349 DEP Report 11-14-19 Commonwealth"of Massachusetts
a Executive Office of Energy &Environmental Affairs .
Department of Environm_ental Protection
Western Regional Office-436 Dwight Street, Springfield MA 01103.413-784-1 100
Charles D.Baker Kathleen A.Theoharides
Governor Secretary
Karyn E.Polito Martin Suuberg
Lieutenant Governor Commissioner
. I
-November 14,2019
Mr.William Jones,President Re: Northampton
Northampton Management Systems,Inc.' PWS:Linda Manor
725 North Street PWS ID# 1214001
Pittsfield,MA 01201 ENF#00005646-
Issuing Bureau:BWR
Issuing Region/Office:WERO
Issuing Program:DWP
Dear Public Water Supplier,
Enclosed is a Unilateral Administrative Order(Declaration of State of Water Emergency)that the Department of
Environmental Protection("MassDEP")is now issuing to Northampton Management Systems,Inc.
due to the emergency condition at its water supply at Linda Manor in Northampton,Massachusetts and the
request to use bulk water until this emergency condition is abated.
This Order took effect on November 13;2019 and will remain in effect until MassDEP removes it in writing.
Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 111, §160,MassDEP may issue such orders as it deems necessary to ensure the delivery of
fit and pure drinking water to all consumers.MassDEP reserves its right to exercise this authority,if it determines
that additional actions not required by this Order are necessary to ensure that the water provided to consumers is fit
for human consumption.
Questions regarding the contents of the attached Order should be directed to Douglas Paine at(413)755-2281 or me
Respectfully, p
Deirdre Doherty
Drinking Water Section Chi
Attachments: Order
cc: Board of Health
Certified Operator
MassDEP/)WP Boston
By First class and Certified mail:7019 1120 0002 0687 5683
Y:\DWPArchive\WERO\Northampton-1214001-Enforcement 2019-11-14;W:\BWR\WS\Enforcement\DWEO as of 11-08\1214001LindaManorDWE02019-11-14Cover
This information Is available in alternate format.Contact Michelle Waters-Ekanem,Director of Diversity/Civil Rights at 617-292-5751.
TTY#MassRelay Service 1-800-439-2370
MassDEP Website:www.mass.gov/dep
Printed on Recycled Paper
Enforcement Document Number: 00005646
In the matter of: ) Issuing Bureau: BWR
Issuing Region/Office: WERO
Northampton Management Systems,Inc.,) Issuing Program: DWP
Primary Program Cited: DWP
PWS ID# 1214001
1. The Massachusetts Department.of Environmental Protection("MassDEP"or"the Department")is a
duly constituted agency of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts established pursuant to M.G.L. c.
21A, §7. MassDEP has its principal office located at One Winter Street,Boston,Massachusetts
02108,and its Western Regional Office at 436 Dwight Street, Springfield,Massachusetts 01103.
2. Northampton Management Systems,Inc. (the"PWS") is a Supplier of Water, as defined in 310
.CMR 22.02, and owns and operates a Community Water System, which is a type of Public
Water System, as defined in 310 CMR 22.02,in Northampton,Massachusetts.l The PWS'
mailing address is 725 North Street,Pittsfield, Massachusetts 01201.
The following facts have led MassDEP to issue this.Order:
1. ' On Wednesday November 13,2019,the PWS telephoned MasssDEP to report an emergency
condition,the failure of its Well#1 pump. Subsequently,the PWS petitioned MassDEP via
electronic mail,requesting permission to use an alternate source of water while repairs are
underway. The PWS requested use of bulk water for human consumption to supplement its.
