24C-064 New 2nd Floor BeamEpsteiner New 2nd Floor Beam.wwb June 23, 2017 09:45 Design Check Calculation Sheet WoodWorks Sizer 10.42 Loads: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Unit tern Start End Start End 1 Live Point No 10.03 4400 lbs 2 Live Point No 10.03 4400 lbs 3 Dead Full Area No 10.00(7.00') psf 4 Snow Full Area Yes 28.00(7.00') psf Maximum Reactions (lbs), Bearing Capacities (lbs) and Bearing Lengths (in) : 15.77' 7.2'15.7'0' Unfactored: Dead 178 691 236 Live -1038 7818 2020 Snow 564 1934 694 Factored: Uplift 860 Total 741 8509 2271 Bearing: Capacity Beam 1969 15491 3740 Support 1195 8509 2271Anal/Des Beam 0.38 0.55 0.61Support 0.62 1.00 1.00 Load comb #5 #2 #9Length 0.50* 3.56 0.95 Min req'd 0.31** 3.56** 0.95**Cb 1.00 1.11 1.00 Cb min 1.00 1.11 1.00 Cb support 1.07 1.07 1.07 Fcp sup 425 425 425 *Minimum bearing length setting used: 1/2" for end supports **Minimum bearing length governed by the required width of the supporting member. LVL n-ply, 2.0E, 2850Fb, 1-3/4"x11-7/8", 3-ply (5-1/4"x11-7/8") Supports: All - Timber-soft Beam, S-P-F No.2 Total length: 15.77'; volume = 6.8 cu.ft.; Lateral support: top= at supports, bottom= at supports; Repetitive factor: applied where permitted (refer to online help); Analysis vs. Allowable Stress and Deflection using NDS 2012 : Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Unit Analysis/Design Shear fv = 170 Fv' = 285 psi fv/Fv' = 0.60 Bending(+) fb = 1138 Fb' = 2929 psi fb/Fb' = 0.39 Bending(-) fb = 780 Fb' = 2935 psi fb/Fb' = 0.27 Dead Defl'n 0.00 = <L/999 Live Defl'n 0.07 = <L/999 0.28 = L/360 in 0.26 Total Defl'n 0.08 = <L/999 0.42 = L/240 in 0.18 WoodWorks® Sizer SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN WoodWorks® Sizer 10.42New 2nd Floor Beam.wwb Page 2 Design Notes: 1. WoodWorks analysis and design are in accordance with the ICC International Building Code (IBC 2012), the National Design Specification (NDS 2012), and NDS Design Supplement. 2. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 3. System factor KH may not apply to field-assembled multi-ply beams. 4. SCL-BEAMS (Structural Composite Lumber): the attached SCL selection is for preliminary design only. For final member design contact your local SCL manufacturer. 5. Size factors vary from one manufacturer to another for SCL materials. They can be changed in the database editor. 6. BUILT-UP SCL-BEAMS: contact manufacturer for connection details when loads are not applied equally to all plys.