42-066 (2) File# MP-2020-0062 C r1 SC k APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON P-TUSH ONE, LLC ADDRESS/PHONE 52 PROSPECT AVE (413)586-7922 PROPERTY LOCATION 1036 WESTHAMPTON RD MAP 42 PARCEL 066 001 ZONE THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid Typeof Construction:_ZPA-CONVERT EXISTING HOUSE TO ACCESSORY APARTMENT AND BUILD NEW HOUSE New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PROENTED: __ _Approved J Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan Major Project:___ site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Findino Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management � , 14r 1 Sigature of LBuilding Official VU Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. *Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A.Contact the Office of Planning&Development for more information. ' I/ SEE �Poc,r t Arz 0,5 FileNo. Ss -Zo • 1075 C3'04 CIVQt(�60 ZONING PER IT APPLI ATI fO 010.2) Please type or print all information and return this form to the Building Inspector's office with the$15 filing fee(check or nioney order)payable to the City of Northampton o _ m - - --- of Applicant: 0 0 i X m a' ess: Ems'#; [ Telephone: 41 �� 7222— D r� 00 _ w o� w2. IF44r of Property: r o� 1 CDA-,),-,- �c s f 4r IATelephone: o' 3. fait s of Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other(explain) 4. Jobocation:—Iac �-Parcel ld: Zoning Map# � �� Parcel#_ iL District(s): In Elm Street District In Central Business District,,.__ (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property: IAC >((tetl' 1 u...t 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Pian )itc;?(an Engineered/Surveyed Plans 8. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever, =slued for'on the rite? i NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# y.Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO DON'T KNOW YES ..._....... ......... IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained date issued: .._ (Form Continues On Other Side bl`-Uu�aemen�.- OfL9 rigi[u�t,tiuiltfing•In etc+rTtming-PermEt-�pplic�tiun-�assiic.cl�c K 4'_2004 p cA 4 v. C`�onnP� �xnth �an�Crannr�r 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO IF YES,describe size,type and location; Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES NO �✓ IF YES, describe size,type and location: 11. Witt the construction activity disturb(clearing, grading,excavation, or titling)ovey�l acre or is it part of a common plan of development that will disturb over 1 acre? YES NO / IF YES, then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. 12. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION This column reserved for use by the Building Department EX''ISTING PROPOSED REQUIRED BY 7.{)NlNG Lot Size Frontage Setbacks Front 44i_ t P Side L: Ca. R: 2t ,7 L: i Oro' R: ' `3. L: {�- R- t. Rear Building Height _ 31) Building Square Footage %Open Space: (lot area minus building ti paved irking yip `' '' �) a #of Parking Spaces 1 + .� #of Loading Docks Fitt; (volume ti location? ,,f '>3 ra ` I 1 13. Certification: 1 hereby certify that the information cont i ed herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. � 1t `�4lttr Date: l Applicant's Signature �� F NOTE:issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an applica 's urden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health,Conservation Commission, Historic and Architectural Boards,Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. N 'Documents'.FORMS'�origtnal•t3uilding-inspccturZoning-Permit-Appliradon-passive.doe