stored water. Approval of an alternate source of water is accomplished through a Declaration of
Water Emergency-
mergency..2. MassDEP verbally approved theTWS's use of bulk water and provided an email confirming the
verbal approval and outlining the conditions for the use of bulk water. The conditions provided
1 A Supplier of Water is considered: (i)a Community Water System if it has 15 or more service connections used by year-
round residents and/or regularly serves 25 or more year-round residents;(ii)a Non-transient Non-community water system if it
has 15 or more service connections and/or regularly serves 25 or more of the same persons approximately four or more hours
per day,four or more days per week,more,than six months or 180 days per year;or(iii)a Transient Non-community Water
System if it has 15 or more service connections and/or serves water to 25 or more different persons at least 60 days of the
Northampton Management Systems,Inc.(Linda Manor)
Administrative Order
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in the email confirming verbal approval of the use of bulk water are outlined in Section V of
this Order. MassDEP further advised the PWS that the formal written Declaration of Water
Emergency would issue on Thursday November 14, 2019.
1. The Department is charged with administration and enforcement of the requirements of the
Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. § 300f et seq. and the regulations promulgated
thereunder by the United States Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA"), 40 CFR Part 141.
MassDEP implements and enforces statutes and regulations of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts for the protection of the public drinking water supply, including,without
limitation,M.G.L. c. 111, § 5G and § 160, and.310 CMR 22.00 ("the Massachusetts Drinking
Water Regulations"). The..Department's'authority to issue this Unilateral Administrative Order
("Order") and to set deadlines for compliance are conferred by the foregoing and by M.G.L. c.
111, § 2C.
2. The Massachusetts Drinking Water Regulations apply to all Public Water Systems in the
Commonwealth. The regulations,define a Public Water. System as "a system for the provision to
the public of water for human consumption, through pipes or other constructed conveyances, if
such system has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves an average of at least 25
'individuals daily at least 60,days of the year." A Public Water System includes: any collection,
treatment, storage, and distribution facilities under control of the operator of such a system and
used primarily in connection with such system,and any collection or pretreatment storage facilities
not under such control that are used primarily in connection with such system.See 310 CMR 22.02.
1. The Department has determined that a.State of Water Emergency exists within the PWS's water
system as of November 13,2019. Therefore,the Department hereby,declares a Water Emergency
and issues this Order, specific.to PWS's water system,pursuant to Chapter 111, Section 160, of the
Massachusetts General Laws.
2. This Declaration is explicitly conditioned upon the provisions that are listed in'the Conditions
section below. This Order may be revoked, amended, or terminated by the Department at any
time if the Department determines that PWS has failed to comply with such conditions or if the
Department finds that the public health, safety, and welfare of the water users is no longer
threatened, or if the Department finds that additional measures are necessary. .
3. This Order is effective as of November 13,2019.
1. The Department orders PWS to immediately implement its Emergency Response'Plan,including
those portions of the Plan related to the provision of bulk water into its storage tank system and its
Northampton Management Systems,Inc.(Linda Manor)
Administrative Order
Page 3 of 4
use by customers for human consumption,and to the PWS' notification of local public health
officials,in accordance with 310 CMR 22.04(13).
2. The PWS may use bulk.water to meet its potable water demands for its customers for human
consumption,including drinking,bathing,handwashing and oral hygiene. The use of bulk water
requires that the PWS comply with DWP Policy#BRP/DWM/DWP/92-07,the terms of which are
incorporated herein. If the PWS uses a bulk-water hauler in accordance with the DWP Policy,
i collection of Total Coliform Bacteria samples.will not be necessary from each delivery prior to
3'. The PWS shall provide verbal progress reports to MassDEP on a daily basis (weekdays only),until
MassDEP terminates this Order. Reports shall be provided by calling(41. 3) 784-1100 and
requesting'a Drinking Water Program staff person.
4. The Department orders the PWS to complete and submit an Emergency Response Report Form
within thirty (3 0) days of the termination of this Order.
5. This Order shall expire six months from its effective date,if not sooner revoked or terminated by
the Department in writing,unless the Department determines in.writing that a longer state of
emergency is required to protect the public health, safety or welfare.
.6. Failure to comply with any provision of this Order may constitute grounds for further legal action.
The PWS is hereby advised that Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 21A, Section 16 and 310
CMR 5.00 provide for civil administrative penalties of up to$25,000 for each day after issuance of
this Order that any provision of this Order is violated.
