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31A-135 (2)
78 FORBES AVE BP-2020-0278 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MV-.Block: 3 1 A- 135 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category:window replaced BUILDING P E RM I T Permit# BP-2020-0278 Proiect# JS-2020-000470 Est.Cost:$25800.00 Fee:$40.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor., License: Use Group: PELLA PRODUCTS, INC 096558 Lot Size(sa.ft.): 5967.72 Owner: PATTNOSH JOHN zoning: URB(100)/ Applicant: PELLA PRODUCTS, INC AT: 78 FORBES AVE Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 155 MAIN ST (413) 772-0153 WC GREENFIELDMA01301 ISSUED ON.9/4/2019 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK.-INSTALL 11 REPLACEMENT WINDOWS AND 2 DOORS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Siinature: FeeTyge: Date Paid: Amount: Building 9/4/2019 0:00:00 $40.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax:(413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner - u,,,v votes' Department use only City of Noi tharrpton � Status o Permit Building D part erQEP i 3 2019 C rb Cu�lDriveway Permit 212 Mai Street Slwer/S�ptic Availability 'i '� Room 100 ter/Well Availability ` Northampton, MA'PfOWIJItniric INgPF Two Sets of Structural Plans phone 413-587-1240 Faxr�� g" N''tz A� Plot/Site Plans Other Specify APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEM9OLISHA ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING � SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION " �V-� r 7 S 1.1 Property Address This section to be completed by office Map Lot Unit Zone Overlay District 'F0r e— Elm St.District CB District SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: t �! RT�1`1 S Lg Forbes Axr- Nof cm�bn AIA Name(Print) Current Mailing Address: G1-7- 529 -351 $ Telephone Signature 2.2 Authoriz Agent: TFevar f�)rtmc i 0 Cxnrm MA 0I, 1 Name(P nt) Current Mailing Ad ress: Signature Telephone SECTION 3-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Iters Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be Official Use Only completed by permit applicant 1. Building L5SM (a) Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical (b) Estimated Total Cost of Construction from 6 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fee /r/ 4. Mechanical(HVAC) 5. Fire Protection 11 6. Total=(1 +2+ 3+4 +5) SG 0 umber This Section For Official Use Only Building Permit Num r: Date Issued: Signature: , Building Commissioner/Inspector of Buildings Date - -TbMS(,N @ 1Q�1e� Cann EMAIL ADDRESS (REQUIRED; EITHER HOMEOWNER OR CONTRACTOR) Section 4. ZONING All Information Must Be Completed. Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column to be filled in by Building Department Lot Size -Frontage Setbacks Front Side L: R: L: R: Rear Building Height Bldg. Square Footage Open Space Footage % (Lot area minus bldg&paved parking) #of Parking Spaces Fill: volume&Location A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO O DONT KNOW YES O IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO O DONT KNOW R YES O IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO O DONT KNOW 'd YES 0 IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained O Obtained O , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES O NOfVV IF YES, describe size, type and location: ,Q D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES O NO �(A IF YES, describe size, type and location: J� E. Will the construction activity disturb(clearing,grading,a vation, or filling)over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES © NO IF YES,then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. SECTION 5-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check all applicable) New House Addition ❑ Replacement windows Alteration(s) Roofing Or Doors �J Accessory Bldg. ❑ Demolition ❑ New Signs [O] Decks [[] Siding[0] Other[pj Brief D scripti f Pro os d ChoWork vl l� ' Wl+h n0 S eX I U UC =0.3 O� less Alteration of existing bedroom Yes _No Adding new bedroom Yes 3W No Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement Yes >v No Plans Attached Roll -Sheet 6a. If New house and or addition to existing housing, complete the following a. Use of building : One Family Two Family Other b. Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms c. Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e. Number of stories? f. Method of heating? Fireplaces or Woodstoves Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? h. Type of construction i. Is construction within 100 ft. of wetlands? Yes No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain Yes No j. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes No- 1. o.I. Septic Tank City Sewer Private well City water Supply SECTION 7a -OWNER AUTHORIZATION-TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT l' Ulm PhhU66- property as Owner of the subject hereby authorize f tr �� jn 61 C-I c t c 4 5 T.., � to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of r Date as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. --Z� Print N Signature 1 Owner/Agent Date SECTION 8 -CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ Name of License Holder _�rP Nj OF ��� _ CS-M G Ssg License Number 1 � _C�s�e�fief d M�- 0130 I 12-020 Address I2- pir ion D to Signa re a eph ne 9.Re istered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ >>a 1g2 2--79 Company Name Registration Number 155 Mn Cad" ff) l 44 01 / ;F 12-3 )2-020 Address c Expira on Dat �7 Telephoneg)S 3-il-57 SECTION 10-WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.c. 152,§25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes....... No...... ❑ Pella Products, Inc. 155 Main Street Greenfield, MA 01301 Office:413-773-1157 Ext.317 Cell:413-834-8799 To:Building inspector From:Trevor Bross—Installation Manager Date: March S,2018 Subject: Building Permit Applications& Designees Pella Products Incorporated is in the business of replacing windows and doors for our customers. Our process includes providing a building permit for each and every project. I am a licensed Construction Supervisor. Building Permits will be applied for using my CSL#CS-096558 and my HIC#142279. Please find a copy of my licenses below. ® Comtnonweatth of Massachusetts [Restricted nstruction Supervisor Division of Professtonal Licensure to Board of Buildingl3egutaGoos and Standards restricted-Buildings of any use group which contain Constr�N*1'-ar s than 35,000 cubic feet(991 cubic meters)of closed space CS-096558 TREVOR BROSS. 10 GEORGE S#JtE; GREENFIELD MA � F&*we to possess a current efftkm oft w ---- pi Stafe Bufldlny Code is Cause tlor rev*6� *'ense. Comritissianer DPS Lkonsi fg information Visit WVW4it1�8t3,CspV/DPS 9/„ 'f urgMaMNMrrIL�r ^I�iia:.r.✓/urlG Office of Consumer Affa"i Business Regulation HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR Registration valid for individual use only TYPE:Sumlement Card before the expiration date. If found retum to: Hogistration Mirwflnn office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 142279 0342312020 One Ash F4:;,Wfie 13o1 PELLA PRODUCTS,INC. TREVOR BROSS —— 155"WAIN STREET Not valid without signature GREENFIELD.MA 01301 Undersecretary Each Installation will be staffed by our installers who are all licensed in accordance with current building codes. Below listed are our installers and their license numbers.Please accept these individuals as my designees. Willard Brown CS106010 Vladimir Shevchuk CSSL099209 Scott Bowdish CSSL100232 Bill Leger C599338 David Ruffner CS57308 Brian Thompson CS67121 Igor Kravchuk CS094911 l PELLA PRODUCTS INC. 155 MAIN STREET GREENFIELD, MA. 01301 Date: 6 12-9 To: C. i Q lih V� Subject: Disposal of Debris The purpose of this letter is to certify that all debris from any project undertaken by Pella Products, Inc. in your town will be transported to a dumpster at our main facility; 1SS Main Street, Greenfield, MA. Pella Products, Inc. is under contract with Waste Management of Massachusetts For the disposal of the contents of this dumpster. Very truly yours, PELLA PRODUCTS, INC. John P_ Benjamin Accounting Manager _\ The Commonwealth ofAlassachusetts Department oflndustrialAccidenis Office of Investigations 600 Washington Street Boston,MA 02111 www.mass.go vldia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Namp(Business/orgal,izado:YlndividuaI): Address: City/State/Zip rEF /� 6114ol PhonJand Are you an employer?Check the appropriate�°x: - 1.[D(I am a employer with_r3_ 4. [� I am a general contd i Type of project(required): employees(full and/or part-time).* wave hired the sub- ors 6• ❑New construction 2.❑ I am a sole proprietor or partner- listed on the attach . 7_ Remodeling ship and have no employees These sub-contractworking for me in an ca act Demolition y p ty. employees and havrs'[No workers'compinsurance comp.insurrance.� 9 ❑Building addition required.) 5. Q We are a corporatio10.0 Electrical repairs or additions 3.❑ I am a homeowner doing all work officers have exerci l 1.0 Plumbing,repairs or additions myself.[No workers'comp. right of exemption per MGL insurance required.]t C. 152,§1(4),and we have no 12.❑Roof repairs employees.