66 House Number 6-20-19 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 y �,A .um ' 413-587-1570 Fax 413-587-1576 Donna LaScaleia Director ASSIGNMENT OF HOUSE NUMBER Street: Sherman Avenue Assessors Map: Map 25A,Lot 194 House Number: 66 Date: June 20,2019 Remarks: Address assigned to a building lot on Sherman Avenue shown as "Lot 1"on a plan entitled"Approval Not Required Division of Land, 9 Crosby Street, Assessors Parcel: 25A-111,Northampton, MA"prepared by R Levesque Associates, Inc. and sealed by Marc E. Shute, PLS, dated May 20, 2019 and recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 244, Page 53. The number assignment was requested by the owner for permitting purposes for the construction of a single family dwelling. David K. Veleta, P.E. City Engineer cc: Central Dispatch Board of Health Water Division --- Sewer Division National Grid Streets Division Verizon Telephone Inspectors Comcast Assessors Columbia Gas of Massachusetts Police Department Post Office (Northampton) James Thompson(GIS Coordinator) Post Office (Easthampton) Registrar of Voters School Department MassGIS (via email) Address Management Systems Applicant/Owner: Christopher Karney 9 Crosby Street Northampton, MA 01060 MAHouse Numbers\Sherman Avenue\#66 Sherman Avenue.doc