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32A-265 (6)
56 MARKET ST BP -2019-0052 GIS #: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MV -.Block: 32A-265 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit. Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL 042A) Cateeorv: renovation Permit# BP -2019-0052 Project# JS -2019-000077 Est. Cost: $50000.00 Fee�$325.00 Const Class: Use Group: Lot Size(sa. ft.): 522.72 Zoning' URC(100)/ BUILDING PERMIT PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Contractor: License: Homeowner as Contractor_ Owner. FOGELSON RICHARD Applicant. FOGELSON JONATHAN AT. 56 MARKET ST Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 11 ORMAND DR (413) 585-5965 0 FLORENCEMA01062 ISSUED ON. 7/13/2018 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK INTERIOR RENOVATION & RENOVATION OF THE FRONT POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Underground: Service: Meter: Rough: Rough: House# Driveway Final: Final: Final: Gas: Fire Department Rough: Oil: Final: Smoke: Building Inspector Footings: Foundation: Rough Frame: Fireplace/Chimney: Insulation: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy signature: FeeTvoe: Date Paid: Amount: Building 7/13/2018 0:00:00 $325.00 212 Main Street, Phone (413) 587-1240, Fax: (413) 587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck — Building Commissioner File 4 BP -2019-0052 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON FOGELSON JONATHAN ADDRESS TUONE I I ORMAND DR FLORENCE (413) 585-5965 Q PROPERTY LOCATION 56 MARKET ST MAP32APARCEL265 001 ZONE URC(100)/ THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE Typ of Construction: INTERIOR RENOVATION & RENOVATION OF THE FRONT New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/ Statement or License 3 sets of Plans / Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFO RMATION PRESENTED: �- .Approved _ Additional permits required (see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance• Received & Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed _Other Permits Required: _Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management Desrml'tion Delay N of Building OfH D e Note: Issuance of a Zo permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. ' Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact Office of Planning & Development for more information. Department use only R�t EPJp i�Rl®n Status of Permit: t Curb Cut/DrIveway Permit A 212 Main Street Sewer/Septic Availability JUL F$oan-21% Water/Well Availability Northampton, MA0 060 Two Sets of Structure Plans _ p ne a -5 -1272 Plot/Site Plans -'- N0RTHAMPTON.MA010a0 Other 3Pecify ' APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, ALTER, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION i - SITE INFORMATION This section to be completed by office 1.1 Property Address , Map 2-�A Lot (_D Unit__ 56 Market Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Zone Overlay District Elm St. District Ca District SECTION 2 - PROPERTY OW NERSHIPIAUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: Richard Fogelson 58 Market Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Name' n Current Mail,%cidress. 215-869-8377 — � ' Telephone Signawre 2.2 Authorized Agent: Jonathan Fogelson 58 Market Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Current Mailing Adders215-869-6377 /nat Telc,hane --- — SECTION 3 - ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTIOTCOSTS Item Estims)to be Offcial Use Only con llicant 1. BWdog $25, (a) Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical $5,000 (b) Estimated Total Cost of Construction from 6 3. Plumbing $10,000 Building Permit Fee 00 4. Mechanical (HVAC) $10,000 5. Fire Protection 6. Total = (t - 2 - 3 + 4 i 5) $50,000 Check Number 3i This Section For Official Use Only Dale Building Permit Number: Issued: JUL SignaluJ __ - or=To=rru Building Co sionerllnsuector of aulldo, FOGELSON @ HOTMAIL.COM EMAIL ADDRESS (REQUIRED; EITHER HOMEOWNER OR CONTRACTOR) 3ZA -ZLi Section 4, ZONING ALL Information Must Be Completed. Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column to be filled in by Building Department Lot Sae +/- 1,100 sgft +/- 1,100 sgft Frontage 19.31 ft 19.31 ft Setbacks Front 0 0 Side L: +/- 1 R; +/- 1 L: +/- I R Rear 0 0 Building Height 20 20 Bldg. Square Footage 95 �0 95% Open Space Footage (Lot area minus bldg &paycd rcakmg) # of Parking Spaces 0 0 Fill: NA p NA p volume & Location A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO O DONT KNOW © YES O IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO O DONT KNOW 0 YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO O DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained 0 Obtained Q , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES O NO O IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES O NO O IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the w istmction activity disturb (clearing, grading, excavation, or filling) over 1 acre or is it pan of a common plan that wdl disturb over 1 acre? YES O NO O IF YES, then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. SECTION 5- DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (check all applicable) -ftNew House ❑ Addition ❑ Replacemen Indows Alteration(s) Roofing Or Doors Accessory Bldg. ❑ Demolition ❑ New Signs 117] Decks IC7 Siding [O] Other 171 Brief Description of Proposed Work: Interior renovation, and renovation of front Alteration of existing bedroom _ _ No Adding new bedroom _ Yes _1 �_ No __Yes Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement _ `les Plans Attached Roll - Sheet 6a. If New house and or addition to existing housing, complete the following. a. Use of building:One Family___,_ Two Family Other b. Number of roams in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms --.,- - r, Is there a garage attached? __-_ of Proposed Square footage of new construction._ __ Dimensions _- e. Number of stories? f Method of heating? Fireplaces or Woodstoves _ Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance.. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? in Type of construction - I. Is construction within 100 It of wetlands? __ Yes __ No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplam Yes ----No j. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes __ No. I. Septic Tank City Sewer Private well City water Supply SECTION 7a- OWNER AUTHORIZATION - TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT I Richard Fogelson _ as Owner of the subject properly hereby authorize Jonathan Fogelson to n my behain all a he relative to work authorized by this building permit application. July 10, 2018 oYOwner I Jonathan Fogelson as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare That the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. July 10, 2018 City of Northampton ff Massachusetts L' DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 1 212 Main Street •Municipal Building � Northampton, MA 01060 AFFIDAVIT Home hnproeement Contractor Low Supplement to Permit Application The 01 lee of Consumer At Lairs and Business Reeulation COIL ABR") reeuluteS the rcgishntion of conuactar, and subcontractors pert urionng improvements or rcnov;nions on detached one it, tour family Ironies. prior In