[No woticers' 13.0 Other comp.insurance required.) Homeown •Any applicant that checks box a 1 must also till out the suction below showing their workers'compensation policy information. ers who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing alt work and then hire outside contractors must submit a gen•amdavit indicating such. Contractors that check this box must attached ar.additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have cmptoyoes. If the sub-contractors have employecs,they must provide their workers-comp,policy number -----------. I am an employer that isproviding workers'compensation insurance form} employees. Below is the policy and job site Information. Insurance Company Name:_ 7 c�!O n ttll� i�S rL Policy#or Self-ins.Lic, /I � Expiration Date: V Ql- Job Site Address: City/StatelZi. N o f-4M CYl /44��vy n� Attach a copy of the work ers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date)-()�t.CXJ Failure to secure coverage as required snider Section 25A of MGI,e- 152 can lead to theimposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form ofa.STOP'WORK ORDER and a fine of up to S250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby cetYlfy under the pains and pena111es nfperjury that the information provided above is true and correct. Signature: � 12-9 .] Date: Phone#: Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2. Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector S_ plumbioq Inspector' 6.Other _ Contact Person:_ Phone#: '4$��® CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE °ATF(MMDD/YYNY) 01/04/2019 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER GO C NAME: Maureen Cormier Berkshire Insurance Group,Inc. PHONE (413)773-9913 413 77 A/C No ER: A/C,No): ( ) 4-3872 117 Main St. ADDRESS: mcormier@berkshireinsurancegroup.com INSURERS)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC 0 Greenfield MA 01301 INsuRER A: Citizens Ins_Company of Amer 31534 INSURED INSURER B: Allmenca Financial Benefit 41840 Pella Products,Inc. INSURER C: Hanover Insurance Company 22292 155 Main Street INSURER D: INSURER E: Greenfield MA 01301 INSURER F COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 19GL,Auto,WC REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBFD HEREIN IS SUBJFCT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES,LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID Ct AIMS. NSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSD WVD POLICY NUMBER MM/DDYYY MM ICY IDDIYE IYXP YYY LIMITS x COMMERCIAL GENERALLIABILITY 1,000,000 ERCH OCCURRENCE S CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR PREMISES Ea occurrence $ 100,000 MED EXP(Any one person) S 10,000 A ZBND459395 01/01/2019 01/01/2020 PERSONAL a ADV INJURY s 1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 X POUCY ❑PRO- JECT LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 OTHER. $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 1,000,000 Ea acadent x ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) S B OWNED SCHEDULED AWND459487 AUTOS ONLY AUTOS OVOI/2019 01/01/2020 BODILY INJURY(Per accident) S HIRED NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY Per PROPEaccide RTY S S UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS UAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE S DED I RETENTION 5 $ WORKERS COMPENSATION -R OTF+ AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y/N X STATUTE ER C ANY PROPRIETOR/EXCLUDED?RIEXECUTIVE F NIA VVF1NO376502 01/01/2019 01/01/2020 L.L.EACH ACCIDENT S 500,000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) If yes,describe under E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE S 500,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT S 500,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached A more space is required) Operations usual to the sale and installation of doors 3 windows CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN City of Northampton ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 212 Main St AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE %, L--iY` Northampton MA. 01060 / __ l.,� l_el/L ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Contract - Detailed �j Pella Window and Door Showroom of West Springfield Sales Rep Name: Lukomski,Adam 69 Ashley Avenue Sales Rep Phone: (413) 335-3237 West Springfield, MA 01089 Sales Rep Fax: 413-774-6348 Phone: (413) 736-9239 Fax: (413) 736-3390 Sales Rep E-Mail: alukomski@pellasales.com Customer Information Project/Delivery Address Order Information John Pattnosh Pattnosh John 78 Forbes Ave Northampton MA Quote Name: 2313879 Lifestyle and Entry 617-529-3518 78 Forbes Ave 78 Forbes Ave Order Number: 