25-007 142 Riverbank Rd sewer6/20/2018 City of Northampton Mail - 142 Riverbank Rd https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/?ui=2&ik=ec5f19a57e&jsver=k8XTJOJ1kuE.en.&cbl=gmail_fe_180606.07_p4&view=pt&search=inbox&th=163fe9e…1/1 Louis Hasbrouck <lhasbrouck@northamptonma.gov> 142 Riverbank Rd 1 message Brendan Shea <bshea@northamptonma.gov>Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 10:06 AM To: Louis Hasbrouck <lhasbrouck@northamptonma.gov> Hello Louis, I got a call from David and Chris Wanczyk asking for a sewer disconnect letter for 142 Riverbank Rd for a demolition permit. There is no sewer on Riverbank Rd so they do not need an inspection from me, they are all set. Thank you, Brendan