7. Please note that this Order does not negate any past, current, or future enforcement actions by the
Department,United States Environmental Protection Agency, and/or United States Justice
Department against PWS,nor does it remove any requirement of the PWS to comply with all
Massachusetts Drinking Water Regulations (3 10 CMR 22.00). The Department reserves all of its
rights to exercise the full extent of its legal authority in any such enforcement actions,including,
without limitation,pursuance of criminal prosecution, civil action,including court-imposed civil
penalties, and/or administrative penalties assessed by the Department..,
Northampton Management Systems,Inc.(Linda Manor)
Administrative Order
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Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 111, §§147 and 163,whoever is aggrieved by this Order may, within three
(3) days after service of the Order, give written notice of appeal to MassDEP and file a petition
for a jury in the superior court in the,county where the premises affected are located, and, after
notice to MassDEP, may have a trial in the same manner.as other civil cases are tried by jury. If
by mistake of law or fact or by accident such person fails within said three (3) days to apply for a
jury, and if it appears to the court that such failure was caused by such mistake or accident, and
that such person has not, since the service of the'Order,violated it, such person may apply for a
jury within thirty(30) days of such service. Pursuant to M.G.L. c..l 11, §163, any such aggrieve
person must comply with this Order while the appeal is pending unless otherwise authorized in
writing by MassDEP.
' I
Date: / So Ordered,.
Miccael J. a
Regional DVector
_ Western Region
W:\BWR\WS\Enforcement\DWEO as of 2008\1214001LindaManorDWE02019-11-14
i l
r Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
One Winter Street, Boston MA 02108 -` Phone: 617-292-5751
Communication For Non-English Speaking Parties -.310 CMR1.o3(5)(a)
--'This document is important and should be translated immediately. If you need this document
translated,.please contact MassDEP's Diversity Director at the telephone numbers listed
g0jigiW2 Espanol (Spanish):
r ;jlti{Este;documento es importante y dobe ser traducido inmediatamente. Si necesita este
documento traducido, por favor pongase en contacto con;el Director de Diversidad
MassDEP a los numeros de telefono que aparecen mas abajo.
3 Portugues(Portuguese):
Este:documento a importante a deve ser traduzida imediatamente. Se voce precisa deste
documento traduzido, por favor, entre em contato.com Diretor de Diversidade da MassDEP
para os numeros de telefone listados abaixo.
4(a) *® 461). (Chinese (Traditional):
� ) G)ARPOW. p ! t zE X4,' NUE-FfhiNWMMVA-AMassD
4(b) 4319 (o#+�t) '(Chinese (Simplified):
� '> >�1`L *o VIRU111719-50I4 E7MassD
6 Ayisyen (franse kreyol) (Haitian) (French Creole): ;
Dokiman sa-a se yon bagay enpdtan epi yo to dwe tradui imedyatman. Si ou bezwen
dokiman sa a tradui, tanpri kontakte Divesite Direkte MassDEP a nan nimewo telefon' ki nan
lis pi ba a.
Tai lieu nay la rat quan trong va can dLp(yc dich ngay 15p tirc. Neu ban can dich tai lieu nay,
-_'xih vui long lien he vai Giam doc MassDEP da*dang tai cac so digin thoai du'ac liet.ke du'&i
Pi€LnSIB.-FITn0ft 1:t�Ehf�A,1;1fqsLrusc�lsum' GU
MassDEP � lins2�s�s�i�wnsG���c�s�i �Lt� l
®8 Kriolu Kabuverdianu (Cape Verdean):
Es documento e importante a deve ser traduzido imediatamente. Se bo precisa des
documento traduzido, por favor contacta Director de Diversidade na MassDEP's pa es "
numero indicode li d'boche.
