710 Perc Records 6-12-97 � T FEE COMMONWEALT1r OFLMASSACRUSETTS Bo rd of Health, lhy q r`h VY1��C�l �. iVIA. APPLICATION F DISPOSAL SYSTDI CONSTRUCTION PERMIT .pplication for a Permit to ConstructX5 Repi ir( ) Upgradc( } Abandon( } - J Complete System U Individual Components !,)cation J CT{1�_llfrY15 Reard r fhe S Owmer's Name Map/parce?# 211 Address5h&t1 Lot# L4 Telephone# (413) 586 ..8 Installer's Naine I}esigner's Name Nel- fa. e. 3vrve c5y -I r-- Address Address l . PO.&X 1 Telepbanett Teleplyone# 7'� (�L`5b 6c1Ugiar" T - .... — — Ype of Bililding HOUi5L Lot Size 91. sq.ft. /a'7'.gLtivtd�t� ,welling-No.of iicdi•ot7tns Li I(Zile) Gar age grin(er( } ►Hier-'Type of Building M _ � No_of persons Showers{ },Cafetetia{ } Other Fixtures •esign Flow(twin.required) y�,�{� gpd Calculated design flow��� Resign flow provided�{� _gpd Ian: nate .jCino(ll. 4 11*O,,3 Nt4nibrr of sheets Revision Dake Marc i, zO t ZW itle No rer v�c�ctici� F�E(l.l^ nt -Pre) 0cwg4e- Dotpo6od 5vskm, Parcd 'f escriptionofSoil{s} ODFC_- B&II `601— l-"' Al 1z. ,-,11nator F'orut No. ! Naine of Soil E� luator fAf R�e�� Date of Evaluation � � ESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS MUTE En I nlf?Cleaf-J-1 Pie-ld I OF MqS E v ' and he undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual SewaID , sal System in accordance withthe aYovti � �irther agrees to not to place the system in operation until a Cempliance has been issued by the i13 ird of alth. m FWEISSE gned 1+ Nti 9623 ti 1 - ]'FE APR 2 3 11998 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health, CERTILICATE Of COMPLIANCE )escription of Work: ❑Individual Component(s) ❑Complete System 'Ila:tindersigned hereby certify that the Sewae Disposal System; Constructed( ),Repaired( ),Upgraded { ),Abandoned ( ) t .as been installed in accordance with the proviso of 310 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as built plar►s relating to pplication No. dated Approved Design Flow (gpd) :lstaller I — lcsiguer: Inspector: Date: lie issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will ftmction as designedi N v U COM AONWEALT11 OI; ASSACHUSLTTS . F r ri t� IWA. Bo rd rJHealtl:, 0 1-0 z DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTR 'CTION PERM11 I i4irishereby T �rttc r (.onstrtct( Repair( ) Upgradc( ) Abandon( ) anin(cliviidualsewagedispos. system 1r.�- j i/� �•�['�'S�rF'�k cljibeci in the application for WS 161 ,stertr Construction Permit N ,,[ 1,dated �l � 'rctlntq-f- Cottstrtrctiolt sltall be cttmpl�rtccl witllill three vearS of the cl<tte bf this;l� mi All local cattctitic�lnittst be met• germ 1259:fT,&50 AM.Sulkin Co.BOSlorl,MA D.to / ioard of Health t i I No d.�/ THE CO :W NIMOII7WEAi.TH t7 i' MASSACHtJS T'fS :.' ."'F6E', ' OARD OF HEALTH- OF APPLICATION FOR ISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT application f(tr a Permit to Construct R .i, ( ) Ul,g,.de ( ) Abandan ( ) ❑Complete System 0 Individual Components lvd j � '&W Lekxtion 0 ner's Naine 7/66 AJO 11a}uParcei� res � Lot p Ughone 9 — l j h'f.1J71"IAWK� Irmaller's Name �-De ' ers Nam AlThK Address �.. Telephone x it 'ype of Building SIN t 4:tc r - m)Lx'I Lot Size ` q.ft. )welfstig-No.of Bedrooms Garbage grinder(-K )cher-Type of Building No.of persons_�Showers )(her Fixtures )cs ign Flow(inin.required) _ " Q gpd Calculated design flow Design now provided LdI `9p(i 'lan: Date 1t7 Malt `_ umber of sheets j Revision Date itEc R U F �J j� )cscription of Soils %. +-j +� Akl �' V 4 m� / oil Evaluator Foran No. I Name of Soil llvaluator Cr N Date of Evaluation )ESC:RIPTIQN OF REPAIRS ORAIXERAT1 DNS "tie undersigned agrees to install the above escribed Individual Sewage Dispose#System in accordance (with the provisions of TITLE 5 