739T211_091 NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060-2804 Lot# Quote Number: 11422097 Primary Phone: (617)5293518 NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060-2804 Order Type: Installed Sales Mobile Phone: County: HAMPSHIRE Payment Terms: C.O.D. Fax Number: Tax Code: MASS E-Mail: Quoted Date: 5/30/2019 Great Plains#: 1005245160 Customer Number: 1009182493 Customer Account: 1005245160 Line# Location: Attributes 10 Dining Room Lifestyle, Double Hung, 35.5 X 53.25, Black Item Price Qty Ext'd Price t $1,459.33 1 $1,459.33 in Q 1: Nonstandard SizeNon-Standard Size Double Hung, Equal (7141PK# Frame Size: 351/2X531/4 Cr> 2043 General Information: No Package,Without Hinged Glass Panel,Clad, Pine,5",3 11/15' Ln Q Exterior Color/Finish: Standard Enduraclad,Black Interior Color I Finish: Bright White Paint Interior t, Glass: Insulated Low-E Advanced Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne,No Limited Opening Hardware, No Sash Lift, No Integrated Sensor Viewed From Extenor Screen: Full Screen, Black, InViewTM Performance Information: U-Factor 0.30,SHGC 0.30,VLT 0.57,CPD PEL-N-35-00362-00001,Performance Class LC, PG 35,Calculated Positive DP Rating 35,Calculated Negative DP Rating 35,Year Rated 08111, Egress Does not meet typical United States egress,but may comply with local code requirements Grille: No Grille, Wrapping Information: No Exterior Trim,3 11/16", 5", Factory Applied, Pella Recommended Clearance, Perimeter Length= 178". Frame Size:35.5"X 53.25" LP-1 -Lead safe practices this opening Qty 1 EAC-1 -Exterior Aluminum Capping(Coil Stock) Qty 1 PF-2-ExteriorPocket Installation Qty 1 Tyr For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance, service and warranty of all Pella®products, visit the Pella®website at www.pella.com Printed on 8/24/2019 Contract-Detailed Page 1 of 17 Customer: John Pattnosh Project Name: Pattnosh John 78 Forbes Ave Northampton MA Order Number: 739T21L091 Quote Number: 11422097 Line# Location: Attributes 15 Kitchen Lifestyle, 2-Wide Casement, 40 X 34.75, Black Item Price Qty EXt'd Price $2,118.53 1 $2,118.53 1: Nonstandard SizeNon-Standard Size Left Casement I f'' PK# Frame Size: 20 X 34 3/4 -'+ 2043 General Information: No Package,Without Hinged Glass Panel, Clad,Pine,5',3 11/15' -,� Exterior Color/Finish: Standard Enduraclad,Black Interior Color/Finish: Bright White Paint Interior Glass: Insulated Low-E Advanced Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Hardware Options: Wash Hinge Hardware, Fold-Away Crank,Champagne, No Limited Opening Hardware, No Integrated Sensor Viewed From Exterior Screen: Full Screen, Bright White, InViewM Performance Information: U-Factor 0.29,SHGC 0.27,VLT 0.51,CPD PEL-N-14-00407-00001,Performance Class LC", PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50,Calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated 08111, Egress Does not meet typical United States egress, bw may comply with local code requirements Grille: No Grille, Vertical Mull 1: FactoryMull,Standard Joining Mullion, Mull Design Pressure-20 2: Nonstandard SizeNon-Standard Size Right Casement Frame Size: 20 X 34 3/4 General Information: No Package,Without Hinged Glass Panel,Clad,Pine,S',3 11/15' Exterior Color I Finish: Standard Enduraclad,Black Interior Color I Finish: Bright White Paint Interior Glass: Insulated Low-E Advanced Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Hardware Options: Wash Hinge Hardware, Fold-Away Crank,Champagne, No Limitec Opening Hardware, No Integrated Sensor Screen: Full Screen, Bright White, InViewM Performance Information: U-Factor 0.29,SHGC 0.27,VLT 0.51, CPD PEL-N-14-00467-00001, Performance Class LC, PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50,Calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated D8111, Egress Does not meet typical United States egress,but may comply with local code requirements Grille: No Grille, Wrapping Information: No Exterior Trim,311/15',5', Factory Applied,Pella Recommended Clearance, Perimeter Length= 150". Frame Size:40"X 34.75" LP-1 -Lead safe practices this opening Qty 1 MP-7-2 Wide Modified Pocket Installation with wrap Qty 1 For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance, service and warranty of all Pella®products, visit the Pella®website at www.pella.com Printed on 8/24/2019 Contract-Detailed Page 2 of 17 Customer: John Pattnosh Project Name: Pattnosh John 78 Forbes Ave Northampton MA Order Number 739T211-091 Quote Number: 11422097 Line# Location: Attributes 20 Bathroom Lifestyle, Double Hung, 23.5 X 45.25, Black Item Price Qty Ext'd Price t $1473.13 1 $1,473.13 i 1: Non-Standard