18C-109 202 Jackson Permit SetScaleDateDrawn by202 Jackson St.Northampton,MA01060Notes:4/5/2011 11:15:06 AMTitle PageRichmond/ Schluenz ResidenceApril 5th, 2011JKSPROPOSED RENOVATIONS : 202 JACKSON STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060SCOPE OF WORK PROPSED:Addition of new bathroom with shower,toilet, and sink on 2nd floor of structure.Skylight installation in new bedroom andbathroom on 2nd floor. Upgrades toexisting electrical to meet codes andlighting requirements. Interior cosmeticand finish adjustments. All plumbing andelectrical work to be performed byliscensed professionals withapproporiate permits required. Allalterations to be perfomed inside ofexisting building foorprint, with noexterior modifications or additional squarefootage added.SHEETS in SET:A101 First Floor ExistingA102 First Floor Demo PlanA103First Floor Construction PlanA2012nd Floor ExistingA201a2nd Floor Existing StructureA2022nd Floor Demo PlanA2032nd Floor Construction PlanA301Roof Plan ExsitingA302Roof Construction PlanA401 Building SectionA402ElevationsCONTACT:Jon Schluenz73 Barrett Street #2096Northampton, MA 01060(413) 561 6311jonschluenz@gmail.comNo. Description Date
UPREF.DNDN30' - 6"24' - 9 1/4"15' - 9"7' - 11"12' - 2"12' - 2 1/2"1A401ScaleDateDrawn by202 Jackson St.Northampton,MA01060Notes: 1/4" = 1'-0"4/5/2011 11:15:00 AMA101First Floor ExistingRichmond/ Schluenz ResidenceApril 5th, 2011JKS 1/4" = 1'-0"1First Floor - ExistingDININGKITCHENBEDROOMLIVINGBATHPORCHENTRYNo. Description Date
UPREF.DNDNScaleDateDrawn by202 Jackson St.Northampton,MA01060Notes: 1/4" = 1'-0"4/5/2011 11:15:01 AMA102First Floor DemoPlanRichmond/ Schluenz ResidenceApril 5th, 2011JKS 1/4" = 1'-0"1First Floor - Demolition PlanDoor and partial wall removed to incorporate built-in storage24" x 78" door to be reused in Second Floor Bath pocket door assemblyExisting Cabinet removedExisting Pantry removed to improvecouter top space. 18" x 78" door to be resused inSecond Floor Master Bath closetCountertop to be removed and replacedVanity sink to be removedand replaced with Pedestal sinkSmall closet removed to increasesize of exsiting bathroomExisting wall opening to be opened to floor.Upper wall construction not to be disturbed.Trimmer and King studs to be supplemented as neededNo. Description Date
UPDNREF.DNDN3' - 9"4' - 6"Built in Service and StorageElectrical upgrades in Kitchen will includeimproved lighting,and installation of GFI outlets.Electrical upgrades to bath include GFI installation,ventilation fan install, and lighting improvements.Existing double hung vinyl windowto be replaced with ventilated glass block window.ScaleDateDrawn by202 Jackson St.Northampton,MA01060Notes: 1/4" = 1'-0"4/5/2011 11:15:01 AMA103First FloorConstruction PlanRichmond/ Schluenz ResidenceApril 5th, 2011JKS 1/4" = 1'-0"1First Floor - Construction PlanNOTES:All electrical outlets and switches to be upgraded to meetsafety and code requirements.All plumbing and electricalwork to be performed by liscensed professionals withappropriate permits.No. Description Date
DN4' - 0"1A4017'-2" CeilingHeight12' - 8 1/4"29' - 2"4'-0" Knee wallHeightScaleDateDrawn by202 Jackson St.Northampton,MA01060Notes: 1/4" = 1'-0"4/5/2011 11:15:02 AMA2012nd Floor ExistingRichmond/ Schluenz ResidenceApril 5th, 2011JKS 1/4" = 1'-0"1Second Floor - ExistingCLOSETBEDROOMNo. Description Date