and itrther agrees to not to place the system in peration until.a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. igued Date uspectious i �'clidl4t i i - S(li'L h'!'ALL'A'I'OR FORM Page I of 3 No. � Date. � 1� Commonwealth of �assaclhi�setts ` oR`fl�rrt PTD0 , Massachusetts Soil SuiLdiii' Aisessment or On-siie'Soka DISAW4L Performed By: lINA& Date: Witnessed By: MC i d - ���Lii 1 0��5-��•, ux".0 ,week,d Lo. - o»�r�w O! eF�T PA"PE E S u.. Ak,9:71f FAP-M, �omu..um (,ate t i t Cz-D C.A} utepmm t N�i 1-tr4-,�+�(7-1�1�V• Yv1 r'� lewConstruction M<1ze3alr ❑ - 3 Office Review Published Soil Survey Availa le: No ❑ Yes - Year Published (4 (.... Publication Scale Soil Map Unit 6u c Drainage Class W DRA+AJEQSoil Limitations AAvf)tW j� 5c,4 jq41 Surficial Geologic Report Av Table.No ❑ Yes ❑ Year Published .- Publication Scale- Geologic Material (Map Unit) Landform- (-1 %C-1.14.1.a ......4/PA H.w Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary No C1 Yes DEr Within 500 yeah flood boundary No 2/yes 11 Within 100-year flood bound No L''TYes ❑ Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory ap(map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Progra) Map (map unit) Current Water Resource Cond tions(USGS): Month Range :Above Normal ❑N rural ' ❑Belvv Normal ❑ - Other References Reviewed: DEP APPROM FOW4.13.07195 • t I I rap 4f v Deep Halt Number Date: Time. -Weather C—LiEAC fZIC062 Location (identify on site plan)' . I - Land Oso 1.,P4,AvD �fog.La;j— Slope (% 4 Surface Siones Vegetation - je4ect-1 - Landform Position on landscape is etch on the back) Distancos from: Open Water Bodj, feet Drainage way fact Possible Wet Are It 4- /$a' feet Property Line too 'feet Drinking Water :4 11 N/,4 feet Other f 3oo' Fgm je.;,4P 'HOLE LUG DEEP SERVATION Depth train Si.018CO Saii Houton Soil Textute Soil Dow Soil monijimia Other tlntnesl lV$0Al (Munsell! Istrums.Stones, Bouldtf I, '5AAo1Y YK 3/4 141 RC,475- - q- -94 " 5AAi,/ 16 A+/( tqlA LoA A Y 4/32 M A, Parent Material (geologic) LbACI A C _rt LL,. Depth to Bedrock: Qegth to Qrowndwatjr; Standing Water in the Hole: Aj111 Weeping from Pit Face: AJ'Tt' Estimated Seasonal Hion Ground Water: AIIA F0k%I 12 - PERCOLATION TEST COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS AiO NAMp-�Z)nl; Massachusetts Percolation Test Date: iUNE 12-1 Iq9 Q Time: q ,.,00AvA - Observation Hole # Depth of Perc �� �► ��°' 3 /, . Start Pre-soak 10 End Pre-soak Time at'12" ti 1 - 3a AL Time at 9" A v �� �� y i 44 A-M Time at 6" ; 3* AAAA Time i9"-6"1' i2 �►�u��S d � ti.v t5 Rate Mina/inch �1P L AA-?t Site Passed Site Fa fed ❑ Performed By: � . f Witnessed By: P Lt Pr& Comments: ,r N F'�►ttaji!U-f MODLA11ON TA1' -w.....r.�rgr�t�tt'1S1r7�rS!!.6:fi'k:'.•r '•' t.00i d1't:Ot'HO:. _ �.,...,......_._•.............�.-•{•-_y,. .._..:.�.,. y 4,�'+ MONWEAC • � ,Massa�et>asetti i Permlation Test. `> d Dater Ot+"Mdon Nolo 1 { LMpth of Yore Start Yrrsosk "( f "1 :.� • '}.`�-.. IEnd ptrso*% 'r WHO at ir 7�ions at 9' 0 •luno ai 6' f' � ^ � -_ _.. - ... I Tornio t9`•6'! ,... _ r - ....... -i •- - ..._ • .. ,. - - f e if'�raJkuJL .:_"• �'1 � --•'-'�'- til �v 'IMr�inaum Ot��£j`Oenl` tiotf fast amst lw peefjooniasl Tn bath the Wknwy arcs MIO Sora " 00 -SJteF,eiYd .❑ - 1M1fi8rsaasa8 fay: 77 L4: OtrarsaO��iieRN-wfM 414 IINX� • , , ,pad,,,/;�aa� , jar ,j�� I . . ♦ . �� , , . 417ft 7 'lit 't/� ` •t t� IOpt t cr IIIIi � I (4,,.•�6�t. 4�- 700 h 1 t'. u� �� �+• ,,. +....," ••+ tip . r 4 ' NV i ' I OF FF rJ_ 1 ,1 Y COMIONNNILA R Of MASSACHUSETTS iNN;S � � SL'2 Boa�dofHealth, /�t'M- 6 jM' U , MA. 1 T� � I ATION TOR DISPOSAL SYSTE 1 CONST UCTION� MR.MIT pplicatiob it to Gonstnict(01 Rep ir( ) Upgrade( ) Abandon( } - 0 Complete System 0 individual Components Location to Owner's Name ] Map/Parcel# ii.a.