9 PyccK149.S13blK (Russian):
�3TOT goKyMeHT AOA)KeH -6blTb HemeAneHHO. Ecnm. BaM HyNCHa nomogl npm nepeBOAe, CBA)CNTeCb
po)KaAywCTa C AmpeKTOpOM no 9THKe N pa3Hoo6paue B MassDEP no Tene�OHy yKaBaHHOMy
Contact Michelle Waters-Ekanem,Diversity Director/Civil Rights:617-292-5751 TTY#MassRelay Service 1-800-439-
2370. httr)://www:mass.gov/eea/agencies/m6ssdep/service/justice/
(Version 11.21:17)
• r
10 ;!:!4-)J (Arabic): #
"i1991 _)i JL-5,11 may+ c4� 4"v„±911'0�e L,l L5 Ia1 ,j981 L e-, c a� ,i,g 41 %�s"l oaa
�saIl L-Ul-*1 BUJ L,1--MassDEP
i 5 4 11 `f�Oi (Korean):
—L L- �°�OHOil-1.CF. 0��101 �a'01 �l�-(7E �'QoE � 0h2H21 �1Q}
MassDEP21 C($ko� o�Oil ��?ioiJ�l71
12 huxjhghh (Armenian):.
Uju' t�zuuuiutJanugag 21-uln 4iuJ hi-nrL t la ulhutp t;Zautggtftzthhl tubtf�Qunzfhu.•bph. -qhq
- 'tulah11tuc}h2t1 k tup t�-Luutnutlan11LpLi Tatu1igd-Luhtj1.1rAitfhl MassDEP FuigtfuzqutiinL1a•JnLi E
tnfzopL h t;hhnutlunuuthtutfutlihhli iat]_tull4 uiN hh utnnpLhi.
13 L�-.)U (Farsi [Persian]):
-Ca"I C,." I J9s 44 9 L.L gi �g�, 1i. (y„1
MassDEP j4-L.t..A L. t-W L.L,tsl�l,cc�a�vys �aL;�L..&jAl
14 Frangais (French):
Ce document est important et devrait etre traduit immediatement. Si vous avez besoin de ce
document traduit, s'il vous plait communiques avec le directeur de la diversite MassDEP aux
numeros de W60fione indiques ci-dessous.
15.Deutsch (German):
Dieses Dokument ist wichtig and sollte sofort:ubersetzt werden.' Wenn Sip die Obersetzung
van dies ern Dokument benatigen, wenden Sie' sick bine bei der/dem Diversity Director
Mas9DEP an die unten aufgefuhrie Te' lefonnummer.
® 16 EAArJV1Kn (Greek):
To Eyypaipo auto Eivai anpav-rtK6 Kai 8a Trpftra va PETatppa6Touv dptawo . Av Xpada EGTE
OMENEWMauro.To £Yypacpo pETacpPai;ETai, TrapaKaAO1JPE,ETT1KO1vc Vi GTE Diversity Director MassDEP
KaTa Tout ap1$uouS TgAE:pw,Vou Trou avajrpa(pETai Trio KdTW.
17 Itallano (Italian):
Questo documento a importante a dovrebbe essere tradotto immediatamente. Se avete
bisogno di questo documento tradotto, si prega di contattare la diversita.Direttore di
Ma'ssDEP ai humeri di telefono elencati di seduito.
16 Jgzyk Polski (Polish): 1
Dokument ten jest wazny i powin`ien byc natychmiast przettumaczone. Jesli potrzebujesz
tedo.dokumentu,tkumaczone, prosimy o kontakt z Dyrektorem MassDEP w r6znorodnosci na
numery telef6'n6w wymienionych ponizej.
}ee , 19 (Hindi):
J16ccitiul t3ftF* 33'-J-41�'SIT ZMW V].f6CT. 3Tf'T xwm1 sC 4;Fa I t?i fit'
t�W;Ffq#qT MassDEP � �c ft `l ,'rc *Vt
Contact Michelle Waters-Ekanem, Diversity Director/Civil Rights: 617-292-575.1 .TTY# MassRelay Service1-800-
439-2370 http://vuww.mass.dov/eea/agencies/massdep/service/justice/
(Version 11.21.17)