468 Certificate of Compliance 11-12-19 FORM 3A -CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE i No. Fee f(yx,-qA%SS U5!FTt�S ward of Health, Northampton, MA :. ,ERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE = Description of Work: ('n ) Complete System ( ) Individual Components The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System: Uggrade ade bv: Har is and Gray at: 468 Coles Meadow Road Northampton Homestead Inc. Project# 809 has been installed in acc rdance with the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00 (Title .9) anri tha approved design plans/a built plans relating to application No. dated_ 10/3/19 and Ap roved Design Flow 660 (gpd). Date of sub-grade inspection: Installer /. Date. H4 is and a Designer: Date: 11/7119 19 Tho ,as Leue Homestead..Inc. m 166 CaDe St. Williamsburg, MA 01096 it OF ik,��cy 0� .G Inspector: Date: TNONAS.So ` I _ � I,EUE Local Approving AuthorityIXUE �i Nor ham ton Board of Health 9F Q! I Qhs ICED SN' N This certification represents no warranty, expressed or implied as to the fun ning or longevity of the onsite subsurface disposal system. Rather, the plan and installation are incompliance with all applicable rules and regulations in effect at the time of playa submittal. I cc: Coles Meadow Propeities LLC, 52 Ward Ave., Northampton MA 01060 I - DEP APPROVED MRM 5/96 Closeout Notes 1. Septic tank i'/ equipped with an-outlet filter.This is maintenance item. Filter must becleaned whnever septic tank iopumped, mr every 3years, whichever issooner. Failure tomaintain filter may lead tosaptidmyi6amback6pand failure. ~' 2. Recommend pumping septic tank mmaSurSyear schedule, depending onhouse occupancy. 3.The leaching technology used ivEljwn (www.aUen.uom). ` 4.Acopy nfthis dnoummnt attached inthe basement/utility area will keep this informationavailable|nfuture years for maintenance. _� House 2 House 1 House 3 — Existing Septic Tank: h pump and reuse. 1:70- New 1500-gallon Title 5 septid tank with outlet filter. Inspection Port Distribution Box System Vent Date: bwner: As-Built Drawinz HOMESTEAD INC. Existing Septic Sys tem 10/3/2019 Coles Meadow Prope THOIA. L Thomds S. Leue R.S. — 468 Coles Meadow Road #l172 Scale: 1 :30' Revision Date: 1664 Cape St. Except as Noted 11/7/2019 Nodhampton MA 01060 Williamsburg,MA 01096 ED S [413]628-4533 Project 809 Particle Size Distribution Report C 4 O O Cd C C C C 4 O O O O cOcpp 4 O 04 p 100 -- ASTM C 33-Sand 90 80 �I 70 Z 60 LL 2 50-- LU W- 40 w CL I I I l l l l I I ( > 1 I I I 020 30- 20- 10 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE-mm. %+3„ %Gravel %Sand - %Fines ry Coarse Fine CoarseMedium Fine Slit Clay 0.0 0.0 i 0.1 11:5 j 44.6 42.2 1.6 TEST RESULTS(ASTM C 136) Material Description Opening Percent Spec. Pass? Presby Sand-Sample Sample#1 Size Finer (Percent) (X--Fall) 3/8° 100.0 100.0 #4 99.9 95.0-100.0 Atterberg Limits(ASTM D 4318) #8 91.4 80.0- 100.0 PL= LL= PI= #16 76.0 50.0-85.0 #30 54.4 25.0-60.0 Classification #40 43.8 USCS(D 2487)= AASHTO(M 145)= #50 28.6 5.0-30.0 Coefficients #100 7.6 0.0- 10.0 ' 1390= 2.1795 D85= 1.6913 D60= 0.7177 #200 1.6 0.0-3.0 D50= 0.5136 D30= 0.3100 1315= 0.2067 1310= 0.1699 Cu= 4.22 Cc= 0.79 Remarks Date Received: 7/22/2019 Date Tested: 7/24/2019 Tested By: Checked By: Jahn McGreevy Title: Dir.of Testing Services F ASTM C 33-Sand ; Sample Number: 7336b Date Sampled: ALLIED TE TING LAB{3RATOR S, INC. Client: Meehan Construction Project: Meehan Construction QC r Springfield, MasEachusetts Project No: Fi lire :Common ealtf of Massadhu_ setts v F . Cityffown .of Northampton :.