zz110 pine st pool File#BP-2020-1092 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON JULIANO'S POOLS ADDRESS/PHONE 321 TALCOTTVILLE RD VERNON (860)870-1085 PROPERTY LOCATION 110 PINE ST MAP 23A PARCEL 149 001 ZONE URB(100)/ THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Buildiniz Permit Filled out Fee Paid Typeof Construction: 18X36 INGROUND POOL New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 139826 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PRESENTED: Approved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management Demolition Delay Signature of Building Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission, Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. *Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact Office of Planning&Development for more information. Department use only - City of Northampton Status of Permit: .'f ,.�► ' .` Building Departmentstor�[(Septic b Cut/Driveway Permit 212 Main StrE '�f' Availability Room 1001+ o ` ell Availability `( Northampton, MA Q ;l >1 Twoets of Structural Plans phone 413-587-1240 Fax 41�'_'. £lb? 72 Zer Site Plans ?!^N cA Specify APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER, REPAIR, RENO r T DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Property Address: This section to be completed by office / /(/l e ✓ Map 0�3/4 Lot /�j Unit Zone LW,3 Overlay District Elm St.District CB District SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: L_/5 /,( C> Na (Print) C ent Mailing dr ss: , - Telephone Signature 2.2 Authorized Agent: V ,/� //� Jit �-yam ✓�!/`t G� Name(P Current Mailing Address: ��� -� V�3 `�'� Signa a Telephone S 3-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be Official Use Only completed by permit applicant 1. Building (a) Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical (b) Estimated Total Cost of Construction from 6 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fee 475 4. Mechanical (HVAC) 5. Fire Protection 6. Total =0 +2+3+4+5) Check Number D D M / This Section For Official Use Only Building Permit Number: 1 C�` Oq� IIs ate A ssued: Signature: Building Commissioner/Inspector of Buildings Date EMAIL ADDRESS (REQUIRED; EITHER HOMEOWNER OR CONTRACTOR) Section 4. ZONING All Information Must Be Completed. Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column to be filled in by Building Department Lot Size Frontage Setbacks Front �I/ Side L: , 7 R: L: R: Rear aS Building Height Bldg. Square Footage % Open Space Footage % (Lot area minus bldg&paved parking) #of Parking Spaces Fill: volume&Location - A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO O DONT KNOW YES IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO O DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO',.�DONT KNOW Q YES 0 IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Q Obtained Q , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES © NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES O NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the construction activity disturb(clearing,grading,excava , or filling)over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES O NO�� IF YES,then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. t SECTION 5-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check all applicable) New House ❑ Addition ❑ Replacement Windows Alteration(s) Roofing ❑ Or Doors 1­1 Accessory Bldg. ❑ Demolition ❑ New Signs [O] Decks [Q Siding [0) Other' Brief Description of Proposed ` 00G' �Frk3� �� Work: w �, Alteration of existing bedroom Yes___,�No Adding new bedroom Yes •---No Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement Yes No Plans Attached Roll -Sheet 6a. If New house and or addition to existing housing, complete the following: a. Use of building : One Family L,-'f Two Family Other b. Number of rooms in each family un t: Number of Bathrooms c. Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e. Number of stories? f. Method of heating? Fireplaces or Woodstoves Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? h. Type of construction i. Is construction within 100 ft. of wetlands? Yes No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain Yes No j. Depth of basement or cellar floor blow finished grade k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes No . I. Septic Tank City Sewer V Private well City water Supply SECTION 7a-OWNER AUTHORIZATION-TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT I, L as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to ac any be alf, i tters rft1,9ive ork authorized by this building permit application. i gnature of Owner Date L/L Gz o2 Z 5 Ar-All-0511 , as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that atements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signe under t ins a/palties of perjury. Print Nam Signature of Owner/Agent Date � �a.+7lf �(�}nus$1,\yc�611j _,_�_ _.--• -...�..�„ _.—..._____ �_ ��gI6 _._._ , .._._. ..r_.--.. .__.•_ .. _ _t. ,._... ..-._....w...,.r..__.....- :-+...--.w._- '_'.._ -...r.�_._..._. ._- __._.._r—...._.�.._. �.w Y,fir..-,.,-_„_.._..�....._... .� ..._,_-.r--. ...._._....-.— _........._._�...�_..._......:..._, ..._._....._�..._._..�" � _ �..i....�..-._..Y..."__. — '.........__..-__ .._.._._......,...._..—..,_._.�....__-._._..._.:.tee_...._._....__..._.-_. .. f itt�OlU�> !OUt.#.si '1 Jiff�?�'(�I.�tTi f - o :7teK`• #+'�`a*; #74 (�L'.#'� _ t�M tt�lljJlal`a:C - LL— ���6........_.._...__...._...__._ _ ....,.,,,..s,,,.__..__.— _......-�........ ._. t - to!nj 41 ,n F' !u +, �; •�6�a !slgi� �o nr � w-yfppuscq;,),h ioo, o I b6tuji i sbtl�v +i a •�= � • I cmosald$V,2;IH-61s CUi+l.Kvc.t.C3wvbbrfFa Oil 8EllMAOS bEk ;'1411 .� 1 '(•'(' ..s'`K _ �,,','!i.'. �. . . --__._ .. nun`.:;is Jy'si' t;';J' :�;.;��?#'!",".`iA �. _._-._ i 1 s' Don":t � re .+ .h.':�+lt• ,.�U:.E`- `AA{!+.'?,JB!j r - ' r #a N,, N, I GPO,` ai3:t#-'°a 1•�0 � a i.,(.: �i 1 n ?If' — lirettte: ;(34u 6 fid moi')#r "' .._..._..._..- q' { r3 ;�.r ::?i t^• LG,:II;:t ,. �?i>,:i� �2'ui}j�R 1!#JZ� ✓'1 .�+#F't!i;', ,��i�)t`,#;t?� .. ! kft+ui! Tf 777 ggt'`si 4g"M ji7llaFa $ild L'tt? ia1U 1L1f'1&?it9Ct rirfGjj�J�s ijt3.4tFaj ,- u _ .. .._.K...w........._..... __ ,Y ID :1t3 11t1Ju # 14WA a!aua (�? ij il' t d !ttl��+.i i Otl� � ,C 3 t01.L-10OL2 Lj t tic')out3 f 1 #e r - SECTION 8-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ Name of License Holder License Number Address Expiration Date Signature Telephone 9. Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ Company Name Registration Number sra Address 2 Expi— ioe 6y 06 Telephone V1 J�1 SECTION 10-WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L. c. 152,§25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes....... No...... ❑ t City of Northampton Massachusetts DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS S ` 212 Main Street • Municipal Building vyCb Northampton, MA 01060 AFFIDAVIT Home Improvement Contractor Law Supplement to Permit Application The Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation("OCABR")regulates the registration of contractors and subcontractors performing improvements or renovations on detached one to four family homes. Prior to performing work on such homes,a contractor must be registered as a Home Improvement Contractor("HIC"). M.G.L. Chapter 142A requires that the"reconstruction, alteration, renovation, repair, modernization, conversion, improvement, removal, demolition, or construction of an addition to any pre-existing owner-occupied building containing at least one but not more than four dwelling units....or to structures which are adjacent to such residence or building"be done by registered contractors. Note:If the homeowner has contracted with a corporation or LLC,that entity must be registered Type of Work: Est. Cost:— Address of Work: Date of Permit Application: I hereby certify that: Registration is not required for the following reason(s): _Work excluded by law(explain): _Job under$1,000.00 Owner obtaining own permit(explain): Building not owner-occupied _Other(specify): OWNERS OBTAINING THEIR OWN PERMIT OR ENTERING INTO CONTRACTS WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS OR SUBCONTRACTORS FOR APPLICABLE HOME IMPROVEMENT WORK ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR AND DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE ARBITRATION PROGRAM OR GUARANTY FUND UNDER M.G.L.Chapter 142A.SUCH OWNERS ALSO ASSUME THE RESPONSIBILITES FOR ALL WORK PERFORMED UNDER THE BUILDING PERMIT.SEE NEXT PAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION. Signed under the penalties of perjury: I hereby apply for a building permit as the agent of the owner: 27 J0/1 a 0eW5 Date Contractor Name HIC Registration No. OR: Notwithstanding the above notice, I hereby apply for a building permit as the owner of the above property: Date Owner Name and Signature ( f x('P if lGj�JJ! ;Uu', !C rFT:tit f_ i'i}t)G^" + If l 'I( } i.