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31A-123 (2)
19 FORBES AVE BP-2020-0662 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block:3 1 A- 123 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT, HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2020-0662 Project# JS-•2020-001120 Est. Cost: $30531.00 Fee: $75.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: PIONEER VALLEY PHOTOVOLTAICS 111266 Lot Size(sq.ft.): 10018.80 Owner: BIDWELL DENNIS P&MARY ANN KELLY Zoning: URB(100)/ Applicant PIONEER VALLEY PHOTOVOLTAICS AT: 19 FORBES AVE Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 311 WELLS ST - SUITE B (413) 772-8788 Workers Compensation GREENFIELDMA01301 ISSUED ON:11/22/2019 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK.20 PANEL PV ARRAY ON GARAGE POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY_ OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF • ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 11/22/2019 0:00:00 .$75.00 212 Main Street, Phone(413)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner ew :. ®® .. � •� � "Department use-only.' City: f Northampton . Status of Permit. " Buil ing.Department .. Curb Cut/Driveway"Permit . NOV. 2..0: 2 I . 2 Maln Street Sewer/Septic Availability ! .2019: Room."10.0.. -: : Water/Well Availabi ity. Orth inpfon,"MA DT060". Two Sets:of Structural.Plans- - 3=58 -1240FaX-413-587-1:272.— Plot/S.ite Plans " DEPT.'OF BUILDING NSPECTIONS "• _ NORTHAMPTON..MA 010fi0 - :- OtF1er.�$ eoi .. `r -APO LICATION.:TO_C:ONSTRUCT,ALTER,REPAIR;RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A.ONE""OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING' .' :SECTION.1.-SITE INFORMATION J 1:1 ProbertyAddr6ss— ' ' This section to be completed.by'office' . - • ' - .. Map Lo �� Un t 19 Forbes AveNorthampton:MA.0.1060 .. :. i : .. t: .: i�z . . one •. Overlay:District ' . j "Elm St.District ' "" CB.District SECTION 2 .PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT'" . 2:1 Ourner of Record: Dennis Bidwell.and.Mary Ann"Kelly.. -- 1:9 Forbes"Ave,Noifhampton".MA:01060• : . Name(Print): Current Mailing Address:.. '413-.584.2732 .: See".attachment "(A). ' .. ." _•Telephone. " Signature. : 2".2 Authorized Aaent::: ." . Pioneer Valley PhotoVoitaics.Coopeiatipe,:LLC : -Al Wells;Street;Suite B;Gieenfleld,NIA,01301 .. .. .. .. Name(Print) Current Mailing Address:" : : .. . •. . �� .. . .-...-:._-.. . . _. .- " `: .-.:. . :'413--772-8788, _ _• . . � . .. Signature" �`` - Telephone.:. SECTION'3-'ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION-COST.S " Item Estimated Cost-(Dollars)"to be.. . Official Use'Only ' . . completed b • ermit a licant :1;.Building (a)Building'Perniit•Fee' ... . ""$9,159 .. : :.'. 21;372 :.( b)Estimated•Total Cost.of• . • 2.. Electrical Construction from . " 3."Plumbing: Building'Permit.Fee 4...-Mechanical(HVAC) ." • ' '..' • 5:Fire Protection 6.:.Tote (1 +.2"+3.+4+.5) :. .$30;5.3:1 :.Check Number. This. ectiori.ForDfficial.Use'Onl . •- - Building.Permit Number:"-- Issued: : .' . . .S'ignature:: �... v. Building Commissioner/Inspector of Buildings Date:. • 5C1Uq_ :Q :.'PVS4uared Solar - � ... . .• •. w, ww R 8788/Fax .. 311-We(Is St::Ste...B[Greenfield,MA 01301 • MA-Elec.Lic:A13764/MA HIG'140077 : Dear Town Inspections Officials,.: : .Please see our Ondosed:applications'to permit a Solar.Photo:voltaic"System in your . . jurisdiction: As you are likely aware, PV.Squared is aworker=owned=cooperative B'-Corp,.-.. employing 40+people in"Gre'enfield..:We have installed.thousands-of.PV-Systems out of our. .: Gree.nfielti;.MA;Headquarters,sinee:.2002 PV.Squared'is committed to.-cc mpiying With.all Commonwealth.lawsand'regulations: Our edwit .th .intentirof exceigll safety; electrical;and ::worksite-guideline's:a.re creat building requirements:as:defined.by:their respective jurisdictio-nal.entities:- This,include's- . .:.the wor-k.of people:from multiple:disciplines, including_electrical.engineering, structural engineering;civil engineering, electricians, constructionaupervisors, roofers;.and their. associated:helpers.: . .: We."are a'conipany that:values training andeducation:We make certain that every individual is qualified'for.the roles and responsibilities that they-assume.. It:is our-policy to a for the em to yees.travel-and trainin 'time�and..cost ofthe.education,•includin CSL.and . .: : p .Y.. . p.. Y . g g' _ :jour:neyman and-Master.Electrician:.classes, : .. . - As an electrical contractor we are furthermore guided bythe january 30,:2009. Massachusetts Board of State Exam 1ners-of Electricians.(BSEE):judgements,:and rulings that. . have followed:.We pay:strit-t adherence ao these-mandates.and all,electrical work is --.. .conducted by:an el.ecttIcian.and:a:n-electrician's.apprentice in:a 1.:1 ratio: We also understand that non=electrical-tasks-associated with aSolar installation can be completed by.non-electrical.workers,.such-as CSLs and.others::l.-have attach'e'dour "'installation-. policy. •. foryour review, as well as a, listof example non-electrical tasks.. .. .Should you.have any"questions.or..concerns,regard.i.ng,this.polity. or delineation.of work;.:. . please let us know:'.We are a.learnin .:or 'anization.:thatisalwaYs..:trin to.im r.o.ve.on- hag w . : we do.:. Re spectfullji; l Adam Thu' rrell .- ... : : _ ':Operations Manager.. Section,4., :ZONING All Irifoririation,Must-Be:Completed:Permit Can.66.Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing:." ,- :Proposed ; :. Required by Zoning, :. This column to be•filled in by - •Building Department Frontage.' :.. : : : •, . Setback's. Front • Side' . . .LRQ� T,:=,.Rc 0 --' -� ". � " � �.• - •-:•Rear �.. . .: :.-" �,�.:. • . . Building.Height:. :. � .. _�. � : •• � :. � � � -- � ... .. :. Bldg:Square Footage %. :. 0 %. pen'Space Footage: (Lot am minus bldg&paved arldri ,#of Parkin Spices :. . . .. " � :• .. Fill: ; .. - :.; .. • .. � .. .. � .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . � .. . . : volume&.Location ' A:.. ' Has'a:Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever"been`i5sued for%on.the.site? . ::,NO :: DONT KNOW "••YES:" . IF YES;date issued: IF YES:: .Was,the permit,recorded at-the.Registry of Deeds? - NO :. :DON? KNOW, : : YES. :. F .YES: :".:enter .Sook Page: 'and/or. .Document# ; B; Does thesite'contain'a Brook;.body:of water or wetlands?: NO : DON'T KN6V1/' 1F,"YES; has-a permit been:orneedao:be obtained from•the.Conservation:Commission? " : Needs-'to be obtained: Obtained . -Date.-Issued: ;Do:any,signs exist on.the:property?:. YES., N0 :., IFYES,:.describesize,:tYPe.and location: :'D... Are-there-a-py proposed changes-to"or additions of signs.intended for the property? YES' NO ,: •• :.;IF YES;describe,size,type.and location: :.' E.. Will the construction activity:.disturb(clearing,grading;excavation';or:filling),bver 1:.acre"oris ifpart:of a common,'plan :. -that Will disturb over 1.acre? -YES. .'