct sound With the wave creatwd by the bucket. The receiver should also sound Immediately after the lllarm In the pool was triggered . Reset both alarms. Test at other locations In the pool to make sure your atann works at all locations. Between taste wait 10 minutes to allow waves to settle. llll~ LOW BATTERY Your pool alarm Is equipped wtth a low battery lndlofiltor. If your B-,volt a lltallne battery drops below ev It wlll sound • "chirp• onoe every eo · s econds. The raoelvar wlll also chirp once every 80 saoonda to Indicate the alarm In the pool has a low battery. Replace the battery In the pool alann following DNSTAD.J,H\IG QR CHANGING IHI ,~TTSRV on page 7 , next reaet the ramote receiver foltowlng .the Resetting tlie Receiver on page 13. FALSE ALARIUIS You may find that one setting le Ideal for ragutar use when the surface w61ter Is placlcl, however, It may 0111use· fal1e @lattne If th•re· are winds greater than 12 MPH 'Or during 111,storm . 1b a\lQ(cf ·false atanns, you may decide to temporarily i:leor,oaea the sensitivity. You should then retest yo ur alarm at the new seUfhg to verity that ft wlll sense the ohlld or pet you wish to protect at all areas of the pool. -----------P age 11.6 il -· ---- I ---, '" .... ' I' -;-:--,,.,, 'Ii Figure a Senaltfvtty'AdJ The "Senaltfvlty Martca" (Figure 4) ~1be ~-· • a gen•r•I lndfoldor ·fbr· ffi•.l sensitivity poaltlon . · i Should the •111}8ftfYb. ::r~ need to be ac:tJuat-.:f,~i:• making ~nta -~--, turnlAg the float on!Y a, %_,. tum at a time. 1\lat the ·1 alarm after each 1 adjustment (see testing page 3). We do not reoommenc:I turnin g th• float out more than three fUII turns. ' ' ·~11(\. '1 ·••· ' ' ' -' ,J!1iLli "t Decrease Flgure 4 SenslHvlty Marice f:!ll·9l§I ib2:ttie~lm· at any time pick up the alarm and turn It upside dow n (180D angle) for 6 aaoonds. This aotJon wlll resat the processor and Psge 9 ' ' l':i!ln •1• ••>-I , -I 1 • I I,' I • I t h e mode button down whlle turning on the naoalver. Onae the reoelVer Is turned on, release the mode button. Tha unit ha• now changed modes. SN m o d e In this mode the raoelver will accapt any Pool Patrol tranamlttar. ID mode In this mode the receiver wlll only accept the tranamlaalons from only those ID ooaes the receiver h•• learned. It looks out all other transmitters. ~ ~ Leam Mode With the recetver In 113 mode, pushing and rela•lng· th'9 mode button -onoe wlll •p1:,1t.·~ recelV19r In learn mode ·OIJ~lilt)g the LED on the front of the racelV&II' to tum green. team mode wlll timeout after 18 seconds and the reoelver will go baok to nomial op.eratton causing the LED wUI gp bmck to red. Once In le11m mode -the receiver Is waiting for the ID coda from a transmitter. Trigger the t ra nsmitter and send the serial number and ID Figure 10 Mode Button number to the receiver. To trigger the transmitter conneot the ring and post with II paper ollp or piece of wire. T he receive r w lll take the ID number and store It In memory. Up to B transmitters can be learned by each receiver. If the raoalver aoaepts the 10 code from the transmitter the green LED wlll turn off and on and then tum red and blink rapidly. Er asing IVlamory Place the receiver In ID mode. Holding the mode button In for 10 seconds wfll erase the reoetver memory. All of the transmitter ID numbers stored In memory wlll be cJeared. Once th• mode button le pressed the LED wlll tum green for 1 O seoonda. Whan tha LED tums off the memory Is erased. After releasing the mode button the LEO wfll -----------?age :U, I -·----·· ---~ -··- ' · ~0 I, , ,,'.}Jt'\1\1 ---I • • '.· 1 {.f~"~~ , ---.WlJ If your pool 18 larger than 20 >t 40 ft. we recommend using more than one pool atarm . RefartQ Figure 8 for plaoamant of more t hen ona a larm. : t~~ •• , ,,, I '. ' . ' ... ~ I , ••.•• !.'} ,' ~-"·' ., .