468 Disposal Construction Permit 10-29-19 Commonwealth of Massachusetts
City/Town of
Disposal, System Construction Permit
Form 2A
DEP has provided this form for use by local Boards of Health. Other forms may be used, but the
informatio must be substantially the same as that provided here. Before using this form,check with
the local Bard of Health to determine the form they use.
Permission Is hereby granted to:
Important: lo_(r i s + G C 1i &CQ.v q�1�
When filling out Namej Name of Company
forms the rt 1 a 1
computer,use P�
only the tab key Address
to move your ASh e N1(�- 61330
cursor-do not
use the return Cityrrown State Zip Code
key. to perform the following work on an on-site sewage disposal system:
❑ Constr ction
E? Repai or replacement
❑ Repair or replacement of system components
(Oke fndCIca
FacilityAddr ss
k" e in 6t® (w0
Cityrrown IState Zip Code
1 e M e ajo wD ff'pfe4ta LLQ, X113 -.T75-- -1%1
Owner Telephone Number
The work to be performed is further described in the Application for Disposal System Construction
Permit.Th applicant recognizes his/her duty to comply with Title 5 and the following local provision:
or special i xinditions:
T 4-t 5- Sa.\d Wlb-A 1-6 b.es.
r, r -1v f-tte-ivinq Coc.
-�iri�l I hSP�tr+-�o n
All constction must be completed within three years of the date below.
E)l-% i C� + j f?12 ct' I �f
Approved by f Date
10/29/2019 Mail-Eichstaedt,Man=L.-Outlook
> minimum
> separatio i distance of two feet in soils with a recorded percolation
rate of
> more than
> two minu es per inch and three feet in soils with a recorded
> rate of tw
> minutes c r less per inch, measured from the bottom of the soil
> system t
> the high groundwater elevation;and/or"
> This is directly from the DEP's Standard conditions for secondary
> units app oved for remedial use.
> Bob
> -----Orig nal Message-----
> From: Eic istaedt, Brianna L.
<beichstae Jt1847@westfield.ma.edu>
> Sent: Friday, October 25, 201910:32 AM
> To: Bob I ilcup <raccaskat@verizon.net>
> Subject: eduction in GW
> Hi again,
> Quick question. I know your system allows reduction in GW
already...can you
> request even more of a reduction through a LUA?
> The perc ate was exactly 2 min/in. Can he request 2 feet
> Sent frorr my iPhone=
https.,//outlookoffice.com/mail/search/Id/AA kADNhNmVj'YjFmLTVhNjUtNGVIYiIhYmRkLWRjYWIyNWFmMGU2ZAAQAFbXAT%2SonVhOngb... 3/3
10/29/2019 Mail-Mchstwtit,Brianna L.-Outlook
From: "Eichstaed , Brianna L." <beichstaedt1847@westfield.ma.edu>
Date: 10/27/19 1 :48 (GMT-05:00)
To: Bob Kilcup <r ccaskat@verizon.net>
Subject: Re: Redt iction in GW
But they can get ess through a local upgrade through the city?
Sent from my iPh ne
On Oct 25, 2019, at 1:28 PM, Bob Kilcup <raccaskat@verizon.net>
Caution External Email: This email originated outside of WSU. Do
not click links, open attachments, or respond if it appears to be
Those credits are issued by you if they ask for it but yes...
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphonp
-------- Original message--------
From: "Eichstaedt, Brianna L:' <beichstaedt1847@westfield.ma.edu>
Date: 10/251911:05(GMT-04:00)
To: Bob Kilcup <raccaskat@verizon.net>
Subject: Re Reduction in GW
So,typically, Eljen is 3 feet for <2,and 2 feet for >2?