..'".NO' -IF YES,-then'a-Northarripton.Storni Water'Management Perinit from the:DPW'is required. :.. :. SECTION 5-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check all applicable).: :.. New House 0 _ :: Addition'.-. [] Replacernentaindows Alteration'(s):. .� :Roofing.." Q Or Doors". .. : . Accesso Bld .•[] Demolition. .'- ry: 9 El NealSigns.[O] Decks .[Q, . . ;: $Idlrig.[C3] , 'Other.[CA Brief.Description of Proposed In$talls�•,t'<lon Df_PV--,Zkrray on Garage• " Work. Alteration of existing bedroom g Yes. - No- Addin new bedroom: Yes - .'X. No. :.' 'Atfached-Narrative :, ;, Renovating unfinished basement' : :Yes PlansAttached'Roll .".' Sheet'. ". sa If New house and or addition'to•existina housing. oompletethe follow nig:: : :'. • : ..: a. ' Use.of f;uiidin' :One-Nmily. . . ..Two'Fdmily:_ Other:: :. b'... Number of rooms in each family unit: Numbet.of Bathrooms" : . c. .is there a garage.attached? Proposed Square footage of new'construction.. Dimensions . e.:. •N.umberof stories? �.. •' • • • - ' " ' ' f. :.Method"of heating?: : '. : : Fireplaces:or Woodstoves : : Number of each g.".. Energy Conse[vation,'Complianco' Masscheck Energy,Compliance.form,attached? h. - :Type of.construction I.- Is construction.vvithin100A of"wetlands?: : . ;Yes. No."Is-construction.within.100 yr. :floodplain= : :Yes j. . :Depth.of basement or cellar floor below finished grade " k. Will building conformtoahe Building:and Zoning regulations?: - Yes." -No L Septic' City Sewer Private well . . City water Supply SECTION 7a-OWNER:AUTHORIZATION-TO.BE COMPLETED WHEN ..OWNERSAGENTOR CONTRACTOR APPLIES'FOR BUILDING PERMIT I� Dennis.Bidwell:and:Mary'.Ann :Ke1Tey' - :. :.. . .. .. as Owner of the-subject ' :property.. • hereby authorize to:act ori my behalf,:in all,matters'relative to work authorized by'this,building permit application.' .; See.Attachment,•A-• Signature.of Owner :' _ pate . IPV Squared":•. :•. ...' ,as Einer/Authorised.. Agent hereby declare.that the:statements and.information on the foregoing application are true'and accurate,-to.the-best of my.knowledge: .. and belief:: . ..:• . ..: :•. . .. .. .. . . :Signed ugde�the:Pains and Penalties of perjury. .: :: : '. :=.:.. . '• . .Chris: Krezmiem: Print Name .. :. :. :. . . .. .. .. •..11%152019'' ,. Signature.of•Owner/Agent: : .. . . • Date :. j SECTION 8-CONSTRUCTION'SERVICES' :. . :. 8._1 Licensed Construction"Supervisor:.'".• Not Applicable _❑ Name of License Holder:*Danlel-.Gomez•Gonzalez' : : : : 'CS' 111266 . • - - License Num er " .43,'.Hatfie1d'Str'ebt.,, Northampton MA 01.060: .' - :03/14/2021: . : Address Ekpiration.Date 413=7.72=8788 Signature . . Telep66h.e:. . 9.Registered.Home Improvement Contractor: .. _ __ Not Applicable;'O Pioneer ValleV Photovoltaics Cooperative;•LLC' -` ' : : ..140077 "•... ' Company Name : "-' '. :• Registration. Number- -_ .'. . .'31'1 -Wells Street. .Suite:B::Greerifield:-MA;-01.301 :.' 09/15/2021 :.' Address. :. " Expiration Date 1. Telephone 41:3--772-8788.. "SECTION 10r WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE.AFFIDAVIT(MAL.c:152,:§25C(6)). :. Workers Compensation:lnsurance affidavit must.be'.completed-and.submitted:with thissapplicatiom Failure to,provide this.affidavit-Will"result in-t!16 denial of-the issuance.of the building permit. : . . �' . • .. .. " .. • ... Signed.Affida'Attached Yes..,,.:., � : .:No.....: .❑: .• • .. rte. .. ., • . - .. .. -. - .• .. . , . .. • • - Home Owner.Exemptilon .. The current exemption for,`homeowners"was extended"to include Owner.occuuied l)wellinss of one:(1.) or"two(2)families. .: - :. and allow sack homeowner to.engagean individual fqi hire who:does not possess'a license;"provided that the owner acts" to. • as supervisor.CMR 780...Sixth"Edition Section 108.3:5.1:.- ' Definition of Homeowner:Person(s).who own,a parcel..of land on which he/she resides or"intends"tq reside,,on whichahere' is;oris intended'to tie,:a one or'two fainily.dwelling;attached o -detached,structures accessory_to such use'an. or. .'structure s.-A person:who'constructs more-'than dne home in.a-twd-vear.periddshall"not be considereda homeowner. :• ..'' :. Such'"homeowner"sfhall submit to the,Building Official,..on a form acceptable to the Biiilding"Official.-that"he/she shaH.be• :. :responsible for all such•wdrk performed-unde'r,the biiildine hermit: -:.'--As:.acting Construction Suuervisor your presence on the job'siie will'be required�•from iime:to time;duririg.and upon - completion of the wgrk for;which thispermit is issued: -Also:be' advised'that with refeience-to Chapter.152,:(Workers'Compensation) and-Chapter"153;(Liability of Employers to.. :" • -- - Employees for injuries not.resulting in.De4th)'of the Massachusetts•General Laws Annotated;you may be'liable for persons) :- you hire to:perform•Work•foi•.you"under'this-pertmt:.- The undersigned"homeowner"ceitifies'and assumes responsibility for compliance with the State Builiiing Code;,City of " Northampton Ordinances,;State and Local'Zoiring La' and'State ofM sachusetfs'Gerieial Laws Annotated: Homeowner Signature: ,• •' : :' : : DocuSO Envelope ID:CB61D84D-DCE64768'A030-BD2F699DD6EF P,T TACHMENT A . . • AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED•AND:SERVE•AS AUTHORIZED AGENT:. L hereby agree tote Project as set out above,and I a ree to pay the contract rice according to the Terms of Payment :I.further agree to the Terms and Condit-ions attached h&eto'.as'a'part of.'this Proposal and.Agreement;I hereby authorize Pioneer.Valley:Photovoltaics Cooperetive,to proceed witii.the,:above=referenced,Project in accordance with .. :,,this Agreement:I further authorize Pioneer Valley.PhotoVoltaics Cooperaative,or.its designated representatide;to obtain'.- ' : : •- required permits for.this-project.on behalf of.the.Owner:I will.allow any photographs or.Videos of this;project to-be "-• used by:Pioneer Valley.PhotoVoltaics-Cooperative for marketing.purposes.-A check for the First Payment is.:enclosed and I'am.returring•tliis-Agreeriment within 21-days ofthe Proposal.date.:: : . Dennis Bi dw'e' l Y .8/18%2.019•. 02• PM..EDT Printed Named:.: .. Date: . .. .. DoeuSipned by: tuS. owner 1�I��Vt U.. .' . .-.. - :-: ; Signature.'. _,'••.. - .. -• -' • :-- .. •• - .. '..�: . .. .."..Title;. :• . .. • - .. ; . .: ;• .'.. •' :.•.•• . . _:: .. • .::'•• : . . � ' Printed Name" :.: .. Date,.' Signature., . Titre. :.. ProposalandAB regimentk00015124 .. :. : Page 7:o-13,- .. • Denri1s Bidwell-Auuit-14;2019 ,' o d 6f.6t[ ildarr 6 i 4;201 IPe7fir ®G0NZAEEZ- . . .. . :. -. ." . .