+d✓ Jr !F }JR{ off TTG t;lG f)tbil".�!p� j .. ... _� Z.C,JJf�nr+l M = 4. �6uldJtJJjlntJ AQ' ....s#. ?14:N VI j:v".3� >."� �.t!3 };( t�° #��.j fs C'�Y'j� .�Wc+A ✓t.:.✓.,:1.(.` /,*G '.Q.�'F jC)LD L. �J,t'.1J{)Y^!`�,j,f t�if # /F?t'.t< J'I il" ! .t.itu)ult.i. j't> i. rl t.l'[C)tA/F,1S�'1T20�1:t,,'t ✓it. .t.j{!.'#i F.t't►t}13 t}�#� #.j_t 2 HOFS 11-T` /'I',0K , i-�'�;�ljt1't: j^.�l1S�i.�tTtgr,r '�"ce,tti►'I.�; '+�d,. C:�';d'?.1,f�,i.Fid '�i:�3l1.KY:Li�"lf. I�Kt3(_:1t''�e3t:1�(;i;.>31�`t,�1:/. ��'I;+�.t) ,.�`: K A_.,f,01 e?i3Otf Vb#6t K fOfF H©�!l iidljaKUF''-•:1dfs;�3. N.(s1f.K Ylfc°rail t. .r'�!��f1 t)13.f.'Jt.i/iV't.' I.6it'iTS t2�t L�,isE;l�aAlt.�.:UK k<�.Lf:(Sj�t' d✓.#.t1l:Ui/!.):!4°iC�.�?tl'.t.I.11 lif�it[;CJ�1: IsC1 }t';nt�IJ sjit?JJ )2 (yi(G f)j Y j ',,�,itti,". ?�!�1E�!#,>rt(\iiStil)1V'+iSf:t.>ijt1;1 ftlaitEl:t1�E*r.(1y It�SL�1 M f.t7�,�p1.411Z+)'t'� (1T,�'�'(.�F,f�trrL GLS19l} 9►}tiA.i��t.fyii;?.S,i.fi(r i, jitf.Lft:� - `)2 ,'LV)j WOW t>413':!IC[)1':L lSi+".'�f�ty':i7tlt L81►1(,:R".3}: �k31k)()S;t�lltS' ^..l.Talti`�$(ia'1G`�1171Y U�'JU��Ca:` )L';3�;il��lk�i SX.it�i:��UML36t .)�:C:SIli16���';lil��.t� �;UL4(�U'+_Jf� f1t' '.t.illT('ri +t•CiLY t)i} 2rICV j1OPM:'' 3 CtttUjGsir[C>I Iilrf2i JaG 17 .i 'tCLEt� v C j}(1'tJ.Its 1.. :lt(jEu(3i (^ti +-'i.i1Ck •f{J-it ? �ii1f}.�IldllFCi�Z'�{G.iSrJ(fPjiUJ:, 5( f�j „�.Ji fl{!)jG&'jU{�J. SJ7ILsjiou t1J rf)IJ.jwfI 4oL?, uuq ;�nlsbjfuy�ut t+i2�,st.aL�zj ��bt�yfu�j�f}J! ' tjoux jwbi(vclllP,.f>; .S,alu4crb►. l.-Itt ky +n'�.. y,}ORL'1J!)9h C,TJ et• QTOeQ tr. , 1W L'YC: Tb*l $$714700. • y9i� 9;';:X 0t mo : �7-ps I44:, u ' �. City of Northampton ' Massachusetts F.t ` DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 212 Main Street • Municipal Building - p Northampton, MA 01060 SSE jy. i�0 Massachusetts Residential Building Code Section 110.R5.1.2 Homeowner: Person(s) who own a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside, on which there is, or is intended to be, a one or two family dwelling, attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/ or farm structures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a homeowner. Section 110.R5.1.3.1 Any homeowner performing work for which a building permit is required shall be exempt from the licensing provisions of 780 CMR 110.R5, provided that if a homeowner engages a person(s) for hire to do such work, then such homeowner shall act as supervisor. Such homeowner shall submit to the Building Official, on a form acceptable to the Building Official, that he/she shall be responsible for all such work performed under the building permit. As acting Construction Supervisor your presence on the job site will be required from time to time, during and upon completion of the work for which this permit is issued. Also be advised that with reference to Chapter 152 (Workers' Compensation) and Chapter 153 (Liability of Employers to Employees for injuries not resulting in Death) of the Massachusetts General Laws Annotated, you may be liable for person(s) you hire to perform work for you under this permit. Air,Lgj I :tAa vuuuj�trq° Xon wq� PC,jr 1pjs ic,l J.zOIJ(?) Xarr I37LG to brr 101.113,Irc,w AUL i,Un ` reT ,i 1 i. Lltj� f;i cLt !> wbjo�.60 (di 1lIIriLIG• i)(it Lr?rljqat in y;-o j, cifl.A,s?r,,q fIm. ina;jr L. .cj.rucr [ }rxhtrL '� ; l�'.�LI' ?, (.i!klup) aliq atoll couib rlloll C), t4 r Cloty C:. :3!'r.. .! tTIl2 brI.'lull 12 iWen i1ct uR Coijeafmt:ou ?rrtactt w(A XOOL bLr;OMJC(, ')i1 w0op we «,ji Nc -divl-q 1'.oai Ipjv, (r) ( +^"3 :11' ? IC, r, Jell J6 !.^,2E)C}{letj f, 1f: .�1 !/f3� :GLI'`Jl1J.lrCl (?1lrr�t ( •f., fll{C 11J b'i lu p N} 1 1 j I .#�i ! N j ' ;;,�„J jlc u'W cJnnlAL;T*rij arlpant if) WIG W111114j" ()li r-�li'ou q.1oun sccr•;hmpl, if)tis' i3`-ijijlllf, 4;l1l ,ft) 90 2fTrjl �,r.Ot.it".l}3�aJ ;,Iirlj P(YWGOA& I;L !V.l ;32 wTb6;{S mL. Yt OGcu?"AbLO A141OUe oLARO tW9 I ic)'K�' btt,�.tc}�y tjrgl.;s;�� �<sllJ f111•UGL-clJ!WRG? `; l?rr. /):t', ll(JIJ3cojne,l)r;;.bc;Lj¢>TJ*JT!JR HOLT tOL/RAMI} q IA-Luitl p !.,d(lacci ?Voll pc r.,/r..tibl j�oiu 3 !! WrJ lu :i.ltt.'1-f':'rT. brajoq e'pvjj ."Of jX ro v?IfUE X flfftJJyt}/Y.13f;L' " i:13([rZ1Tl.r f,ff;'uf:LP-jO ?fT:�! t1;.t; gljq� oL{`Jrrrl !';illptuy1cp T11r�,LG rliqu fmn, P J1'T j.j36LG P- (A T,: mjr qrq t pr i i 1p 1.�� j. y n'j f t�•,�� r� i j r� � .13 A sour.JC, UL f� `.,! ► !. L rl;-y J J �:,. t r• i.', s i, i;irtwt rt: ,fl.2f i r i- ti fin oil U tr)acllccj of,jawl ov mp!cj3]Jctr jJr l.ri If{52 (Jr. llljf,TiCir' to L(,?.mr;' Iiou J.;�,rf jtnaatt It{%r c"t'(T`!! jplifg!/ R roqnk ;,i�y,+<<,�'ri - 37S h'Y$O 8ti�aF • rL *bs7 Fin?7<S;c1J s '' ' .r V jfY►T:3ii6t�3 ,C7F. BI�x, ?i1:', ITQ�tb111G31Qt�L r n % City of Northampton Massachusetts DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONUV S m "a . 212 Main Street *Municipal Building -. Northampton, MA 01060 Debris Disposal Affidavit In accordance of the provisions of MGL c 40, S54, I acknowledge that as a condition of the building permit all debris resulting from the construction activity governed by this Building Permit shall be disposed of in a properly licensed solid waste disposal facility, as defined by MGL c 111, S 150A. The debris from construction work being performed at: (Please print house number and street name) Is to be disposed of at: JU/a 0-0-S' 3-2-1 `%Wdge1t1i1i- 40" Vj'xh (Please print name and location of facility) Or will be disposed of in a dumpster onsite rented or leased from: (Company e and Address) Sig ure f mit Applicant or Owner Date If, for any reason, the debris will not be disposed of as indicated, the Applicant or Owner shall notify the Building Department as to the location where the debris will be disposed. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents 1 Congress Street,Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 www mass.gov/dia «arkers'Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information Please Print Le ibl Name (Business/Organization/Individual): 0/1 a. .-V Address: 32-1' -'J /1,('rd__,�U/L�� City/State/Zip: V­t/Ap1 C7 D(QG(ofa Phone#: U/3�, Are you an employer?Check the appropriate box: Type of project(required): _Aar—am a employer with employees(full and/or part-time).* 7. ❑New construction 2.❑I am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no employees working for me in 8. ❑ Remodeling any capacity.[No workers'comp.insurance required.] 9. El Demolition 3711 am a homeowner doing all work myself[No workers'comp.insurance required.]r 10❑ Building addition 4.E]I am a homeowner and will be hiring contractors to conduct all work on my property. I will ensure that all contractors either have workers'compensation insurance or are sole 11.❑Electrical repairs or additions proprietors with no employees. 12.E]Plumbing repairs or additions 5.17 I am a general contractor and I have hired the sub-contractors listed on the attached sheet. 13.E]Roof repairs These sub-contractors have employees and have workers'comp.insurance.: 6.❑We are a corporation and its officers have exercised their right of exemption per MGL c. 14.[:]Other 152,§1(4),and we have no employees.[No workers'comp.insurance required.] *Any applicant that checks box#I must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. :Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'comp.policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name: Policy#or Self-ins.Lic. i1Ll Expiration Date: �13/� Job Site Address: City/State/Zip: Attach a copy of the workers'compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152,§25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well s civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator.A cop i tatement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby cern under It p ns and penalties of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct. Signature: Date: -r 27— Phone#: Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1. Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.Cityffown Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: !, 77, 3Y t WOOLl Ot tlfi t4li j"RMtq!u;I)OO .luJruj 'rCljr`joi`p' j--r j' t:16cj17Gtrl,jit+lbsclol t•60111prut ImbiPyur. `'.'.Ji{uru'`/Yttl!(fijl {GIi.f.1G Ono: vh`itlt N.Llit•ll y�1ir.f!b(itS'jp�Vn'^Mi1`G \>t.S,1 LUN:1t Olfyll>( r " lal*L tN�bak.-a-r..ulti;b4aaltse t a t>s11a1? u c,ti `1l►L�iteglelu b�t /.lgc,t{npaia6�d�1t1s RSlSf S S11lGe.t - ~r ysYc , Y1r.Ji Ou, r�:', i[ .. 4'•YG:.ick#'JlOa. •J ':�,hT'oKE1�;�'dI`lifillJt'dij;L1J� 1x; �fl;,/I,j,r,,;{}[!S j}!r()�1CG G��:1.G'[IK:IjlOtYB f1�.1jIG�y.�flL I+')7ti18l�� � x 'it'•� ',13f,'-�tir.(1.1311�J(.i�r)<+i•1GUC€J`d rr;,;1j ''!?'CYA111JGL,fi jtt62 lu!(16 41,.1 ': i't.f(l:.}vf} fjl010'r) ''1 ' f") :3 P :tf.., r t, t:':r .r.4iI.li7,1Lr.,,q(kl[�Iti/jC�� � ;�J"Q$aFf r.LIitJltY1#1 AIO1U: F,til/(2 39p pr 7 1si.lf. !ri >. }/ ,,•11i Ot4liG tiot.r!FY.a; coinb6St,-oH;1ou liujlca gcgvibiit; , l4ilt6 jvpOMfGt 1pr 1J,41161,311(Y!1pG1.51Y111 6Ab11.74j1Ou qw), Fx!)iLt+jlou r)a(t ;(J• tJr.,,< 'I:11G!S1tA r;tLt1� -- (t�11lSCS ciySS�;l�iJ1 tilyll`it�lUby�111:te.,11><rG12�6t�y�fi112lIt ►11N'ttt ,U1.