Lot 2 & Lot 7 Perc Test 5-3-19 C114)-City of Northam P ton Board of Health 2017 4" ‘"1 212 Main Street raTNINorthampton, MA 01060 413-587-1214 PERC TEST WITNESS FEE $200.00 per 3 hours Permit Number: 4.75.00 per hours after 3 hours Fee Collected: WO 64) E'S ARE NON-REFUND -- - Pere .,_. - Perc Test Date: APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED 10 BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULING OF A PERC TEST IAA.a Application for Percolation ("Perc") Test Date of Application: q/igI 19 Home Owner Name: �JO AI tdet5.5 NCO 't(1. 1347,c(ctrr.P Dios/r/ Address: C L 12 Cm re-Z cLd . �} , Lb 7-- City/Town/State/Zip Code: SOIL EVALUATOR LICENSE NUMBER: R.S./ Engineero 3 3 ADDRESS -- ., - .-. ... „�,. r�*--•-was_ PHONE 1111111011=M114 41116._ 1111 E-MAILINIMEMIleffargiierv.„R,„.- - I EXCAVATOR lack-hoe operator ADDRESS 111, 11111.11111111111111 PHONE 41111111.11 CHECK LIST Id/New Construction ❑ Repair/Upgrade ***Number of Lots to be Perc Tested—New Construction only-Give Lot Numbers*** 0 Dig Safe Sign-Off: Gas/Electrical 0 Trench Permit/Info Sign Off from DPW (413) 587-1570 0 Conservation Commission/Planning Department Review Contact the Planning Department(413)587-1266 for the Conservation,Preservation&Historic Planner Prior to the Perc Test for review any possible conservation commission issues relating to Perc Test. 0 Conservation Sign-Off For Board of llcahh Use Only r he .� Berkshire Design Group.Inc. • PARkJIJC• AREA (IG hPAC.Pfi) �/419 •'''''''''''''''''''•'•4•,,,,,, `� +W ,,_- lir • T „\` ' , f ern i BATE' N1ARbF4 G.W19 I :,.. '487- - _ 'SCALE r I" ISO' .44.41•I 101.11,..11.0t1110101.0 tin..... ..d..... J f.(8)NGUSB l Ors LAT a 1 i • (I)CALL TowE.jZ Lor 174 402E5 (34-,2405F) l •(I)Gci.f•NOL.E j / Lor•+2(34,800) \ • OpE1.1 SPACE I0O.1 ACPE�� ' , ` / (Iuc4 JG C.l�A -I4 (44,s00) -Mi._ 7 ( i n............••••Initt•••••••> L.UfeS _ �� ZONE FFR_ / i (�1. ice. /i \�-'----,______._..\.\ C� / Pine Grove Golf Course )) �__ u, ZONE SR ` , — 254 01d Wilson Rd Ga-unix) ® \ �/� - - Northampton,MA y , ,- ! VERNAL POOL • "`^�. -�__ a-- /100'BUFFER g ~- OPEN SPACE• {�/ / 1 "t. Ld7'+•G -cLus'imR- ��' ` `:w.1.."..'..i�52 • 4t'} (e 5F-36 AG) `\� ,fig ,,� i / WSP OVERLAY 4. . 1,/ ' . . 7.-- Lar07_oLU4TErL I ', F f . - ,a. (72.�SP-1.604) 1. I ---_. j,j cam:;; LATS$-GLu5T R / /[bi - 1 (00,2SF-pDA4� 17 V f / 100'STREAM BUFFER 1 NTERMITTENTSTREAM , MAP • SHEET E OF Ly f ! _ `� _ I. I. - w PAF-CEL 44-II* 7"-----1-________ . ZONING TABLE City of Northampton Board of Health t 212 Main Street i l 7 19 :� �'- Northampton, MA 01060 o d WI( Sbr ("La '- iri � 413-587-1214 Lgdjcttem4 +0 G utb housc.) Percolation Test Results Pere I-I Time Measurement Pere 1-2 Time Measurement Begin Begin a$ $ „ (�u Saturation 3 U/ Saturation _f ' End Saturation '1 . s 6i ,& noa- Saturation 9"depth 9"depth p Measurement f • 3 Li Measurement 'O, (j 50 a k 6" depth 6"depth q: Liii Measurement Measurement Elapsed Time Elapsed i 9"to 6" I0r`n Time 9"to 6" Percolation Rage Weriadile - 3, 3 meq prt Percolation Rate: Lai- 'n I'^ Bottom of Percolation Test Hole: Bottom of Percolation Test Hole: Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used: Depth observed standing on observation hole> n..eepth weeping from side of observation hole 3 io inches ml-Depth to soil mottles 30 inches ❑ Ground water adjustment inches Index Well Number Reading Date Index well level Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? 