• •:. "'". . •.Office:of'.�Consumer Affairs and Business'Regulation ."• " " . ". - •• • •. - � :. .. .--_.. :One Ashburton.Flace:-'Suife 1.301. �:' : .:Bos " ton,:Massachusetts 02108.,- . . . .. � .- -' . . • . . . .: 'Norrie'Improvement Cont�ractor�Registration`" PIONEER VALLEY VALLEY Supplement and . . . . . . . 31 S 1NELLS$T.$UfTE 13: GREENFIELD,MA 0.1301' -. Expiration:'. 09/15!2019 " -Update Address a.rid Returfl'Card.. Oliice'oi GonsuinerNtairs S Business Regulation " "HOME IMPROVEMENT C<)NTRACTOR " " . flegistratiori yalld fnrindividual"use"only TYPE,Suoolement Card ., before the expiralion date.If fqund return to: .. H�istratioh ." -Expiration Office'of Corisumer:A;ffairs and Business Ri gulation " .140077^:. .09/15/2019' :.10'P.ark Plaza-Suite:5170. • ' PIONEER,VALLEY PHOTOVOLTAICS COOP ` Soston,.M '0 11G " •1.. CHRISTOPHER KREZMIEiV ..• 311 WELLS ST SWT5-6 -GREENFIELD,MA.01301 t. )aiid Wbo t 'gnature; - 'Undersecretary - ACORU "DATE(MM/DDI".' �f: . . . CERTIFICATE.'OF..LIA,BILITY INSURANCE• - . . . . . . .� . . . : '12/26/2018 .: . •' . THIS CERTIFICATE IS.ISSUED AS A MATTER:OF-INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS.UPON THE'CERTIFICATE HOLDER:.THIS:', :CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR:NEGATIVELY AMEND;EXTEND:OR ALTER.THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES -- .:.BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE.OF INSURANCE' DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEWTHE ISSUING INSURER(S);AUTHORIZED" •' .. -REPRESENTATIVE_OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER:. IMPORTANT:'If the.certificate'holders an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the.policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED.provisions or beendorsed.: h If:SUBROGATION IS WAIVED;subject to the terms and conditions of the'policy,aertalh.policies;may.iequire-an endorsement..A statement on this certificate does.not confer rights to the certificate holder inlieu.of such endoisement(s). •' - PRODUCER .. : .. .. CONTACT; Llnda Powers/CRIB - .. Webber$Grinnell .. .. .. .. PHONE . .• A/C No: .(413)586- 6481' INo Ext): 8'North King Street ; E-MAIL-MAIL •.•Ipowers@webberandgrinnell.com" ADDRESS •• ' .. .. .. . INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE. •NAIC# :Northampton : : : .MA'01060 INsuRERad Otiio.Casualty/Liberty...: : 24074 : '. . INSURED .' .: : : B.: Ohio Security/Liberty.. i : 24082: .. .. .. .• ,. � INSURER - : � �: .. Pioneer Valley PhotoVoltaics Coop eative;Inc.: INSURER C: Continental Indemty oi /AUW .. . .. .. .. .. .. - - •.. .. .. Attn;'Kim Pinkham " . .. .. . . :INSl1RERD-i.. 311 Wells Street,8oite:B INSURER E: "Greenfield MA 0]301 - INSURER F:" ".COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:"-Ma Exp 1-2020 : "REVISION NUMBER:. - ster THIS JS TO CERTIFY THATTHE POLICIES.OF INSURANCE LISTED HAVE BEEN.ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE.POLICY PERIOD' 'INDICATED.:NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION ORANY.CONTRACf OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH,RESPECT TO WHICH THIS ' . .CERTIFICATE MAYBE,ISSUED OR MAY•PERTAIN,:THEINSURANCE AFFORDED'BYTHE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO'ALL:TI-lE•TERMSr EXCLUSIONS AND'CONDITIONS'OF SUCH POLICIES.-LIMITS SHOWN MA?HAVE BEEN REDUCED.BY PAID CLAIMS.'. . .-. . INSR .. ..' .• .. .. ' - •. AUDL15UHRI .. .... "POLICY EFF.. POLICY EXP. .. . LTR TYPE OFINSURANCE.• INSD WVD .. •POLICYNUMBER.. _ MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY LIMITS COMMERCIALGENERALLIABILIfY '" : 1;000,000 - ' X' .. 'EACH OCCURRENCE.. $DAMAGE TO RENTED '' CLAIMS-MADE ❑„OCCUR. : $.3DO,OOD' .. .. .- PREMISES'Ea occurrence' • ;- .. -' .. ',. -' -MEDEXP An.one Person), .$• 5' , 000 - A.' /2020..'BKS57072282 .01/01/2019" 01/0 . 1,000,000PER PERSONAL&ADV INJURY : ' GENLAGGREGATELIMITAPPLIESPERr GENERAL AGGREGATE $.-2,000.000 . . . . .. • ,- .. ' .. .. . . .. - .. PRO= .. .. - .. .• .. X POLICY JEGT' LOC,. ' PRODUCTS COMP/OPAGG .$ 2,000,000' OTHER: AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY : ED SINGLE LIMIT. ' COMBIN Ea'accident .. . .• $•.1.000,000• . .X'ANYAUTO '. '.• .': '' '" BODILY.INJURY(Per person) B.-. OWNED . SCHEDULED ; ' BAS5707.2282 . 01/01/20]9' •01/01/2020 :BODILY.INJURY(Peracclderit): '$.• 'AUTOS ONLY .. '.AUTOS HIRED ^ ' NON-OWNED ' - .. ROPERI Y DAMAGE•-" �/ .' X AUTOS ONLY:•' /� AUTOS ONLY .. .. ,' .. .' .. .. Per accident .. •$ ' $1K:clill '. $1Kcom X x P. : ' : Underinsured.motorist BI $. 300,000 . X.UMBRELLA LIAB. .. . .. • 'EACH 3,000,000 ..00CUR. OCCURRENCE A EXCESs.LIAB: ,.CLAIMS MADE ,. -'US057072282'. 01/01/2019' .0.1/01/2020" AGGREGATE:. $:3,000,000' . ; ' .• DED .. RETENTION$ .• ' '. .. ' .. WORKERS COMPENSATION. - - - X PER - OTW -• • AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY:. "' •' : ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE YIN "• ". E.L. $.1,000,000'•". C N. N iA "" WcrrBD/NYR .01/01%2019 01/01/2020 ' . •. OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLl1DED7, .. .. - _ _ STATUTE .ER (Mandatorydn NH . :�. . '. E.L.DISEASECIEA EMPLOYEE .$' 1,0 If yes,describe under :• .. •' -.. DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below .. : .. - .. : .• _ -. E.L:DISEASE-•POLICY LIMIT .$'1'O 00,000 00001) Commercial•Proerty_. . Business Pers.Propey A: BKS57072282NYR '01/02019' 61/01/2020' installation.. $$510,7,05000,0 DO " '.Transportatiori •. '.• ' .$75,000''. " .DESCRIPTiON'OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES'(ACbRD'161,Additional:Remarks Schedule;may be attached if more space is required)'. Worker's compensation ncludes.Ma„CT,and NY CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION' 1 : D POLICIES BE CANCELLED BE ' . •: "SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBE . ",.. ::.THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,.NOTICE:WICL BEDELIVERED IN Evidence of,Insurance ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS.'' ,AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 1411 rights reserved. ..©19 ACORD 25.(2016/03) : The ACORD'name-andlogo.are'registered•marks of ACORD 5 ACOR D•CORPORATION: The Coinmonwealth,of.MassachusePts:. Department.of Industrial Accidents Congress Street;Suite 100 Boston,ALL 02114-2017, ww wwiv mass.gov%dia :.. . I'Vorkers'.Compensation.Insurance Affidavit:Builders/.Contractors%Electricians/Pl'umbers: :. - TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY,.-•• " . Annlicant•Information Please Print. Legibly Name'(Business/organization/Indi�iflual):Pioneer Valley Photovoltaics Cooperative Inca DBA PV.Squared.Solar. . Address:31 M-611s:Street;Suite6 City/State/Zip Greenfield MA 01301. Phone#:413-7Z2-8788 - - Are you an employer?Check the appropriate box: . :. 