�. ,q� '• 2o _ t JL¢Gft. _ o Address (aa J �l��.i►' ��'3NL� Lot# Telcphone 1. 513 ^..q 3• Installer's N arne k Designer's Name t� M t1 l Aw i s S Address Address L � ' Telephone# Telephone* 52 7 -5 Z-11 pe of Building 5w z� Ltit Size I z aw-&q ft.. welling-Rio.of Bedrooms Garbage grinder(� ether-TtTe.of Building No.of persons Showers� Gaf—me 6.}- ther Fboures esign Flow(min.required) Q gpd Calculated design flaw•!!J��� Design flow provided -7gpd lan: Date /0-.75 q0 timber of sheets Recision Date itic P4,661 Or PROdO660 , S u / aL esa iption of Soil(s �- d +� Z U s -17 ' _ Name of Soil Evaluator�. MA AMI t tate of Evaluation .ill Fvaluator Form No. �1! ESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATI NS i he undersigned agrees to install the aboveescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of T rU 5 and trther agrees to not to place the system in peration until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. ,gncd Date tspections i COM �'ONTNATLALTN OF MASSA',GIUSEITS FEE B ),d of Mealtli, NIA. I r EIRTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE lescription of Work. U Indhidual Componelut(s) J Complete System 'he undersigned hereby ccrtift,that the Sew,ge Disposal System: Constructed Repaired Upgraded Abandoned t as been installed in accordance with the pi Osions of 310 CAM 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as-built plans relating to pplication No. dated Vproved Design Flow_(gpd) 11"tallcr Inspect()].: Date: he issuance of this permit shall not be cons-rued as a guarantee that the"em will function as designed. ts q C� Ir, COMMONWLVIR Of, ASSACIMS-ETTS 10 9) 0 CL Board of Health, xu > DISPPO-AL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION K-RMIT 0 Q 0 yPtPiQfj5 hereby -tted-w; Consti, Ict( Repair( ) Upgrade( Abandon( )anindixidtialsew-age(lispo-salsy.,,tem y qai .-D r-4 9i--1 0� bed in the application for 42,o r—�tA -v"X, i,�( .- 1:&,stem Constructiont Permit N.. -5fE,-2-7 dated �f IVIe ca ;fflfi btvx*4 Construction shall be completeduithin three years of the date 0 this M kjj� JcOndjtjqp6,rrz,4stbemet. -d of Health irm 1255ftfi.15,'96 AN Sittig Co."On.MA Date //P', 4Aow c Sample #4862 HOWARD LABORATORIES, jNc 50 North Pleasant Street Amherst, MA 01002 MA Lab Lie# X-40851 WATER ANALYSIS REPORT lyzed For:Robert Bates Sample. Location:710 North Farms Road -ess: 68 Shelfield Lane Northampton, MA 01060 Florence, MA 1060 Sampled By: RENSHAW WELL DRILLING Date Sampled: lb/14/97 phone: (413) 584 8439 Date Recei.ved:10/14/97 Parameter jesults Limits Comments Total Coliform Bacteria 0 cotanies/100mL 0 colony/100mL OK pH 7.9� pH Units 6.5-8.5 pH Units Ox Manganese 0.7, mg/L 0.05 mg/l Hardness 94. mg/L No Standard <50 soft, >100 hard Conductivity 0.27 ms/cm No standard Chloride 89. 2 mpg/L 250mg/L OK Iron 2.3 mg/L 0.3mg/L Sodium 9.0 mg/t 2amg/L OK Nitrate 0.1 mg/t 10mglt OK Nitrite 0.00 Mg/1 t atglt OK Color 78 PtCo CoLor Units 15 Pt Co Color Units is Turbidity 13 .it NTU 5 NTU ammendations: Iron, manganese, color and turbidity are normally elevated newly drilled wells. Use water for 30 days then rejest the parameters that elevated levels. s sample does meet acceptable standards of potability for public water plies except for the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) , however, re -are no state or federal standards for individual use of well water. lyst: JB Date: 10/14/97 --ked By: Jonathan S. pqg Laboratory Supero' or i w i Department of tnvirgnmental Management/Division of Water Resources VEa;L COMPLETION REPORT WELL LOG TION GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION i Address �t M (S} EW of ttsar) rcfal CityrrowXI MM_ ,_ t t Wait owner tSCr �'c •�,- �, F_c Address N E W at �,. [mr.to fnnthsl t...