Sent from my Phone
> On Oct 2 , 2019, at 11:03 AM, Bob Kilcup
<raccaskat verizon.net> wrote:
> Caution External Email: This email originated outside of WSU. Do
not click lin s, open attachments, or respond if it appears to be
> Hi Brianna,
> For reme ial systems, the language is: " If a reduction in the depth
> ground w ter required by 310 CMR 15.212 is necessary,
> the dept to groundwater may be reduced by up to 2 feet,
resulting in a
httpsJ/outlook.office.comhnail/searchlid/AA kADNhNmVjYjFmLZVhNjUtNGV1YjlhYmRkLWRjTWIyNWFmMGU2ZAAQAFbXAT%2BonVhOngb... 2/3
10/29/2019 Mail:-Eichstaedt,Brianna L.-Ouflook
Re: Reduction in GIAF
Bob Kilcup <raccaska, @verizon.net>
Sun 10/27/2019 6:28 PM
To: Eichstaedt,Brianna L.< eichstaedt1847@westfield.ma.edu>
Caution External Email: This email originated outside of WSU. Do not click links, open
attachments, or respond if it appears to be suspicious.
Correct.....no problem, I can watch and answer emails....going to Totally Title 5 Tuesday?
Sent frommy Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
-------- Original message--------
From: "Eichstaedt, Bria na L." <beichstaedt1847@westfield.ma.edu�>
Date:10/27/1917:16 (G T-05:00)
To: Bob Kilcup <raccas at@verizon.net>
Subject: Re: Reductjon in GW
Ok thank you. Sorry to other during football but it was my only free moment!
So the reduction to GVY is 3 for the 2 min/in peres and 2 for the greater than 2....no less can
be granted under a LU
Sent from my Phone
On Oct 27, 2019, t 5:13 PM, Bob Kilcup <raccaskat@verizon.net> wrote:
Caution External Email: This email originated outside of WSU. Do not click
links, open attac iments, or respond if it appears to be suspicious.
No...the technology gets a 40% reduction and the local approving authority
gives the offset t seasonal high groundwater depending on the percolation rate
as we discussed.—the only credits available to be granted would be an offset to
naturally occurring pervious soils or setback variances...
Sent from my Verizc n, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
-------- Originalessage --------
https://oudook.of eexom/maiUsemb/d/AA kADNhNmVjYjFmLTVhNjUtNGVlYjlbYmRkLWRjYWIyNWFmMGU2Z.AAQAFbXAT%n2BonVhOngb... 1/3
Elj en Geotextile Sand Filter (GSF)
(FM Gats G "-Crai in
is presented to:
Ray Gray
Attended Eljen Corporation's 2.5 hour GSF Design and Installation training,covering an overview of design and installation
Certified.•June 24, 2019
Eric Daniels,Eljen Technical Representative
2.5 credit hours Innovative Envlronmento7 Protlucts and SotuWas Since 1870 Approval:T507-0025
LUA for reduction to G
Eichstaedt, Brianna L.
Mon 10/28/2019 7:40 AM
To: Thomas Leue <vegheat@gmail com>
Cc: Merridith O'Leary<moIeary@n:>rthamptonma.gov>
Hey Tom,
I spoke with a representativfrom Eljen who told me a local upgrade approval cannot be applied to an
Eljen system because there i already a reduction to GW granted. I was unsure if the approving authority
(health dept.) could grant ev n more of a reduction than what Eljen already allows. Eljen told me no. So,
unless you can prove othertiniise through Eljen or DEP,the system must have a 3 foot separation from
the bottom of the system t seasonal high GW.
I know the installer is in a ru h to get this system started so I would be OK with issuing the permit if you
send me a revised plan via email. However, a printed plan shall be mailed to the office that day as well.
The installer will need a copy the most recent plan to ensure he knows the correct sep. to GW.
I will, however, need his cer . before issuing the permit,
10/25/2019 1 Mail-Eichstaedt,Brianna L.-Outlook
468 Coles Meadow Rd.
Eichstaedt, Brianna L.