Size Non-Standard Size Double Hung, Equal PK# Frame Size: 23 1/2 X 45 1/4 �I? 2043 General Information: No Package,Without Hinged Glass Panel, Clad, Pine,5",3 11/16' -7 Q Exterior Color/Finish: Standard Enduraclad,Black Interior Color I Finish: Bright White Paint Interior Glass: Insulated Tempered Glazing Differs Low E Obscure Low E Obscure Advanced Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Nor High Altitude Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne, No Limited Opening Hardware, Nc Sash Lift, No Integrated Sensor Viewed From Exterior Screen: Full Screen, Black, InViewTM Performance Information: U-Factor 0.30,SHGC 0.30,VLT 0.56,CPD PEL-N-35-00335-00001, Performance Class LC, PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50, Calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated 08111, Egress Does not meet:ypical United States egress,but may comply with local code requirements Grille: No Grille, Wrapping Information: No Exterior Trim,3 11/16', 5", Factory Applied, Pella Recommended Clearance, Perimeter Length=138". Frame Size:23.5"X 45.25" Obscure Glass Style: Pattern62(Standard) EAC-1 -Exterior Aluminum Capping(Coil Stock) Qty 1 -1h-r PF-2-E*torior Pocket Installation Qty 1 LP-1 -Lead safe practices this opening Qty 1 Line# Location: Attributes 25 Bedroom 1 Lifestyle, Double Hung, 31.5 X 53.25, Black Item Price Qty Ext'd Price t $1,402.31 1 $1,402.31 1: Nonstandard SizeNon-Standard Size Double Hung,Equal PK# Frame Size: 31 1/2 X 53 114 dry 2043 General Information: No Package,Without Hinged Glass Panel,Clad,Pine,5",3 11/16' �h Q Exterior Color/Finish: Standard Enduraclad,Black Interior Color I Finish: Bright White Paint Interior t Glass: Insulated Low-E Advanced Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne, No Limited Opening Hardware, No Sash Lift, No Integrated Sensor Viewed From Exterior Screen: Full Screen, Black, InViewTM Performance Information: U-Factor 0.30,SHGC 0.30,VLT 0.57,CPD PEL-N-35-00362-00001, Performance Class LC, PG 40,Calculated Positive DP Rating 40,Calculated Negative DP Rating 40,Year Rated 08111, Egress Does not meet tvpical United States egress,but may comply with local code requirements Grille: No Grille, Wrapping Information: No Exterior Trim, 311115',6', Factory Applied, Pella Recommeided Clearance, Perimeter Length=170". Frame Size:31,5"X 53.25" EAC-1 -Exterior Aluminum Capping(Coil Stock) Qty 1 LP-1 -Lead safe practices this opening Qty 1 PF-2-Exterie-Pocket Installation Qty 1 �,;d' For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance, service and warranty of all Pella(D procucts, visit the Pella®website at www.pelia.com Printed on 8/24/2019 Contract-Detailed Page 3 of 17 I Customer: John Pattnosh Project Name: Pattnosh John 78 Forbes Ave Northampton MA Order Number: 739T21LO91 Quote Number: 11422097 Line# Location: Attributes 71 30 Bedroom 2 Lifestyle, Double Hung, 31.5 X 53.25, Black Item Price Qty Ext'd Price r $1,402.31 2 $2,804.62 it} 1: Non-Standard SizeNonStandard Size Double Hung, Equal PK# Frame Size: 31 1/2 X 53 1/4 M 2043 General Information: No Package,Without Hinged Glass Panel, Clad, Pine,5',3 11/15' Li> Exterior Color 1 Finish: Standard Enduraclad,Black Interior Color/Finish: Bright White Paint Interior I Glass: Insulated Low-E Advanced Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne, No Limited Opening Hardware, No Sash Lift, No Integrated Sensor Viewed From Exterior Screen: Full Screen, Black, InViewr"I Performance Information: U-Factor 0.30,SHGC 0.30,VLT 0.57,CPD PEL-N-35-OC362-00001,Performance Class LC, PG 40,Calculated Positive DP Rating 40,Calculated Negative DP Rating 40,Year Rated 08111. Egress Does not meet typical United States egress,but may comply with local code requirements Grille: No Grille, Wrapping Information: No Exterior Trim,3 11/15',5", Factory Applied, Pella Recommended Clearance,Perimeter Length= 170. Frame Size:31.5"X 53.25" zea PF-2-Extertar Pocket Installation Qty 1 LP-1 -Lead safe practices this opening Qty 1 EAC-1 -Exterior Aluminum Capping(Coil Stock) Qty 1 Line# Location: Attributes 35 Bedroom3 Lifestyle, Double Hung, 31.5 X 53.25, Black Item Price Qty Ext'd Price T $1,402.31 1 $1,402.31 in 0 1: Non-Standard SizeNon-Standard Size Double Hung, Equal Cy PK# Frame Size: 31 1/2 X 53 1/4 M 2043 General Information: No Package,Without Hinged Glass Panel, Clad, Pine,5',311/16' 4-> Exterior Color 1 Finish: Standard Enduraclad,Black Interior Color/Finish: Bright White Paint Interior t Glass: Insulated Low-E Advanced low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne,No Limited Opening Hardware, No Sash Lift, No Integrated Sensor