38B-089 approval letter remo 4-10-2015
Thayer Street Associates, Inc. April 10, 2015
8A Coates Avenue
South Deerfield, MA 01373
Subject Location: 49 Lyman Road, Northampton
Map Block: 38B-089
Mr. Harrington,
Your building permit application and plans dated 4-7-15 have been approved as drawn and per this memo. All work must meet all applicable codes whether noted or not included within this
Please follow up on the following items:
These items will need to be accomplished as the project moves forward and before rough inspections;
All windows in hazardous location must be tempered. It appears there is one above the master tub, there may be one or two in the master shower if the glass is within 60” of the standing
surface (note: A2/D varies from others), and one behind each of the enclosed screen porch doors.
Item 21 below may apply.
Smoke, Heat and CO detectors throughout the structure to current building codes.
An emergency escape window is required within every bedroom, basement and walk in attics.
An air barrier and insulation is required for all open cavities and between the tubs and the exterior wall cavities.
If permeable insulation is used air sealing and an air sealing inspection is required at the exterior and interior skins. Typically the sheathing and drywall.
Note: The 2012 IECC with MA amendments is the non-stretch energy code and the new Stretch Code expected to be completed in 2015.
As of August 4th 2011 the 8th Edition MA code is the 2009 IRC with MA amendments.
In the following are some generic requirements which seem to be problematic.
This is not intended to be comprehensive, nor is it a substitute for purchasing and reading the MA codes.
Read only international codes are available on line at http://publicecodes.cyberregs.com/icod/ one must also consider the MA amendments to these codes which can be found at www.mass.gov/dps/bbrs
The current relevant building codes are:
2009 IBC, 2009 IEBC, 2009 IMC, 2009 IRC, 2009 or 2012 IECC, AA115, MA amendments.
Structures shall conform to 780 CMR 8th Edition 1 and 2 family building codes with MA amendments.
Grading plan for structures being constructed required. 780 CMR R401.3 for drainage requirements.
A basement drainage system is required in all basements 780 CMR R405.2.3. except those in group I soils (table R405.1)
Foundations that retain earth and enclose interior space require damp proofing 780 CMR R406.1. or if high water table or severe soils waterproofing 780 CMR R406.2.
Through wall form ties must be removed from both faces and patched with hydraulic cement. 780 CMR R406.2 of amendments.
Foundation anchor bolts must be ½” and be embedded a minimum of 7” into the concrete. 10” bolts! 780 CMR R403.1.6
CMU foundations require 3/8” parging before damp proofing. 780 CMR R406.1 see exceptions.
Emergency escape is required out of every basement whether habitable or not, each bedroom and walk-in attics. 780 CMR R310.1
Crawl spaces can be treated in three different ways, vented (poor idea), exhausted (similar to exhaust only systems), or treating the space with supply and return. See 780 CMR R408
Ceiling joist are intended to prevent spread, once raised above the wall plate they become rafters ties and may require up sizing of rafters and increased nailing for example with a
4” slope 8-16nd common are required at each connection. 780 CMR R802.3.1. When there is neither of these a structural ridge is required with a load path to the foundation.
Steel straps over the ridge or 1x4 minimum collar ties are required 4’ OC in the upper 1/3rd 780 CMR R802.3.1
Ridge boards must be the full depth of the cut. 780 CMR R802.3.
A complete window and header schedule is required. 780 CMR Table R502.5 for header sizing and number of jack studs required.
Wood walls shall be capped with double plates to provide overlapping at corners and intersecting walls with bearing partitions, joints staggered 2’ minimum. 780 CMR R602.3.2
Exception: A single plate may be used or plates may be excluded over lintels provided the plates/lintels are adequately connected by a 3” x 6” plate .036 galvanized steel nailed to each
segment with 6 - 8d nails
All framing materials which are not code prescriptive must have stamped engineering.