^�4'7sN."�'�`•�'r t' �3f ttlJt�1L \1K�lO�Sf 1I1tt� 111Z}l�y,. . %gL� .,,.y "i„�"ij.-!:r„i;l:3ttO?J ..i c•Li Ft;U.'t4e Filr.h iUt(ai}�U1p it{.�Ut.tl ryJ--s+i'-...•'rp)t) brrji:.�`311i(ti}:.6c' -.. -,. . .. };,•r f -t5'. .,r 'N%1 a cOr1:S} }rr. -1xW?.1Ue i G i , 0 2^ -Ult;z..0 U✓.•'a N t L•Ll:rf[)n.i.r".; r L. rr.tlo t...., .+1tKY•r:, �-+,.su,,+c 11 t.ILd qw4 ai;;ruq SrUy t :nxL tami"Ift Gouµlgi to:ui ;,•u[S a/:n.a{Jlgai u tw tr.Bt,uP.art',: ,:t., .:r-Iii;{N5;C,:rfr;r,,. •j ';Pel q+sb!!j;.e%i fl'G ECtFt,G t)f.?rrN aYrn•:1t1�: it 't r;!r,[?"COt�11rSPlY"nr•J jlft)r:.: .u�0...., av,: - ',•. , �7� t ti tfry Nf..;dt,c, ,tljgr y.o+rr�Gt: 1xiHu n!( L;! .ri i 1 ;r.�-,. ;r rY;i,di,t�aU ;.. '•(,t ;lir',iG:nfia�tps,L.t`':,f t){GX511f1i[Iri y.r(r1-r,' � �. ..._...-._._ -. _' .. .Lilt .,rir t" •7G(rk.3 jJ r tUG1 fr :.;y.Xtr,,+6:.xS.[ rlG rl ti i,(li'trt,r 17 _ , �_.,� ,r it(s'x=sS.rY r•C'N'mL 9nr1 i: •,,Lri 4;r,xF;p-fr (rar.l„:: fr;q t,.;ry.. :.,cN,'�%{;crf ( .: �iNrY•.[5b:iil� , - r�r t; 3"' ,i(L;J o ,1A, i s ( � • ,1:_af,r tJeRJ .t;balLz OL gyc�Yltaia } �; ,[ .r`r .it,x qcl� ..�Y,,<.;•r t.tA br:.a:t'(r(ut ;�,c t�ry nt ri,:utt r,3, ui(r. o. } Y t �' '.w;,:ral:.^.nrr.�•.t'•,filfi:;;4Kttr.uratr:r ::r•rlr.�t. rot,';, sd.n[�!,:.c.. rn i. �f - 1 Y o C3 r)GIijolillou L..J ifiiitOfur, i Y t :;u3ActitG;r• 'tir.3lj' *utptc,•% tr iA[rix[:e.; ,uuG: i r1SIr.Cbtlrtl+fr;Y<.t1i r r,sn w:i.ctuYa[oiftyst'.,Mcc.M Ill l+�p,' - ,9 1116©(ilr.01f:Gj(1.6tllfii.6 + _. ._ ji iTiTJ�ei, UtCoMii 11301€_ hk�Jr.1 1011E1.11TI)ti1111.111h:1,f, 4t 1110116! +.`:^.rf.,:.i. t.ou(+:°t;uzsel}nu.lo�nt.r+u1.6 yj�}2t1A,}j. l�rJrl/la-r1C.n(il+>•uc•ttri�•1'incl.i.�e:}liUc?1,11:nrj,�rr.�•' ' 01111, VIA � ' ) t a -.;_�:,._ .'1..l;C. (Hili41i5,11111Mf,R.yt1lN '>r. �,jcCt?.(SI,,tC1�r,S,t,i l ` Information and Instructions Massachusetts General Laws chapter 152 requires all employers to provide workers' compensation for their employees. Pursuant to this statute,an employee is defined as"...every person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied,oral or written." An employer is defined as"an individual,partnership,association,corporation or other legal entity,or any two or more of the foregoing engaged in a joint enterprise,and including the legal representatives of a deceased employer,or the receiver or trustee of an individual,partnership,association or other legal entity,employing employees. However the owner of a dwelling house having not more than three apartments and who resides therein,or the occupant of the dwelling house of another who employs persons to do maintenance,construction or repair work on such dwelling house or on the grounds or building appurtenant thereto shall not because of such employment be deemed to be an employer." MGL chapter 152,§25C(6)also states that"every state or local licensing agency shall withhold the issuance or renewal of a license or permit to operate a business or to construct buildings in the commonwealth for any applicant who has not produced acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance coverage required." Additionally,MGL chapter 152,§25C(7)states"Neither the commonwealth nor any of its political subdivisions shall enter into any contract for the performance of public work until acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance requirements of this chapter have been presented to the contracting authority." Applicants Please fill out the workers'compensation affidavit completely,by checking the boxes that apply to your situation and,if necessary,supply sub-contractor(s)name(s),address(es)and phone number(s)along with their certificate(s)of insurance. Limited Liability Companies(LLC)or Limited Liability Partnerships(LLP)with no employees other than the members or partners,are not required to carry workers' compensation insurance. If an LLC or LLP does have employees,a policy is required. Be advised that this affidavit may be submitted to the Department of Industrial Accidents for confirmation of insurance coverage. Also be sure to sign and date the affidavit. The affidavit should be returned to the city or town that the application for the permit or license is being requested,not the Department of Industrial Accidents. Should you have any questions regarding the law or if you are required to obtain a workers' compensation policy,please call the Department at the number listed below. Self-insured companies should enter their self-insurance license number on the appropriate line. City or Town Officials Please be sure that the affidavit is complete and printed legibly. The Department has provided a space at the bottom of the affidavit for you to fill out in the event the Office of Investigations has to contact you regarding the applicant. Please be sure to fill in the permit/license number which will be used as a reference number. In addition,an applicant that must submit multiple permit/license applications in any given year,need only submit one affidavit indicating current policy information(if necessary)and under"Job Site Address"the applicant should write"all locations in (city or town)."A copy of the affidavit that has been officially stamped or marked by the city or town may be provided to the applicant as proof that a valid affidavit is on file for future permits or licenses. A new affidavit must be filled out each year. Where a home owner or citizen is obtaining a license or permit not related to any business or commercial venture (i.e.a dog license or permit to burn leaves etc.)said person is NOT required to complete this affidavit. The Department's address,telephone and fax number: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 Tel. # 617-727-4900 ext. 7406 or 1-877-MASSAFE Fax# 617-727-7749 Revised 02-23-15 www.mass.gov/dia (y11''J� -"#d4jt l�'baflDr„tt bi'IjJ :r Vi a.{qJ cciyci�r +'• re r.i,ar[unci r of.t1GLUJn ft1 pnu, r vio ci- 1 r,$iq bi;,f .0 io �; i,{ xf',t#1ltf cj(Q btjn' p%'-,# J( !j .,:`l>;ij- q- #;).J tr jioufi:,CklurL Gl. ok _';I'.EJJi uuj Lr,j:wr j to ylli' pr12t t,ei'on GCJ#JjulJCxt:!;t+" ruttflc t ? •*u r .r r r r'?• . ljtJt31{ i,yl��`!!({p fttJ jtj>y IPL}J).!:ri.>r f�f' r ��, t1..L11'?t;1. f' tt`'+ 'i1r ;,e.t#'iJJ.r�i (� jlfjr�iUtt( i1 '.()j)t>,n4,gjr1J?�Mr)(..GU Uj1.1t`.i;111 111;j)'; +Ir:ljj1%r'rq j:1). rjr' C:!iX :'L.jolf'b 1)1$t jjli 1.1x1" toIt - .;,",` ?rijGxl3JSjit11J fl{:Lare:cy,;iL}.j•ril', nCfrf;!,,{J:' tiY#G y':jgt6L<•, rbf�;�JC.IiJF?jJfifii�� ;l.f(�.."j� jrir, (Jri�12.{is _ ,itLt f)1. $ i'iCl%I allp11J{,( !f111{Iibj�h�U �ij`.i:':.+:1tcK sbbp.qoI;, ',4!J,-1;:i1.t:Ilirvi.' ijiv t lw:, r,iwolf r �u,;e .j!flu! lt;rpr:s 3tl`f:11r.Ixll1 .,,. .. trr,j}r, :'riLc to sU 4jG bcm iif",j!CcUtr,ami.)j?G7 r;Jlrt : ?�CJSj r j (.J (cj:(Ir.F3'9U r�{9jIC91j1 V s gigar.aj{oa-ire(n irjj ow 1j)r,_WoWf! 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M.u#1-.)1.. t' .. 1�!J ;r I7l.: .'1(f'r!'`Ill�1il�l�l'+Jf,:.i�.,q,'.jw«j ne.."'C—CU-bt, ?'!C?11)1Nb jt6L1 kf-- %'t' t Jt`i[lC.:r t7tj•".? yiJl.rr>Ijj.i.rli:(.Uj pia t' i�{�!1'[%t,;• �)� j ( 81t,.' +jpbi)lrrt }7�t9�fal�G tijj,t1)ujCi t�' 1i1Pit4lg moi-i q, ''',x1rfitma voi; 1f11!-�r;!r.cu.Lgr 1 ry 7 57� No WON a. :251 1 ,'J'K;xiet f, r �W \ (rte 2 1 4i 1 f t 1 '1- _ SF Letter Of Authorization I, as owner of subject property, hereby authorize any Juliano's Pools Inc. personnel,to act on my behalf to pull an in-ground swimming pool building permit (and including any/all matters relevant to work authorized by this building permit), using as necessary his/her/their home improvement contractor license, plumbing and piping limited contractor license, electrical contractor license and swimming pool builder in-ground license. 