S:4'2004 Cr�anna�l with (-'amC�annar COMPACTED TRAP ROCK GRAVEL COMPACTED GRAVEL BASE O 95%MN.DENSITY g XISIING PAVED — APRON ROBERT J !CHRISTINE E. O I I 1 LARDY BOOT(1486 PAGE 271 2.0 III-VIII ".. TRG DRIVEWAY U) III II- 3"-4" THICK LAYER II11- •/�',�?... t14 CLI.YD. q=III=III=ill=Til=Til=III=VII= „�° IgI1=11111-11111_VIII=Igq=1►II=IIIII_UIII_IIIII HOU \ `\ HKTR J LEPAU• 0 I I EIIISONC SE \ \ \ CHRIS ONE M LEPACE BOOR 913 PAGE 349 RAN UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SIIBGRADE 0 ry Q LL I O I \ ` NOTES IF UNSUITABLE CONDITIONS ARE ENCOUNTERED,DEPTH OF BASE Q& (D \` MATERIAL MAY BE INCREASED IN THE FIELD. EU ca 13 "II,00• MARK A.MOST KATNIEEN J. a) C of I \ \ s� ERPOST LAN�KI3°PAG 1;� 1 TRIG Driveway 3: s a) Q I d I \8e e 1 Not to Scale o LL I \ MAP 42-066 \ `� 1036MESTHAMPTON RD. 1°6909.29 SO.FT(32.5 AC) I I \ ♦i SHARON 12 y� -162 o SHA ARMAND L CWRIENANCHE a fut t� 8001(t493 PAGE 25 �/ PIAN°0011 I9p PACE 11 1D gEGISTEI� �OsJOMAL E 41N/F RRI3 \ / / 1' 'A MOS J.ADAMS.JR. \ BAABARA j " "AS \ // >< •8/BI/20 BOOK 9072 PAGE X23 - _ RAN BOOK 49 GE 2-43 i-AWING N0. 100 Zoning Summary APRRONON TO BE REMOVED xDRIVEWAY WSP Zone&§350-10.10 Accessory Apartments °NIFRequired Provided pg ROBERT J.!CHFISTNE E. LAR05E 8001(1/483 PACE 271 Z MIN.LOT AREA 80,000 SF 2.5 AC 108,909 SF 0 MIN.FRONTAGE 175 FT >317 FT BE CONVERTED V) MIN.WIDTH 50 FT 508.7 FT � TO 900 SO. FT. V) MIN.FRONT YARD 20 FT 54.6 FT 1 I \ DETACHED ACCESSORY SIDE YARD 15 MIN.REAR YARD 20 FT >20 FT � ._. APA >15 FT RTMENT A \ m pG BUILDING HEIGHT 35 FT ±33 FT OPEN SPACE 85% 94% HECTon F LEPAGE A: PARKING SPACE 3 3 .0 l CHRISNME M LEPAGE �y I E.111NG HOUSE_ \ \ BOOK 1913 PAGE 349 PLAN LL Open Space Table Summary 0 I o \\ Description Proposed Required Calculation C Z n \ TOTAL DISTURBED AREA BY 13.424.0 SO. N/A f0 _ THE PROJECT F7. OLD 0 F I o BARN' 9\ 42-117 4z- T uARK A.FRGS KATHLEEN J. TOTAL ENT&OUS AREA 6,388.0 ST. Q I o, I �DpyINAY \\ \ 511, PLAN 90OK183 PACE 1135 (PAVEMENT h ROOFTOP) FT. > J _o c TD BE DEMOLISH \ 8 - TOTAL PARCEL AREAS 108,909.0 50. N/A LL \` 1\ FT. - O Q 312 \ \` X100 O TOTAL OPEN SPACE 102 541.. 92571. [1-(83ea - sa`\` FT. S0.FT. 108909)1.100/94% 0l \ W LOCUST MAP \ dl of b1 -BOX scale.1" 7000' SEPTIC TANK 1,500 GAL TIC TRENCHES \`� ,c.,:'' •"" �1 33.6 \ \ \\� •t \ MAP 42-066 \1036 NESTHA-TON RO. ON LINE J Qj Q 10l,9D9.29 so.Fr(tz.s AC) 6 , C o V ♦ c mar \ r H N O \ ul Z Pear �(V/ ..• n 2 AHARON TGs S7 / 42-,62A Y T Jr' SH ARFF CML ARMAND L.COORTEMANCHE µ J nl4 a1 BOOK 1493 PACT25 P LF Igo PACE T«' `6 BDDK „ w • RONALD x i 41N/2 3 - As MORRIS J.ADAMS.JR. \ 63/m/20BARBARA J.ADAAS BOOK 40)2 PAGE 323 \ ��/ / FND. PLAN BOOK 49 PAGE 42-43 NORTH OF BOUNDARY I i I� DRAWING N0. 141 0 25 50 100 150 \ `�\ twos.[-•�TO BE CONVERTED N _ — . TO00 SO.FT. IA rL IT --Ir-1 DETACHED I APARTMENT ACCESSORY O J 0 LI Z jx \ L— LL_JLJ 'BE DEMOLISH \ e\ I 3 ( -Box \ EPTLC TANK \\ \ b 0 U) i 1,500`(,AL EPTIC TRENCHES \ b f CJ \ LL U) r _ Cl) ON n xi ni:ss•cl 'O LINE/ /' O L o, o � e ==«Aar[ 4 \ /1\Septic Tank \_ I. QNB. rI, ID BOUNDARY \%/�\�/�\�/�\% \%/�\/ . O a a xarGs. sync sn,[u ocsicu cuctti.nws: �/� .[NN.• '"',xM[s'onoo-..o a L •x,°."x.,,......n.r_°m.,.r,rr n.su.sxa.,.c.,.. CA[PSP,cax,wa,.,°..,...a n.,s.a 1[,d* a sewn>r�...,�..N F h Z SOa.stuABDi.17'P ASSESSMENT POR ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL 5 >!€ M xm.er u.,.re.+mra rr e..r« , e emm.r xexn.r n. srw Perla a By 8 ;,I ''� dl Gr,pi.,°er°'�°•Ta«en er na eas~I°�'e..ew e,nu.w...0 c�,wu.., m' o" u Ge,�rt�r[� B.ty Md _Oete_Tme.1B6 Mo1M: land�Uu' r..i.,.1,.rr rb•er.....w.