22B-026 (5) as �s D ,262 ECTOR RECEIVED E rT G I fT E E R S OCT 2 4 2018 VSE Project Number:U1982-0892-181 DEPT DE DIatDING INSPECTIDNs October 23,2018 NOBTNRMPTDu. IMoroso Trinity Solar ATTENTION:Phil Smith 4 Open Square Way,Suite 410 Holyoke,MA 01040 REFERENCE: Lindsay Slabich Residence: 21 Corticelli Street,Northampton,MA 01062 Solar Arrav Installation To Whom It May Concern: Per your request, we have reviewed the existing structure at the above referenced site. The purpose of our review was to determine the adequacy of the existing structure to support the proposed installation of solar panels on the roof as shown on the panel layout plan. Based upon out review,we conclude that the existing structure will require retrofit in order to support the proposed solar panel installation.The existing rafters of roof 3 must be retrofit by installing a new 2x6 the full length of the existing rafter.install the new 2x6 rafter with 16d sinkers at 6"O.C.staggered.Roof I is permitted to remain unaltered. Design Parameters Code:Massachusetts State Residential Code(780 CMA Chapter 51,9th Edition(2015 IRC)) Risk Category:D Design wind speed: 117 mph (3-sec gust)per ASCE 7-10 Wind exposure category:C Ground snow load: 40 psf Existin¢Roof Structure Roof structure:true 2.4 rafters @ 24"O.C. Roofing material:asphalt shingles Roofslope:40° Connection to Roof Mounting connection:(1)5/16'lag screw w/min.2.6'embedment into framing at max.72"O.C.along mils Conclusions Based upon our review,we conclude that the existing structure will require retrofit in order to support the proposed solar panel installation. The glass surface of the solar panels allows for a lower slope factor per ASCE 7, resulting in reduced design snow load on the panels. The attached calculations verify the adequacy of the roof m support the solar array after the aforementioned retrofit is complete. 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101/Draper,UT 84020/T(801)990-1775/F(801)990-1776/www.vectorse.com JOB NO.: U1982-0892-181 ��/ECTOR SUBJECT: WIND PRESSURE n e j n E= rz R s PROJECT: Lindsay Slabich Residence Fc—o,p,n,nt,and Cladding Wind Cali Label: ISolar Panel Array Note: Calculations per ASCE 7-10 SITE-SPECIFIC WIND PARAMETERS: Basic Wind Speed [mph]: 117 Notes: Exposure Category: C Risk Category: 11 ADDITIONAL INPUT& CALCULATIONS: Height of Roof, h [ft]: 20 (Approximate) Comp/Cladding Location: Gable Roofs 27*<O5 45* Enclosure Classification: Enclosed Buildings Zone 1 GCP: 1,0 Figure 30.4-2C (enter largest abs. value) Zone 2 GCP: 1.2 (enter largest abs. value) Zone 3 GCP: 1.2 (enter largest abs. value) a 9.5 Table 26.9-1 zg [ft]: 900 Table 26.9-1 Kh: 0.90 Table 30.3-1 K,: 1 Equation 26.8-1 Kd: 0.85 Table 26.6-1 Velocity Pressure, ch [psf]: 26.9 Equation 30.3-1 GCP,: 0 Table 26.11-1 (largest abs. value) OUTPUT: 1 p—qhlt,C, Equation 30.9-1 W Zone 1 Pressure, p [psf]: 26.9 psf(1.0 W, Interior Zones*) Zone 2 Pressure, p [psf]: 32.2 psf(1.0 W, End Zones*) Zone 3 Pressure, p [psf]: 32.2 psf(1.0 W, Corner Zones'within a) (a= 3 ft) VECTOR GRAM JOB NO.: 0892-181 SUBJECT: GRAVITY LOADS E 71 O 1 m E E R 8 PROJECT: Lindsay Slabich Residence CALCULATE ESTIMATED GRAVITY LOADS Increase due to Original ROOF DEAD LOAD D pitch loading Roof Pitch/12 10.1 Asphalt Shingles 2.6 1.31 2.0 psf 1/2" Plywood 1.3 1.31 1.0 psf Framing 3.0 psf Insulation 0.0 psf 1/2"Gypsum CIg. 0.0 psf M, E & Misc 0.0 psf OL 7 psf PV Array DL 4 psf ROOF LIVE LOAD (Lr) Existing Design Roof Live Load [psf] 20 ASCE 7-10,Table 4-1 Roof Live Load With PV Array[psfJ w/Solar Panel SNOW LOAD (S): Existing Array Roof Slope[x:12]: 10.1 10.1 Roof Slope [°]: 40 40 Snow Ground Load, p9 [psf]: 40 40 ASCE 7-10,Section 7.2 Terrain Category: C C ASCE 7-10,Table 7-2 Exposure of Roof: Fully Exposed Fully Exposed ASCE 7-10,Table 7-2 Exposure Factor, Ca: 0.9 0.9 ASCE 7-10,Table 7-2 Thermal Factor, CI: 1.1 1.1 ASCE 7-10,Table 7-3 Risk Category: II 11 ASCE 7-10,Table 1.5-1 Importance Factor, Is: ;Fe57-2;b 1.0 ASCE 7-10,Table 1.5-2 Flat Roof Snow Load, pt[psf]: 35 ASCE 7-10, Equation 7.3-1 Minimum Roof Snow Load, p. [psf]: 0 ASCE 7-10,Section 7.3.4 Unobstructed Slippery Surface? Yes ASCE 7-10,Section 7.4 Slope Factor Figure: Fi ure 7-2b ASCE 7-10,Section 7.4 Roof Slope Factor, C,: 0.50 ASCE 7-10, Figure 7-2 Sloped Roof Snow Load, ps [psfl: 32 18 ASCE 7-10, Equation 7.4-1 Design Snow Load, S [psf]: 32 18 YECTOR JOB NO.: U1982-0892-181 SUBJECT: SOLAR LAYOUT f PROJECT: Lindsay Slabich Residence A 2 12 4 A A S 10 11 9