Viewed From Exterior Screen: Full Screen, Black, InView'm Performance Information: U-Factor 0.30,SHGC 0.30,VLT 0.57,CPD PEL-N-35-00362-00001,Performance Class LC, PG 40,Calculated Positive DP Rating 40,Calculated Negative DP Rating 40,Year Rated 08111, Egress Does not meet typical United States egress, but may comply with local code requirements Grille: No Grille, Wrapping Information: No Exterior Trim,3 11/15',5 Factory Applied, Pella Recommended Clearance, Perimeter Length=170". Frame Size:31.5"X 53.25" ,1-I- PF-2 PF-2-�eHer Pocket Installation Qty 1 LP-1 -Lead safe practices this opening Qty 1 EAC-1 -Exterior Aluminum Capping(Coil Stock) Qty 1 For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance, service and warranty of all Pella®products, visit the PellaO website at www.pella.com Printed on 8/24/2019 Contract-Detailed Page 4 of 17 'Customer: John Pattnosh Project Name: Pattnosh John 78 Forbes Ave Northampton MA Order Number: 739T21L091 Quote Number: 11422097 Line# Location: Attributes 40 Bedroom 3 Lifestyle, Double Hung, 23.5 X 53.25, Black Item Price Qty Ext'd Price $1,332.20 2 $2,664.40 1:Non-Standard Size Non-Standa rd Size Double Hung,Equal ty PK# Frame Size: 23 1/2 X 53 1/4 trj 2043 General Information: No Package,Without Hinged Glass Panel, Clad, Pine,5",3 11116' Ltd Q Exterior Color/Finish: Standard Enduraclad,Black Interior Color/Finish: Bright White Paint Interior Glass: Insulated Low-E Advanced Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude O Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne, No Limited Opening Hardware, No Sash Lift, No Integrated Sensor Viewed From Exterior Screen: Full Screen, Black, InVieWTM Performance Information: U-Factor 0.30,SHGC 0.30,VLT 0.57,CPD PEL-N-35-00362-00001, Performance Class LC, PG 40,Calculated Positive DP Rating 40, Calculated Negative DP Rating 40,Year Rated 08111, Egress Does not meet typical United States egress,but may comply with local code requirements Grille: No Grille, Wrapping Information: No Exterior Trim,3 11116',5", Factory Applied, Pella Recommended Clearance, Perimeter Length=154". Frame Size:23.5"X 53.25" EAC-1 -Exterior Aluminum Capping(Coil Stock) Qty 1 LP-1 -Lead safe practices this opening Qty 1 PF-2-Z-xterfot-Pocket Installation Qty 1 Line# Location: Attributes 45 Living Room Lifestyle, Double Hung, 31.5 X 53.25, Black Item Price Qty Ext'd Price r $1,402.31 1 $1,402.31 L 1: Non-Standard SizeNon Standard Size Double Hung,Equal fy PK# Frame Size: 31 112 X 53114 �7 2043 General Information: No Package,Without Hinged Glass Panel, Clad,Pine,5",3 11/16" err Q Exterior Color/Finish: Standard Enduraclad,Black Interior Color/Finish: Bright White Paint Interior I Glass: Insulated Low-E Advanced Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne, No Limited Opening Hardware, No Sash Lift, No Integrated Sensor Viewed From Exterior Screen: Full Screen, Black, InViewT"' Performance Information: U-Factor 0.30,SHGC 0.30,VLT 0.57,CPD PEL-N-35-00362-00001, Performance Class LC, PG 40,Calculated Positive DP Rating 40, Calculated Negative DP Rating 40,Year Rated 08111, Egress Does not meet typical United States egress, but may comply with local code requirements Grille: No Grille, Wrapping Information: No Exterior Trim,3 11116', 5", Factory Applied,Pella Recommended Clearance, Perimeter Length=170". Frame Size:31.5"X 53.25" � PF-2-Extefisr Pocket Installation Qty 1 EAC-1 -Exterior Aluminum Capping(Coil Stock) Qty 1 LP-1 -Lead safe practices this opening Qty 1 For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance, service and warranty of all PellaO products, visit the Pella®website at www.pella.corn Printed on 8/24/2019 Contract-Detailed Page 5 of 17 Customer: John Pattnosh Project Name: Pattnosh John 78 Forbes Ave Northampton MA Order Number: 739T21L091 Quote Number: 11422097 Line# Location: Attributes 50 Living Room Lifestyle, 3-Wide Casement, 93.5 X 49.25, Black Item Price Qty Ext'd Price $3,698.78 1 $3,698.78 uj 1: Nonstandard SizeNonStandard Size Left Casement N PK# Frame Size: 21 X 49 1/4 63 2043 General Information: No Package,Without Hinged Glass Panel, Clad,Pine,5",3 11!16" Exterior Color/Finish: Standard Enduraclad,Black " Interior Color 1 Finish: Bright White Paint Interior Glass: Insulated Low-E Advanced Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Hardware Options: Wash Hinge Hardware, Fold-Away Crank,Champagne, No Limited Opening Hardware, No Integrated Sensor Viewed From Exterior Screen: Full Screen, Bright White, InViewTM Performance Information: U-Factor 0.29,SHGC 0.27,VLT 0.51,CPD PEL-N-14-00467-00001, Performance Class