48' - .• .• Type of project:(required)• . . - 1:0 I am a employer with -employees(full ancUotpart-time).*. T E]1 6*construction '. - 2, • :I ain-a sole proprietor or.partnership and Piave no em loyees working for me in. ❑ 8: modeling an ca act o workers'com insurance.re aired: y_ P ty [N- .. P•. q.. 3_ , .. 9: 3:l I am a hotiieownei doing all-work myself.[No workers'comp,insurance required.]t - ". ❑ d • � Demo rtton •' 4: I ani a homeowner and will.be hiring contractors'to conduct all work.ori'my property:I.will O BUllding 2 dltiOn. :ensure that all'contractors either have workers'compensation insurance or are sole 11.❑Electrical'replirs'or additions . - :. proprietors.with no.employees: S:QT am a general contractor and I have:hired the subcontractors listed on the attached sheet:-. ; 12 . .. .. • • .. lig 3 These suli-contractors have em to ees and have workers'com .insurance.t�.. ��� - 1 �❑Roofbepairsp� - irs or additions 6.�We are a-corporation•and'its officeis have exercised theii'right of exemption•per•MGL.c.• '- 14:�✓ Ofher Solar P V 152-11(4),aridwe have no•pin to ees. o worker's'com .insurange re aired: :. 'Any-applicant that checks box#1 must also ftll:out the section-below showing their workers.'.compensation.policy information.,,:. :. ' t Homeowners who submit'this affidavit iridicatirig they are doipg all•work and then•hiib outside contractors must submit anew affidavit indicating such. tContiaotors that chedk;this bok.must attached an additional sheet stiowina the name,of the:sub-cogtractors,and;state whether of not those entities have employees: If the sub:contractors have employees,theymust provide.their workers'comp.policy niimber: I am an'employer that:is providing workers.'.compensation.insurance for my employees. Below is?he policy and jo'b site. : . Oh - ....Irisuiance Company Name; io'C :. . . :. aslialty/Liberty Policy.#or Self-ins.LicA:BK Expiration Date:01/0 . 557072282 1/2020 Job Site Address 19.F-orties Ave. Zip:.Nothampton.MA 01060: City/State/ ... Attach-a copy of the workers'.compensation:policy_declaration.page:(showing the policy.number_and expiration:date)::: -- Failure tosecurecoverage-as required,under-MGUc..1-52,.§25A is a'criminal•violatiop punishable by a fine up to$1,500.00. ".. and/or one-year-.imprisonlrient;as'.well.as civil penalties in the'form of a STOP.WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day.against the violator:A copy of this statement may be.forwarded to the Office.of Investigations'of the'DIA'for insurance : : .coverage werif cation. •:I do hereb cer r•41 e' ai s a�enaler'u 'thafthe in ormation �rovided above is.trueand correct. y ! rJ' .: information P Si ata -..- . Date:.11.15.20 19 . Phone#:. 4.13-7 :87 8 Offtcial use bnl: Do.not.write.in this area [o be eom feted b' ci or-totvn o icaa�'. Y_ , • .. . P. Y ty ft ,• :.' City or Town: ' .. ; Permit/License# . .. :Issuing Authority(circle one):. . .1 Board of Health• 2.'Building Departuient.'3:City/Towq'Clerk;•4..Eleetrical`.Inspector &Plumbing-Inspector 6.Other-: :: :Contact Person::. :: Phone-#: h3r� ,. -,,. - V it(i=!�'ds'A' ,rA�" r 4G� g ' �,•: �,��'7'"-f tib' •� . Y _n ,3; ;�+�•/ ,�'.�, t /// . 1 l •. O� • Y 7 ;t rhe: Aw N Qu , Roof-320". 08„ , .. st,or oy'�. Array 3. ' PV.Squared Solar 311 Wella Street,Suite B Greenfield,MA 01301: design@pvsquared.coop.. 413-772-8788. ' Bidwel6 ::^ SITE:' 19 Forbes'Avenue Northampton,.MA 01060 ' .p . REVISIONS: ' . Q. . P. 2x10 rafters@'1:6".00 . . . . J . . . . . . . . . Array-Layout . . . . A .3/16"�1'_0",' . . :2�. T1rl,e: Array.Layout 1.6'' 113/fi'(46mm) . RAIL SPECIFICATIONS. FDN#:: .12358 Make.&ModeL Ir onridge XR1.00 — — — — :BY:. JG: . Clamp,Torque: .. -80-in-lbs in-lbs ;.' . . : . . _. I_-Foot Torque: -, 250 i '-Ib: . ' — - — —- �a' ' DATE:: ',11/15/2019. Max Span:. 69" — — --,— :Nf: . SCALE:. AsShowd' Max.Cantilever:.-. 2.3,. : ' SIZE: 8-1/27:i 11" - - - - - :'I�: '.: MODULE SPECIFICATIONS: ' 61Y1 6" .' _ `. Make,&•Model �SunPower�SPR=X22360, ' P: V -02 Clamp Range:• 2"to 16"on allaides ._ FSPR-X22-360 Dimensions _Module.$ize ' 61-5/1.6".x_41-3/16"•x 1-:13116"-(46mm) (Sheet 2of2). 'PROJECT INFORMATION: . N • Owner: Dennis Bidwell. . //x•11\ . . Address: . '' 19 Forbes Avenue. . . . . . . . . 1 f Northampton,'MA01.060 s@ //�s• ' Phone: : :(413):58.42732 :', : ', . ' :' . :' : PY.SquaredSolar'. '. 311 Wella Street,Suite B • Email:: dk idwell@bidlivelladvisois.com -Gr6enfield,MA01301: •' S stem Size: '7.2 DC-STC° design@pvsquared.coop.' y. 413 772-8788- • . . ' , Joe: Bidwell . Modules:.' :' SunPowerSPR-X22-360'. : ':-. ' Rail:'- ' ': '•'Ironridge XR100 Bases::''.: . ' ''Ecofasten Qu'ikfoot: . ', ',' ., SITE:'• 19 Forbes Avenue • Snow'Load::' 4O•Ibs' `' :' Gardge' - NorthamPtoh,.MA0i06o •. ' '.Wind Speed:'.11.7:mph., :.,. REVISIONS- '110.0 EVISIONS ° ' 'RO:OF STRUCTURE;:'- 2X1 0 E:, .2x10@'.16"SOC • '. . .'. .�.•, �.'•�.�.•• °• �.''•.�.� � . ' . . �. . ,. . . •. •. . . . . . . . . . ROOF MATERIAL:. . As halt shin les: q: Site Plan p. . g Igo Scale . PROJECT NOTES:. 1. Framingiocation.to.be verified:on site.: : . Description Item Qty. 2. • 'Slide-.rail assembly_as:neede' d:to avoid: F-AL-M . . . . interfering with.splices or bases: : Q QuikFoot AL Base. 61... 3:. :Unless otherwise noted bases are staggered: QFL-BLK-812.:.' Q.uikFoot Flashing BLACK' 61 ' and spaced not more thar148":O;C.: SCL-101-3-ANODZD Slotted.L=Foot 3in BLACK'' 61 `4:. : Addiitional:or'alternative.bases may be used�.'-GRKRSS2'..: _ fasten' .12 122. to meet actual roof_tonditions: ' PROFLEX26100. : GEO=CEL clear 4: �E. Site Plan XRL1-00-1686LK Ironridge XR100 Rail 168:BLACK, : 16' SPLIC2: Ironridge.XR}00 Splice 8.' FDN#:, .12358 - - UFO CL 001=B Ironridge.Universal Module Clamp BLACK:. 48 UFO-STP-46MM-B' . . ' Ironridge StoPp"er_Sleeve•46mm BLACK 16.-• DATE::'. 11/15/20.19, XR100EN0CAP ' '' (1.Pair�UR).IR XR100 End Cap'Rail".: 8- IRN 29-SOTY-005. ,: '. : : '. ',1/4-20 X 3/4T-.8oltOPTrnount.kiT 20: ----- SCALE: ' IRN GD=LUG=003`` : Iro.nridge'Low Profile.Grounding:Lug - 4-.- 7sizEi a 1i2^:X11 :- ' T 029-4.000-0.77. . : Ironridge Plastic Clip: DC54307.` Wire Management Clip::. . n\ /_0.� �1Mech"apical Balance of System-(MBOS)'' �/, (Sheet 1 oIF2). : :Vre'elan d Design.:•Associates" : An Integrative approach to desi n' engineenng and site planning Date." November 6;2019.::. .. To: . Adam Thurrell Pioneer Valley.PhotoVoltaics:Cooperative' : .. .. 311 Wells Street;Suite:B Greenf old, MA 0.1301 Froin: David Vreeland;P.E. :. Vreeland Design:Associates ' Re; Dennis-Bidwell,.