49 DEP Report 10-25-19 Commonwealt of Massachusetts
Executive Office of Energy&•Environmental Affairs
Depart M ent of Environmental Protection,
Western:Regional Office-.436 Dwight Street, Springfield MA 01:103.413-784-1100
Charles D.Baker Kathleen A.Theoharides
Governor Secretary
Karyn E.Polito Martin Suuberg
Lieutenant Governor Commissioner
Marilyn Richards, Chair October 25, 2019,
Northampton Housing A thority
49 Old South Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Dear Ms. Richards: .
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection(MassDEP)'enforces solid waste
regulations that restrict certain recyclable materials from disposal. Known as "waste bans,"
these regulations (3 10 CMR 19.017)prohibit the disposal of recyclable materials as solid waste.
Since 1990, MassDEP inspectors and solid waste facility operators have monitored solid waste
destined for Massachusetts landfills, incinerators or transfer stations for the presence of banned
materials. Please see thlas
nclosed materials for additional information on the waste bans.
On October 10,2019, it observed at the Valley Recycling Transfer Station in Northampton,
that waste originating from Salvo House, Conz St.Northampton,,MA, contained the following
banned materials: Cardboard and recyclable paper:
Please be aware that facilities.that do not set up programs to reduce or.recycle.banned materials, .
or do not properly operate such programs, run the risk of having their-waste loads rejected at the
solid waste facility the loid"is sent to: In addition, facilities may be charged additional fees by
their.haulers due to the cost of handling banned materials or face potential enforcement penalties
from Mass-DEP. If you already have a recycling program in place,thank you for your efforts.
But, be advised that it is a facility's.responsibility to ensure that.staff are-properly trained to
-follow recycling procedures and that recycling containers are loaded with the appropriate waste
and picked up in a timely fashion'in order to keep recyclables out of the waste stream.
Recycling prevents unnecessary disposal of usable raw materials, saves energy and reduces air
and water pollution. Recycling also reduces disposal costs and can'saye businesses and-facilities
money by:diverting mate ials from the trash dumpster to the recycling bin.
This Information Is available In a ternate format Contact Michelle.Waters-Ekanem,Director of Diversity/Civil Rights at 617-292-5751.
TTY#MassRelay Service 1400439-2370:
MassDEP Website:www.rriass.gov/dep
Printed on Recycled Paper
For more information on how your facility can prevent banned materials.from entering the waste
stream and establish recycling,and waste reduction programs please contactahe:RecyclingWorks. .
in Massachusetts program at(888) 254-5525 or via email at iinfo@regyclingworksma.com.
RecyclingWorks in Massachusetts also provides a website that includes a searchable database of
recycling service providers, available at http://www.recyclingworksma.coin.
Please direct any questions regarding this letter to Eshua Mbua;at,413-75.5-2170 or
Daniel Hall, Section Chief
Solid Waste Management,,
Bureau of Air'and Waste
F/CF i
Enclosure: Your Business and the Waste Bans
cc:Northampton Board of Health