I-joist and or Floor Truss
Roof truss
All I-Joist need to be protected from fire with ½ drywall or 5/8 wood structural panel. (R501.3)
A braced wall plan identifying appropriate braced wall areas where required (R301.1) and braced wall method being used. 780 CMR 602.10.
Garage corners and large corner window/door layout may require special solutions.
All corners must be appropriately attached to the foundation.
When using PFH (R602.10.3.3) or PFG (R602.10.3.4) the nailing requirement is 4” and 3” respectively using 8d common nails or galvanized box nails. PNEUMATIC nails must be full headed
with the temper and shank sizing meeting the strict code requirement.
When nailing sheathing make sure your pneumatic nailers’ pressure is properly set. Nails set too deep perforate the sheathing weakening it and contribute to building damage in high wind
Ceiling heights minimum 7’ for habitable spaces, 6’8” for bathrooms includes tub/shower area if a shower head is used, 6’8” for basements, 6’4” at beams/ducts. 780 CMR R305.1. MA amended
Hazardous glazing locations, within 24” of a door, or within 60” of a stair, or across from hot tubs, spas, bathtubs within 60” if not 60” above the walking surface, and other locations.
780 CMR R308.4
Windows over 72” above grade with the opening less than 24 above the finished floor shall meet the 4” sphere rule. Order restrictors. 780 CMR R612.2
Egress and emergency escape requirements shall be strictly met.
Basements, habitable attics, and all sleeping rooms require emergency escape. 780 CMR R310
Windows within 44” of floor, DH 3.3 sqft min window size, Casement 20”x41” exception 5 sqft at 1st floor. Minimum clear opening 20”x24” or 24”x20”. 780 CMR R310.1.1
Two doors remote as possible at the normal level of travel, opening measured from the face of the slab to the stop with door at 90 degrees, one 32” and one 28” minimum 78” high. 780
CMR R311.2
Landing at each door 36” out and the width of the door minimum 36”, maximum step 7 ¾” from the top of the threshold and only in-swinging doors. 780 CMR R311.3
Stairs have critical standards, make sure you know the floor finishes when planning. Minimum tread 9”, maximum riser 8 ¼”, maximum overall variance for the run is 3/8”, 4” sphere rule
on risers except where the total rise is 30” or less 780 CMR R311.7.4.3 Exception, 4 3/8” on balustrade, 6” in the triangle. Graspable rail 1 ¼” minimum and 2” maximum rail, height
minimum 34” maximum 38”, required for 4 or more risers. Landing to landing constitutes a new run. Minimum 6’8” ceiling height from nosing. Rails must be continuous and returned to the
wall if not to newel post. 780 CMR R311.7.
Guards 36” minimum height above walking surface, a bench is a walking surface, required for more than 30” above floor or grade within 36”, 4” sphere rule. 780 CMR R312.1.
Floor joist systems that are not equal to 1 ½” nominal dimension must be covered with ½” drywall or 5/8” wood structural panel or equivalent with some exceptions. 780 CMR R501.3
Educate the plumber and electrician about maximum notch and hole sizes, and placement. 780 CMR R502.8 and R602.6. In bearing studs holes not larger than 40% of a stud no closer than
5/8 to the edge, In interior non-bearing studs holes not larger than 60% of a stud no closer than 5/8 to the edge, or holes in joist are a maximum 1/3 the depth not closer than 2” from
the top or bottom or to any other hole. Notches are different.
Drilling or notching of more than 50% of the wall plate width of an exterior wall or load bearing partition requires a 16 GA 1 ½” strap across the area and 6” beyond each side with 8
- 10nd nails. 780 CMR R602.6.1
Dryer ducts must terminate outside of the building, have a backdraft damper, cannot include a screen, and require 3’ clearance from windows. 780 CMR M1502.3
Dryer duct transition is limited to 8’ of aluminum flex, must be exposed, and the proper UL listing. 780 CMR M1502.4.3
Dryer duct maximum equivalent length is 25’ less 5’ per 90⁰ elbow or per manufacturer’s specs. 780 CMR M1502.4.4.1, no screwed connections.