LC, PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50,Calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated 08111, Egress Does not meet typical United States egress,but may comply with local code requirements Grille: No Grille, Vertical Mull 1: FactoryMull,Standard Joining Mullion, Mull Design Pressure-20 2: Non-Standard SizeNonStandard Size Fixed Sash Set Frame Size: 51 1/2 X 49 1/4 General Information: No Package,Without Hinged Glass Panel, Clad,Pine,5",3 11115' Exterior Color/Finish: Standard Enduraclad,Black Interior Color/Finish: Bright White Paint Interior Glass: Insulated Low-E Advanced Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Performance Information: U-Factor 0.28,SHGC 0.31,VLT 0.58,CPD PEL-N-22-00624-00002,Performance Class LC, PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50,Calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated 08 Grille: No Grille, Vertical Mull 2: FactoryMull, Standard Joining Mullion, Mull Design Pressure-20 3: Nonstandard SizeNonStandard Size Right Casement Frame Size: 21 X 49 1/4 General Information: No Package,Without Hinged Glass Panel, Clad,Pine,5",3 11/15' Exterior Color/Finish: Standard Enduraclad,Black Interior Color/Finish: Bright White Paint Interior Glass: Insulated Low-E Advanced Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Hardware Options: Wash Hinge Hardware,Fold-Away Crank,Champagne,No Limited Opening Hardware, No Integrated Sensor Screen: Full Screen, Bright White, InViewT"^ Performance Information: U-Factor 0.29, SHGC 0.27,VLT 0.51, CPD PEL-N-14-00467-00001,Performance Class LC, PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50,Calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated 08111, Egress Does not meet typical United States egress,but may comply with local code requirements Grille: No Grille, Wrapping Information: No Exterior Trim,3 11/15',5', Factory Applied, Pella Recommended Clearance, Perimeter Length=285'. Frame Size:93.5"X 49.25" LP-1 -Lead safe practices this opening Qty 1 MP-9 -3 Wide Modified Pocket Installation with wrap Qty 1 For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance, service and warranty of all Pella®products, visit the Pella®website at www.pella.com Printed on 8/24/2019 Contract-Detailed Page 6 of 17 Customer. John Pattnosh Project Name. Pattnosh John 78 Forbes Ave Northampton MA Order Number: 739T211-091 Quote Number: 11422097 Line# Location: Attributes 51 None Assigned g Wood Products Stop Colonial 4, Length: 96, Bright White.Wood Type: Pine Item Price Qty Ext'd Price $27.64 4 $110.56 1: Accessory PK# Frame Size: 1 X 1 2043 General Information: Pine,Stop Colonial 4 Interior Color/Finish: Bright White Paint Interior Wrapping Information: Perimeter Length=0". Viewed From Exterior Frame Size:0"X 0" Line# Location: Attributes 55 Front Door Pella Brand, Entry Door Inswing, 37.5 X 81.75, Morning Sky Gray, 5 3116" Item Price Qty Ext'd Price t $5,845.55 1 $5,845.55 1: 3680 EntryDoor PK# Frame Size: 37 1/2 X 813/4 2043 Unit Type: Right Inswing, Standard Sill, No Fire Rating, No Fire Rating 0.� .�. Dimension Options: No Cut Down 6' General Information: 6 1/2', 15/16",5 3/16" Panel Style: Flush Glazed Full Light Glass: Tempered Obscure Frosted Air Filled Viewed From Exterior Grilles: Simulated Divided Light,3 1/2"Flat, Match Interior Panel Finish, Match Exterior Panel Finish,Traditional,Typical, 1,4 Panel Selection: Smooth,Painted,Iron Ore,Painted,White Frame Selection: Clad,Pine,Oak Threshold,No Panel Reinforcement, Standard Enduraclad, Morning Sky Gray,Wood,White Hardware Options: Latch Bore with Deadbolt,2 3/4",2 1/8", No Integrated Sensor, Seattle,Seattle, Satin Nickel,Single Cylinder,Aluminum Adjustable, Satin Nickel, Nickel Finish Sill Unit Accessories: No Bang Panel Performance Information: U-Factor 0.31,SHGC 0.27,VLT0.29, CPD PEL-M-174-02633-00001,Calculated Positive DP Rating 30,Calculated Negative DP Rating 30,Year Rated 08 Wrapping Information: Nail Fin, Factory Applied, No Exterior Trim,5 3/16",6 1/2",Factory Applied, Pella Recommended Clearance, Perimeter Length= 239". Obscure Glass Style: Frosted Frame Size:37.5"X 81.75" Customer Notes: Morning Sky Gray Wrarp Entire Entry LP-1 -Lead safe practices this opening Qty 1 EXTTRIM14-Kick board,up to 5-1/2 inch match ext trim PVC Qty 1 EAC-1 -Exterior Aluminum Capping(Coil Stock) Qty 1 ED-1 -Entry Door Installation w/o Sidelight Qty 1 For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance, service and warranty of all Pella®products, visit the Pella®website at www.pella.com Printed on 8/24/2019 Contract-Detailed Page 7 of 17 Customer: John Pattnosh Project Name: Pattnosh John 78 Forbes Ave Northampton MA