1 Customer Name: � S q (/l0 Customer Phone: / 7 f Address: HO P/GL Thank you for your consideration in this matter. A Sincerely, signature) Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 1000 Washington Street - Suite 710 Boston, Massachusetts 02118. Home Improvem4iPGC ntractor Registration Type: Individual BRIAN JULIANO " �, j ,af(�/ Registration: 139826 Expiration: 08/26/2021 D/B/A JULIANO S POOLS 321 TALCOTTVILLE RD. ( Y -- VERNON,CT 06066 SCA 1 0 20M•05/17 Update Address and Return Card. ✓�e lea,�2ino2�ve¢CC�a�✓���1J¢�uJeG�1 Office of Consumer Affairs&Business Regulation HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR Registration valid for individual use only TYLE, Individual before the expiration date. If found return to: Re istratio� Expiration Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 70 B 08/26/2021 1000 Washington Street -Suite 710 BRIAN JULIAt�t ' x Boston,MA 02118 D/B/AJULIANQ i'bL 4 BRIAN R.JULIAN'q� 1 321 TALC OTTVILLIp `0 VERNON,CT 06066 Undersecretary ®$ a0" wo>}9loauii sigelaita�a e � o CER II �U'�CATE OF U �� BU u U �IICI�vI!'06�11 ICE DATE IYYYY) V 1//3/2023/2020 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s)_ PRODUCER CONTACT NAME; Andrea Hills The Jarrett Agency PHONE 8607454222 A!C No Ext: (AIC,No): 657 Enfield Street ADDRESS: andreah@koveragegoup.com andreahn gr p kovera e ou com INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC it Enfield CT 06082 INSURER A: PHILADELPHIA IND INS CO 18058 INSURED INSURER B: AIM INS CO 18929 Juliano's Pools,LLC INSURER C: EVANSTON INS CO 35378 321 Talcottville Rd INSURER D: INSURER E: Vernon CT 06066 INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO VVHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSD WVD POLICY NUMBER MMIDDlYYYY (MMIDDIYYYY) LIMITS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 CLAIMS-MADE ®OCCUR PREMISES Ea cccunence $ 100,000 MED EXP(Any one person) $ 5,000 A PHPK1925369 01/01/2020 01/01/2021 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 POLICY 7PRO- JECT 7 LOC PRODUCTS-COMPIOP AGG $ 2,000,000 MOTHER: S AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY (Ea accident) $ 1,000,000 ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ A OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS PHPK19253690 01/01/2020 01/01/2021 BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ �,/ HIRED NON-OWNED -PROPERTY UAMAGE 9i AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY (Per accident) $ $ UMBRELLA LIAB I VIOCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ 3,000,000 A EJ(CESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE PHUB660514 01/01/2020 01/01/2021 AGGREGATE $ 3,000,000 DED RETENTION$ $ ORKERSCOMPENSATION _ AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN STATUTE ER ANY B OFFICER/MEMBER/EXCLUDED ECLMVE❑ NIA E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 WMZ-800-8007529-2019A 07/13!2019 07/13/2020 (Mandatory in NH)and E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE 2,000,000 C EXCESS LIABILITY MKLVIEUE100452 01/01/2020 01/01/2021 AGGREGATE 2,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space is required) as evidence of insurance CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Juliano Pools,LLC ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 321 Talcottville Road AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE A­4, Hat,, Vernon,CT,06066 ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD } 't 1'777♦- ll pry f I r f J , i A S Quo not return tha,prgp�uot to;ihp re qIkp��o he re pt1rchss®t4. ALL 'vHP�IR9'N®dLS"G0&aQ'9�N�''�®'DRIVQN D SIOIi1She product was For Ssry-�aco app 'f�p°UVIOn ®LLLV�gUT! S'.09 6"dM and BOB Il"M[EST, X1+135;� Br)dg®bt, Phn11a�896 78�,887� www,poolp_____ (ro�m k,..x.000 Patrol ®o®P 8, Gate fAtarmm I§&j0 will monitor when a door, gate, or pnit pp�ned It can be set for a seven r,zero.eeaond delay mode. It does not ragaluer and•uvlll only aaund within - NO' Ths-'alarm comes pomplete with ppaeeaery rmounhg hardware and r1�1rA41.l�ns� IVis*.pbuyered by one 9,volt alkaline I ,._.alteryd:(battery not Included). Paolted one per f''aarton. IiP�eO P�tio'®q P®®p'&,®alte�aOao M UUM I" +� iubnipaGOp �► � D E�1 til deer.ihbP#q;fadturas of a©A- c , u-... NOL u` .,, (��, It'aoeVQR`The;teoialiler can be i r�upO"oil 00 .feet away as a remote i IQ ted,ItgppgnG�dta. The.receiver has an i �pfPP� 411}v l[f(tan 'an''I-fta.tpr'Ilght and Is y pr��II yy b 7tiwolt A,C. walltransformer. jif fld p4�►ared by.one 8 volt alkalinedkery''(battery riot Included). Packed one per �'carton, ;� �,���; w9>t6il®aa� 6�eovo®il;e 9�ea;®uur®r i 4 he ���rras dome cotpplete with all the t ir�doeea�ly}�ardwdre and Itlelruollonfor in pool It does nqt doriie Whh.a receiver f fIt only,eouridwillitn.the unit Ileelf. It Is t rll ,9tNe d��y=ona:ta,v"HValliallne battery(battery Il� ot lfiol(Ibtl).'Paoke one per carton. Page 2 �hi`� aillll. Moll TABLE OF c®NTEf@!1rS PA-26&PA 30.................... General.................. ....................... ................. ..................... Box Contents.............. ...................... ................................ PA-30 contents................. G ........................ Pool Patrol Models .............G ........... ...............e: PA-3D ................................................................. ............... G ..................... ..................... ............................ ................................ IN6THLLINO 0 � 6 SEN81 R CHANGING THE e - ' TiVITYADJU8 ATTERY............................... ............................... ALARM RESET t.......................................................................... ALARM PLACEMENT...........................................................................................................J SoftSided Pools................................................................................................... 12 2 RECEIVER................. seta ......................... .................................. ................................. Transmission odes.......................................... Mode Change.................................... SN 13 DmodeB..................................................................................................... 14 1i Learn Mod®............................ Erasing Memory............................................................................................ 'I=1 ................................. I I Resetting the Receiver................. RECEIVER PLACEMENT SYSTEM TESTINGAND OPERATION..............................................................................•1 u TESTING TIiEAPARM.......................................................................................... •IG LOW BATTERY............. ........................................................ FALSE ALARMS.............................. ....•1G POOL COVERS...................................................... STORING YOUR ALARM ........ •.... CONNECTINGTOAMOMESECURITYSYSTEM*... ""' '" .............................. ClosedLoop .............................................................17 Open Loop............................................... TROUBLESHOOTING.. 18 Pool Paircl limited Warranty y...............................................................................................21) Page I' 11111i�11�m I I TABLE OF FOGU RES Fo dare 1 Battery Cover.............................................................................7 Driven Dealgrla,';iho Figure Battery Clip........................................................... except as noted-bewafrahls lhahycur �aduc loW,'.Is on the d to.o t when purchased from an a Figure 3 Sensitivity Ad """.... ••••••7 worlcmans I a f urs ma dealer h R for two years. We whl aorreot eny;auohBder at wun from ahaaaB Ing ma a„c" y „ h ed d urn 6=19aare sensitivity Marks.,.......... g complete praduot,elt gran tergal Fl�nure 6 Recommended placement for pools larger than 20 x 40 ft.....11 Peryea or,by other,to shipping means prepaid,to DrluenrDtesitdns ..........................9 Inc.service Center within two years aHerihe date of purchase. Figure 6 Recommended placement for pools smaller than 20 x 40 8...10 Fagaure 7 Float �rtb........,.. lnnp—QR_TAW .................................................................. Do no urn W t t®Ne Figure 8 Filter Inlet Position11 t r®6 the rartuc r® alreq .......•............................................12 was Purchased. ALL RgPAIR9 Neeb•f a tag retailer from whom the product �oe�aare Receiver...................................................................................18 E SENT TO DRIVEN DESIGN %uye 10 Mode Button..........., Figaarell Security Connections..... """"""""""14 Warranty eerulce must be ••��-••-•---•---48 kind resulting from must b91neffbrmsd by Driven Designs, Inc. and damage or lass of any Please return the praducGpoeipeldto DralvenrPerson Du Igne,is not na., j a6 S Bridge St.Br walrranty. 4B8Ug, Attn: 3etvlce De arlment. For ulanting at��drlyandesipna aom or sell(818)79G-9877 Monday-Frldas a you 'Belding, 5❑an emall Time. Y pm Eastern This warranty does not cover damage caused by acts of God,accident,misuse,abuse, or by duallnto an un1.Itlhorizedcaoceps4ry or-alterOlon:of the praduot,or by conneollon of the praduot to any but the spgotflo currentand voltage Indicated in the accompanying Instruction boolilet,or by any other conditions beyond our control. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES.INCLUDED 13UT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS AND MEROHANTAMITY ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO TWo YEARS FROM DATE OF ORIGINAL PURCHASE. This warranty gives you speolfic legal rights, and you may have other fights,.which vary from state to state, Same.stbtes-do not'dlibw.tfie exaluslon or Ilmltallon of Incidental or aonaequential damages Or lGtillalions on how,lung an Implied warranty lasts, so that the ahove limitations and excluslone may not apply to you. No responsibility,obllgallon,or liability Is assumed far the Insteliallon or maintenance of u,e Pool Patrol Alarm or for any inoldenled or consequential damages. Please rememb®r to Include yqur Information when sending returns 20 Driven des Appel Voufahe issue a Ifghbr is one.ij a¢e,Zip,Phone Number,email address,and descrlp&torn of fthe lesu©tB tthere Ia one, 41iv DRUVfEw®Ge0,2ws, ONC. 11355 S. @ridge St. Belding, Ml` 48809 Phone 616.794,077 Fatr 616:794.8887 www.goolpatrol cam ----— Page 4 Page 21 — --— ltLr., FCC ID Con THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF TIME FCC RULES. The alarm Is�manuf manufis on the factured inafihof �Sq finest pool alarm In the m�rlcet. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS: stands behind every Pool Patrol sold. The alarm Is (1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFU..L W.-I990ERENCE,AND (th the highest quality and We electron engineered to resist cracking and fading over®ttiime. withG� (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANV IIUTERFERENCE RECEIVED, electronics are microprocessor controlled using the latest in trans INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED and receiver technology. During assembly each alarm goes nsmift OPERATION. muter several rounds of Inspection and testing to ensure years of trouble Free service. (GeneaaV INFORMATION TO USER This manual is written for the PA-2s, and 30. NOTE: THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIELE FOR ANY The POOL. PATROL Alarm is intended to be an additional layer or RADIO OR TV INTERFERENCE CAUSED By UNAUTHORIZED Security to protect y®ur'loved ones. The POOL PATROL Alarm is not MODIFICATIONS TO THIS EQUIPMENT. SUCH ODIFICATIONS Intended as a1ife-saving device. it is not intended to replace any ott-1 COULD VOID THE USER'S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE safety considerations; such as adult supervision, lifeguards, fences. QUIPMENT, gates, pool covers, locks, etc. The POOL PATROL Alarm may not detect from gradual entry. It Is important to spend suffilcient time In becoming familiar mlith the operation of your POOL�PATROL Alarms and to properly test the unit scl that It adequately covers all areas of the pool for the pers You on(s) or pets wish to protect. FDeot,use this',pfdd' l .''W40.readl�Ip the instracfiions. t al �ot drop, suiirii'er®e; mis#reat, or••plaee unit upside-down in ol. t.use•whon rtoal:swe�psar in use or while cleaning. t plapa in . It use vUlth o�'her-dbj8etspool, suoh.as toys, dispensers, , etc, t alter,or'atfe#rlptto repairthe'unit.yaurseif. • t 'leav® out �vehnight .until you have learned how to e'-the alarm. The PA-25 and PA-30 POOL PATROL Alarms meet.the requirements of AST.M11, Stanftrd F� ®�°®�*�, 'American 8001ety for Testing @ncl Ff 1 I U IL J ��i11;G::i41' Materials. This alarm was tested by an Independent lab and is mandatory In some states. The PA-20 does not meet ASTM standercis. Boat Contents The Pool Patrol is packaged In a shipping carton that minimizes the Low orAmissing batter®�Re chance of damage do to shipping and handling. Check for damage and confirm that the contents of the carton include the following Items. place battery with a new 9V alkaline, ®®b atrreaa a�Bnrla fn�®aea©azf®c�e56®aaa4A�, PA-30 contents The batteteryy voltage e Floating Alarm (Transmitter) g may be low. Replace battery wlth a new 9v Receiver with Power Supply f0a§afaaM was way1f9ho aancl as er®uv& String Kit(String vulth two black plastic hooks) ®)ciclatlon can build up on the sensin If any of the items above are missing, contact Driven Designs for g post. Lightly clean with steel _vool replacement, 6�®®Q�Q�e�a�+�6u��s�aB�e�6�e�arr��a Check that the alarm is not near the filter or Purnp Be sure the filter ir,lc i Baspc®p�eraVon is Pointed downward. See Figure 8 I The alarm is designed to detect a wave created on the surface of the sensitivity. Follow the SENS11T'p OTYAZDj oilpage 8 Try ddecreasing the; water. When the alarm Is floating In the pool, a metal sensing post on the bottom of the alarm is continuously making contact with the Water. A Pflfaaev emo ease 6sgs�0D96od���9��®®Qa�Q�p�, tt sensing ring under the rim of the blue cover is just above the water but F�emove batke and return the pool alarm not making contact. When a wave Is created and makes contact with the Designs for service. and receiver to Drive sensing ring the alarm will sound. .Poco patrao i adeos The LED an Me neceatrer does not d®gh6 . There are currently three models of the Pool Patrol Pool Alarms; PA-20, Be sure plu all transformer Is plugged Into a 110VAC outlet and the PA-25, and PA-30. This instruction manual covers the PA-25 and the PA- Jacic Is gged into the receiver. Check that the O�IlOFF switch is Olv cr 30. 'Rece'vea is lur"eag an bag Vaes nae W®yk whefln $ane U001 aO��orn ,s PA-2® - This model is a stand-alone unit only. It is a basic unit intended to only alert you at theReceiver may be too far from alarm. Relocate. Receiver may be in a model will not transmit and will not owe k withand Intrusion.does This building with metal siding or with foil insulation. Relocate near a window Include the receiver. e19Baa�'m scaauads>fak-no a PA-36-This model has a transmitter and receiver. It Is Intended A neighbor may have the same apene aalarm. Place the reCelVrrr In ID mode to alert you at the pool of any Intrusion and will transmit to a and train the transmitter to the receiver. See ��recel e and mocIp receiver located nearby. The PA-30 is ASTM P-2208 compliant, CffD�R98 page 13. The PA-30 contains a transmitter and includes a receiver. FA-25 - This model is designed with a transmitter and will work with the PA-30 and its receiver. Sometimes large pools require more than one alarm butAo not;regulre additional:receivers. The PA-25 is intended to work with fihe pg-30!s; reeelver allowing multiple alarms to be purchased, without additional receivers. This model.wlll transmit but does.not include a receiver. The PA- 25 is ASTM F-2268 compliant when included with a PA-30. Page 6 Page 119 To connect to a home Security system there Is a connector at the bottom Of the receiver with three Inputs: (See Figure 11) The pool aiWrm re ulr�s'a 9 .all a�li a ba Ee will last for one Year under normal use. The battOn is n aik oliinnebattery Conne ti Security under the floatation base. You w111 need a Philips screw c Connections the battery cover. p 17errt driver to reir�ovr; P u).side down,TU m the eilarrn $i p Note the black r t fioatatlon base and the wo 980TTOMI, and the word °, SENSITIVITY"with an arrow to , x "INCREASE" o,' 'DECREASE" the sensitivity. f{:± To remove the float, turn the %+ flaek flotation base in e; countar:cloclswise direction NC m Normally f;- or In the "DECREASE"N� — Normally NC until the base is Open Closed F119VIM I Battery hover loose from the Lipper housing. Figure 1 ir blue C - Common of the battery cover with the float removed. picture The home security system will connect to two of the three terminals. 2) Once the"floatation,base is 4 Check the security system documentation to determine If the system is off locate the,baRtery cover: Y (Figure 1). RelnoVe t e 't an "open loop" ora"closed loop"system. These inputs are connected to two screws and lift;off thei: a relay and only provide an open or closed contact. battery cover and gasket' "+ Cposed Loopy exposing the 9V batte If the security system is closed loop, the connections are made to the clip, and "NC" terminals. When the receiver alarms the relay will open ±T� and trigger the home security system. 3) Snap a e-volt alkalin® Open Loop battery on to the battery clip (Figure 2) and !j For an open loop system, connections are made to the "C" and "NO" carefully insert the 9V terminals. When the receiver alarms the relay will close and trigger the battery and clip into the home security system. battery compartment. F90UM 2 Battery Clip to d ®@o+BjiD®tat96on� ®o ireupii®v6iia >tl�®r baa ®ally+'arrf>rR9'��o9df�tc ' o c o MINME r �t'Irti l' ,I-) Replace battery cover with the gasket being careful to seat the cover into the battery compartment, Tighten the cover down with the two retaining screws. On not overatIghtten screws. Tighten enough so Nobe: the gasket Is firmly and evenly compressed between the cover and ®o not leave out eviprnight until yrau have..cpntrolled the alarm with the Battery housing to prevent any water from getting into the battery I proper adlustment'of thesensitivity setting and a secure iii doUun. compartment. 5) Return the Black flotation base to the threaded stem of the upper li000L COVENS Blue housing. As in Step 1 above note the word "BOTTOM" written Your pool alarm can work with solar covers, cut an area out of your on the floatation base, Be Sur®the floatation base words"BOTTOM" cover malting a '/ circle shape large enough 'Por the alarm to float free) . and the word "SENSITIVITY" with an arrow to "INCREASE" or Fold the % circle over to expose the pool water, Carefully place the "DECREASE" are visible. Carefully rotate the base in a clockwise alarm In the "/ circle of exposed water. Sensitivity may need to bc- directlon on the threaded post, adjusted. STORUI I 'YOUR AIi AR99 IIIII �I2il°ehV.