Garage Structural StampedNEW GARAGE ADDITION THE HISTORIC COLLEGE INN 74 BRIDGE STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 JACOB SMITH ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 5NEW GARAGE FOUNDATION PLANSCALE: 38" = 1'-0"1S11. See General Notes on sheet S2.2. Coordinate all dimensions, elevations and openings with architectural drawings and mechanical requirements.3. Footings shall bear upon undisturbed native soils. Center footings below bearing elements above. Unless Noted Otherwise (U.N.O.)Set new footings a minimum of 48 inches below final grade.4. Footings shall be the exact size shown per plan.5. Isolate new slab-on-grade from all walls, columns, and utilities.6. Coordinate all wall reinfrcing bars and new cast-in-place anchors. All Cast-in-place anchors shall be located and securced as required prior to wall pour.7. Coordinate continuous top of wall #5 bars and post wall pour hold-down anchors.TYPICAL FOUNDATION WALL CORNER REINFORCING3S1SLAB-ON-GRADE CONTROL JOINT (C.J.)2S1TYPICAL FOUNDATION WALL STEPSCALE: 12" = 1'-0"4S1SCALE: 12" = 1'-0"SCALE: 12" = 1'-0" NEW GARAGE ADDITION THE HISTORIC COLLEGE INN 74 BRIDGE STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 JACOB SMITH ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 5NEW GARAGE ROOF PLANSCALE: 38" = 1'-0"1S21.See the General Notes on Sheet S2.2. Coordinate all dimensions, elevations and openings with architectural drawings and mechanical requirements.3. All Multi-ply LVL beams shall be fastened together with (4) SDS 316‘[25ORQJVFUHZ at 24" o.c. on center at each beam face.4. Posts nad columns are shown below.NEW NEW INTERIOR BATHROOMFLOOR FRAMING PLANSCALE: 38" = 1'-0"2S21.See the General Notes on Sheet S2.2. Coordinate all dimensions, elevations and openings witharchitectural drawings and mechanical requirements. NEW GARAGE ADDITION THE HISTORIC COLLEGE INN 74 BRIDGE STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 JACOB SMITH ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 5NEW GARAGE SECTIONSCALE: 12" = 1'-0"1S31. See General Notes on this sheet.2. Coordinate all dimensions, elevations and openings with architectural drawings and mechanical requirements.GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES:DESIGN LIVE LOADS: 2009 I.R.C.* SnowPg = 40 psf* Wind90 mph, exposure B, 3-Sec gustFOUNDATION:* Foundation are designed without an engineer's soil investigation. Foundation design criteria was assumed for purposesof foundation design and could be confirmed by a soils engineer, at owner's expense, prior to construction. (Thisprocedure may require revisions to foundation design, at additional expense to the owner, if soils engineer determinesthat such design criteria are inappropriate for this building site.)* Footings shall be placed on undisturbed natural soil or compacted fill tested and approved by soils engineer.* Maximum design soil pressure: 3000 psfCONCRETE AND REINFORCEMENT:* Concrete shall conform to with the current ACI-301 Standard Specifications of Structural Concrete.Minimum 28 day compressive strength (F'c) and design properties as followsFoundation elements:Slabs:F'c = 3000 psi min.F'c = 4000 psi min.Water/Cement ratio = .52 max Water/Cement ratio = .5 maxSlump = 5" maxSlump = 4" maxEntrained Air = 6% max* Deformed reinforcement: New billet steel, ASTM A615 grade 60.* Reinforcement shall be fabricated and placed per ACI Manual of Standard Practice (ACI-315). &RQFUHWHFRYHURYHUUHLQIRUFHPHQWò´IRUFRQFUHWHSODFHGDJDLQVWIRUPV´IRUFRQFUHWHSODFHGDJDLQVWHDUWK* Keep reinforcement clean and free of dirt, oil, and scale. Oil forms prior to placing reinforcement.* Do not use Calcium Chloride in any add mixtures with reinforced concrete.