31A-156 61 Maynard Deck 2017-09-26DRAWN BYNelson GeisRE-ISSUE9/20/17ISSUE8.18.17CLIENTShatz Deck61 Maynard RoadNorthampton, MA 01060 Keiter Builders35 Main StreetFlorence, MA 01062Tel: 413-586-8600 PROJECTShatz DeckPROJECT NO. 01DESCRIPTION PlansA A-01 1 Plan Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0"A-01 2 RCP/Electrical Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" 12'-0" New Sliding Doors Strutctural header TBD Demo Existing Door Hot Tub by Owner1'-6"Existing Kitchen Island 3 Season Porch 20'-0" x 12'-6" Deck 20'-0" x 11'-6" Grill 19'-2" 20'-0"4'-0"8'-0"12'-6"10'-0"6'-0"Bench With Planter (3) "Big Foot" Piers 3/8" Absolute Black Stone/ Granite Hearth Flush with wood floor Wood Stove provided by owner Metal Chimney by GC (2) New Radiator panels to replace existing cast iron baseboard (4) Light Cans Typ Location TBD (2) Ceiling Fans Locations TBD DRAWN BYNelson GeisRE-ISSUE9/20/17ISSUE8.18.17CLIENTShatz Deck61 Maynard RoadNorthampton, MA 01060 Keiter Builders35 Main StreetFlorence, MA 01062Tel: 413-586-8600 PROJECTShatz DeckPROJECT NO. 02DESCRIPTION Elevations and SectionsA A-02 1 Section Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" A-02 2 Section Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" A-02 3 Section Scale: NTS (4) Skylights Velux M08 30 9/16" x 54 1/16" EZE Breeze Horizontal Track 8'-0"7'-0"(4) Skylights Velux VSE M08 30 9/16" x 54 1/16" EZE Breeze 4V-60 Vertical 4 Track Unobstructed sight line (2) Sliding Doors w/ (2) Fixed Sidelights Marvin CN 12070 Planter w/ integral bench Hot Tub 7'-0" 1/2" GYP Board ceiling and wall 24" "Big Foot Peir, TYP Tile Backer to Code 2'-0 " Cabana Door Model # CD90 TYP. (4) Skylights Velux VSE M08 30 9/16" x 54 1/16" DTT1Z TENSION TIEDTT1Z TENSION TIESIMPSON L90 ANGLESIMPSON L90 ANGLESum vertical load capacitiesSHIPPING INFORMATION: DESIGNED BY: Doug Hodgins JOB: Shatz Keiter/Shatz West Hatfield Ma.21 West St.rk Miles Inc.Scale: 1/2" = 1'NOTES:SHEET NUMBER: 1 foundation LAYOUT FINAL N/AN/A ISSUE:DATE: N/A N/A 09/25/17 DESCRIPTION: FINAL N/A N/A Northampton 61 Maynard See Boise literature for joistvertical load capacity.See Boise literature for joist blockingbirdsmouth cut in bottom DECK FRAMING PLAN2X2N2X1S2XPRELIMINARY PLAN, NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION R ------- Floor Framing Material ------- Type Qty. Product Length ------ ---- ------- ------ J1 14 SYP (PT MCA) #1 2 x 10 14' 0" Total length: 196' 0" ------- Beam & Ledger Material ------- Type Qty. Product Length ------ ---- ------- ------ B3 3 SYP (PT MCA) #1 2 x 8 20' 0" Total length: 60' 0" G1 2 SYP (PT MCA) #1 2 x 10 14' 0" G2 2 v v 14' 0" Total length: 56' 0" ------- Post Material ------- Type Qty. Product Length ------ ---- ------- ------ P1 3 Column by others 8' 1-1/8" Total length: 24' 3-3/8" ------- Miscellaneous Materials ------- Type Qty. Product Length ------ ---- ------- ------ XXX (R/L) SYP (PT MCA) #1 2 x 10 18' 0" Total length: 18' 0"All product names are trademarks of their respective owners SO BU HROOVITITHUHHLS 23RThis layout has been created using the information from the plan provided, and/or verbal informationfrom the general contractor. r.k Miles assumes no responsibility for this layout ifaltered during construction or any of the structural members shown are not supplied by r.k. MilesIt is the responsibility of the building contractor / owner to install and / or oversee the installationof all the engineered wood components to assure compliance with the manufacturers specifications.If anychanges