18C-042 FRAME122X10 RAFTERS 16" O/C2X8 OVERFRAMESum vertical load capacitiesSHIPPING INFORMATION: DESIGNED BY: Doug Hodgins JOB: Robert Contemporary ConservatoryWest Hatfield Ma.21 West St.rk Miles Inc.Scale: 1/4" = 1'NOTES:SHEET NUMBER: 1 roof planes LAYOUT FINAL N/AN/A ISSUE:DATE: N/A N/A 05/08/15 DESCRIPTION: FINAL N/A N/A See Boise literature for joistvertical load capacity.See Boise literature for joist blockingbirdsmouth cut in bottom D2X2N2X1S2XPR ROOF FRAMING PLANAll product names are trademarks of their respective ownersCSOCBU HROOVITITHUHHLSLS3RThis layout has been created using the information from the plan provided, and/or verbal informationfrom the general contractor. r.k Miles assumes no responsibility for this layout ifaltered during construction or any of the structural members shown are not supplied by r.k. MilesIt is the responsibility of the building contractor / owner to install and / or oversee the installationof all the engineered wood components to assure compliance with the manufacturers specifications.If anychanges are made to this project after the completion of our layout contact RK Miles immediately