pertoil Ili nu Work on such homes, a contractor must be registered as a Home Iinnocentcnt Contrtctoi ("H IC"). M.G.L. Chapter 142A requircS that the'reconstruchon, alteration, renovation. repair, modernizationr conversion, improvement, removal, demolition, or construction or an addition to any pre-existing owner occupied building containing at least one but not more than /our dwelling units.... or to structures which are adjacent to such residence or building" he done by rellistered contractors. Vote: I/ the honleon•ner• hoe corm ncled ivith a corporation or LL( I that entity' nest he registered. lbpc of Work: 1 st. Cost: Address of Work: Date of Permit Application I here[,v ceiliiv than. Regisn,nion is not required for the following Icason(s): Work ecdudCd h_v law (esplaml lob under S I ,000.00 (Owner obtaining own permit (explain)___.._ _... _Building not o,sncr-occupied Other(specily): OW NERS OFT I AINING 'I'11EIR OWN PEI1a1I'I OR EN I BRING IN 10 CON IRAC'I'S No I I'It LNREGIS'I ERLD CONI R.ACTORS OR Still( 'ONI RACIORS FOR APPLICABLE IIONIIf IMPROVE.AIF:.NT NN oR6 ARP: Ntlh ELIGIBL', FOR AND DO NOT' HAV'P'AU ESS '101'HI AR141'1'R %I']ON PRO(;RAN1 OR Ct ARAN 1 A' FUND UNDER hLG.I,.. ChapO ter 142A. SUCH WNERS ALSO ASSU,NIE THE RESPONSI BILI1' ES FORALL WORK PERFORMED LNDER 111E BUILDING PERVll'1'. SEE .NP;N'I PAGE FOR MORE INFORNIAI'ION. Signed under the penalties of pet pity: I hereby apply lin a building penuit it, the agent otthe owner: Date Contractor None HK Rcgistrotion No. OR: Notwith minding thu abor e notice. I hcrebv apply for a hot July 10, 2018 Date Owner Name aS the (fibner oilT c oboev piopero. The Gnranrunrentt r�/'lYlasrnrlucvu[ts Department of'Industrial Accidents FII ! Con I ess Street, Smile 100 e / &into ;Y1=102114-2017 ;nv/ilio \\<lrkarc' (innpcnxation Insm'ancc Aft! dal, it: BueilAcrs/ContradorSJElrrtriciaus/ Plant brIN. TO lip F ILF.D Mill Illi, 1'Flt\111'1'1NG it 1110fil IN. Aonlicant Information _ Please Print IiI Name Or gnmlzmiel, mdi, Iduary; Richard Fogelson Address: 58 Market Street (Ity State Zip Northampton_MAO1060 phone 215-869-6377 a.,o.. ,,, ea, III v.? enr,x me "aPrnprIII ti, IN IN: 1'y pe of project (requirrill I n I:un.i mplm ni gh a pill, - 11.111 ma ur pori-mua r' -❑ NCv, COIISIRmtunl '_❑I:nne... 1,11"rn,n,.,.,rp:.'NJI..p.mdhm c ni onph,wc. ,c J. k... Ibna; h, Y. ❑Rcli.... U - _r ' I \J k— nr Irr,l ❑ I .I .n... ;,Ilmn.k ICI «irk ,. c•iP,,N, y.a.aa 9. ❑U,n,uflli on -. -0❑B:I dill'add Wan lnl h e-• I llbeh :. ., i k..: I'I I .11 .IIINN :d1 1 l, I I I acrl ,11 k.,',:Ill .i.L. „I, 11.❑II heal -'-a iladdlGun, pn.Pnati:. n hh n ,'lerli.rc,, - I'_ F1 PI umbiu� rcp:urs or Ill iGon. �I avl III, Ix I I I I I-cdtl- I-' It l:It the Ii,it"hca .11-t I1 �Kal rCpJLT II h-oa -. ,,anrl ,Jh,r„c, k ni, •. .a r.❑tcn ,,. d t, n:r -.I 1141 - t 1�Il,ea„al r,,.l n:r slid... 14.❑Other. Is'5Ir1,-una.,<'um. nn mpbc<a.. No markll, camp lum.a„: I4mmJl III, III-.I.IvucIll -kli-ln-,L-III JL.I ill ..a -I'll Iv,III1 'katmran,01".1 J 1,11 IlIk 'I LN .,, lk 11IIIIIN 111111 don IN, . rag tla.> IN an „k:.Ino 1` ddra -LL I .'sub ,c ,dl.do,a lllilt,llia t I.a,Im A III, blvm,ci"1111111 , radlb,. 