308 Well 2011 BOARD OF HEALTH City of Northampton APPLICATION` FOR A WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Well Permit Number0&0I I-0 J (TO BE ASSIGNED BY BOARD OF HEALTH) Fee $50.00 This application must be accompanied by a scaled plot plan, produced by a civil engineer or registered sanitarian showing the minimum distances required in Title 5 of the State Environmental Code. For new construction, requiring a septic system, the septic system plan submitted for the property in compliance with Title 5 requirements will be acceptable if the proposed well location is included. Application is hereby made to construct(X) or repair ( ) a private well. Patrick Melnik, Jr. 12/9/2011 Owner's Name Date 110 King Street (413)584-6750 Street Address Telephone Number Northampton, MA 01060 City, State,Zip Code 308 Chesterfield Road, Northampton, MA 01053 15B 001 Location of Proposed Well Tax Map # Parcel # (if different from address) f/e.,f4a v 4reY 0-: 7/4y Well Driller(submit evidence of valid (tate registration) For new construction: Septic system plan complies with Title 5: yes ( ) no ( ) n/a(X) Septic system plan shows location of well: yes ( ) no ( ) n/a(X) For new, repair or location to leach field, septic tank or city sewer: A scaled well construction plan has been submitted:yes (X) no ( ) n/a( ) 417/ Sign. Applicant Dat 2/ , PleaseMail Application to: Northampton Board of Health 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 TO BEOMPLETED BY BOARD OF HE1A TH 2-1c 2e4\ Permit expires on: I I S�w1240ne year from date of issuance) Permi issued (date) r City of Northampton BOARD OF HEALTH PERMIT NUMBER: 2FmI1 - n5 FEE $ CHECK# 5'41 J/J� X71 CASH This is to certify that f a gt c t Ne NAME H O L'.t .) S1' O IOU O ADDRESS Is Hereby Granted a Permit to Install an Individual Private Drinking Well: LOCATION: 3O8 CktSttch E(-e2 d DATE: Dtc . I c , 20 1 A Boar t D' ect yw/CO This license is granted in confer-114withthe Statutes and ordinances relating thereto and expires I 7_ I1S) 2.01 Z unless sooner suspended or revoked.