1413 If yes, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? If not, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? On-Site Review Deep Hole Number: Date: si17j19 Time: clam Weather: Cool & Overcast ✓ Location (identify on site plan):ae IQ tit 'FO (tut b how{ Land Use/Vegetation: Lawn/grass - ply' Cp,CS(, Slope (%) Surface Stones: none v'Landform: �J Position of Landscape: Distance from: Open Water Body Feet Drainageway Feet Possible Wet Area Feet Property Line Feet Drinking Water Well Feet Other Feet DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth from Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other Structure, Stones, Surface Horizon (USDA) (Munsell) Mottling Boulders, Consistency,% (Inches) Gravel) (} - q AI rSL 107e. 3/i q - de 6 r5 to 'it C/to `3,°— (I0 Cd 5 10 V 14no 30 SAPS e 3to° DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth from Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other Structure, Stones, Surface Horizon (USDA) (Munsell) Mottling Boulders,Consistency, % (Inches) Gravel) 0—IO " r r5L IDYL 312 (o -30 6 Gs ioytCito 30" ? o - I 0 C S -1.5 SI'6 se-cis e34,0 Board of Health Inspector: �jC l £(li 54-ett(l Witness: MO uu l U pm o City of Northampton Board of Health t 212 Main Street `• Northampton, MA 01060 5Ii-i1t' -,, ,,,..9.,",-!2 413-587-1214 Ota LA, ; \.Son C3 i-rmA(( of -ReidPercolation Test Results Pere I-I Time Measurement Perc 1-2 Time Measurement Begin Begin S.Saturation �� 3o Saturation End Saturation End 1� o Saturation 9"depth '1 9"depth Measurement w VUG Measurement 6"depth 6"depth Measurement Measurement Elapsed Time \ \ Elapsed 9"to 6" Time 9"to 6" Percolation Rage <2 min./in. Percolation Rate: Bottom of Percolation Test Hole: Bottom of Percolation Test Hole: Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used: Depth observed standing on observation hole> o Depth weeping from side of observation hole 3ia0 inches 1Septh to soil mottles I CO inches o Ground water adjustment inches Index Well Number Reading Date Index well level Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system?ii1 S If yes, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? If not, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? On-Site Review Deep Hole Number: Date: clo I19 Time: $.3YXim Weather: Cool &Overcast V' Location (identify on site plan): Land Use/Vegetation: Lawn/grass.- a01 t^ (Om S{ Slope (%)trugirngl Surface Stones: none ✓ Landform: Position of Landscape: Distance from: Open Water Body Feet Drainageway Feet Possible Wet Area L 92° Feet Property Line Feet Drinking Water Well Feet Other Feet DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth from Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other Structure, Stones, Surface Horizon (USDA) (Munsell) Mottling Boulders,Consistency, % (Inches) I1 Q Gravel) 0— l0 i,}+8mix r---3L love 3/a 10'- 10 ) C, F.SL a art ill, iv r% g. 0 mi, -frs 1 rla seep e as ,t DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth from Soil Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Other Structure, Stones, Surface Horizon (USDA) (Munsell) Mottling Boulders,Consistency,% (Inches) Gravel) a-13 flt6rolx 1%S1-- 10 Y2 3)2 3 -tzo C . FSS Q S / Y JI rsrla Ito" , >'Y4Il1 5 , e,, lel* i. 5? Iq Board of Health Inspector: Br €t CtiSiaL d-i Witness: MA11 weiSs