1_I�',,I o„'nr lh. I,ofIho„ha r111111 1 1.1d u.,_ he ll a, lio, all Y., 1.,1 a 11 ,a. II'IIII Nlll 11 Hi kl I”' I li,n a ,oijil[hc).a..ty III, lhtll',,,k m,p jxhct aum'I,I / an1 an""'gingIre IlanA prnriaiN ne,rAcrx'enurpensalioa iavrovit, e,file rN eur/r/qrI BelowA I be path_I moilint cit iulhramtina. fil,wanee Conlpom Name: I'll,,, I. ea Sell q, I a'.. _. _ I"I...0 ion I)atl. 1, It, lit, Addrem 1 1, SI:uc Zip. \Itach a cup) of the unrkcrs' cumplieution polies declaration page Ishmsing the polici number and expiration (laic) 'lilnrV 10 WCaIC N,'t r LLC 'd 1 ICi 11i1:J1kit Clclhl( 1 L s I I. '?'A i, .10i11)i1laI x Iulali011 pit niAhJbIC h, a 1111P alp 1011. i ( 111)0 and:, r one-year impri9anmenL as \,ell is cit 11 p ndloes in the limn el a STOP AA OPK OR DI Ii! and a line of ep to S2i0 00: da-ueain.uthc,iohuor,4 ol'ILi.s,tuacmmll nine be fanrardcd In lhC OtfiCC Wlmcaic;'innx of the DIA true W`alainc, coscra'_e rcri llc:,tim,. / da herehr c' ' under'the air, ati sinallie, Nfj,er%1J tint the is true rind correel. INN I July 10 2018 _.. Phone:: 215-869-6377 01.1h ial ase ud), Or. nal trite in III area, In he cnnlplered hi cite ur vnrn glficlal. City or Town: - Permit/Licetaw N Issuing Authority (circle one): 1. Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. 0101011n Clerk 4. Electric:d Inspector `;. Plumbing Inspector 6. Otho Contact Pcrsun; I'honc #:_ _ City of Northamptoh Massachusetts DEPAETMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS S 'M 212 Main Street •Municipal Building Northampton, MA 01060 Debris Disposal Affidavit In accordance of the provisions of MGL c 40, S54, I acknowledge that as a condition of the building permit all debris resulting from the construction activity governed by this Building Permit shall be disposed of in a properly licensed solid waste disposal facility, as defined by MGL c 111. S 150A. The debris from construction work being performed at. 56 Market Street, Northampton, MA 01060 (Please print house number and street name Is to be disposed of at. Valley Recycling, 234 Easthampton Rd., Northampton, MA 01060 (Please print name and location of facility) Or will be disposed of in a dumpster onsite rented or leased from: (Company Name and Address) \ (r �.�._` July 10, 2016 cti _ Signature of Perml Applicant or Owner Date If, for any reason, the debris will not be disposed of as indicated, the Applicant or Owner shall notify the Building Department as to the location where the debris will be disposed. Sus�ainabie cors 47p York 5[ roe Pwieaio„ Portland, Mune necrricai 04101 USA clvL Woyweng, eenngcom ontrak nrdn[e[lure June 27, 2018 Richard Fogelson 56 Market Street North Hampton, MA 01060 Subject: Structural Review of Residential Renovations at 56 Market Street, North Hampton, MA Mr. Fogelson: Thank you for the opportunity to work with you on the design of your renovations at 56 Market Street in North Hampton, Massachusetts. The purpose of this letter is to summarize our review of your design. Beginning in August 2017 we provided structural engineering, design and consulting for the design of your renovations planned to the subject property. This consulting included recommendations for the reinforcing of existing ftoorjoists and roof rafters, the design of porch framing as well as bracing to reinforce planned openings in exterior walls. Our design and analysis was in accordance with the 2015 Edition of the International Residential with amendments made in the 9th Edition of the Massachusetts State Building Code 780CMR. Timber analysis was in accordance with the 2015 Edition of the National Design Specification (NDS) for Wood Construction. Steel analysis and design was in accordance with the 14th Edition of the AISC 325 Manual of Steel Construction. Brick masonry analysis was in accordance with the 2011 Edition of ACI 530 Building Code Requirements and Specifications for Masonry Structures. We have reviewed your drawings attached hereto for reference and have found them to be in accordance with our design recommendations and the aforementioned codes and standards. Note that our review was limited to the structural aspects of the building and the drawings have not been reviewed from a architectural perspective including envelope design, life safety and egress. Thank you for contacting Colby Company for your engineering needs. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions, , k ii," A , Sincerely,`' BRIAN J. o BEAU LIEU U STRUCTURAL OZ., Zoe N0.52529 Brian Beaulieu, PEOP _ _�o F. 811rSy� ASE. in LL PLAN SCALE VRVE� r____ _ ----� 1 1 \ \� EXISTING+ # COVEREDDECK 1 �\� WITH STAIRCASE f, r i/ :as oNa EXISTING SRtCK rtoM ' �jf�t j j��, jj/rj, � '► � ^OE4pzNOabW WOby 7Jb13g1NO g3Abb O bd0l v IVAI O 81 7b Lipp �tl8n Np dpp1S ONJ1 qz gX3ONbONJMbyGo/VV b773d1N�07d 1N3W35bS .jook, ONV "'VIA yM tfeNS UW1NJ3g 0W OObJb3s 3)�WOHy3d 3B 01 3A�Jy3ry ZiaZ g y3gW Otii31X313tOtdj3,�cJ 40 .1 �O aN330g11bA3731 M3N HAJry3ob 03d36p0.t30b�j�3H yg�dNbdl ��W3 iAbHdS NRr33S ONa3NJN3dO 0N89NIMVdJcj OSJt SMpONJM Ab7 �b317b ONt 3NI jN3 pNI -4 DNIQa0toe 0Jb 9S +ddb Q3301�021d 3WOH JIJtNB OX2OA4.t - SAI g3d3AO�NtS�X31bg30Oyd3$3CNIA V11 �d5 bd-1 H4Ai db Oq q 3a�b3OS3M a3'8"O ryN3d0�7bNb33NtON30d3N3 M3N a3AOW�f "S`JNJ M77tid ONUS..a '03gbjd3A7ANN3p3V dgHS dbptj lld ONlly+IX3- X3 .)403(1J03119AOO yN 1�1$N3. dOoC 1 ! h •- ' Dy"R-• NOTES this drawing supersedes 7, dated Ol27apr'18 the existing elevation is in poor condition: remove brick and siding between the north & south brick side walls, stoop & block wall at sidewalk an<I replace whew brick below new entry deck ; refurbish or replace decorative yellow brick work whew matching color & size carefully flash and waterproof all new & existing work (not specifically noted) the entry deck & new steps (risers & treads) to be wood, the first laser is to be a concrete extension of refurbished edge of sidewalk where it meets brick below entry deck and siding set finished entrance deck elevation 2" below finished floor porch railing to comply wlcode entry door - 36-x6 -w solid wood with fixed frosted double glazed arched light at tap decorative woad shutters - w/right side inactive & left side active, no window behind shutters (hardie board siding continuous behind shutters) exterior walls & trim - painted handle board installed per mfg's published specs roof over entry - colored scalloped (fish scab) patterned asphalt shingles) wlrain gutter; flash as required into new & ext g work column is not structural', capital from kidsprofile 7 drmdng Fast Elevation scale' 114" = 1'-0" 56 M st northampton, ma W27apr •1s At June '18 A f� ll Lt4h`•.I I N tr k= i R k t C;A` l q ry ii NOTES this drawing supersedes 7, dated Ol27apr'18 the existing elevation is in poor condition: remove brick and siding between the north & south brick side walls, stoop & block wall at sidewalk an<I replace whew brick below new entry deck ; refurbish or replace decorative yellow brick work whew matching color & size carefully flash and waterproof all new & existing work (not specifically noted) the entry deck & new steps (risers & treads) to be wood, the first laser is to be a concrete extension of refurbished edge of sidewalk where it meets brick below entry deck and siding set finished entrance deck elevation 2" below finished floor porch railing to comply wlcode entry door - 36-x6 -w solid wood with fixed frosted double glazed arched light at tap decorative woad shutters - w/right side inactive & left side active, no window behind shutters (hardie board siding continuous behind shutters) exterior walls & trim - painted handle board installed per mfg's published specs roof over entry - colored scalloped (fish scab) patterned asphalt shingles) wlrain gutter; flash as required into new & ext g work column is not structural', capital from kidsprofile 7 drmdng Fast Elevation scale' 114" = 1'-0" 56 M st northampton, ma W27apr •1s At June '18 r ^� N 1 .