-19 Forbes Ave;Northam ton-1VIA: Structural..assessment of existin ara e. p • gg g . •roof:to su, ort .ro osed solar arra pp ...p p. Y:; 1.have reviewed the details of the existing•roof#aming..iii the'area of the proposed PV sola'panel : .; installation. The 24'x.25.'; 1-:1%2-story garage•appears to have been constructed around 1.990. The;garage • : . - rafters are 2x10 installed at.16"..ori-center; spa�ining 1:1'-9" at.a 7/12,pitch:Tlie rafters are supported on : 2x4 exierior-kneewalls with the top-of the wall 3'.above1fie floor:.2 1x6 rafter.ties,'one•on each side:of . ::.:: . . . . . . . . the rafters,located 4'-3"-. above the.kneewalls have prevented the.roof from spreading'The existing roofing is composite asphalt'shingles: . ..Because of the height-of the rafter tiest e roof framin oe. os :meet__a sS requirement`.of•the current building-code.and-not adequate•to.support the•proposed solar arna .[I ein orce`the o fiammg tfo1 ow Note this.is to be.done on eve other rafter air;i.e. 32"ox:,to reinforce the roof to., :. ...---- g... ry, .. p - ieef the:current structural requirements: : . 1. Remove one.of the two 1x6..rafter ties.to'allow tlie.iristallation.of the new'2xlOs:.If.the endsof: . :. ahe nails from the lx6that was;not removed stick through the-rafters pound."Clinch"-the ends over to be flush with the:side.'of the rafter. 2.".. Install-a'-second 2if0x14'-on•every other rafter•pair,, .e,:32"o:c.both sides of the roof.Center:.:. .".. 1henew 2x10-along.the length of the existing rafters and nail with 3"- 1;Od.nails,at 12":o.c:; I ,. : . .. have..assuriied•.that.�a nailgun will N used or;use.:2-'2%a"•TiinberZok screws at 16":o.c. .. 3.. .Reinstall'the 1 x6 rafter.tie;.if it has not been damaged'during it.'s removal;:or install a new.1x6 or.. 2x6.and•attach with:6-= 16d•nailgunpaiIs;or 3.=••4" TimberLok-or equivalent structural screws at: each:.end:Install additional nails or screws•in the ends'-of the lx61haivasn't removed if it does m : . not.have..the saine.riumber.o£nails/screws:. . . . I.have.reviewed the moiintiing details.for,the proposed solar array:.Based.' an approximate PV.panel : . . . unit weight_of 46±,lbs;with the'attachmentpoints.of the_array placed at a maximum.of 4'..on center.and staggered to minimize.the load to anyone rafter;the:existing•roof frarmng is adequate to:support.tlie_ ; .. . :.proposed PV solar array and-the:snow and wind load requirements of the 'current.MA State Building. Code. .. Please contact.me if youlave any•questioris-or need:addiiiorial information:' ;. • : Sincerely : : - . : : : .. :• _ .. • •tk OF S . .. . � .-DAVIDS�cyGn. ; :.• .. David Vreeland,PE o VREELAND Vreeland Design Associates : y No.6317 •i. I : •116:River Road,"Leyden;_MA 01337. Aga 9Fc s1,rP`� Phone.: (413)'624=0126 Ercall dvreeland@verizon net. �tG� Fax: (413.). 624=3282 FSS/ON • NOW . `l More than:22%.Effcien,cy. " High Performance & Excellent-Durability :... . Ideal for roofs"wheFespaee:is at:a premium or where fufure expansion might be-needed: ..Maximum' Performance : . SERIES' • Designed to deliver the most energy in 'demanding reak-wor'Id conditions;in partial.".. shade and,hot.roofto;P:ferxiperatures',2,a . :..Premier echnolo T . gy. Engineered with theriewest.and most powerful spit-x�2-36o.. . Waxeon technology, X-Series•brings unmatched' power and performanee.to your home: H :.;- ighe st-Efficieheys rierate more'eri&gy per square foot '.. :. X-Serles resident al,panels convert more:sunlight to'ele'cfricity by producing• : 38%more power.per panel'and 700/6•etre energy per.scluare'foof'over 25- years.1,2 3:'. .. : : :. Highest Energy Prod:uctionb. .' . .. .. . :. - . Produce more energy:per-rated watt. ® .r --.High ear-one:0!rformance delivers 8.-1.0%'more ener er'rated.watU. " Maxeon Solar Cells-Fundamentally better' ' y.. p 'P Engineered for performance,.designed.foe dtirabili "This advantage increases over time .toduein 21 o/a more-energy over.the •• ' ' •".first 25'y ar-to meet your needs 3� - ' s . En ineered-for Peace of Mind:. :e. `:: ..': ..Desi "ned,ta.delive.rconsistent'trouble-free • : �'• tio'% 21��U . :i?i .. .. - ' .. .. .. More E - ner .. .. .. .. _ :•' ' ': .'. energy vera we.ry long lifetirrie,3,a :.'' - '.. ' .110%"- :. '-Per Rated watt Deslgned.for'Dura.bilit : II •: 90% 369timore, y . o. d year 25 :The SunPower:Maxeori.Solar Cell,isithe.only cell .' built on a solid copper foundation.Virtually.- .0.9� Conventional impervious'tothe.corrosion.andCracking that .. :. :. d'egrade.conventional panels.3 " :.: :o. " . •s•'_. . ' 10 1s " . . 20 Years Same:excellenf durability as E=Series panels. . .10% -_ _:: .. _ --------------------------------- _- _ __ ins HiF #1 Ra.nk'in Fraunh:oferdurabilitytest.9 ' :' 3 .power cFighTemps',' ' - -100%power maintained in:Atlas 25+.. ' a No ughatoduced . '. e 6egradation ". . - cornprehenslye durabillty.test.lD.. - _ __ _ � , �• � �� �� :.`. High Average_Watts_T�' .4% ` . '�: Betterlow-Ligh[arid . .. - w .. .. ('Spectral Response.. ,• . .. .. .. :� ..�Higli-Performance •-aroi' tAnti-Reflective Glass r p C Rte^ .. `\� • I © I t �I • I � I •I � • SunPower Offers The Best Combined Power And Product - Power.Werranfy. � Product'Warranty . • 100% SunPower . . .� 85% 75%.. .. .. .. .. - :• .. • ' .-- -' .• .0 ..s. 10' is .. zo 25 .. 0. ..-5 ..10 15: 20- 25' .. . . years, ..Years .' .• •• .- .• " : - •, conventlanel Panel'llnaaY'wawa n'-Y .. - More guaranteed power:.95%for first 5 years, :. :. Combined Prower and-Product defect 25-year coverage' 0.4%/yr:to year 25?;... : that includes'panel replacement costs.8. D. • Certifications " . sts13 U --SPR-X22-360 Sfandard Te L1.703(Type 2 Fire Rating),IEC.67215;IEC 61730 .. . . Nominal Power.(Phor1ij11 360 W- Quality Certs" 1SC,9.001:2008;ISO.1406.1:2004'.' Power Tolerance,'. :'.: +5/-0%. . RoHS,OHSAS 18001':2007,:1ead free;REACH' Avg:Panel Effiden 1z 22.2%: SVHC=163;PV Cycle' - ' •EHS'Gompl'iance: Rated-Voltage(Vm ) :'. .. ' :60.6 V Sustainability.. Cradle.to Cradle(eligible for.LEED•points)?d.. Rated Current(Im p):-' :. 5.94 A Ammonia Test IEC 62716 O en:Circuit.Voltage(Voc).. ' 69.5.V. :. :Desert Test' 10.1109/PVSC.2013.6744437,. ' Short-Circuit.Currept(Isc) .-6:48.A malt Spray Test' IEE 61J01.(maj imurri.severi ) .• Max.:Sys fern.Voltage :. 600 V UL&1000 V IEC • PID Test P.6tentiakinduced Degradation-free-.1000-V9.. Maximum Series Fuse : .: 1-5A.. Availabfe.Listings - UL,TUV,JET,CE.C. . . Power.'Temp Coef:".. Q30%'/.o.C. .. 'Voltage Temp Coef. : :167:4-mV%0C. _: : • Current Temp Coef: 3,5 mA/:C ' Tem eratu e• -40°F to.+185°.F(-40°C to+85°C)".., , �ImpacCResistance 1.Inch(25 mm)-diameter haiPat 52�mph(23 m/s) . '. ' REFERENCES: . .". - .. .. .. .. .. ... i .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. 1-All coinparisons are•SPR-X21-345 vs.a representative convention4panel,250 W,approx.1.6 mz,. 'APpeafanCe _ CIdSS.A+ 16.39 erfiaency: - Solar Cells .'