22B-043 296 Nonotuck Roof Structural Assessment 2017-04-03Vreeland Design Associates
An integrative approach to design engineering and site planning
116 River Road, Leyden, MA 01337 Phone: (413) 624-0126
Email: dvreeland@verizon.net Fax: (413) 624-3282
Date: April 3, 2017 To: Peter Jeswald and Matt Bousquet
Yup Coffee Roasters, Inc 296 Nonotuck St, Florence, MA From: David Vreeland, P.E. Vreeland Design Associates
Re: 296 Nonotuck St, Florence, MA: Roof structural assessment for Yup Coffee Roasters and the installation of the roaster afterburner on the roof. On 2/3/17, I conducted a site visit and investigated the roof framing of the 1-story, 32’-9”x 45’-9”,
brick building at the rear of the 296 Nonotuck Street, Florence. Three (3) 8”x 20” steel I-beams installed at approximately 10’-10” on-center, span 30’-9” and support 6x6 (5½”x5½”) rafters installed 46”± on-center. 2x6 tongue and groove decking is attached to the top of the rafters. A roof membrane is installed on top of the roof deck. The steel I-beams have been installed with a slight slope such that the roof deck pitches to an internal roof drain near the center of the north
wall. Two 6x6 rafters, in the second bay from the west end of the building, appear to have been weaken by decay from a past leak and need to be replaced or new 6x6 rafters installed alongside. The existing roof structure, with the two new 6x6 rafters, meets the structural requirements of the current MA State Building Code.
The roof is capable of supporting the proposed 700 lb. Coffee Roaster Afterburner with the following reinforcement: 1. Locate the 3’-4”x 6’x8” Afterburner directly above and parallel with a steel I-beam. 2. Install two 6x6x8’ pressure treated timbers, one on each side and parallel to the I-beam, approximately 3’± apart – in-line with the support legs of the Afterburner. Screw the 6x6
timbers down through the roof deck into three (3) of the 6x6 rafters below with 2 – 3/8”x 12” GRK or equivalent screw into each rafter. The screw holes through the roof deck must be made watertight or install a membrane flashing over the timbers and adhered to the membrane roofing to make the installation watertight. 3. Secure the Afterburner support legs to two 6x6x8’ pressure treated timbers.
Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely,
David Vreeland, PE Vreeland Design Associates