32A-118 approval letter dormer 3rd fl 10-24-2014 Valley Building Company October 24, 2014 PO Box 246 Hadley, MA 01060 Matt Stone 373 Granby Road South Hadley, MA 01075 Subject Location: 98 Market Street Map Block: 32A-118 Mr. Gelinas and Mr. Stone, Your building permit application dated 10-17-14 has been rejected per this memo. All work must meet all applicable codes whether noted or not included within this memo. Please follow up on the following items: These items will need to be accomplished before the project can move forward; Any structure more than one and two family are commercial and need to be submitted on a commercial application. Application are not entered, reviewed or considered without all fees being paid with the application. Provide a plot plan indicating the building setbacks, all additions are reviewed for zoning. Building planning sufficient to access the structural and safety aspects of the project are required. See 107.2 and 107.6 of MA amendments dated 4-11-14. Control construction waiver may be allowed depending on the scope of the work. This needs to include and may not be limited to the following; Floor plans Sections Elevations Energy information Dormers of this nature are no longer simple to build per code and typically require a structural ridge with continuous load paths to appropriate bearing or engineering. See 2808.10.4.1 It appears that the third floor unit does not have two code compliant means of egress. Per section 102.6.4 you will be required to create a second legal means of egress. This requirement will exist regaurdless of any additional work going forward. Rear porch bearing must be verified and increased as need to carry the additional loads. You are required to submit a complete and accurate construction estimate which the fees will be based on. If the estimate is determined to be unrealistic complete documentation including bills from all trades and materials will be required at the completion of the work. As of August 4th 2011 the 8th Edition MA code is the 2009 IBC with MA amendments. In the following are some generic requirements which seem to be problematic. This is not intended to be comprehensive, nor is it a substitute for purchasing and reading the MA codes. Read only international codes are available on line at http://publicecodes.cyberregs.com/icod/ one must also consider the MA amendments to these codes which can be found at www.mass.gov/dps/bbrs . The current relevant building codes are: 2009 IBC, 2009 IEBC, 2009 IMC, 2009 IRC, 2009 or 2012 IECC, AA115, MA amendments. Feel free to call if you have any questions. My telephone number is 587-1240 and office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, excepting we close for walk-ins at 12:00 noon on Wednesdays. My email address is: cmiller@northamptonma.gov Thank you for your cooperation on these matters. Charles Miller City of Northampton Assistant Commissioner and Zoning Enforcement