—. �` frAr1.T2� EXT`c1 RR1CY-1 TJoa WAS —�' i i•5 -to �.2 _- _� OnuTl n' PL,nN � M.�2 K�`I sT. rStla2 / pr t} - yj�jj ��Z� FO>tt�>M11CN� �= - I.GSY1Y1tt-, �X''�'44 bt"1"�j 1/.8 .t71x9 % f 11 iV'DL /j l U11 Gill s 3'—F�Wuvygpr,[ WDlL 7 2 wru� Ism Px `-lY WAIL, �1L4MINt��L97�i — Fi-PCC P WL, q uNcrE,i- 44tPaEtr+, — t p� I- iY4 R(Y•1% iL64T{7¢ li.. A k r i NOTES this drawing supersedes 7a dated 6127 apn12018 existing condition a) 2x4 stud bearing walls from basement to roofjoisis along foundation & on& wells b) 2x4 stud bearing wall in basement angth of building at mat span between brick walls c) floorjoists are 2xi0s 16' ac. J) roof joists are sisterea Ms 16o.c pmvide 2x6 joists 16" oc. for ceiling framig at lowered ceiling above exledor entry and interior spaces ha,ane / a East Elevation entrance plan framing plans ti north a scale. 1/4" = 1'-0" 56Mst northampton, ma 12 april 2018 AI 27 april 2018 42 8 junc 2018 WEST ELEVATION EXISTING BRICK STRUCTURE STEEL PLATE SEE DETAIL (TYPICAL 2) 6x6 WOOD POST (TYPICAL 2) TRIPLE 114 x 14" LVLs NAILED TOGETHER W/ (3) ROWS OF l6d NAILS @ 12" O.C. BOTH SIDES g" THREADED RODS DRILLED & EPDXY INTO BRICK WITH HILTI HY 70,4" EMBED. COUNTERSINK NUT INTO WOOD POST. CUT ROD FLUSH WITH WOOD (TYPICAL 10) SIMPSON 1 q' 4" 1 a' 3" STRONGTIE HRS12 @ TOP OF EACH LVL a� CONNECTING aSTEEL PLATE TO 6x6 POST W/ ELEVEN 0a N LAG SCREWS TO LVLs & 6x6 POST PLYWOOD BETWEEN LVLs TO MATCH 6x6 POST THICKNESS LVL PER ELEVATION TYPICAL I" STEEL PLATE. I DETAIL SEE DETAIL 6x6 POST BEYOND DETAIL SHEET NOTES: 1. See Engineering approval of this design, SECTION 2Not tosale. 3. For clardy roof deck not shown. 56 MARKET STREET STRUCTURE AT WEST FACE APRIL 18, 2018 el" k v! II{ r I 1 = it -la 1r-tJ NOTES for structural reasons, built into the west elevation is a lateral frame; see SM did a3 with red mark up by engineer for details of lateral from design see drawings 8a & 8b for lateral hams and window & door subframes windows and doors from polar doors & windows are factory assembled. doors - 8'0' double In -swing active -passive 3896 active left & 2695 passive right, windows: side units 2565 with 4765fnedbetween', doorerd window Raine heads must align exterior siding &trim from james facie cement fiber products not drown- porch, poyoarb roof over parch, rain gutter & down spouts notes continue on drawings as 81,, Bc, Bd, Be, Bf drawing V WEST ELEVATION elevation & plan north �e= scale: 114" = 1'-0" 56Mst northampton, ma 16 march 2018 ENTRY NOTES PORCH (SEE (notes for skl a also appy here) DRAWINGS special kitchen island wl slnW 7, 78, 7b) dlshwashe, wafoa out extension top for dining a t 7 !: MASTER skylalbove ,land mbuilt tshadisicylighg& - - -=- BATHROOM island wink in inshadin, f" above sink in bathroom, y provide elecs" a valu, skylghtWano leak MASTER watam8automatic rain HALF BATH WALK-IN I sensors p -�` r CLOSET ext'g windows along south HALLWAY elevation to be replaced with newdoubbehungsexteMing AND CLOSET from eA'g brick rmels to 1 F± BEDROOM above finished floor; re -work burg brick as required SMOKEAND carefully coordinate required EGRESS depth of washendryer(wad) in .CARBON WINDOW AT deptho ucwse m�mi:ewidth MONOXIDE P - -.o( BEDROOM of broom s keep entrance as iDETECTORS (HERE OR AS O(EXISTING) O buifi-in corner sofa bench at ADVISED BY v--+' r- west end w/window, sills set SMOKE above level sofa back. Wiltin (PERMITTING _ DETECTOR drawers below AUTHORITY LFA — IN BEDROOM [KK-1TC--HE—N----j EXISTING AREA �'� - { !. WINDOW LIVING / DINING F1 7., EGRESS 'r .sketch 1 V DOOR AT EXISTING BACKDECK Floor Plan WITH STAIRS TO GRADE 5 !b