•96:Monoc.siallihe Maxeon Gen,111" - .2Typically8--ic 5moreenergyperwatt'BEW/DNVEngineering'SUnPow&.YieldReport;'Jan.2013. _ _ 3 SunPower 0.25%/yr degradation vs:1":094%yr.conV.panel:Campeau;Z,et.al."SunPOwer.Module . .'': 'Tempered Glass .. High transmissiori.temp'ered anti reflective 'Degradation Rate;'SunPower white paper,Feb 2D73;yordanrDlrk:"SunPower•Test Report;'NREL, Junction BOX • - IP-65,MC4 compatible , Q1.2015..'' 4"SU'Oower.Module 40-Year Useful Life"SunPower white paper,May 2015.;Use ful life is 99,out of• ' '100. areds.o eratin atmotethan70%ofratedpower:., " Weight P :Ib 62 psf OOO:Pa,3 I�g/mz fr & a P g . .p' . .. - _ .. '. - Max:Load ' •, , :- Inds 6 3 05 bn b. .5 Highest of.over 3,200 silicon solar panels;Photon Module Survey,Feb 2014. Snow:'125'psf,:,6000 P.a,'611'kg/M2 E.6ntck 6,1%,more•energy than,E-Series panels;8%more energy than•the average of the top 10•panel- -'Class'1 blackb''dized.(highest-AAMA rating) companl'es.tested'In.2012(151 panels,.102 companies),Photon Ihternatidhal,-Feb 2013.: F ramex- .7 Compared with theiop 15 manufacturers:SunPower.Warranty.R6iew,May2015. ' mm 8 Some restrictions and exclusions,may apply.See warranty for details, I [1.8 i 9.X-Series same as.E-Series,.5 of top 8 panel.manuracturers'test ad-in'2013 report;3.additional panel's in 2014•'Fereara,'C.;er'al."Fraunhofer PV Durability initiative for Solar Modules:Part 2;': ... ' •Photovoltaics Interriatlonal;2014..' 1558 mm -:[61:3in]�: ' :FRAMEPROFILE'. : 10 Compared with the non-stress-tested control panel..X-Series.same'as,ESeries,tested in.Atlas', ' 25+DtirabilityfestrepoR;Feb 2013. ; •.' - '. � - •� � � . . E^c_. - ' 11.Standard Test Conditions(.1000 W/mz irradiance;AM.1.5,25P Q.NREL calibration.Standard:' 46 m sOMscurrent,1ACCS'FFandVoltage,• : 1[41,:n] `. 12 Based on average:of measured�powervalues during pioduction: " - .. .. .. .. .. - :• .. .. .. 0 . 13 Type'2.fire rating per UL1703:201�,Class C fire rating per UL1703:2002.'• : ,. ..L[t.2 in] .` � •• ' 14 See salesperson for details.' ''• .' :. . Please read the safety and'installatlon.guide: See www.sunpower.cotn/facts for more reference Information,- . For,more details,see extendeddatasheet:wwwsunpowercoJn/datasheets. Docurrien:t#514618 RevA/LTR US. :. :/� ►: IRONRIDGE [ XR.100..Raia; See:Deseri lion I.L.ength: .. Rail:Section Properties • :'.. • Property,." Value.: . . ' Totctl.Cross:SectionalArea• ... 0.582in2, . . - 66 . 7.in3 . 46 . in •• Section Modulus (X dais) . .�� �029 . , , . . . .. . .•.•Moment:of.lriertid (X-aids) � 0.390. . : , � •� ;� Moment of.lnertia (Y- ..axis)' .. 0:085 in .� .. Torsional Constant 0 2:14 in, Polar.Momenf of Inertia. 0,126 in" . . 99 APPROVED MATERIALS. -- � - � � • 2:4.4.. :• , .. 6005=T6, 6005A.T61. ,-6.105-T5,-6N01--T6-.. . �. •• . (34,000 PSI YIELD STRENGTH MINIMUM)MINIMUM). .2.34 .5$ .25. Clear Part :. .. Black.Part. .. :. . .. •• � � D'escnption/: L.ength .� .. "- Mdterial Weighf-. Number" Number' 1 . . :XR-100-132A XR-IW 132B.'. XR1.00, Rail:132"01 feet). . 7.50 lbs,'. _ 6000-Series . i.. „ _ 20"(17 Aluminum XR."100 168A" .' XR 100 1688 XR100;Rail Feet. • . 9:55Ibs: • " XR-100.204A' .' XR=100-2046. � . . XR100; Rail .Feet):' � � . . :11:60Ibs: ��. . � ."•� VIA:, ; .. IRONRIDGE XR1 O:0 Bonded 'Splice: - XR 100 RAIL- : . , . . . .. .. ., . .. � .12:0 . . � . . XR-10.0-SPLC-BD ;. . KIT;'XR1WBONDED.'SPLICE .'. .: . .' 1-) P.S ii 'e;:XR7.00,:Mill:12".Jon .: g. . .. 2) Screw, Self.Drilling. :.63 1.93 - '3 , .�. . :. . .� � : . .. .. , . :.� .. � ; . :. - .. .. ; . :.. .. PE,.B"THREA Value. . Pro artyPco artY Vclue . Material': : 6000 Series Aluminum. Ivlate�ial: :300 Series Sfainless Steele Finish .; . Mill,'. Finish' `:: ' :Clear m - t• j 140 Ni - 0u.i Foo PRODUCT GUIDE. . . . . . . . . . . rr a Exploded'ProductVi.ew/B.Q.M.=:1 t�:,: , . a,s liistallation:fnsfiructions - 2 . , r $ A; ,'•..._' ; I Cut Sheets=3 �1 : .i }�: �� € �`: 5. ecifications.=4. i ti !1 ;.t r r p `� � 1 ' S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f �` ...4� } _.:# IC TY Rq t kBt 7f111 t i . . . . . . r lit f ,r,• �,.:�� It ,�. . • .. • Oa:EcoFasteri So ar ;fir -' t�, . � 4 ��',�,� ,. C..: � . , ' . • • • . . • . . -. . . - � � �. �. . V, . . . . . . . . . . 1 CCC �::.�.: - :.:'. � �. . . .• J ._� .• .•' ., . . ., Ilia,! i? V. . I ,Qu.IkFo.o.t,= Product Guide. : . . : E- -loded.PtoductView,.15Mof-Mater-lit ... . . : � .�. . °Ntatecials Needed for�Assembly . . :Item.No: Description:of.MateriaVPart Quaritity. # P 7 !I' { �;i :QuikFoot,Base Plate 1 .: 2. Fastener(Length to be:determ-ned) c 1 QuikFoot Flashing (. f,�,Af S 4 EPDM Washer rV 5'.: 1-1.02m;T,Bracket.*(other options available)., ; '-: T .: it'�i o i 5/167'EPDM,Bonded 18:8 SS Washer _ T. , 3/8"-Stainless Steel Hex Ndt 1 21 �_ :3 t •,it I� `li �I . . Required To6ls. jr :41 � I c..�. r f J877-869 -3947 Ecol"asten Solar°Al content protected under copyright.All rights reserved_10/09/14. 1.1 EcoFasten Solar.products are.protected by the following U.S.Patents:•8;151,522 62 8,153;700 62.8;181,398 B2 8,168,718 82 8;146;299 62 8;209,914:62 8;245;454 828,272,174 82.8,225;557 B2 . . . I Qu.ikFo.o' t•''Product Cuide. . ' :.° Cut Sheet�:.OF-AL=.Base 2X:-- 0'-..331n •�� �� ° I is� . . . �rV . V . R ,q .' .,E' I N . �. ; NM 'N Lr) . AFI k'a: awt` � V . .. . f r lH . . . . . •#j' T•' - 1 :50i U [38:YO.mrr 3/8"-16:Stud . QF 75" z 4 TA 877-859-3947 Eco�asten Solar®All content protected under copyright.All.rights reserved.10/09/14. 3.1 Y,� 'EcoFasten Solar.products are:protected by'the following U.S.Patents:.8'151,522 628,153,700 62.8;181,398 B2 8,166,713 82 8;146,299 B2 8;209,914 B2 8;245;454 628,272,174 B2 8,225;557.62 4�t( ��fl, 'i, { , !� IN 44 SA° J F�f F.I'tk lR I / 1, k 4 L 1 qq� t yY' Ikjy��f DO t�yra3 kc it s 1 r r 4 v EYE �' ���I.® � •'�4 4 rr i ,A3° • I,�, 1 1 S„y1 xu • F 1 4 1 � ag -�� r�. .�f•. j69� � �� ,,P�i _( 94 ii 11 ag '�4J y, if 1 „ 4 r��;f�ltl [�k n�Ji, •6f • t ,IAC{eY -�t°z� •[�' I • �ni,�:e B��.ff/ ire 1� � •1 101 Y�'L� .� � D F �0• a, .o [ Fo.o.t.' F ro.du'ct Guide. SpeeiFica.tions.: 01 'PARTJ_GENERAL .1.1 SUMMARY.. : : . . . . ' 1.3 SUBMITTAL . . A: : WORK INCLUDES B: ° Base plate is 6000 series aluminum with one 1• , 14 • ,, ! A... Submit,manufactwrer'swritfen specifications. . ikFoat base plate attachment bracket that g;' Submit standard product cut sheets.. "PEM Type.Press-In Stud 18.8 SS.. ; i I:f ;attaches directly to:the roof deck. 1 ! :;C. .'Submit installation;instructions. C: - Fastenersto:be con) atible:witH' -hoses roof ' d 2. Provide apPropriatebracket and fasteners. . : . D: . Submit roduct 5 eeifiCload test data;showin application and meePspecifled pull o A' lue' P P g for the roof system. : asshown in load test'data. ultimate and:al�owable load.valuesspecific to. II f.