- Certificate of.C:ompliance:: Form:-3 : .. a q .. DEP has pr vided this form#or:use by'local Boards:of Health::O.ther:forms may be:used,:but the ::informatiio:n ;u. st be:substantially the same as that provided here. Before using: form,check with the local B.oof Health.to determine the:form they:use. .. This is to C :rtify that the following.work on an On-Site:Sewage-Disposal-System Important:When : ❑fining out.foms � " .. : Constru tion of•a newaystem • • .. .. on the computer, ..® Repair o replacement of an existing:system::. .. ". .. use only the tab :. key to move your .: '❑ Repair o rep lacement-of:an existing.system component:.: .. : cursor-d6 not ..... use the return Has been do a in accordance With Title 5 and:the Disposal System:Construction Permit:(DSCP) key:. 1-0/29/19 `- :: Coles.Mead w Pro erties LLC DSCp Number � � �� :DS:CP Date:: .:'.'Facility Owner : :468 Coles M adoW'Rd. Street Address r Lot k.: Northampton..- MA- 01060 City/Town :State Zip Code " Designer Inf rmation:: :Tom Leue Name: .. .. ..Name: �: � ofCompany :. . :. i... : Signature: : Date: .: Installer Info. nation: : : . : Name :,Name of Company ignatur Date-. --- ...Use of this sy tem']s conditioned on:compHance with the provisionssetforth below; V The:issuance- f this certificate 'shall:not be construed as a guarantee that the'system will function as : :. designed.. :.Bri Eichstaedt REHS/RS _ :.:Ap roving: thor ty . . .. : "..: . .. . : : .:..: 11/12/.19 :..: .: ..: : Signature Date. 0f6rm3.do6•06/03 Certificat6of Compliance•Page-1 of 1 FORM 3A -CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE No. Fee Board of Health, Northampton, MA ERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Description of Work: ( X ) Complete System ( ) Individual Components The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System: upgrade by: liar is and Gray at: 468 Coles Meadow Road Northampton Homestead Inc. Project# 809 has been installed in accordance with the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00 (Title 5,) and thin approved design plans/as built plans relating to application No. dated_ 10/3/19 and Apriroved Design Flow 660 (gpd). Date of sub-grade inspection: i F Installer Date: Harts and Gra Designer: te+ 11/7/19 .Thomas Leue, Homestead Inc. � 1664 Cane St. Williamsburg, MA 01096 :OF ygsa� Inspector: Date: TMO[ItASS. '. LEUE �I Local ADDroving Authority t ##1172 Nor ham ton Board of Health r DS This certification represents no warranty, expressed or implied as to the functioning or longevity of the onsits subsurface disposal system. Rather, the plan and installation are in compl lance withall applicable rules and regulations in effect at the fine of playa submiftal. cc: Coles Meadow Propeities LLC, 52 Ward Ave., Northampton MA 01060 f ! DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 Closeout Notes 1. Septic tank is equipped with an outlet filter.This is a maintenance item. Filter must be cleaned whenever septic tank is pumped, or every 3 years, whichever is sooner. Failure to.-maintain filter may lead to septic system backup and failure. 2. Recommend pumping septic tank ona 3 to 5 year schedule, depending on house occupancy. 3.The leaching technology used is Eljen (www.e1jen.com). 4.A copy of this document attached in the basement/utility*area will keep this information available in future years for maintenance. House 2 House 1 deck� House 3 LOP, Existing Septic Tank: porch pump and reuse. 