�[ctrctej 4 Board of Neagh permit obtained: yes Q no L2 intersect f�1 WELL USE WELL DATA Domestic 5� Public Q Industrial Q Total well depth i j Q ft. Monitoring Q Other Depth to bedrock ft. Water-bearing rocklunoansolidated material: Method drilled-,A:_, _k r, Description Date drilled . �r. 191''7 Water bearing zonas: CASING 1)From j,C C To : 2� Type f 2)From To Length._)_.2_tf. Dia(t.D.)_�,_In. 8)From To Length into bedrock r':� ff. Gravel pack well: dia. Protective well seal: dia. Screen: Grout Q Other pie_ Slot# length from to t STATIC WATERILEVEL(all welts) Static water levei(lbelow land surface ft. Date ft'�g���r WELL TEST(pro uction wells) Drawdown 1$�_ft. after pumping hr. T.; min.at gpm. i z Now measured,' Recovery ft. after_�_ hr. min. LOG of FORMATIONS COMMENTS Materials Prom To 7 Driller—_Z11, Sir' s .t,.s Firm .- t Address - Ii •f City/Town Supervising Drifter Reg.# S+pnarure of supsrvsmg registered weH t1r81er Pismo pot hmrJy I BOARD OF HEALTH CONY tion Address or Cot# 77 < Note NUUW Bate lime 1 Weatlser I -ovation :den' onsite plp , t..aad Use I 2ope % Surface Stones F Vegetation . t..andform taro on sketch on flee back t?istau•ices fraaro: sen Water Body ao feet I D4nkkq Water Wd feet Prqw4y tine feet ssible Wet Area u-0 feet DfakiNe Way feet 01her leer DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG" Hole#f: 'MMM IU OF TMNO UOM K-QUMM AT EVERY PROPOSW DISPOSAL AREA xe ban SaliolUm. Sol Tedm San Conor• Sol Offer ;a S 43ouldeis, .74 j I J t � - y1 � - _ l t. eEt 111** V�P . WkOM PEC8rwyRW0Wto } R SSaS" ^^W,. WW ' "•K•� C DEEP'013SERVATION HOLE LOCa° Hole M OF rwo HOLES REQUiftED AT EVERY MOPOSEO DISPOSAL Am A bom Son HWbDn Sd To*" : :. Sal Cabr. Solt - Stones.l3addecs, .x 1 t✓j ��{ Ball 'a6k . b waberin�e taste I ..^ w .__tEars Pit Fars E*nated&&"A dWaler A dtti s FORM 11 - SOIL LVALUATOR FORM Page 3 of 3 Location Address or Lot No. zv-ol &term axion fim Seem analffigh Water Table Method U%ed; Depth observed standing in observation hole..41 inches ❑ Depth weeping from sid of observation hole inches Depth to soil mottles 7� inches Ground water adjustment feet Index Well Number .. . I_ Reading Date ... Index well level Adjustment factor .. ........ Adjusted ground water level .14'ON6 6135dRVEP Depth of Naturally Occu ring,Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious rvious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption-system? if not, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? Certification I certify that on (date) I have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the DipArtment of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed-by ime consistent with the required training,expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. Sign i�tura Date 4- DEP APPROM FOILM 1210719S, ` Post x y -site Revi°, W Deep Hole Number Data: (01- Time. IlWeather CZtfi�=�G o/ Location {identify on sitelan) _ Land Use Gf ZAjvQ Fv. X47 Slope too) { . `aft Surface Siones 50 E Vegetation OAC_7-. ►j� P�,v -Ae_cH ASH Landform Ti Lt. Qt 0 +€ Position on landscape (sk tch an the back) ... Distances from.- Open ront;Open Water Body �1�G feet Drainage way feet Possible Wet Area ts'o f feet Property gine!.(40° feat Drinking Water W II )� feet Other � '3o-a ' �,� -v AA 12Cr�,p DEEP 013STRVATION HOLE ]COG i Oeptn from Swtata Sara Hor,:an SO Tamura Sa,l Cour Sar+l atottlow other ttaertiest tus0A1 .Wunsell) (Structure,Stories.90wWra. Cons,stency. % Grwer, 7 4/q-, 01.AVkL too., Parent Material (geologic) 6,Lv&,c_iA . b t , Depth to Bedrock: j peDth to Grcwndwater; Standing Water in the Hole: Weeping fI rom Pit Face: Estimated Seasonal Mrgn Ground Water: �yC