are made to this project after the completion of our layout contact RK Miles immediately DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS ==================== Loads: T/C Live: 40 psf B/C Live: 0 psf T/C Dead: 10 psf B/C Dead: 0 psf Load Case: Live Deflection Criteria: L/360 Live L/240 Total Building Code: IBC/IRC (Allowable Stress De Design assumes continuous lateral bracing for both edges. ------------- Connector List -------------ID# Qty Model Number Note Carrying mbr fasteners (top/face) Carried mbr fasteners (hip/jack) Skew Slope Top Detail----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H1 14 LUS210 8 10dx1.5" 4 10d C15076A.pdf---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Connector Load Table ------- Max. down Max. upID# Qty. (lbs) DOL (lbs) DOL Support type Member type Model # Skew Slope Top Note-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H1 14 344 100% Ledger 1ply SYP (PT MCA) #1 2 x 10 (hs) 124624lbs5264lbs5264lbsJ116" ocB33 plyG22 plyG12 plyH110' 6"2' 0"9' 7"9' 7"10-12 BIGFOOT CONCRETE FOOTINGS3-5/8" LEDGERLOKS-2 PER JOIST BAY LUR210 HANGERS3-5/8" LEDGERLOKS 2 PER JOIST BAYSum vertical load capacitiesSHIPPING INFORMATION: DESIGNED BY: Doug Hodgins JOB: Shatz Keiter/Shatz West Hatfield Ma.21 West St.rk Miles Inc.Scale: 1/2" = 1'NOTES:SHEET NUMBER: 1 1st walls LAYOUT FINAL N/AN/A ISSUE:DATE: N/A N/A 09/25/17 DESCRIPTION: FINAL N/A N/A Northampton 61 Maynard See Boise literature for joistvertical load capacity.See Boise literature for joist blockingbirdsmouth cut in bottom D2X2N2X1S2XPRELIMINARY PLAN, NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ROOF FRAMING PLAN ------- Floor Framing Material ------- Type Qty. Product Length ------ ---- ------- ------ R1 1 Spruce-Pine-Fir #2 2 x 10 24' 0" R3 2 v v 16' 0" Total length: 56' 0" ------- Roof Framing Material ------- Type Qty. Product Length ------ ---- ------- ------ R2 14 Spruce-Pine-Fir #2 2 x 10 16' 0" Total length: 224' 0" ------- Beam & Ledger Material ------- Type Qty. Product Length ------ ---- ------- ------ B1 3 1-3/4x14 VERSA-LAM 2.0 3100 SP 20' 0" Total length: 60' 0" ------- Miscellaneous Materials ------- Type Qty. Product Length ------ ---- ------- ------ XXX (R/L) Spruce-Pine-Fir #2 2 x 10 18' 0" Total length: 18' 0"All product names are trademarks of their respective owners SO BU HROOVITITHUHHLS 23RThis layout has been created using the information from the plan provided, and/or verbal informationfrom the general contractor. r.k Miles assumes no responsibility for this layout ifaltered during construction or any of the structural members shown are not supplied by r.k. MilesIt is the responsibility of the building contractor / owner to install and / or oversee the installationof all the engineered wood components to assure compliance with the manufacturers specifications.If anychanges are made to this project after the completion of our layout contact RK Miles immediately DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS ==================== Loads: T/C Live: 40 psf B/C Live: 0 psf T/C Dead: 10 psf B/C Dead: 0 psf Load Case: Snow Deflection Criteria: L/360 Live L/240 Total Building Code: IBC/IRC (Allowable Stress De Design assumes continuous lateral bracing for both edges. ------- Connector Load Table ------- Max. down Max. upID# Qty. (lbs) DOL (lbs) DOL Support type Member type Model # Skew Slope Top Note-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H1 14 284 115% Ledger 1ply Spruce-Pine-Fir #2 2 x 10 (hs) 1 D 30.3R1R3R3R2B13 plyH12' 6"10' 0"19' 2"