M S t .1 `�--'----rr � northampton, ma I scale: I18" = 1,-0" 9 sep M7 c: , sg" P4v w n swx-'G 2>CL 17�cti+RS ri -. IV" O.L ��yp,�14'+ori '�aPE =i6ni Nosut.fi,... r:�nx rcz. trot ca Y--�h•�� -4 L-- ktAFv m L.._- 6ry'(U-'( °J Pkwp�K— �Eallert y; VA %p;' Retie rE� L —"�-- JOn rT'� -. •Er�.I N�� JOltlt4✓ i yd e1, N<.j-0uMpa-(mu Y Ji NOTES this drawing supersedes 7b dated Vapri1201B the these sections show basic relationships, details to follow existing condldpn at the sidewalk, coh.telblock wall below ext'g eidirg and basement foundation wok is unknow', the final detailing of new won, will be dicentlent on the proper meeting the existing & new work. the entry deck & new steps (risers & treads) to be wood: the first riser is to be a concrete extension of refurbished sidewalk joint between new brick below deck and siding. careWily flash and watemroof all new & existing work drawing 7b 4 q East Elevation entrance plan framing plans i i p scale: 1/4"= V-0" I 56 M st µ northampton, ma — —. 27 apn12018 2x. JcrS'n g� 'a'{' Al Bjdne 2018 •Y � Y�'4(J7 iTQ,GLi �1r41� COPY OF LAND SURVEY FROM MARCH 2013 NOT TO SCALE EXISTING COVERED DECK: - ROTTED OUT DECKING RECENTLY REPLACED. - ROTTED OUT GUARDRAIL RECENTLY REMOVED. NEW GUARDRAIL SHALL BE ADDED AT EXISTING COVERED DECK AND STAIRCASE. - EXISTING PLYWOOD SHEATHING SHALL BE REPLACED WITH TRANSPARENT POLYCARBONATE ROOFING. EXISTING FULL WALL OPENING AT BRICK WEST FACADE RECENTLY SHORED UP ACCORDING TO ENGINEERING. SEE JUNE 2], 2018 MEMO FROM ENGINEER AND "STRUCTURE AND WEST FACE" DRAWING DATED APRIL 18, 2018. EXISTING OPENING TO BE ENCLOSED WITH NEW ENERGY EFFICIENT PELLA WINDOWS AND PATIO DOOR TO PROVIDE EGRESS. SEE "DRAWING 8: WEST ELEVATION" DATED MARCH 16, 2018. EXISTING BRICK HOME: TWO EXISTING WINDOWS AT SOUTH FAQADE TO BE REPLACED WITH NEW ENERGY EFFICIENT PELLA PRODUCTS. - INTERIOR LAYOUT PER "SKETCH 1b: FLOOR PLAN" DATED SEPTEMBER 9, 2017. - ALL NEW ELECTRICAL AND ALL NEW PLUMBING. - SPRAY FOAM INSULATION TO MEET CODE AT EXTERIOR WALLS AND ROOF, BASEMENT WALLS AND FLOOR. - HEATING AND COOLING BY ENERGY EFFICIENT MITSUBISHI MINI -SPLITS. FRONT OF HOME (EAST FACADE) TO BE COMPLETELY REBUILT, AND EXISTING STOOP ON PUBLIC SIDEWALK TO BE REMOVED. SEE MEMO FROM ENGINEER AND DRAWINGS T, Ta, AND ]b ALL DATED JUNE 8, 2018. 0% N, DRAWN ATOP A GRAYED OUT DETAIL FROM MARCH 2013 L —�— — — — SEE DETAIL THIS PAGE •-r �r" COPY OF LAND SURVEY FROM MARCH 2013 NOT TO SCALE EXISTING COVERED DECK: - ROTTED OUT DECKING RECENTLY REPLACED. - ROTTED OUT GUARDRAIL RECENTLY REMOVED. NEW GUARDRAIL SHALL BE ADDED AT EXISTING COVERED DECK AND STAIRCASE. - EXISTING PLYWOOD SHEATHING SHALL BE REPLACED WITH TRANSPARENT POLYCARBONATE ROOFING. EXISTING FULL WALL OPENING AT BRICK WEST FACADE RECENTLY SHORED UP ACCORDING TO ENGINEERING. SEE JUNE 2], 2018 MEMO FROM ENGINEER AND "STRUCTURE AND WEST FACE" DRAWING DATED APRIL 18, 2018. EXISTING OPENING TO BE ENCLOSED WITH NEW ENERGY EFFICIENT PELLA WINDOWS AND PATIO DOOR TO PROVIDE EGRESS. SEE "DRAWING 8: WEST ELEVATION" DATED MARCH 16, 2018. EXISTING BRICK HOME: TWO EXISTING WINDOWS AT SOUTH FAQADE TO BE REPLACED WITH NEW ENERGY EFFICIENT PELLA PRODUCTS. - INTERIOR LAYOUT PER "SKETCH 1b: FLOOR PLAN" DATED SEPTEMBER 9, 2017. - ALL NEW ELECTRICAL AND ALL NEW PLUMBING. - SPRAY FOAM INSULATION TO MEET CODE AT EXTERIOR WALLS AND ROOF, BASEMENT WALLS AND FLOOR. - HEATING AND COOLING BY ENERGY EFFICIENT MITSUBISHI MINI -SPLITS. FRONT OF HOME (EAST FACADE) TO BE COMPLETELY REBUILT, AND EXISTING STOOP ON PUBLIC SIDEWALK TO BE REMOVED. SEE MEMO FROM ENGINEER AND DRAWINGS T, Ta, AND ]b ALL DATED JUNE 8, 2018. 0% N, DRAWN ATOP A GRAYED OUT DETAIL FROM MARCH 2013 L