�°.. To use the 0001, remove the'alarm from the Pool, shake off,the eucess Be caveffuo-.not•to glross i>>;8 '1.10490; vir@g(III;��P.� The ffBsgai 1EB®pp;,&1`�0 9( .G, � (il , y �,, $Qti`1k6u®-) baa® 0��hp�th�.wind water around the sensing ring and cent®r post, and place It neat to the faarou MON'���gv!91U��Cfti'�4ll®$�;0(I�tB'e'0�5�����He�, side of the pool away from the area of play. When the pool Is no longe In use, Walt 10 minutes to let the water settle in the pool. Picic up th, alarm, reset it and careful) lace it back In the pool at the location 6) Reset pool alarm by turning it upside down for 6 seconds. decided in "Alarm Placement'.p 7) To test the unit, carefully place the alarm In the pool with the float When you need to store It for a long period of time (several months), and center post in the water. Tip the alarm so that the sensing ring remove the 9-volt battery and replace battery cover and float. Turn of (which is towards the outer edge and under the blue housing) makes the receiver and unplug the wail transformer. place all alaln, contact with the water. When the water Is In contact with the center components in the box it came in and store it in a dry, socure area. post and sensing ring at the same time the alarm should sound. GOININECTONG T� If°fle Qlltl�,���llll�(l��P�1f�11"�fflif� If you have alhorne s®curlty system the reobiver can'be installed to wori< SE[id9S0MOTY AIDJU37 with your security system. It is recommended that you install the Turning the black flotation base clockwise or counterclockwise (f=igure 3) receiver to the security system one week after installing the pool alarm This gives you some time to work with the alarm, and have the sensitivity raises or (overs the sensing ring with respect to the Walter. The closer the sensing ring Is to the water, the more sensitive the alarm. Turn the set to your conditions avoiding false alarms, black flotation base gently clockwise until It stops, ®o not fevea fit. This is the most sensitive position and the position that was used to pass ASTM testing. Moving the float from this position will no longer meets illlWE8 suve BIPu® ®aFI.�D�m�sleu°se���cj>iy Bs s�Tt:.poog®c>xVy. P(�fis wfi0° lasTM requirements. Iln®O(p��a�oB�I't��rl�®�a���ae6tiE�,rrdBtB�';'�6d®':se�'lwol9���•sglsteouo. J - Page a Page 17 lMI- I ' TESTONG THE ALARM Before the testing, be sure the sensitivity of the pool alarm Is at the most sensitivity position (ref: SEJ�SpTOVPTY ADJUST). Reset the alarm by a turning it upside down and place It carefully In the pool at the location previously determined in ALARM PLACEMENT. �nvraaae Move to an area of the pool that is farthest from the alarm. Carefully dip r the bucket in the water and fill It. Lift and hold the bucket approximately 6" above the water and drop It Into the pool, The alarm should sound with the wave created by the bucket. The receiver should also sound Immediately after the alarm In the pool was `� ?q triggered. Reset both alarms. Test at other locations in the pool to make sure our alarm works at all locations. Between testa Walt 10 minutes to allow waves to settle. iM6 dR1rWV�° -- FOgua'e 8 Sensitivity Adj Many tmeotts gpe'., ,jRF a/`8 6 iQyr ,. a�i¢�a�• 9oatt a Il � fi; (►� ` ` �o� Ozedjo rvp �'tbll t8 s �ykB � q� ®�tT�fY�Off qt4 aiidediThe "Se „ nsitivity Markse (Figure 4) can be used as �I,I a general indicator for the LOW SATTERY sensitivity position. Yj ,II Your pool alarm is equipped with a low battery indicator. If your 9-volt Should the sensitivity alkaline battery drops below 6V it will sound a "chirp" once every 6o need to be adjusted..etart'. seconds. The receiver will also chirp once every 60 seconds to indicate making adjustments by the alarm in the pool has a low battery. turning the float only a '/a Replace the battery In the pool alarm following ONSTALLONG OR turn at a time. Test the 'll CHANGONG 7HE,BATTERY on page 7, next reset the remote receiver alarm after each following.the[Rbseffing the ReceOver on page 13. adjustment (see testing P k r page 3). We do not recommendturning the r: FALSEALARMS float out more than three Mguire 4 Sensitivity Marks You may find that one setting is ideal for regular use when the surface full turns. water is placid, however, It may cause false alarms if there are winds greater than 12 MPH or during a storm. To avoid false alarms, you may decide to temporarily deorease the sensitivity. You should then retest your alarm at the new setting to verify that It will sense the child or pet you wish to protect at all areas of the pool. & ARN.MEET' To reseit.the alarm at any time pick up the alarm and turn it upside clover Page 16 (180° angle) for 5 seconds. This action will reset the processor ani Page 9 - _ c ��Gfli''rlll� lu I�uSSI;., I Nam- 31 1 ___1 the mode button down while turning on the receiver. Once the receiver Is turned on, release the mode button. The unit has now changed modes. It your pool Is larger than 20 x 40 it. we recommend using more than oris SM made pool alarm. Refer to Figure 6 for placement of more than one alarm. In this mode the receiver will accept any Pool Patrol transmitter. �D made In this mode the receiver will only accept the transmissions from only those ID codes the receiver has learned. It locks out all other transmitters, F _. Mode Lean Len M®��; Button With the receiver in ID mode, Pushing and releasing the mode button once will put the { receiver In learn mode causing the LED on the front of the ! k.. receiver to turn green. Learn mode will tlmeout after IS " FRgurx e 6 Recommended placement for pools larger than 20 40 ft. seconds and the receiver will go back to normal operation Determine where in the pool the alarm will be placed. Remove thc- causing the LED will go back string and clips included vulth the alarm. to red. Once in learn mode the receiver Is waiting for the ID Measuring from the center of the alarm, place the alarm approximately code from a transmitter. 12 to 18inches from the side of the pool. From this position determine Trigger the transmitter and where the tie-down locations will be. Cut the string to length and leovc send the serial number and ID HOUTe 10 Mode Button �hpro ! i tQ /,, ';;o;rel glc_Jft.the,string for the alarm to function and be number to the receiver. To l removed easily. Tie dowr, trigger the transmitter connect the ring and post with a paper clip or piece i .locatlons should be as close to of wire. I; the water level as possible for The receiver will talcs the ID number and store it In memory. Lip to 8 i' the best results. transmitters can be learned by each receiver. If the receiver accepts the Note: To keep the nylon string ID code from the transmitter the green LED will turn off and on and then t,.l. from unraveling tie a knot in the turn red and blink rapidly. i end or use heat to melt the Eras8ng Merrocry ,? strands together. Place the receiver in ID mode. Holding the mode button In for 10 �,./1<„ Tle one end of each string 1:o seconds will erase the receiver memory. All of the transmitter ID ' !'a �t�. . each tab on the float (Figure 7). numbers stored in memory will be cleared. Once the mode button is � • `• • .i�'.;1N'I ,;,�';I Tie the other end of the stings lo Pressed the LED will turn green for 10 seconds. When the LED turns off Rguve 7 Float Tab each tle down location of the the memory Is erased. After releasing the mode button the LED will pool. Do not place the alLlrni any closer than one foot frorn the side of your pool. Leave Page 14. i � r I for the alarm to function and be removed easily Tie down locations in s' of slacit In the houlduld be as close to the water level as possible for the beat results, You can tie down to your ladder, diving Your receiver worlcs with the pool alarm allowing board, or the plastic hooks that are supplied, from vuithin your house. When the floating alarmois to monitor 1.11- ool activated it sends @ signal to activate the receiver. plliiiP R7R7►AW471. setups Plug in the power jack to a wall outlet and plug the other end into the Ethe not apap�py•�dpa®spv�����Bie�':Btoopes a®.y®aho•p�oop.as 0,IbmOvaip df power jack connector(Figure 9), Turn power switch to "on" position, tlic aspcs•oovay tea's y®a�a+•pao®p, red LSD indicator will turn on. Do not place your alarm next to the filter return. The filter inlet of your pool should be pointed downward (Figure 8) at an angle toward the Bottom of the pool and away from the water surface. This will reduce any ` surface waves and will help to avoid any false alarms when the pumpS esker J turns on. Speaker Ih' Indicator I Correct 9frDcarrect �' r,:.. LCD Oi'1�% Power tl ', •• 'f '��� • Jack ,' �'. — ` Security fj 5 �� �+��{ 9k I ?1': i II :•• u' stem i0 ftuve 9 Receiver Tiila Dspu PsWon Modes The receiver has two modes of operation: Serial Number mode (SIV mode) and ID made. When the receiver Is In SIV mode It will accept tho transmission of any Pool Patrol transmitter (this is the default setting) Figuire 8 Filter Inlet Position The serial number Is common to all transmitters. When the receiver is in ID mode It will accept the serial number plus the ID number of the Soft SOded Foox s transmission. The ID number is unique to each transmitter. Tie one end of the string to the tab on the float(Figure 7), leave about 2- Made Change 3 foot of slack, file the other end of the sting to either a adder or another To change from SN mode (default) to ID mode or back from ID mode to fixed area. SN mode, turn off the receiver. Locate the mode button on the top left corner of the receiver(Figure 90). Using a paper clip or tooth Piet( holcl ---- -- Page 12 — ---- Page 13 ----- ,:: ','1!:Eh�r�lW!zt.Fll�tLai!