Fri 10/25/201910:44 AM
To: Thomas Leue<vegheat gmail.com>
Cc: Merridith O'Leary<mol ary@northemptonma.gov>
Hey Tom,
I reviewed 468 Coles Meadow Rd. today and just have a couple of comments this time
o is the actual inst Iler? I need the name of the installer, not the company—�from Elje i for the above installer
�Bouyancy calculation for the tank
%i-On the plan, it says e total length of the field is 41 feet in one spot and 49 feet in
another. Which is it?
-Location of wetlands. While out on site, the wetlands were pretty obvious and fairly
close. They are not noted on the plan.
As for the LUA, I am just waiting to hear back from Eljen if a LUA can be applied to Eljen
products. If the rate was GREATER THAN 2 min/in, a 2 foot separation would be allowed
per Eijen without a LUA I am thinking but because the rate was 2 minlin, I am assuming
that's why you applied for a LUA.
https://outlookoffice.com/maillsentitems/id/ QkADNhNmVjYjFmLTVhNjUtNGV1Yi1hYmRkLWRj-fWlyNWFmMGU2ZAAQAER78A%a2FNQutKg... 1/1
Septic Plan Review-Checklist
Location: q`vS l,eS (WC)LO gj
Owner: L&C
Owner Address: C,
Design Engineer/ anitarian:`T®M L?-,VZ
Cy' Installer: Installer Permitted?EiYes❑ No
3 hVCn1S 01)
Single or Multi-F ily: ` i p-" Number of Units: "dKIJ
Number of Bedro ms: New or Existing:
Review Date: i I Reviewed By: (�
Building Sewer
VAipe diameter 4 7'
schedule of pipe: 40
atertight joi is
Slope (min. ft r 4"pipe is 0.01 or 1/8"per foot; desired slope is 0.02 or 1/4"per foot) •����
VInvert elevation at building: i I I
Vtength: " ��t. �14°/w, � S
V Alignment anti grade (manholes required at changes in both alignment and grade)
NOO"Manhole (mu t have metal frame and cover at grade)
Septic Tank
W/Septic Tank a least 200% of design flow-1,500 gallon minimum
�"to 3" drop From inlet to outlet
Minimum 4' iquid depth
Ves extend6' above flow line
Inlet tee 10"below flow line (minimum)
VAir Space (3" above tees, 9" above flow line)
V Depth of outl t tee (minimum 14")
Access manhole over center of tank and each tee (if tank is>9" from grade)
q' Number of co partments? 1
[Effluent filter on outlet of tank,new and repair
(6n 6" of crus ed stone
Buoyancy (if ecessary)
0 Detail provid d
Leaching Trenches
❑ Depth of stone beneath pipe: (6"min.)
❑ Number of trenches: , lengt - (max. 100'), width: (min.
Trenc spacing 3 x effective width or depth, whichever is greater
11 Trench.width [4 feet maxim
11 The are between trenches s 11 be designat d as reserve area o y where the
separati+n distance betwee he excavation s dewalls is at leas six feet.
ElLeachin area available:
a Bottom=len x width x#of tr nches= sq. ft.
o Sides= lengtx depth(2' max) x 2 sidewalls x of trenches=
sq. ft.
o TOTAL= sq. ft.
❑ Leaching are requ' ements fulfilled:
Total leaching area(bottom plus sides)x 10 factor=gallons treated
Loading factor is based on perc rate
Total gallons treated by system design must be>design flow for system
❑ Leach Field &U0(-'?P ft
❑ Length: ft. ( rnobkj`' fr-6 -
Width: ft. l VDI
Total area pr vided fo disposal: n sq. ft.
Loading fa or:
❑ Total area loading f tor: g d
❑ Total are is greater th in or eq al to desi flow
❑ Number #f distribution pipes:
❑ ength( 00' max):
❑ lope: ( in. 0.005):
❑ acin (6' max):
❑ Pi e s pe (min. 0.005 to e, or 6"per 100')
❑ Fill is specified for 5' around entire system(only required when T5 sand is
(note: leaching area must be increased if garbage grinder is used)
If Ground water elevation: _M�4 et of 5 feet separation between trench and
bottom and max. high groundwater.