* Appearance of finished concrete shall be approved by the Architect.WOOD FRAMING:* Dimension lumber is designed and shall be supplied using Jacob Smith Engineering and Design values design criteria.* General Framing: Spruce Pine Fir #1 and better (Maximum Moisture Content 19%) U.N.O.Plates:Sill plates: Pressure Treated Timber Strand LSL by Trus Joist or Pressure treated Doug Fir or Southern Pine #1 orbetter:Top and Bottom plates: Spruce Pine Fir #1 and better.1RWH³3UHVVXUH7UHDWHG/XPEHU´VKDOOEHIUDPLQJPDWHULDORIWKHVSHFLILHGVSHFLHVZKLFKKDVEHHQSUHVVXUHWUHDWHGZLWKdecay and insect resistant solution, meeting all current standards for wood in contact with concrete or earth.Sill plates in contact with masonry or concrete foundations, footings or slabs may be treated Timber Strand LSL (zincborate treatment). Sodium borate treatment may also be acceptable for sill plate applications when protected fromweather.* Laminated Veneer Lumber (L.V.L.): Fb min = 3000 psi, E min = 2.0 x10^6 psi.* Parallel Strand Lumber Posts (P.S.L.): Fb min = 2,400 psi, E min = 1.8 x 10^6 psi.* Studs: 2x6 Spruce Pine Fir No. 1/ No. 2 Grade.* Roof Sheathing: minimum 12" thick, DOC-PS1 CDX plywood APA rated 24/16. Nailed with 8d common nails at 6" oncenter at all panel edges and 12" on center at all panel fields.* Wall sheathing:See plan for thickness, DOC-PS1 CDX plywood APA rated, nail as specified per plan.* Nailing per shall comply with IBC Table 2304.9.1 except where more or larger nailing shown on drawings.* All roof rafters, joists, beams shall be anchored to supports with metal framing anchors.* Provide continuous wall studs each side of wall openings equal to one half or greater of number of studs interrupted byopenings.* All wall studs shall be continuous from floor to floor or from floor to roof.* Cross bridge all dimensional lumber roof and floor joists at midspan and provide solid blocking or rim joists at all joistsupports and joist ends.* Solid blocking between rafters at bearings.* Metal connectors: Simpson Strong Ties unless otherwise noted, install with number and type of nails to achievemaximum rated capacity. Note that heavy duty and skewed hangers may require special order.* All beams shall be braced against rotation at points of bearing.* Unless otherwise indicated, install two lengths of solid blocking x joist depth x 12 inches long in floor framing undercolumn loads. Columns must have a continuous load path to foundation.STRUCTURAL STEEL:* All structural steel work shall conform with the current AISC construction manual and AWS structural welding code D1.1* Angles, channels, plate, and miscellaneous: ASTM A36.* Threaded rod foundation anchors: ASTM F1554 - Grade 3* Bolts shall be of a length that will fully engage the nuts. Bolt heads and nuts shall bear evenly against the metal.* All columns base plates set on concrete shall have leveling nuts and be packed solid to engage the entire base plate with5000 psi non-shrink, non-metalic grout. Conform with ASTM C1107* Epoxy adhesive shall be "HILTI HIT HY-200"STRUCTURAL ERECTION AND BRACING REQUIREMENTS.* The structural drawings illustrate the completed structure with all elements in their final positions, properly supported andbraced. The contractor, in the proper sequence, shall provide proper shoring and bracing as may be required to achieve thefinal completed structure.* Observations of foundation reinforcing or steel framing required by the owner, lender, building department or any otherparty will be accomplished by the engineer at the owner's expense. At least 24 hours advance notice is requested.* Fabricator and / or supplier of structural steel, floor, and roof trusses, shall submit shop and erection drawings forarchitectural and engineering review. Submit two prints for each drawing. Allow ten working days for review. Nomaterials shall be fabricated until shop drawings are approved.