+ , �.• r I B. RELATED.SECTIONS the roof deck specified for the project: D.' .Counter flashing is:032.gauge aluminum em- 1.'Section 07600:Flashing and Sheet°Metal bossed'to acce tsha a of stainless-steel base r.,, . . 2.Section 07500:Roofing . 1':4 QUALITY ASSURANCE plate7. 3:Division 1:Administrative and Procedural Installerto be experienced in°the installation of Requirements specified roofing mater'ial:for.no less than:5 years in: 2:3.FINISH' �'i, , ,i "� 4 Division7:Thermal.and Moisture_ Protection. p' 1 the area.ofthe ro'ect.: ' 9' {;r u'�• . `'� f ` A.. Bracket is.'mill finish'aluminum- i:L; T.2 SYS -EM DESCRIPTION I •; .,,,, ±I 1k.+;. T 1.5'DELIVERY/STORAGE/HANDLING: B: : Base,flashing-'Black-kynar.painted'. : .A:.- COMPONENTS'.. !i :' Inspect.materialu p on'delive. Notify.manufacturer• Il i I •t 1. QdikFoot system consists of aluminum . p p ry' '' i within24�liours of any missing or defective items. ' PART 3:-EXECUTION l I, bracket:and'ba"se plate:with(:1)stainless steel �:' Keep material•dryr.covered,'and off.the ground:until. : : . l ( stud,(1)stainless.steel nut;(1.)EPDM'Washer' �' ), i i ,. '' �. , Installed.. '.' . . t', .� and(1)bonded stainless steel'and EPDM': :' 3:1: EXAMINATION. . r;ijG f washer: A: `. Substrate:.Irispect.structure on which brackets: 2: Fasteners' PART.2-'PRODUCTS are to.be installed and veri ".that ft-Will with. A:-To be of metal compatible with:QuikFoot " stand bracket. . 2:1' MANUFACTURER . anyadditional•loadingthat may be incurred.. B.Fasteners should be.selected for com at EcoFasten:Solar. p ibilitywith.theroof.deck.' 289HarrefStreet Morrisville;.VT05661_ El:., •NotifyGener$Contractorofanydefciencies- - y .($77):859-3947'. before installing EcoFasten Solar brackets C.Fa'stener.strength should exceed or.beg . www.ecofastensolar.corri equal to that:of ihe'allowable-load of-the. ' " ' C.' Verify that roofing material has been installed f system.See test data at correct) . rior to.installin solar•attachment'. ' • r. i 2.2 MATERIALS .:'' y p " g www.ecofastensolar.com brackets._ 3: Sealant(if required by roof manufactucer) A., .Attachment Bracket -! •. 6000 Series.Alurriinum.(choose-one) to be roof:manufacturerapproved. 3.2'INSTALLATION' 4:.Aluminum counter-flashin 1.CP-S Slotted g Q- A. Comply with architectural drawings and project a I 5.•Aluminumattachment'bracket'- 2:F-111-A .: engineer's :recommendations for location of 3:P-3-CSK .:'' system:Comply with:Manufacturers,written'in- •B.� DESIGN.REQUIREMENTS: 4:SCL-101-3 stallation instructions.for installation andaayout.• 1.. Bracket.spacing to be recommended by 5.L-102-3'. v' project engineer:.:.- 6..L-1.02=6..°. i 2. Install a.minimum of.two-fasteners,''er,_ .7:Z-101.' base plate: .: ' 8.Comp Slide it 3. It is important to design new�structures-or. 8.Custom. ' assess'existing structures:to make sure that ahey can:withstand retained'loads: : . . . . : r 877-859-3947'EcoFasten Solare All content protected under copyright,All:rights deserved.10/09/14. 4.1 - EcoFasten Solarproduds are-protected by the following U.S.Patents,-8;151,522 82'8,153;700 B28;181•,39B B2 8,166,713 B2 8;146;299 B2.8;209,914:B2 8,245,454 82'8,272,174 B2 8,225;557 B2 , ,.:: .3 Jg; 46 SERRATIONS . . Co : .'R 111':6" �. � � �� � � . � •. � � . � _ � � . •. . � . j . . . .2X. R.0:1 • � . . . . . . : � . . : � � . : . . : � � �� .��„+..006: : : . . :: : : . .: _ : : �•�. . : : � . ��•. 8;, . ._ .:� 7�$„ X$2°. . DETAIL A: .X -: :`.. SCALE 31 . . - ... .XXX= +/-::005:. .289 Harrel'Street. F7 . .4 . Morrisville; VT 05661._:. . S C L: �-04 :.3 �. � ®: Toll Free:Pho.ne.1 877859 3947 O ECOFa:Stel1 SO a � . Toll Free Faz.1'.888.766.9994 MATERIAL:: d Q. . . 6000 SERIES•.ALUMINUM. . - :V`, :web www.ecofastensolar.com e-mail.info@ecofastensolar.com. C :-fJ 1/6/2012. SHEET 1.OFa Pioneer Valley Photovoltaics Cooperative :. POLICY DOCUMENT#9.. : Current ado ted b the-.Board of.Directors:on A ril 28 2011 R . Y . 'INSTALLATION CREW OPERATING POLICY: This.policy applies to all P - •Squared.employees:in Massachusetts;.but is particularly. . . .:directed at:those involved.in the installation of solar.electric•and.other renewable:energy, systems(licensed-electrician, learner/apprentice•e[ectrician,--licensed-constructor supervisor;:supervised carpenter and laborer.). When._engaged.in=this::work:as-an-employee.of••PVSquared'on.aPVSquared.project.site ;. : activities-of PV.SggAred employees,are covered:under.the.G-eneral-Liability.Insurance, maintained by.the Cooperative.:.. .. .. ]t is.the:intent.of.this policy to,provide.clarity ao installation.situations where.the: . applicable'codes:and-regulations-are.:uriclear, .ambiguous,,or.si-lent..•It::is•.potsi6le-that.a- .rhunicipal.building or;electrical inspector could interprk*the:codes•and regulations•in•a .. manner that differs-from,what appear-s-here. But'•this•policy sets out; in writing;-how the .. cooperative:interprets .legal.work-requirements and uncleardetails.. It is-an-inte'rnal. . . .consensus•worki ng-mo del; intended::to be revised:.and..improved from time to time: : . As a general:matter;•a•city's ortown's-Building Commissioner.is charged.with:enforcing-the -S-tat ui ing o e; um in '.and: •as•Co e,:E ectrical Code:anrc itectura .Access: : Code.: The--commissioner addresses-•concerns:about-the,safety;.accessibi.lit" and.security;of. construction, of homes and:businesses:.The.'commissioner,also-.enforces zoning-bylaws. : :• In.:accordance.with Ma ssachusetts:General:Law:•em to eesof.the coo eratiye who erform P y. P. . .P.. electrical.tasks and activities-must hold:a-Massach-usetts.journeymen's.-electrician license. : or:be-under the:direct supervision of such:licensedpersonnel; These-tasks.:and- activities :,. include installing electrical wiring, eonduits,:apparatus;:devices; fixtures or-other':: : .appliances for.carrying.or using the electeicity•.assoeiated.with.Renewable Ener ';y.. .. Generators:(electrical Ly.active solar-photovoltaic"mod ules;-wirid.turbine' generators, 'hydroedectric.generators,:etc:).: . In no•ciecumstances`shah the Massachusetts'-licensed journeymen have more.than.one learner orapprentice.working-With him/.her.:or:under-his/•her-supervision.. - . : .. :. Mounting.-structures come•in•a variety.of•configurations:and:have diff-ering:functional and.:. physical characteristics: A.structural component:orassembly..becomes associated with: - electri.cal.work.asthe Renewable Energy.Gener-ator••is electrically-bonded to.the : : mounting structure: . •. - :- Unless otherwise noted.in M:G:L c:143 .