DN10' - 6 15/16"12' - 10 5/16"5' - 1 1/4"1' - 4"1A401ScaleDateDrawn by202 Jackson St.Northampton,MA01060Notes: 1/4" = 1'-0"4/5/2011 11:15:03 AMA201a2nd Floor StructureRichmond/ Schluenz ResidenceApril 5th, 2011JKS 1/4" = 1'-0"1Second Floor - Floor Joists2 x 8 Floor Joists @ 16"O.C.Notes:Maximum floor joist span for #2 Southern pine inresidential sleeping areas ( live load 30 PSF)is 13'6" with a dead load of 20psf (per CMR 780table 5502.3.1. ) Estimated dead load for newbath estimated to be 16 psf with tiled floors and fixtures.No. Description Date
DNScaleDateDrawn by202 Jackson St.Northampton,MA01060Notes: 1/4" = 1'-0"4/5/2011 11:15:03 AMA2022nd Floor DemoPlanRichmond/ Schluenz ResidenceApril 5th, 2011JKS 1/4" = 1'-0"1Second Floor - Demolition PlanExisting door to be reused in Pocket door assemblyNo. Description Date
DNReused and Modified 18" doorfrom First floor hall closet demoExisting vinyl frame double hung windowto be replaced with ventilated glassblock system.Lightweight prefabricated 32" x 60"Shluter shower systemExisting door reused with pocket doorinstallation kit.Bathroom electrical fixtures to include: GFI outlets,water proof ceiling can lights, wall sconces, and ventialtion fanExisting plumbing stack.Additional stack to be installed if necessary.Existing Electrical to be upgradedand grounded.ScaleDateDrawn by202 Jackson St.Northampton,MA01060Notes: 1/4" = 1'-0"4/5/2011 11:15:03 AMA2032nd FloorConstruction PlanRichmond/ Schluenz ResidenceApril 5th, 2011JKS 1/4" = 1'-0"1Second Floor - Construction PlanMASTER BATHCLOSETCLOSETMASTER BEDROOMCLOSETReused 18" door fromFirst floor pantry demoReused 24" door from First floorDining room closet demoNOTES:All electrical outlets and switches to be upgraded to meetsafety and code requirements.All plumbing and electricalwork to be performed by liscensed professionals withappropriate permits.No. Description Date
1A401ScaleDateDrawn by202 Jackson St.Northampton,MA01060Notes: 1/4" = 1'-0"4/5/2011 11:15:04 AMA301Roof Plan ExistingRichmond/ Schluenz ResidenceApril 5th, 2011JKS 1/4" = 1'-0"1Roof - ExistingExisting brick andmortar chimneyExisting plumbing ventNo. Description Date
Possible 2nd plumbing ventfor new showerMaster bath fan ventScaleDateDrawn by202 Jackson St.Northampton,MA01060Notes: 1/4" = 1'-0"4/5/2011 11:15:04 AMA302Roof ConstructionPlanRichmond/ Schluenz ResidenceApril 5th, 2011JKS 1/4" = 1'-0"1Roof - Construction Plan21" x 46" Vellux Low-E glass ventilating skylightTo be installed per manufacturers instructionsusing professional trim kit. Double headersinstalled to match exisiting roofrafters.21" x 27" Vellux Low-E glass ventilating skylightTo be installed per manufacturers instructionsusing professinal trim kit. Double headers installedto match existing roof rafters.No. Description Date
First Floor - Existing0' - 0"Second Floor -Existing8' - 6"Roof - Existing16' - 0"Basement-8' - 0"7' - 3"7' - 1 1/4"7' - 7"ScaleDateDrawn by202 Jackson St.Northampton,MA01060Notes: 1/4" = 1'-0"4/5/2011 11:15:04 AMA401Building SectionExistingRichmond/ Schluenz ResidenceApril 5th, 2011JKS 1/4" = 1'-0"1Existing Building SectionNo. Description Date
ScaleDateDrawn by202 Jackson St.Northampton,MA01060Notes: 1/8" = 1'-0"4/5/2011 11:15:06 AMA402ElevationsRichmond/ Schluenz ResidenceApril 5th, 2011JKS 1/8" = 1'-0"1East 1/8" = 1'-0"2North 1/8" = 1'-0"3South 1/8" = 1'-0"4WestNew Bathroom SkylightNew Bedroom SkylightNo. Description Date