~:· - Figure e Recommended placement for pccta larger than 20 x 40 ft. Detennlne where In the pool the alarm w ill be p laced. Remove thE atrlng and otlpa lnatudad with th• alarm. Meaaw'lng from the oanter of the alarm , p lace the alarm approxlme1tely 12• to 1 e• lnohea from the aide of the pool. From this position detennlne whara th• tie-down ·loQatlona wit be. Cut the string to length and le ave Figure 7 Float Tab a ny c loser than one foot from . for the alarm to function an d be !)l.!YIPV•d aaally. Tie down .·-~ s hould be as ofose to n ae· ·Waler level as poss ib le fo1 l' the beat rasults. u J: Note: To ltaep the nylon stl'lng k from unraveling tie a l<no t In th e and or uae heat to mel t th e strands together. ,. Tie one e nd of each string tc, each tab on the float (Figure 7) Tie the other end of the stings to each tie down location of tile pool. Do not place the a/arm the side of your pool. Leave -----------Page 11 approximately 2' of slacl< In the stting for the alann to function and b111 removed 119119Uy. Tia down locatlons should be• clou to the Wa1ar level as possible for the bast Mautte. You ·oan tie-down to your ladder, diving board, or the plastlc hooks that are supplied. 1Mltii11JJ6WT f>o n ~ ~-"fl••lv-.1~11~1\o~ ~ you•,pool ... l'fffl\OVal of the h oeka,may teal' vol11'1"QI, Do not place your atarm mm to the fDter return. Toe filter Inlet of your pool should be pointed downward (Figure 8) at an angle toward the bottom of the pool and awr.y from the watar aurr.oe.. Thia wlU 1'9duoe any s urface waves a nd WIil help to avoid any fatae alarms when the pump turns on . Correct '~·,, ".4;····' .. .. . . Figure 8 Filter Inlet Posltlon Soft Sided Pools ~ Incorrect Tie one -end of the string to the tab on the float (figure 7). leave about 2- 3 foot of slack, tie the other and of the sting to either a adder or another fixed area. MQl8¥SB Your ~Mir work& With the pool ta from within your houaa . Whan th! J: ;11ow1.~g you to mohltor your poet elgnaJ to aotfvate the receiver. • ng llht11rtn le activated It sends .. Setup . :::.:.n .1:; power Jack to a wall outlet and plLtg the othe r e nct Into th(; red LE~ fnd:!:o~ [~~~ S). Tum power switch to •on~ position , the Power Jack Figure 9 Receiver Tranamlealo n Mod es lndlcato1 LED ~. . Security . . '13ystam Conn ectio ns The receiver hu two modes of operation : Serial Number mode (SN mode) and ID mode. When ~ ,.aalver Is In SN mode It wlll accept the tranamlHlon of a ny Pool •P.atrpf. ~llrrillfer (this le the default setting) The ••rfal number la common·to 1111,tranemlltare. When the receiver te In ID mode It wlJI aooept the aerial number plus the ID numb er of the tranarnlaslon. The ID number la unique to each transmitter. Mode Change lb change from SN mode (default) to ID 'mode or baolc from ID m ode to SN mode, tum off tile receiver. Loos the mode button on the top lert comer of tha receiver (Figure 10). Using a paper clip or tooth pic k hold ----------Page 13 .. ,~ • .<11 ,._.;,<:~""''' ·: ispeip:ra e me perfecc cbo1~ llr property own.en ivbo need ch.e -~· • and proa:crion of a chain-link fence syscm plus m •1,..::J': ... · , that blends in bmuifully t1'tth the environment. · · ~ ddlnes property lines. encloses animals, as well as and adds value IX! mJ piopcny. For added privacy, from differmt cypes oi de:omnve polyechy\eoe slats Ill match rhe shades ofSpec.aa color dmin,.liDk sysrems. Cbain-Linlt Fabric Specaa polyvinyl c:blmde e:muded over me~ steel m per A5IM F 668 elm 1 or Specaa polyvinyl c:hlotide mmW md adbemd m &iu.x:uaed m!d m per A5TM F 668 Clas 2a 8 md 9 gauge 6nish IPnhnri8'CXllldiJc. 6 mils minirn•m , over ZDJC wire - • • • Siena Brown Specmpolysettaio.. 3 mlls ~ aver aalvanized seel AStM F 100 .. 