$'rti3}mrflirlliYr!!"!IJail'nJly y,rla:';i;l,krr ;,,ltu,:ahir t!ISii:, :r::�:ai Ir :.y,;xd•,:llr•:1l;'.:.!" ;11:; o-5 I: 1!,l.l• r_Jy:;•kf':%a: !:h'ill:'Iq; }> rn }Jr:;r!,:!!.y:,,;:o•:••; :••::i" _�.�.l, ;•,• "rii� L• n�!I1:11I1:-!,I1L,1.P:,.1:W'txt,i'1�' i.r:t.rk)'81't�li�,1.p1I1�,Ir•.�1J•ttII 'i.1I.,,1t., .� ,IIfit l t 1 p'I i l r pI p I- ,. ,I c L. k�l.:. ..1. ., J� ,=111.:/ti.I rU'.'"An:hF I,'!� e! /. I, f„ •, � ,S. p t. `:i'!I I,: .,I• .h !,,. ! 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'•i h 1� � y7 It, 1111111,1111!d1i, ••1r ..,r. ,t 'w-1, ,Icn, t .v. 1_pIL++ j�. 1l :; ,�w. r _rc- .•x „r `Ihy�. :l. ,fI�'i1Jr� '{ti711li ,l' L• I -^i4caa s daz erfecr p dzoice for Prop"owners"rho need die _'^s epgEll and protection of a chain-link fence system plus an apFear�ce dial blends in beautifully Lich rhe environment ' Spectra property fines e � dN=~- "•�� lines,encloses animals,as well as isorecEs and adds value co any PmPerry•For added privacy, oose from dif{erenr types of decorative polyerhylene slats Siena Brown G :ted ro march the shades of Speetsa color chain link systems- Midnight Black Forest Creep ---`-; p ecrssnml �ue a3 u� ��ancrz ons and limiociin die producdon ~J m my vatl'fmm Chis brdebure- Comma Mower Ha1co far aemal color samples. -=J Clain-Link - _- Fabric Spectra of Framework P P Yvinyl chloride e.waded over zinc-coated sreel -'re Per ASTM F 668 Chs 1 or Spectra oI W� 1-718"ou2-318"O.D eccra pojps'ex resin,3 mils oim—Eanm Re; P YyI chlorideel ASTM F 1043,Group IC, ��a 'over gajv d - emuded and adhered to zinc-cnared steel viirz per rnLnnnum yield ASTM F 668 Class Za engdn of 50,000 PSI.Froteccive coaaag per q9 F _ 3,excemal coating Type B;zinc wirh o verwar, 8 end 9 gauge finish atmfPC per_ rganic o P square foot murirnum.zinc coating with Z°and 1-I 4" omare conversion coating and verifiable polymer f� _ / pool anes6 /8"O.D.Spectra 16 or 17 Ga.pipe 3,42",41,5'and 6' /8"or 1-7/8"O.D.Spectra 16 Ga.pipe Ja=kled cop and bottom up m 5'high,twisted and •:=.-.:krnd&d 6'high �. Y 8"or Z-3/8"O.D_Spectra 16 Ga.pipe - Fitimgs and Brace - = tmn, Sortng Gates co ,6 mils over hoc•dipped gal° �7?r� steel Fabric EI-3/8' gauge as chain-link selected s Eye Taps, olymercoating,fi mils mM rnwn over hot-dipped s ° d pressed alutninnm Framework O.D_for gazes Polymer coating,fi mils minimum,over hot-dipped galvanized steel olymer coating,6 mils minimum,over zine-coated smel wire m tee]^•3 _ •.1 fi�r>r _sem_': — `t rF�aCcactisrnbac�s a hroael r�gep€ m"` fent'gsolnaonsfor, ctia_: :� _ - ...•5•.' Ens jx`_ •.' '-^.'` - .,Z-i--_M l=s4:t Vis, - V:+.���`�"'-`�'�:_^� ._y.Y•• .i. �' , -�1. 17 `-C�_+ _ :y-;3:.._�::i�.--..�_�-' �'""u�•^-_- t:%,-. .. '. ick.-- _ -- _-' _ - .. _. _ �'`"-���_ �_',•' . t. .:_. SRUL Oib31]�UE:t1%(25r2r - -- > L•a_rc_..._ Halco•prodnc_ts"aaztd. ',�..:�.•.••sgrv>ae�=ca1LI�$�:IWfH.'FENGE_roL'1"ftee•o : . nl- f:- :.R:�... s : ••.°�,:••�._�: _ _ rviSicttso me ac. ei �}+'++I'T�L�"_ }tri` .:t.r:y' '.�. .•t" --O"ilmecom 7thri�htta:ai:iend;:wifhdrdwor-inakechacjged ro - ,• .� gZ " capyngfir©2008:Mas(zP-H lco;IncSAll rights-rasem tit nii e. ®v� t SEE of';�G r� Ck fri UL 1 i Yl%vrn PRO CER TMCATION OF C®MPL MEE c0ntaunso 9l9 &jOOE, WG!O4'nEBLli9 WG1048EGR, orWGI-04SEDGR ®escNpflGn. Round Suction Outlet Comer fangs:Floor: 4 �—Wall. 72 GPM —openArea. m sa-®n Certified-Ied t0 Comply with Section 'off. of the r-9— is Graeme Baker Act (VGB) Pool&Spa Safety fact c�e ��red of i6 CER par sc�So. lraitia[Certification May 2013. Manufactured.nufactured.After September 10, 2009, by a Division of Hayward Industries, Inc, at 1(4-A z 8.10c'E tib.-A, Export Processing Zone Wuxi New District Jiangsu Province PRC 2.1 C a, China�®a CDae Hayward Industrial D•fnve,C[emrnons, NC27a�1ao Ce:> fieo1 by Hajlward Pool Products, 62o Division Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07207,PhGne gob-355-7'995 C o ntactat www.havwardn et.com Recard,Custodian is Customer Service at www.havwardnet.c0m. Iia truard Pool Products P.®.Box 5100 Clemmons,NC 7-7012-53.005 Phone.336-712-9900 htg&//www_hayward-0001 com/ df!literature/BinrlaundCOC pd; date:of Mir:The Cot Number shown 0n the product label contains the Year 9 Month of manufactLgre. Th a=_first number represents the year(ex I=20i ) and the second characterfhe month (A=Jan, 1 =FL-b,H=Aug,I is skipped,J=Sep,etc) TG.--- to:A..I/APSP 16(ANSI/ASME 112.19.8-2007(addend 9b-z®a�g))Per Section 3�o�p of tragi Fr ria Graeme Baker-Act(VGB) Pool&Spa Safety Act.Vested by NSE International,739 Dixbor® R ad,Ann or, Ml 48113,Phone 7 �-76g-8010 in April zo11. Certificate at - h Certified Pools Listings.asa?C.moony=2?600&Standard=ASMl=1go8 Date of Installation- �— suctiOn outlet COM pOrients have a finite life,the cover/grate should be inspected frequently and replaced at least every a vears or if found to be damaged,broken,cracked,missing,or not securely attached. Hayward Pool Produces acknowledges that it is a federal crime to knowingly and willingly make materially false,fictitious, or fraudulent statements, representations,or omissions on this cerE ication. 6" SPACING BB-WEEN MOUNTING HOLES USED€ N FOU-101MUG SERES: Df3 UI[G.11�3[3�1EPdb SPIOSDAvPA9 2 aeaoo WGnMAVPAK2 073/4" Oa�aQ:.. w�aa) vPa�[€2 spgai#�'upFAK2 SUCTION OUTLET 6 ;Qat tHFG905.!AVPA K2 SPJQ1"--fflrPAK2 COVER VVG104BE280 a wGIGMA MPAY2 SPIQ52AtF AX2 aa�QQ 10G 115'3AUPA92 SPiIag53AVEAK2 4000�Q wGBa15`43 LvMK2SP7<n§�ASPE'i4� aao aao"A 4C9 = wGI3sr3AVPA X SP11 to VPAU2 e WSTHa ng—slacton Entrapment HEZETd. Suction in suction outlets and/or suction owlet cover which are installed in a small area and/or below the surrounding suffice can cause severe injury or death due to body entrapment hazard. To reduce-the rislc of body entrapment,installation of the field fabricated sumps must be such that the top ofthe mounted cover is a minimum of Vz"above the finished pool surface over an area larger than/.o"on a diagonal. --- P@ DAPT•2 Manua1021116:Layoul 1 2112116 12:16 PM Pagel a 1 0 r a a as _ ai when the e•Volldollery la low,the ilddretenn lmlriwlllhhlrp none livery •Huparulea ohlldren nl all llmlie. 'CON w'hT11�OAL1(q de B-0-1) ONad'`.'" 1a saconda-Ihle meena Ills lima to Inelell B naw battery,Ballary lila Is =Navar permit awlt%minl)atone.Neuer leave a oltlid alone,even flEAOTHBUtIORAAflMMANVACPDA BTAIINTJNHODDNFIRBTI `I appleMlmalelyiyour.76alyourdaoralermweehlybyopenlnUthedoor loanawarllhalsle hone, 1Ha.aBNBDR:WIRWARHi'pan 11INTLY-1110 NBDTBD;TO>THH:Doon A o �II�II,.I andallowln Iliaslarmloeound, aAlwaye remove the entire Baler never from B ool before ALnflM.00NNH0TBDIHHHBNBDRWIRBBDOMMINHPggDMMTHHDDDAALARM 0 aWlmming. p 7o7NEeE BOflEWROHOI HHOOOflPflAMBl7H8tiUB87HEBUPPLIED MOOW T2 =Romomberlhatelooholandwaternotarydonotmhr. J0MP8RWIRBBTO:DDNNNNNI1HDPTOTI�EHDRBBNDDDRBBNBORBWITaH MEPT5UL2017 RION11LIIfG r IBee OlAepfIMBBLOWI:'.7Ha'RVo®e uGHBEN°NLO BB HnoIIEP"PIN ___ =Have vnpr vvi e o /env tl e q 1 o Ilflale lovltetl to[lm .1 enpelL°L H eApH bbTTTHHHep, _-- _ POOLQUARD to eold.Wllh a limited warranty to ooudi deieols In pada UnaUlflelleBa entry�a 1118 pD�,en3lneW nBWhInhm. •7NHFlABnD Oe 1113 N7HHHENEDfl aWR°H2BaeENuon i �Jp =Coal(a d Beourq eR ddayylq In lha`h Dasa Whlnh permit easy MAON6TMUare uMOVEOBEFOROI HTALLA7JON ' I eL%� and Wolhmanihlp for one poeriram data of purahasB,(Retain ploof of e00e98 ratha pool endlne1B11Bt100ralElm. •EIA 3eaoaNTHOp OBYTHBO00fl 1 3�� °oc°°'�,�• purahaae),II PBoIRBeHI ealdblia a defeat,ploaao call aur qualomor -Have p r ffrpllb{a ULIOR leech BWlmmino and wator°Bialy to MgBNETBt30ON7HH000RITBBtp�BBHPIDiuflfilPJnlnmunL , P•IuOfat, OONloa dopodmenl at l•B00•E4H 7183,Unahlhollaud IBM=will nal be Vaurn Ildfalr. ODUIPMBNTNBBOBD Y - yoma�umd• coopled.Pmporropalr ldonly uneumd whon,ho unllletolumed to Ilia =pqsleloloa e9p,°ffear�Wlelor11�{1aPont. A.oNRR nnpgne,r,ppN9aMM ppppii''NNpp DpByJB manulaalmor. Vlell our Wahells at wmpuniquerd.anm to Hit out your ^honoteW�m dating eleallloel elelma. a:22B6TtlFBENtian BWI7�HANB b0�h6H MAVNo TANon eoaav�B i p �0 I� warranty re0lslrallon lnlormallon. -no not pelmlt bullles, oloea, or sharp obleols to he used FOOODOfl FRAMH8000& t�•,i. �l ��o P ss i u °.eNEBEI'OPBBNBDABWABHANa eaNBan 61AB NBT,JUMPEI,VJIB E6, �W � around the pool, nNo 4 BonewB -Aelt yver pv 1 do Iar hog[ y°u aen Impmue your pool Safety—Ihaywll�goBPBdmee91Bty0U, -FansoneerJneoaenemaANDaoAEeNeoan �� o •Ah0aa a44 r member 11151 eeman sense, owarenes , end IFVUU HAVE ANY OUBBiIONB BALL UB AT ban02;e•715s yq^ aoullonyll�� mc all oW Van to enjoy yoer final. 