•SS3-through§S60-inclusive;-.all-structuralWork' :.. . . defined as follows'Shall,not-be-required..to be-performed:by:a Massachusetts-licensed . : ... journeymen:electrician:.: : . .:: . . `:Structural.i.mprovements Elemen is.of.a.Ren ewable:EhLrgy.Generator's-support•structure that fall-under.a : .: building permit (e:g:; assembly...f top=.f pole-.rnountirigatructure.on steel pole. •w • - . - -foundation nor to execution of an re u re a ect ca on �n o � - • . . ..- .. • - .ith co Crete p . .. y q .. g . .. .. the•support structure.and.associated renewable. generator (solar electric - . .. . : :Module) to the•,tupport st-r:ucture.. - Policy.# 9. :. -- - -.• • Installation Crew Opeating•Pol-i rcy:- • : .- Pioneer Valley.PhotoVoltaics Cooperative . . . .. .. . . . . POLICY DOCUMENT #9 'Current ver sion ado ted b the.Board of Directocs:on A rel 28; 2011 P . y. - • Roof-.top mounti.ng.'support structures�including.but not.limited.to posts, stand-offs; . . flashings; feet, and'.mounting.rails: • Operation.of heavy:.equipment involved in.'moving,.hoisting; digging and :other tasks Earth'work,:excavation and concrete work: . . ManuaHabor involved in.moving.loading and unloading of equi'pment.: :. f •., : Moving;:hoisting::and attaching.an.electrically bonded panel,assembly (defined as'..::-. ' ... "one or more assembled and electrically bonded.:solar electric modules) to an . existin structural su ort designed-to host the panel-assmbl Note however that g. . PP P Y•._ . . . constructi' f a. an:el assembly is an :electrical task:due.to,the required electrical . P.. . bonding:activities.'. :. . .. Repair and.ServicifiO:of Installed.Equipment -Repair'or:.replacement:.of an"electricalty..bonded and/or energized renewable energy ...generator (e::g.;:instaRed.solar electric panel) will be performed. by a licensed electrician " or.properly supervised learner or.apprentice working.''ith the.lice d electrician. . Replacement.of:an.installed.inverter must be Performed'by..a.licensed electrician,of. .. properly supervise'd,:learner or.apprentice.working.with.th'e licensed.electrieian;"if.the..work-. requires.removal of AC-and/or DCconduit�and associated wiring�that originates outside of . . the,installed inverter. (e:g.; removal'of.external AC conduit and wiring between :the . inverter and point of`Interconnection with the:-oh-site' -electrical se'rvice).: .:Note that.this Activit ma re vire a.wirin ermit.in-some"loeal- urisdictions..This re uarement also applies tc the'-servicing-Of.an:instal led:inverter that-involves replacement or repair of .. corn ponents'aind:wiring internal to the'pre-manufacturer.inverter'.(i�e , factory.installed components:that were originally shipped. with.the.inverter).even though-such:activity may_ not require:a.wiring permit: Replacement.of.anAhi talled.inverter may.also be.performed by a qualified technician.who :: . .. . : ..: . . .may.or:may not b6.a: elettricia,or properly,supervised learner."or apprentice working with a.'licensed-electrician,if the-inverter-is:of.a .'p.lug"And.play",design. Such.-a qualified:technician:can also.performed.other:tasksthat�include installation_and..servidn'' . .inve, r..ter=based performance monitoringaystems (.e._g.. replacing.internal-communication'.: cards, :making."plug:and:play" ethernet connections, etc:)',, assuming.these.activities.do-hot: require:creation.of.a:new AC:power source.circuit.to'operate:the communication.system(s). Policy# . . Installation Crew'Operating-Policy . Non Electrical Work at"a typical.PV$4uared.install6tion: 'All. Mat erial Handling tasks .o .,-:Module•prep,and moving. o ''Lad.der liftsetup ..' o'.._La'dder set up. . . a Tr sh/recycling removal:and'sorting: . .-Structural lmpro "' ents Q. • All.carpentry..work.' ; . :.'. .RoofMount Array o.. Fall protection anchorsetup and removal.: :.' . . . :. . . . . :. . . . q.. .Layout.and mounting bases_.:. .' o-. : Racking up-td.but'not including.."lionding/grounding related*.activities"" :.o.. Leveling.of-racking_ o.-.:Sealing seams/p:atchingrob i.ng/additional.flashing Ground'fnount array, o. Site work,eafth moving'. o -Trench'in g/di gin ::o•.:.Construction:of racking.up:to.but.not includirig-"bonding/grourid ing•related.'. ...activities"'. Conduit run; Q ..Wlaking holes in"structure:: . o. _:Fire:blocking,.sealing penetrations o. Stickers ., :Power-Board. o wall;hang'plywood:,.'- .. . . . .. •: ':, :: o.:Stickers ':: ..'. . Interconnection:. o Stickers .Monitorin : . .. o. :Wifi options'. .. . lu and la "d ' . evices Y .P_ . p Y.: a Programming of monitoring devices:: : Computer. based attivities. . . . . Installation..com.pletion. . . o: Final building inspections " : :o :install pictures=See.,checkli"st. - ; .. o .-Update one:line and roof drawings to reflectas built: o :Comp-e ion checklist, .:.- o Notes.for:others -o .:.COC'left onsite . : ise. :-o-- :Truck*.ganiziing. :. ..{ ::: .. .. o.::Material List;ordering .. : Dailycheck-in. : . , o. Customer interactionand-trainingactivities.:.. . Massachusetts Electiic Com an &Nantucket Electric Com an d/b/a National Grid P. Y P. Y.� ) KDRU. 1320''. ., . . Certificate"of Completion-for Simulified Process'Interconnections Installation Information: - : Check if owner-installed Intercorinecting.Customer.: Den :. Contact Person: ' nis•Bidwell• :IVlailing.Address: 19.'FQRBES.AVE.--.... Ci NORTHAMPTON .= : : State : :MA . Zi' Code 01060 2843 ty.. (41.3)..584-273.2:: .. : . . Tele hone a tine venin .. p :' . .. - Facsimile Number:' : - E-Mail Address:-dbl dwe11@bidwelladvisors.com.. - :Address-of Facility.(if:different from above) : PV Squared -Electrical.Contractor.-'s Name(if appropriate):. 1Vlailing'Adclress:::3:11 WELLS;ST-.SUITE-B• :. City: GREENFIELD : ':. :. State :MA.:.. " Zip Code::01301 : . : Teleph6ne"(Daytime) 41.3-772-8788 : : -(Evening):. SAME Facsimile Number:.413.=772=8668. : : .. E.-Mail:Address: inte[connection@pvsquared,coop.. . : ... . , :•- Licerise ntitnber:'A13764:.; :.' `;: : .'• ':: . . Date of approval to install Facility granted by.National.Grid. • Application ID number: :00253588: Inspection The-system:has been-installed and-inspected in.:coinpliance.With the local-Building/Electrieal Code of Ct /Court . . : ------------ :Signed:(I ocal'Electrical:Wiring Inspector,or attach:signed electrical.inspection) -Name:(printed);.' : . ::. Date:. License#: ; . :. :. • . As a colldition_Of interconnection you:are requiied•to:send/e.-mail.'a copy of this form.along-with a:copy-of the signed electrical:permitto_National.Grid National Grid :: . Attn:.Distribtited.Generation-, :: : .'• : . . .. .. . .." .. Sylvan Rd: . � .. • .. .. .. .. .. Waltliai-..MA 0245.1 --E-mail'.- distributed. eneraiion(a,nat orial rig d.com .Massachww.naiional�ddus:com/massdIectric/home/energyeff/distributed .eeneraton.apstw Nantukethttp://www.natonal ridus:com/nantucket/home/erierayeff/distributed Qeneration.asp :Page 1-of 1:•.