<,r a•d.d.e a Pr° u uqn[P^u»a " [,ri�.t•. >a/a,•NN-rx i'/°' ".�."a.....9roa: w 9NIs.Stens � / �3 � 3. • so,.n.n a,.�e.°a..e>...::....a a wrr».". .eun�....P.wws [nstM 0.s»- L •I•' n.••• € n[ u,Npm n[a NN•[ e M bw }' SB. . �uM -3'„ . '1 - .B [..a ,.�../[�wd gflon<oa Grom, oyr i'�° -w� p..an.,r.n..d�4rM�c"O'w. PoafO4N ,a..Nal P[CP}1Y ll'�e}QLleet W,,Nawn.�r� +m w w.M.x.aw+".rN a..xan.w�N e.w u..n p+»nq Natty rNeA:�rwt OtMert DEEP OBSERVATION ROLE a.x...[-,w—.a+"d a...n,r,.w°..•nr�..n........�,«,..,.a. cxrsnNc ccnanoNs Nons r ��' cnw p� � m. ,onw,u1c�m.,u,"„Nc o°«'�•N,/r w.«..wz A s. ,wP ».:..�_Z •-,ac > ,•/. zs,en ;:/_ 2\Septic Absorption Trench iso-:.e r0.so i`siie ',rn a 's m/"dna NO. 200 EXAMPLE OF A RESTRICTIVE COVENANT: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That (owner and owner), owners of the real estate at (address, City), more particularly shown as (deed description, deed date, book & page) hereby Covenant and Agree that (Here describe the restriction on use, such as) "The structures at (address, city and state) include a single family dwelling and an accessory apartment in a detached structure as defined in the City of Northampton Zoning Ordinance. (I/We), as the owner of said property, will occupy one of the dwelling units on the premises as the owner's permanent primary residence, except for bona fide temporary absences. The accessory structure will not be used as a second principal dwelling without first demonstrating that it meets all requirements of the City of Northampton Zoning Ordinance and the Massachusetts State Building Code" Each subsequent owner shall, within 30 days of the sale, submit a notarized letter to the Building Commissioner stating that they will occupy one of the dwelling units on the premises as their primary residence. Executed as a sealed instrument this (date) Owner's name and signature Other owner's name and signature Notarized and recorded at the registry of deeds. City or Northampton.MA Monday.August 19,2019 Chapter 350. Zoning § 350-10.10. Accessory apartments. An accessory apartment, or in-law apartment, is a self-contained housing unit incorporated within a single-family dwelling (not within accessory structures,except with a special permit)that is a subordinate part of the single-family dwelling and complies with the criteria below. A. The intent of permitting accessory apartments is to: (1) Provide older homeowners with a means of obtaining rental income,companionship,security and services,and thereby to enable them to stay more comfortably in homes and neighborhoods they might otherwise be forced to leave; (2) Add moderately priced rental units to the housing stock to meet the needs of smaller households and make housing units available to moderate- income households who might otherwise have difficulty finding housing; (3) Develop housing units in single-family neighborhoods that are appropriate for households at a variety of stages in their life cycle; (4) Protect stability, property values, and the single-family residential character of a neighborhood by ensuring that accessory apartments are installed only in owner-occupied houses; (5) To provide housing units for persons with disabilities. B. The Building Commissioner may issue a zoning permit authorizing the installation and use of an accessory apartment within an existing or new owner-occupied, single-family dwelling and the Zoning Board of Appeals may issue a special permit authorizing the installation and use of an accessory apartment