Backfill depth(min. of 9"--->3 ft. requires vent)"
P-O'Ends capped
VDistribution lines exceeding 50 ft. are vented
6/Vented if system is 3-6 ft. below gradeA )0,
VN<Diameter of distribution pipe: _ 14 (min. 3")— �vr\ CSR -j
Distribution line orifice (min 318",max. 314")A
ill is specified as Title V on plan
on fill submitted AOk- ,
General Information
V Location and;imensions'of'system (including reserve area for new construction)
VDesign flow c lculation(110gallons/bedroom/day, or other, as required)
C�Mass. Reg. Sa aitarian or Mass. P.E. Stamp and Signature
cale of 1"= 0' for plot plan 1 , 30
scale of 1"= 0' for system component details
Legal boundaries of the facility being served including easements which could affect
the impact of he system's installation/performance
All dwellings, buildings and existing and proposed impervious areas
C Design calculations: Sewage flow: (4y0 gpd
Septic tank size required: 1PQ gallons
Septic tank size provided: i,, iV 0 gallons
/L,orth arrow, xisting and proposed contours
CEJ' Location and log of deep hole observation test
-111 Date of test
Existing grad elevations for each test
Name of approving authority: bcs_C`C m
Name of soil valuator: Um k-W
C Location and esults of perc test
VjLocation of w ter lines and other subsurface utilities on facility
W Observed gro dwater elevation in vicinity of the system
VComplete profile of the system
❑ A note on the plan listing all variances to the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00 and local
/Lrequirements ought in conjunction with the plan
ocation and elevation of benchmark within 50 to 75 feet of the facility which is not
subject to dislocation or loss during conjunction of the facility
❑ If dosing system provideq:
o Co �ete design nd specif ations of e system
o D sinkof
hamb r c pacity:
o umb d sing ycles:o iceds ar9 c cult
Filter prior to enterin
Garbage grinder: Yes: No: rpk &5jVL1.Ct Or ®rv,
Location of e isting and proposed water supply(including water mains) are shown on
ocation of ells within 200' of system(if none, statement saying so)
Location of streams, surface and subsurface drains, and/or wetlands within 100' of
system and reserve area or''a statement that none exist within 100'
Inspection Ports
q� agnetic tap
Correct# of deep hole per code revision
*,'A note statin how existing system will be abandoned, if applicable
/A stems/Tig t Tanks
❑ O& Contra t si between omeowner and cow ny
❑ Deed tricti recorded with Reg of D s
Distribution Box =
V Inlet elevations: 1103.13
6/ Outlet elevations: 1_0'7' �
V Drop (inlet-outlet): 1
Sump (6"minimum)
[Baffle or inlet tee (>1"per foot(.08)requires baffle/inlet T)
All outlets at same elevation
G�Manhole cover to grade if d-box is>9"from grade
# of outlets:
ize of outlets: (diameter)
[ Detail provided
Setbacks/ Septic Tank Soil Absorption System
t� Property line 10 10
Cellar wall/inground pool 10 20
�d Slab foundation 10 10
ater supply pressure line 10 10
urface waters (except wetlands) 25 50
egetated wetlands, salt marshes,
inland and coastal banks 25 50
Surface Water Supply
❑ Reservoirs and impoundments 400 400
❑ Tributaries to SWS 200 200
❑ Wetlands bordering SWS or
tributaries thereto 100 100
❑ Certified vernal pools 100 100
❑ Private water supply well
or suction line 100
Public Water Supply
❑ Gravel packed 400 400
❑ Tubular 250 250
❑ Irrigation well 10 25
❑ Open. subsurface, or surface
drains which discharge to SWS
or tributaries thereto 50 100
Setbacks Septic Tank Soil Absorption System
❑ Other open, surface or
subsurface drains (excluding
foundation drains) which
intercept seasonal high
groundwater 25 50
11 Other open, surface of
subsurface dr 'ns (excluding
foundation dr ins) 5 10
❑ Leaching and atch basin
& drywells 10 25
❑ Downhill slop N/A 15'
(min.)to top of 3:1 slope
Re: 468 Coles Meadow Pd.