0ioup lC. wilh a minl:omm yield samadl of 50,00) PSI:. Pwec.civ e coaiilg per ASIM F 1043, emmal cmm:ag Type B; zinc wih ozppic ovm:aar, 0.9 amces per~ mot mmi:nlllm. me caari:ng wuh c:bramme o:.meebl crmmcmd nri!lah1e po1ymer rum 1-3~ O.D. Speam 16 or 17 Ga. pipe 1-5/8" or 1-7~ O.D. Specm 16 Ga. [ipe 1-7/89 or 2-3~ O.D. Specm 16 Ga. pipe 1-3/8" or 1-518' 0.D. fur gll[e:5 '' . ' :-''· ~. \ - O I .-'· : ; La,tC,h ~hJ.~iSr i"' be. loCQ<.~ ft\:f\;ff\lAVV\ t;f" ~.'C ~ . Orc..te. l-o .l)e.. if\S ia.. I~ +k-._ t- jt; ~t--b.tc1;~ I Self-c.~;')5 AAtJ-t0 $tJ :05 0...wo..y -f~M ~ J. '.j JI 2 ~;(\'l,~\YJ l 1/i , I I lj, /Yl ~; 1Y'\ (A."" ~~~~WJ~~~~.,PJ'~~~~ ~~~~ ·'-;-.:::,. --: • ..... _iij._ CERTIFICATION Of COMPLIANCE Conta i ns : WG 1048E, WG1048EBLK, WG1048EG R, o r WG1048EDGR Description : 8" Round Suctio n Outlet Cover Ratin_gs: Floor: 125. iPN Wall: zz. .6PM Open Area : !1,,1 sq-In Certiffed to Comply with Section 1404 of the Virginia Graeme Baker Act tVGB) Pool & Spa Safety Act codfffed at 16 CfR part 1450. Initial Certification May 2011. ~~~tifadUred: ~September m, 2009, bva Division of Hayward l~dustries, Inc. at 1<4-A, 214028 Sl'Qdc JC4-~ ~qrt Proc;essJng _Zone Wilxl flew District JianBSU ProV1nce PRC 214028, China; or at OnlhJf.ii*anHflil~al Mve, aemmons, NC 27ou . · cefllfled'b,y ~ Pool Products, 620 Division Street, EUzabeth , NJ 07207, Phone 908-355-7995 Contactatww.w,tilYY@Cdnet.r.om ~~~ ,~ia~ is C:ustomer Service at www.hawmdnet.com. ~~ PrQdud:s P.O. Box ~oo. Clenlm~ ltC27012,s100, Pho ne: 336-712-9900 ~mm,ard:poalcom /pdflliterallJre/8JnroundCQC.pdf o~,::~f ~ The l.p\ ~µmber shown on the product label contains the Year & Month of manufactu re. U..e ffistnumber nm~1he year (ex 1 =-2011) and the second character the month (A=Jan, B==Feil, H=ALlg. I is-i;kipped, J=Sep, etc) ~. ~ to:~1/APSP 16 (N{St/ASME 112.19.S.2ooz (addendum 9b-2009)) per Section 14Q4 of the VltiJ!,~ (q~e Elakef Ad lV~) Pool & Spa Safe!y Act Tesfl!d bv NSF International, 789 Dixboro Road. Ann Amor, Ml ~3, Phone 734-76g-8010 in April 2m.1. Certificate at: htt,p;l/fnfo.nsf.org/Certffied/PootsJUstJnes,am?Company-:216oo&Srandard=ASME1go s Date of lnstaUation· --------5 u cti on outlet components have a finite Ufe, the cover/gram should be inspected frequently and replaced at least f!NeJV z yeaJS or if found to be damaged, broken , cracked, missin& or not securely attached. Ha~ Pool Products acknowl~ that it is a federal crime t o knowingly and willingly make materially false, fictitious , or fraudulent statements, representations, or omissions on tins certification. 073/4" sucnoNouna ~-r~ .t. Warning-Suction Entrapment Hazard. Suction in sudion outlets and /or suction outlet covers which are installed in a small area and/ or below the surroundin g su.rface can cause severe inj ury or death due to body entrapment hazard. To reduce th e risk of body entrapment, installation ofthe field fabricated sumps must be such that the top ofthe mounted cover is a minimum of11/i0 above the finished pool surface over an area larger than 40" on a diagonal. 1"8 OAPT·!! Manual Dl!1111i:Li1JGUI 1 l!/111116 1111111 PM Paga 1 ljlllllRJa 81'aDIIMS'8'R91!16 1 BNU, P.0.llaxjUIB NOIUII VliRNON, ltMre&e Ot l!>G4D4lll4D r@__!~----:Pc:B:.::M:.:IND:::;::Ull~:re::::1&11:::1.::'":.:;:o. ~-==-MADB IN THE USA fffll/,OIM6 r~ 1111ww.111oolguard.aom + r~:_i ', I~ ' I ' " FIJJure 2 --2000/2@50SEB~RES e ~~ R~Dl~-~.R~~T~GL~ ai i8° )( 360 -·--Ull-~1NJSUUl1NIIIHl!t> ~ :~~Alla,1P.IIAT3'.o"MIN /lrAI\T ~i~,-~-ff--;•••• ·II-· 0 -~ G --l&m .ai;N;i, ·,; I I- \l 1\l911j!'lli..,.. ... , l=. Ill~ 111 ., 6 Ill Ff==i~ I ~~~(>'. M'i •WR" Rat Ml!! -.W • . ellBRUAll · ALL OIMEN810N8 ARE .FtNIBli DIMENSIONS ·--·_ 20g4 ----..... ---~ D<'o-,('I sj!]v&riotv 17/"r,..,j ~~~~-:::7):-ti'T,-::-:"F//C.. 3 '·-----::,i lla1<>1>UUslaUallo11,•;.. -------- ' ; , 1SWQIC)l8COCl1uo !l u,10 IIIN'NllLOWING•BtRIU: • . s . ,., ' 'it·, ~ F· ; I ~· ~-GO