Dryer ducts when concealed must have a permanent label or tag within 6’ of the duct connection 780 CMR M1502.4.5
Markup air is required for any exhaust hood over 400 CFM. 780 CMR M1503.4
Fireplaces require all combustion air be provided from the exterior and below the firebox, duct work maintaining 1” clearance for 5’ from the duct outlet for all fireplaces and airtight
doors. 2009 IECC 402.4.3
Fire and draft stopping shall be completed before rough inspection. Typical locations, top (ceiling) and bottom (floor) plates, soffits, and every 10’ within enclosed cavities. 780 CMR
Ignition barriers are required over all thermal plastics and must be in place before final. 780 CMR R316.
Dwelling/Garage fire separation. An attached garage (within 3’ of main structure) is required to have ½” drywall on the garage side of the separation wall and if there is a finished
space above the garage all walls must have ½” drywall and the ceiling 5/8” drywall. 780 CMR R302.6
Energy aspects shall comply with the stretch energy code. 780 CMR Appendix 115AA or 2009 IECC.
An initial HERS evaluation is required including insulation levels anticipated.
A final HERS evaluation confirming code requirements have been met including duct testing.
A signed copy of the Thermal Bypass Checklist.
Energy information including mechanical equipment posted on the electric panel.
Remodeling and Additions can be completed in accordance with IECC 2009 with Energy Star Windows and the Thermal Bypass Checklist. Duct blast testing when practicable.
All band joist insulation must be enclosed within an air tight cavity, which you must create.
Vapor retarders. Although these are still in the code have exceptions, one must understand that there is a difference between a vapor retarder or barrier and an air barrier. An air barrier
is intended to stop air flow (convection) a vapor retarder or barrier is intended to stop molecular moisture transfer (diffusion).
A vapor retarder or barrier is effective even if there are some holes or gaps, however an air barrier has to be absolute and complete. If air can leak through an electrical device or
through a crack it follows the path of least resistance and carries 99% of the moisture in a structure. This is evident every time one exposes fiberglass insulation and finds black
insulation, which has filtered dirt out of the air moving through the insulation. 780 CMR R601.2 for vapor retarders and Table N1102.4.2 for air sealing requirements.
Unvented attic assemblies. Hot roofs are allowed, but have specific requirements 780 CMR R806.4.
Deck ledgers and post must be appropriately attached, bolts or lags. 780 CMR R502.2.2.1 Note: ThruLoks are engineered for post attachment supporting a railing. Lateral attachment is
required for each deck per section 502.2.2.3.
Smoke and CO detectors as required. 780 CMR R314 and R315.
Smokes in each bedroom, within 10’ of a bedroom door, and at the bottom of a stair leading to a finished floor above.
CO within 10’ of bedroom doors, at each level, for every 1500 sqft, (plumbing code in the mechanical room) Except if there are no fossil burning fuels or attached garage.
Heat detector in attached garage, and other large unfinished unconditioned spaces.
Closets beneath stair which have doors must be drywalled with ½”. 780 CMR R302.7
If there is mechanical equipment or a combustible roof, 30 sqft of space, and 30” measured from top of ceiling joist to bottom of rafters an attic access of minimum RO of 22” x 30” is
required to be located in an accessible place. It must be insulated equal to surrounding, gasketed, and secured in place.
Clearances above gas stoves and cook tops burners is 24” to non-combustible or 30” to combustibles.
Relevant items must be submitted to the building department for approvals before inspections and or Certificates of Occupancy can be issued.
Feel free to call if you have any questions. My telephone number is 587-1240 and office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, excepting we close for walk-ins at 12:00
noon on Wednesdays. My email address is: cmiller@northamptonma.gov
Thank you for your cooperation on these matters.
Chuck Miller
City of Northampton
Assistant Commissioner and Zoning Enforcement