0 New 1500-gallon 5 septic tank with outlet filter. Inspection Port Distribution Box 4V 2z f PL Iq 0 kTH System Vent _uX"AA4 Date: Owner: HOMESTEAD INC. As-Built Drawing Ow INC:] Existing Septic System 10/3/2019 Coles Meadow Prope THOU Thomas S. Leue R.S. �o Date: 468 Scale: 1 : 30' Revision DI Coles Meadow Road #117 1664 Cape St. LExcept as Not d 9 d Williamsburg,MA 011396 'e 1,1/7/2019 Nodbampton MA 01060 [413]628-4533 Project 809 ED - , J 1664 Cape Street H0MEc,"_,,',TEAD INC . Williamsburg, MA 01096 413 628-4533 Ve heatC gmail.com ' November 7, 2019 Contractor: Harris and Gray Project ID.: 809 Dear Sirs, - Enclosed are the certific tion of completion papers required for the septic system you have installed on 468 Coles Meac ow Road in Northampton for Coles Meadow Properties LLC. Based on my inspection of 11/7/19, a ertificate of Compliance form is enclosed that states the construction complies with my specificat ons.1 have prepared an As-Built Drawing, also attached. There are two copies of the Drawing/Certif icate form. I have signed and dated the form as of the day of my final inspection and approval. Your sign-off on thero ect is requested on the attached Certificate of Com liance form. Please P q sign the completion of your, ork. Please return one copy..of the Drawing/Certificate to me. Please also sendme a copy of any 1 ib tests that certifies the sand used on this project meets the requirements of Title 5. Any other certifications on this project should be added to the file at this time. I will notify the Board o Health and the Owner of this information when you return the signed form to me. If there are addi onal questions on this matter, please contact me. �I Yours truly, S Thomas S. Leue,R.S. � r Particle Size Distribution Report 100 ——— Mass title V 90 eo 70 -- w 0 t z 60 f I I I ! I C; Z 50 W, U 40 30 20 ,1 f`-i l 10 I•. I I I I I I\ o I ti. 100 10 i 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE-mm. %+301 %.Gravel %S'and %Fines oarse Fine Coarse! Medium Fine Slit Clay 0.0 OA OA C11.4 44:7 42.3 1.6 TEST RESULTS STM C 136) Material Description Opening Percent _ Spec.* Pass? Title V Sand(MA)-Sample#1 Size Finer (Percent) I (X=Fall) #4 100.0 100.0 98 91.5 Atterberg Limits{,ASTM D 4318) #1'6 76.0 PL= ILL= PI= #30 54.5 940 43.9 Classification #50 28.6 0.0- 100.0 USCS(D 2487)= AASHTO(M 145)= 4100 7.6 0.0-20.0 Coefficients #200 1.6 0.0-5.0 1390= 2.1583 D85= 1.6741 D60= 0.7167 D50= 0.5127 D30= 0.3098 D15= 0.2066 D10= 0.1698 Cu= 4.22 . Ce= 0.79 Remarks Test results based on the fraction passing the#4 sieve. Date Received: 7/22/2019 Date Tested: 7/24/2019 Tested By: Checked By: John McGreevy Title: Dir of Testing Services mass Title V Sample Number: 7336a Date Sampled: 7/22/2019 ALLIED TESTING Client: Meehan Construction LABORATORIES, INC. Project: Meehan Construction QC Springfield, Mass ichusetts Pro'ect No: Figure I 3. . • + \ Particle Size Distribution Report 0 0 0 0 0 v 0 V R 4 W :g :2 V 100 — Mass T9tie V f f l ,il Ii I ' ;:I •. .:� : � I IiI g0 80 \, : I 70t w Z 60-- FL 2 50 ! I 1 1 1 1 1 I w 40-- w 30- 20-- 100 a20100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE-mm. +3" %Gravel %Sand %Fines _ _ _ ..__.._. —T-- oarse Fine Coarse 1 Medium Fine— — Silt j Clay 0.0 10.0 ; 0.0 11.444.7 42.3 1.6 TEST RESULTS ASTM C 136) Material Description Opening Percent Spec." Pass? Title V Sand(MA)-Sample#1 Size Finer (Percent) (X=Fail) 94 100.0 100.0 #8 91.5 Atterberg Limits{ASTM D 4318) 916 76.0 PL= LL= PI= #30 54,5 #40 43.9 Classification 950 28.6 0.0- 100.0 USCS(D 2487)= AASHTO(M 145)= #100, 7.6 0.0-20.0 Coefficients r #200 1.6 0.0-5.0 D90= 2.1583 D85= 1.6741 D60= 0.7167 D54= 0.5127 D30= 0.3098 D15= 0.2066 D10= 0.1698 Cu= 4.22 . Cc= 0.79 Remarks Test results based on the fraction passing the#4 sieve. Date Received: 7/22/2019 Date Tested: 7/24/2019 Tested By: l Checked By: John McGreevy Title: Dir of Testing Services Mass Title V 1 I� Sample Number: 7336a Date Sampled: "7/22/2019 ALLIED TES ING Client: Meehan Construction LABORATORI S, INC. Project: Meehan Construction QC Springfield, Mass chusettS Pro'ect No: Figur