22B-043 296 Nonotuck St email-111/28/2016 City of Northampton Mail 296 Nonotuck St.
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Louis Hasbrouck <lhasbrouck@northamptonma.gov>
296 Nonotuck St.
1 message
P Jeswald <jeswald@verizon.net>Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 8:08 AM
To: lhasbrouck@northamptonma.gov
Cc: Matt Bousquet <matthew.r.bousquet@gmail.com>
HI Louis,
Attached you will find the Existing Conditions, Proposed Plan, and Building Sections for the “Garage” at 296
Nonotuck St., Florence. I’ve also attached a copy of the Flood Elevation Certificate. The Garage is listed at
page 7 and we’re curious what the statement on Page 2, “BFE varies from 215 to 227 along the locus property”
Let me know if you have any questions and it would be most helpful if we could meet on site sometime this
Thanks for all your help,
4 attachments
296 "A" NonotuckExisting Floor Plan.pdf
296 "A" NonotuckPlan Scheme B.pdf
296 "A" NonotuckSections A & B.pdf
Nonotuck Mills Elev Cert.pdf