Thomas Leue <vegheat@ mail.com>
Sat 10/26/2019 2:35 PM
To: Eichstaedt, Brianna L. <beichst edt1847@westfield.ma.edu>
Cc: Merridith O'Leary <moleary@n rthamptonma.gov>; Ray Gray <raygray1 @verizon.net>
0 2 attachments(2 MB)
Septic Tank calcs.pdf; Plan-Coles.M adow Rd.-468.pdf,
Caution External Email: This mail originated outside of WSU. Do not click links, open attachments, or
respond if it appears to be 7spicious.
Thank you for the review.
The trained installer is Ray Gray, himself. I believe his certification is on file with Eljen. I am asking him
to search his files for it.
Bouyancy calculations for the septic tank are attached. No counterweight is called for.
The field length is 10 units per row for a length of 41 feet. This has been depicted correctly in the
drawing. There was a number error which I have corrected.
The offset from the wetland is now on the drawing.We will not be impacting the wetland or the buffer
I am attaching a pdf file copy of the plan and forwarding a copy to the City Hall.
Tom Leue
On Fri, Oct 25, 2019 at 10:44 AM Eichstaedt, Brianna L. <beichstaedt1847@westfield.ma.edu> wrote:
Hey Tom,
I reviewed 468 Coles Meadow Rd. today and just have a couple of comments this time around:
-Who is the actual installer? I need the name of the installer, not the company
-Certification from Eljen for the above installer
-Bouyancy calculations for the tank
-On the plan, it says the total length of the field is 41 feet in one spot and 49 feet in another. Which is
-Location of wetlands. While out on site,the wetlands were pretty obvious and fairly close.They are
not noted on the plan.
As for the LUA, I am just ailing to hear back from Eljen if a LUA can be applied to Eljen products. If
the rate was GREATER THAN 2 min/in, a 2 foot separation would be allowed per Eljen without a LUA I
am thinking but because the rate was 2 min/in, I am assuming that's why you applied for a LUA.
468 Coles Meadow Road, Northampton
Vol me and Flotation Calculations
Tank Calculations Nominal Volume: 1,500 gallons
Underground Supply Inc. Stock Number ST-1500
Tank Dimensions: Minimum Requirements
Width: 68 inches outside measurements
Heigh,: 68 inches outside measurements
Length: 126 inches outside measurements
Height of Outlet Invert: 51 inches inside measurements
Wall thickness: 0.33 inches
Wall Taper: 4 inches
Net Working Volume: 201 cubic feet
Surface Area of Tank: 60 square feet
Gross Displacement Volume: 320 cubic feet
Gross Displacement Volume: 2627 gallons
Tank Bouyancy Calculations: Elevations
GroundSurfac 1 1 1 .0
Tank Surface: 110.0
Tank Outlet Invert: 109.0
Seasonal High Groundwater: 44 inches below grade 107.3
Tank Weight: 11,670 pounds
Top of Tank: 12 inches below grade
Soil Bulk Density: 75 pounds per cubic foot
Weight of Overburden: 4,462 pounds
Total System Weight: 16,132 pounds
Tank in Groundwater: 36 inches
Volume Displaced: 1,391 gallons
Weight Displaced: 11,402 pounds
Net Bouncy Calculation: -4,730 pounds lift
Weight of Concrete: 150 pound per cubic foot
Volume of Counterweight: 0.0 cubic feet concrete =
Thickness of Counterweight: 0.0 inches average
1„>rtlE �*
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Homestead Inc. 10/3/19