Order Number 739T211-091 Quote Number: 11422097 Line# Location: Attributes 60 Front Door Wood Products 3112 Colonial$, Length: 96, Prefinished White.Wood Type: Pine Item Price Qty Ext'd Price $43.72 4 $174.88 1: Accessory PK# Frame Size: 1 X 1 2037 General Information: Pine,3 1/2 Colonial 3 Interior Color/Finish: Prefinished White Paint Interior Wrapping Information: Perimeter Length=0". Viewed From Exterior Frame Size:0"X 0" i Line# Location: Attributes 65 Front Door Wood Products Stool Round 2, Length: 96, Natural Stain.Wood Type: Oak Item Price city Ext'd Price $108.04 1 $108.04 1: Accessory PK# Frame Size: 1 X 1 --D 2037 General Information: Oak, Stool Round 2 Interior Color l Finish: Natural Stain Interior Wrapping Information: Perimeter Length=0". Viewed From Exterior Frame Size:0"X 0" Line# Location: Attributes 70 None Assigned Entry Systems, Storm Door Fullview Interchangeable Unhanded, 36 X 80, Morning Sky Item Price Qty Ext'd Price Gray(91371) $1,397.67 1 $1,397.67 1:3680 to 81 Unhanded Storm Door PK# Frame Size: 36 X 80 CD OD 2043 General Information: Clad Exterior Color/Finish: Standard Enduraclad,Morning Sky Gray l Sash/Panel: 1 5/8"Extruded 35 l Glass: Select Glass Options Low E Hardware Options: French Scroll,Satin Nickel Viewed From Exterior Model: 6000 Wrapping Information: Perimeter Length=232". Frame Size:36"X 80" ED-8-Storm Door Install on Entry Door Qty 1 For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance, service and warranty of all Pella®products, visit the Pella®website at www.pelia.com Printed on 8/242019 Contract-Detailed Page 8 of 17 Customer: John Pattnosh Project Name: Pattnosh John 78 Forbes Ave Northampton MA Order Number: 739T21L091 Quote Number: 11422097 L Line# Location: Attributes 80 Kitchen Pella Brand, Entry Door Inswing, 33.5 X 81.75, Morning Sky Gray, 5 3/16" Item Price city Ext'd Price t $4,498.23 1 $4,498.23 �r f 1: 3280 Entry Door r~ ■ PK# Frame Size: 33 1/2 X 81 3/4 ti 2043 Unit Type: Left Inswing,Standard Sill, No Fire Rating, No Fire Rating OD Dimension Options: No Cut Down General Information: 6 1/2", 15/16".5 3/15' Panel Style: Full Light Glass: Tempered Low-E Air Filled Viewed From Exterior Grilles: No Grille Panel Selection: Smooth,Painted, Iron Ore, Painted,White Frame Selection: Clad,Pine,Oak Threshold, No Panel Reinforcement,Standard Enduraclad, Morning Sky Gray,Wood,White Hardware Options: Latch Bore with Deadbolt,2 3/8",2 1/8", No Integrated Sensor, Santa Cruz Lever,Santa Cruz Lever,Satin Nickel,Aluminum Adjustable, Satin Nickel, Nickel Finish Sill Unit Accessories: No Bang Panel Performance Information: U-Factor 0.29,SHGC 0.17,VLT 0.28,CPD PEL-M-174-02568-00001, Calculated Positive DP Rating 30,Calculated Negative DP Rating 30,Year Rated 08 Wrapping Information: Nail Fin, Factory Applied, No Exterior Trim,5 3/16",6 1/2", Factory Applied, Pella Recommended Clearance, Perimeter Length= 231 Frame Size:33.5'X 81.75" Customer Notes: Morning Sky Gray Wrap LP-1 -Lead safe practices this opening Qty 1 EXTTRIM14-Kick board,up to 5-1/2 inch match ext trim PVC Qty 1 EAC-1 -Exterior Aluminum Capping(Coil Stock) qty 1 ED-1 -Entry Door Installation w/o Sidelight Qty 1 Line# Location: Attributes 85 Kitchen Entry Systems, Storm Door Fullview Interchangeable Unhanded, 32 X 80, Morning Sky Item Price city Ext'd Price Grav (91383) $1,397.67 1 $1,397.67 1:3280 to 81 Unhanded Storm Door PK# Frame Size: 32 X 80 OD 2043 General Information: Clad Exterior Color!Finish: Standard Enduraclad, Morning Sky Gray Sash/Panel: 1 5/8"Extruded Glass: Select Glass Options Low E Hardware Options: French Scroll, Satin Nickel Viewed From Exterior Model: 6000 Wrapping Information: Perimeter Length=224". Frame Size:32"X 80" ED-8-Storm Door Install on Entry Door Qty 1 For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance, service and warranty of all Pella®products,visit the Pella®website at www.pella.com Printed on 8/24/2019 Contract-Detailed Page 9 of 17 Customer: John Pattnosh Project Name: Pattnosh John 78 Forbes Ave Northampton MA Order Number: 739T21L091 Quote Number: 11422097 _;�*oject Checklist has been reviewed '6 L(-( 1`>r Order Totals Customer Name (Please print) Pella Sales Rep Name (Please print) Taxable Subtotal $15,850.24 Sales Tax @ 6.25% $990.64 C s r Signature Pella Sales Rep Signature Non-taxable Subtotal $8,959.12 Date Date / Total $25,800.00 Deposit Received $12,900.00 Amount Due $12,900.00 dlt C� d Approval Signature For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance, service and warranty of all Pella®products, visit the Pella®website at www.pella.com Printed on 8/24/2019 Contract-Detailed Page 17 of 17