in a detached structure on a single-family home lot when such structures have the same setbacks required for principal residential structures and only when the following conditions are met: (1) The apartment will be a complete,separate housekeeping unit containing both kitchen and bath. (2) Only one accessory apartment may be created within a single-family house or house lot. (3) The owner(s)of the residence in which the accessory unit is created must continue to occupy at least one of the dwelling units as their primary residence. The zoning permit or special permit for the accessory apartment automatically lapses if the owner no longer occupies one of the dwelling units. (4) Any new outside entrance to serve an accessory apartment shall be located on the side or in the rear of the building. (5) The gross floor area of an accessory apartment(including any additions)shall not be greater than 900 square feet. (6) Once an accessory apartment has been added to a single-family residence or lot,the accessory apartment shall never be enlarged beyond the 900 square feet allowed by this chapter. (7) An accessory apartment may not be occupied by more than three people. (g) Three off-street parking spaces must be available for use by the owner-occupant(s)and tenants. (9) The design and room sizes of the apartment must conform to all applicable standards in the health,building,and other codes. (10) Zoning permits issued under this section shall specify that the owner must occupy one of the dwelling units.The zoning permit and the notarized letters required in Subsection B(11)and(12)below must be recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds or Land Court,as appropriate, in the chain of title to the property, with documentation of the recording provided to the Building Commissioner, prior to the occupancy of the accessory apartment. (11)When a structure which has received a permit for an accessory apartment is sold,the new owner(s), if they wish to continue to exercise the permit,must,within 30 days of the sale,submit a notarized letter to the Building Commissioner stating that they will occupy one of the dwelling units on the premises as their primary residence.This statement shall be listed as condition on any permits which are issued under this section. (12)Prior to issuance of a permit, the owner(s) must send a notarized letter stating that the owner will occupy one of the dwelling units on the premises as the owner's permanent primary residence,except for bona fide temporary absences. (13)Prior to issuance of a permit,a floor plan of 1/4 inch to the foot must be submitted showing the building,including proposed interior and exterior changes to the building. 350-2.1 Definitions USE,PRINCIPAL The main or primary purpose for which a structure or lot is designed,arranged,or intended,or for which it may be used,occupied or maintained under this chapter.Any other use within the main structure or the use of any other structure or land on the same lot and incidental or supplementary to the principal use and permitted under this chapter shall be considered an accessory use USE,ACCESSORY A use which is customarily incidental and subordinate to the principal use of a structure or lot,or a use which is not the principal use,but which is located on the same lot as the principal structure,provided that said accessory use is permitted in that district under this chapter.Accessory uses shall be interpreted as not exceeding 40%of the area of the total use of the structure and/or lot on which is located.