5MEENe0en MnINOnon 5 oM 6R�YB e004JILnnM Figure.l col uvre '• N��QIldoN®urrsamo®s,Ame. � � P...�....,.' _ „�T ahgl�.j�ep'@l�4 �i�.��•._ . P.O.eaHee9 Lao NOItTHVtiRNON.lN4T206 1p®�r�Q�(JJf�10(� GQ r5W1TCIH° a 012.348.2040 Ifll_ m O I R1 l/.1 � , 'alta prat(o1}�h�a + Gkl 1i7l•� N T e gjlorf lel ugtlanlca p®IWINBHETRIaB,lNU� O, UUVIIW ®� lllpgglf•y+®pgp J �PHflr HORN In11aBIdRnI(n�loihn4ItBNlp� ;BIBEBt111O.1,7LQAHn" APT21SA t neB _ BApETY A RM. YBTBM+ANpNOT'ALIPESAVINGDcvlcc. u MADE IN THE USA Figure5 shotildbeueetllnaoilugollanwlhfhBsellyequlpmantaurrenllymue REV.02-15sNNl �� 5 n —do nil nItel.1.1tlolltio aor°ly Praoddur°°. _ ... B PG 13APT-2 Manuel ORI 116r1-ayoUl 1 2112/16 12:16 PM Paye 2 ll A;Dalumilmlthpbout Iguallon Thu dooralmmmunthaInstalled atlesel 6A'plicae Ihd Ihglehgll(ha dour, o B; Ilheperypll m Ittllop iI"Upopunnloally(Upadown)where A?Rembddn ala hd)hhlyr ateW I alhrl e� mo CUP he'�ddm'ata 'eau 1110-15111m)WI I ha,lnpp Rod.Thaaa;e motile a a.whetp the s;lelger The P4OLQ(1bRD QdOR pp(�'�e`I idto deleyliiortlea ivfituh eltow I auprthed eoewe willhe haadad la o rh©wall hnpnlhedepralarm. IhouadriaeNltlidd'gnleklhedaoririllhvullh©etarmeoondlne•7hvo© ramouelholopnover(ona.lgpr,:e) O,Inoadidaz{aluaraepplladWawa�ntol aweJoni�ta0madlo,Ldays twit madoasranxplel11adbelow, e,pull dawn Ihd hollery eplln' eud Ifielell Ilia ou battery((eee npwe 2J. ahoutalap incl Inorudln0lhe heed all a eorew)of the eoraw from A. FIRST'DEILAY MtahRC When the dear to oppened Iha alarm one If Ilse hailsry Incl la not0001 a nmreot poelllon under the Hong [h aulomallowly Gana III the Illel doled.Made VY you 7 _ruwylr battery,IheelermWlllnotBohsaltl0gelher. o.HenBlhedoor ala anlhamountedemewuandgpulldownwardunIII saoandenllarlhIIgdoorligpnmdlo us lhopsealllmewllolu11lha eryjy)!I,' o•WhenlhaBvhgilerylelnaleiled,IheLEDwlllllseh,noaevarylo IliaaalawaetapoollonadInIliaemall(Indallhdnatigarholealnlha pesalhtuEwllhhlenol uplledwilhin7eacondelheelalmwlllscund d71r.11• undo.When Ilia alarm sounds,Ilia LED will Ilash once every haoitollhaslerm. p �'��}' �- smsond, WIN the door open or closed, 'Ili sllenaa Iha alarm aloes Ilia door )P D.Re ensemble Ilia door alarm with the aesambly screw.NOTE: Onaa E.11�IgyQylghe Bk! a Bal�.n nprMteeaEapaope,.iFigeta fi) Ihenpdah the pmaelhtu oWllch. ( �is�� file battery,In Inelalladillo alarm may sound emoldentally unlll the c e,BEaONDORLAYMODS1When the door[aopened and lhapauslin m "' .oaaa,a ro oonneonte propotly, awlJoh le pu11hed wllhin 7 seaonde,Ihla pals Ilia door alarm In[he ArThe'Vopr'IH aodiee II ;lin etTah eW dine goHa`eeneor 0000nd octad mode whlor�ano a you 14 eoaonda to en Ihmuah rho door end,Jim.Il. Whon the t o0r la closed within 14 Eeaonde,Ilia I se o mmHnellr-Movelhaooudralmm�othhlihesepedahyueingyour � I6 Ilnaarnalll'aramoll tool to unsllp the couef from IBho baltannelde end alarm Willeulomeilaell910001. II the door is not closed WIMn 14 �.6�. atI0lnB lWillie cannot. eoaonda,Ilio elerm will sound, ,f 'SAFETY QUoe 7I, vaurpaoiauerd[loornlarm le daetgned t0 he lnelalladw11Mnida011he B,Egoh eeneor haa0halso for mounllnl (Nalel f]o Rol mount Ilia Figure ggN5pp A80VEEaOUNII POOL saneor awlloh for Iha eeneor wire oonnoolton.To mount rhe door alarm aeoema an the aldv at the door that to H n ed).Th.eeneormaenal BWITLH PLOfi11CC0Ufin W THREM0600LAlANM i W I7H flEMOTE aEe61UER on wall nsxl to door: u11u9iiyGoeaan lhndoarand lhseeneorewl�ohleUsually moumad to t7 I annsnrsrmuo onnenr the doorframe. E� . � FAesTrmuswlrcU Q.Metal rmmeddooramayneed aupeoubalweenlhaeanaareend lhu f� IlNaclrour�"�_1" v door ualnBesmall placeafwood ordouble aided room lope.Figure 2 _ 1Ee D,111811111 the 6Pnmare Vmdloplly(so shown In F(gula 1)ar Hmlaanlmlly, .TEarlurALSHann Maximum a aha leaMeen eenemo Is 1+1(4. M(+oRTANS 11 you IRetail[heeenemaHadaohlellyulrhalopplOrUlDlr1[dtloor,apquinphahaingtheehnuileneedstobebetween111and1+1(A°. E.La0aen Ih0 two larm,r�ela an Iho eeneor awiloh by,laosenlne the I.; pnmioannme evrawn Marn plena a I.or wlm ond;auming from he door alarm NOTE,It the Warm aounde for eppmalmelolY aminmao and Ilia chart. anre.nafm naal uuma hatweaneaehof[he farm inote.Itdoe ant matter whtohwho gone in 61111upon,Theelmrmturn.wlhslertlappVOIDGeeoondaoNends Famuy9Piadaai. nssErnowscnatvnata wh[oh lefminal,Reppleap p aedo cavefet suoonds OFF:Ths elefm will aonUhuafo dol hfs urdlt an adult aloeae Holpe Fralal Yoar Pomnyl Noler111hocover far llteeanearswllahdone net fault into piano haaeuse Ihednor•.endpueheethe PAU137HRUawltahanlhadoor ofermfo Illliflli(I1,p3O0(P�aU�CC�.0®yGr OunNu IlctE of the eeneor whoa,remove Ilia Iuluolmul from[he aide of the aensar ellenoa Ilia alarm, It Ilia alarm aounde for appmxwateiy 6 minutes ��°., 6wllahcovec(sea Figure 41 and Ilia door 15 ahead,the alermwllt teeel. il,6 a JI�dbI�U6 �b �G l�RMIS 2' G�1�MUS REC 114ANGL-E m 18° �I 36' �pppr8���ygyµ�9p�t�gaap�/1u//�{�� �a�i A7 ul �Ge --'----'— —..—.. �au�pro"tl+Iq�AlWa�k1�IP�poolK'�4f�I�Gt$ IMlpratllrvlunUat:,i�: SIFT-vi1VC hNayr,rid 6lrnntulu,tno,aonm,,ar Cltanrtztm.11 l:'rrul? cru meeLsrrdn--• IP ADllHL1:DIlA1N IS DLfI1NI011AD tla IIWWM,, aae•71a-vvur ;o.pomil¢3irerr.rtmnv' ASMOAl12.19.11AT9'•IP'MIN APART =ineu•aaorolEltr4elA.lra1_vy^•_ r;,ee �e Iz if ¢ 1GBR`p'KiRCATRIDA OF,06MIP9,6/1NCR - — - lionlrsiall.4 noau m m, Calitniau:l'VOA04SG or W4afl040mwmp¢ornlas•4connerlula':_GumQn _ Dcaod tla RM91a ¢ur 1101.1 a 7Br1oDf IIt8'•RoundSuallouQu110C.Dvcrcrumoonol —.--.. •ap-••-• 0 t PJcorh AIrNlurmnull p�; ✓ auo --..�_�._.•._Wn11: 72d,Plu ,I^ ¢ ¢ - v o ` LvfrM CetllilatltnComEly"vldt9uctJou1404dilh-'fr�IaIUUt moAWrarAol(VQA)Puul& ntl:t Itiu +� �wtRacltitanngbuahlnfgetttinlul� utltaue rade O'WIIHIAESiPl:I[L= - In >n ar �@1L<!r_8, NltllnrJl I:hvl ytlnP nr rr t{{[(,q�(LL{�fU� auoa 'a' It LIUn11PAna N a fvLulu(hcuged:M.,Droatnher 0,2000,Oy HnyhllidY¢ol Iluduct.in]i In=_u lhosinr. chi-rwd mna a'PIItPIPI°tkt ti Clalmn¢uvINGDIvlslona oFH¢�wmll tu,luptrt¢r,Ine,630 hlvlel¢u 5trcoy GllulL°Illi39ID72D7,1'ImlIa9UU- nt117 TI eVu141PNIEb• -_ I_- 1 �� , 395.7p45 n111r •2YtN�Ip PLAIN.i ww tteer,_ornvlvwr`,ri•tam 1 I lr lauy Dnto oP31'SG:Thal.ol Numbarsimwu oa iho p,udeol lnbai coulawIllu Yu-c Month uCnmm3fnemm.711. wacr iMOTaNl-I •Na1A uIn 'r �'•� ilr5tnunlburrdpll:eutlaWuyeut'eHgaZ000)mldWoeaoondob¢rnalurQuHintlill A=dnn,I-Cub,H=nuo,11, cu•_a`^mom¢nnlursnc �� eklpt,cd,J�Scp,cml 1 1. onaa nnluorJwtttmm� I_ ° +� ^—p' IT —It•-�•• aP y IId10¢ R6-1FSLnNR , M b - tt t I ¢ T(`rlgtlNS)IAAM8112,19,0.°00%(odd0gdgta811.2000)per9uo11an1401)IPWeVirRhWiGmcuwTi;ll:cr Im¢nA tra ,t�lWur _„_ ,, �, t61A0109�p�kool&6pgSotStyAckCurtlpadbyN6l+Iatemutlouo1,7N9DT-DLr11°m,RaoJ,IumArhor,leu. ano¢ `hur¢uocrrmt . n an ( 09)•N9P•J1j n- _rtIBiA6itnIC& a iPt3t t7 �-t -- �- v� 7n ¢1IW^ NklnitrrNlrL — i ra'o- `1 t ° ° p 'V rad OcLc of fltsln0¢Wou; _ ISWO10d8CCIC'Itov 13 1 eAprr mWIL t6arnnFlucn � �.0 xur.• FAI•aIMO L 7r o _ raVllr.¢IY1! :� as ee,rtrmrva run ulc,l -- G Lm—a - Am AUovrtel SPA'GlofeareeLm IalmaaryNmmu nr a I0� ,amwren uuA.1 Ing Q'plln'(d'IIh0 anleQw tt.” 1 p�{AvcrrulOp,VtopUwwlnl+h:umo'Otpp 1¢---- — `r• 0�8D 4M'FO1kOWINGlSE01F5: In,mtdtrrlto'aatnr;rvaulalytlti lltN a, o WIITlL I �y� I AaGll�Rd llrrlata tlti IlllfieON�on A.i' y� •1i,Mtl d ni�CltN a aen laWIt1I,�WWVaa�VNId111 Iy IE OIIrr1E �^ hq 1 IN� 0 S!L61C51u11 1., ` A Vpy� �pl ry uaenreall'noaAnu+arvruni�u �' p AV Pg ' 5 1 3dt1 V,f' Vl'lo L+(rvkliynd,llr,.w�t� %iia , AV 6tJ1t�'6`;i,"�l wlrybt ,aa,wa .. �" 6YW/� o 011,1411lAI¢tiplNrP//AYanrltYll a r I-.{.-.t--.Ir-.— -a.-�1 h..-{--0---1 tc It---7 t .. St16rlOr!'q tl `` j 'r;'; p�'yf! I_.Al n rn11 PO a¢tla4 Olnlr 1N1 WI ( C4V5(i•.WGIV40B@,'1 ..--,.,wnrilrrau�Lalmnul�IwAW a,1 3�r�.i °dra Itu�1 vii r'.0 e})r _ J t+ 1� tl '}ti 2. 3.7 1 P I;n. uNrlWr4rdudl, i, ro-�,yyvv1qlqlw¢ p��n41N apIryI�,N, ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FINISH DIMENSIONS FE6RUAI1 0''Be.�viAlAq�.l U{,Y ii[V.• _..—._.._.. ,.�.�. _�---•_�_._—•----------- 1} �1 .ry'0 P>♦Il2 e,t 2004 .U7'I91)Ai1,AA t7.. SPIH40PAft2 /'10.i1 1.J('Ctii Y1 5/9v C•?lol'l G.+• rnq pm/J -- �+'-'------•� �/Q L�wnr�C'JI�oVN� eave !M71 �J`rpc"./rUcuG:?:'•����,'' OgU&9UlCO.EPI?II'Ituul. ----- STANDARDA01 LIS: uP'pL 1 Iumm"SCHUMLL40PVCPIPI3FOR MAIN JIMAINOUSUGNONOUTLRTLINUS Jcm61 1lgntilP. 2T1•IriPLODR'DRAINMI3RT5 iiiiitIQUlRUM13NTS'OPANSI'/A8141CSAl12.19.020D7 lat ountn�i�tn°tleu POR ANTIHAIRANdAODY N'tIM MI1M'1'. OANBUABR7•1006STANDAHD Nnp0v awforoo ar4sa i TU I 3 TNIB DRAWING WJf,L 8U1'PLLMANTCDNTIIACTORB DRAWING ON RILE •'• — e JNAa511, mttJr. L7'J'mlarlonollklP�nttcyfunaod734a I